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Emergency dispatchers know about the power outage, but don't know when power will be back on

By Billie Owens

Emergency dispatchers have received a number of calls from people calling about the power outage in Stafford and the eastern side of Batavia.

Yes, dispatchers know about the outage. No they don't know when power will be restored.

Calls about the outage should be directed to National Grid.

Power could be out for up to 10 hours, though workers are trying to restore it much more quickly than that.

If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1.

Raymond Richardson

Dispatcher: 9-1-1 what's your emergency?

Caller: I'd like to report my power is out.

Dispatcher: We are aware of this sir, but is there an emergency?

Caller: What's the score in the Bills game?

Dispatcher hangs up!

Nov 25, 2013, 8:25am Permalink
Jeffrey Appis

My Family from out of town , And all of my family from here went to the Red Osier Restaurant to enjoy a nice dinner together at 6:00 pm . As we were waiting for our table, They lost power, Not knowing that an accident had taken a pole out right down the street . Instead of the restaurant sending everyone home , Just for safety sake, They continued serving people their meals in a dark smokey restaurant... They used candles for light, But it wasn't hardly enough.. We stayed, Hoping that the power would come back on, But it never did the time we spent there. I really wanted to show my family a great time there, With their huge Christmas light display and all , But it got all ruined.. I'm not blaming the person that knocked the power out, We all hope he will be ok . But the odds of that happening at that very moment really blew my mind.. I ended up having to use the light on my cell phone to eat my meal, And that was NOT cool. That restaurant should have a generator to supply power to the whole restaurant when the power goes out.. With no power, The cooks couldn't very well see very good to prepare everyone's meals, And that's unsafe.. And with their exhaust fans off, All that smoke was making its way thru the dinning area . It looked like a war zone in there. When we left there, We were NOT happy at all.. I think the restaurant should compensate everyone for everyone's discomfort. , Even if it's only a dessert.. If I was the owner of the restaurant, I would have sent everyone home for their safety ..

Nov 25, 2013, 1:47pm Permalink
Ed Hartgrove

Well, this is getting to be disturbing. Apparently I missed not only another BOGO COMMA sale, but it appears they were throwing in free capital letters as a bonus.

Could someone up there send me an alert the next time the sale happens? Thanks, in advance!

Nov 25, 2013, 2:44pm Permalink

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