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Today's Poll: Are you concerned about the economic and political views of Pope Francis?

By Howard B. Owens
C. M. Barons

Without conferring agreement or disagreement upon the current Roman Catholic pope's opinions or policies (I am neither Catholic nor completely familiar with the pope's advocacy), I do see cause to celebrate any religious leader who rises above the politically safe positions to proclaim moral positions that bespeak humility, charity, compassion and tolerance.

A minister who was formerly assigned to one of Bergen's churches approached me regarding some political signs I had posted on my property. He confessed to being in agreement with the sentiments behind the signs. He went on to confess that he was regrettably unable to express those sentiments from his pulpit, because they would not conform to the general tenor of this congregation. His admission struck me as not only a disservice to his office, but a dereliction of duty as moral compass. Any religious leader who imposes a gag upon him/herself for the sake of retaining his/her job is neither leader nor honest.

All organized religion is shadowed by a trail of blood, testimony to violence toward those who's opinions and actions fell contrary to doctrine. More recent blood-letting may lack the intentionality of the Inquisition; omission can be just as insidious as commission. Those who have been conveniently left on the limb in Nazi-occupied lands or Latin America to avoid 'rocking the boat' are none-the-less victims of church policy.

Dec 5, 2013, 2:45am Permalink
Jeff Allen

"He confessed to being in agreement with the sentiments behind the signs. He went on to confess that he was regrettably unable to express those sentiments from his pulpit, because they would not conform to the general tenor of this congregation. His admission struck me as not only a disservice to his office, but a dereliction of duty as moral compass. Any religious leader who imposes a gag upon him/herself for the sake of retaining his/her job is neither leader nor honest."

C. M. although we often disagree, I wholeheartedly agree with the on and well said!

Dec 5, 2013, 1:32pm Permalink

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