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Today's Poll: Should the U.S. pull out of Afghanistan even if it means likely return of the Taliban?

By Howard B. Owens
Howard B. Owens

They're not in power in any overt way.

Given this political leanings of this county, I'm surprised at the 2-1 results in favor of getting out even under such circumstances.

Oct 16, 2012, 9:01pm Permalink
John Woodworth JR

Stephen, I am not happy with the idea of the Taliban taking over control again, but lets face the facts.

1. Most of the Afghanistan Villages do not care about or know anything about a centralized government. They have had only nine years (50s) of governmental control and turned against it due to corruption. We can't force these people to accept a government they do not want or trust.

2. It will take more than a couple generations of American Soldiers to even have a chance to take out the Taliban. The more we have friendly fire issues on their people the more ground we loss with their trust. Not that long ago the government that we helped established discussed working with the Taliban.

3. Financially, we will not be able to support this operation for the time needed. It has already taken its toll on the US Citizens both financially and emotionally. We killed Bin Laden and people are tired of taking our tax dollars and feeding, educating and providing medical care for people who really do not care about the US. We have our own welfare that is corrupt and requires a major overhaul to repair and that will take time and money to fix.

4. Did I mention Bin Laden is dead! Why should we stay there any longer. Yes, chances are we will go back as history has already shown, but for the time being. Let them finance and take care of themselves. They are using are tax dollars against us anyway.

Oct 17, 2012, 8:15pm Permalink

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