Judge Robert Noonan ordered Dibble held on $10,000 bail or $20,000 bond.
Attorney Ben Bonarigo argued that Dibble deserved a chance to remain out of jail, but under house arrest, until she could be placed in a treatment program on Friday. He conceded that Dibble, inexperienced with the criminal justice system, was in a difficult transition to its strictures.
Noonan expressed concern that if Dibble couldn't obey a court order, in this case by drinking, then he lacked confidence she could be trusted to make future court appearances.
On July 24, Dibble pled not guilty to an 11-count Grand Jury indictment that included: one count of vehicular manslaughter in the second degree; two counts of vehicular assault in the first degree; three counts of assault in the second degree; three counts of vehicular assault in the second degree; and two counts of DWI.
James Scherer, 21, Brandon Danser, 22, and Felecia J. Fazzio, 20, all suffered serious physical injuries in the Feb. 21 collision wherein the 1997 Chevrolet Geo she was driving crossed Route 20 at Molasses Hill Road, Bethany, and was struck by a semi-truck.
(File photo of Hannah E. Dibble)
"He conceded that Dibble,
"He conceded that Dibble, inexperienced with the criminal justice system, was in a difficult transition to its strictures."
Judge Noonan: You will not drink alcohol while under the supervision of Genesee Justice.
Sounds pretty clear cut, and plain English to me.
This is all so sad all around
This is all so sad all around. Put her in a treatment program...Why? She's not 17; she is 22 and drove two minors.
She is where she belongs.
She is where she belongs. Drinking caused the death of that sweet girl Alyson Kryzanak and the serious injuries of three others, YET, Hannah, STILL couldn't stop drinking !!!! ????
You would think she wouldn't
You would think she wouldn't drink absolutely knowing if she did, she would go to jail. She is where she needs to be right now!!!! My heart really does go out to all who have suffered because of this. The pain death causes is at times still unbearable for me and many others who have lost someone because someone else decided to drink and drive!!!! My husband was killed almost 16 years ago and I still have days that I can't stop the tears and pain. I pray every day still for God to help me through!!!!
To all of those people who
To all of those people who said this young woman shouldn't be charged. Wake up. She didn't think of the safety of those kids when she was drinking and driving, killed a friend, injured the rest. God knows what emotional injuries they carry now. This young girl chose to put alcohol in her body AGAIN after knowing full well she would get in trouble if she got caught! And she did! And I just love her attorney. "Attorney Ben Bonarigo argued that Dibble deserved a chance to remain out of jail, but under house arrest, until she could be placed in a treatment program on Friday. He conceded that Dibble, inexperienced with the criminal justice system, was in a difficult transition to its strictures.. " I do believe the judge let's you know before you walk out, if you violate what will happen! I'm not buying it.
What about Alyson D. Krzanak's family? They are in a different kind of prison for life. They'll never be able to see, touch or hear their daughter again. I do hope, one day this family will find some peace. It's hard to lose a child. I can't imagine losing my child to a drunk driver. Let alone a person who claimed to be a friend of their poor daughter.
Go ahead a feel sorry for this young girl. Before you do, think about what she's done to these families and to Alyson D. Krzanak's family.
to the holier-than-thous, all
to the holier-than-thous, all those kids chose to get into that car. Then again maybe they were drunk and made a bad decision just like the driver did. Easy to point the finger of blame at the driver when it may be all involved who share the blame.
I read about DWI's in almost every police blotter in the Batavian. Any one of those DWI's could have resulted in someone's death yet nobody says a word.
"to the holier-than-thous,
"to the holier-than-thous, all those kids chose to get into that car. Then again maybe they were drunk and made a bad decision just like the driver did. Easy to point the finger of blame at the driver when it may be all involved who share the blame."
There is only one person in control of that vehicle. One person which turn the key on to the ignition. One person who turned a car into a semi. There wasn't multiple people which drove the car.
As far as the DWI's in the paper. Did they not get caught by law enforcement? Were they not taken off the street so they couldn't kill someone or get the chance to kill someone or even themselves?
It's always people like that amazes me with comments that proudly display the "poor DWI's" not being talked about when someone has lost a child, a sister and a future.
Yeah, she's no innocent. She
Yeah, she's no innocent. She just doesn't understand the legal system. Really? Nonsense, she has been in some trouble before.
Maybe if the people who get a
Maybe if the people who get a dwi served jail time the first time maybe they would think about not doing it again!!!! The police officers do a great job of arresting the drunks but it's our justice system that really sucks!!!! Why should we wait til they kill innocent people to put them in jail?? The sad part is, it's usually the innocent that get killed, not the damn drunk!!!!!! Sorry for the language but I'm really upset about all of this!!!! I'm done venting.
Like all drugs, people take
Like all drugs, people take risks while under the influence.
She's leaving Steuben County
She's leaving Steuben County Jail ( Genesee County does not house female inmates) for White Deer Run, PA. treatment facility.
Yes. I call BS! Treatment
Yes. I call BS! Treatment facilities all over NY and they send her outside NY? Really? Slap poor girl on the hand because "she doesn't know the law" and send her to treatment outside of the state to run around while in treatment.
Looks like a nice vacation.
Looks like a nice vacation. Cool