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Incumbent Cipollone loses City Council race

By Howard B. Owens

Incumbent City Councilman Pierluigi Cipollone, standing, and County Legislator Ed DeJaneiro work their phones while at Batavia's Original on Tuesday night trying to determine the outcome of the day's election.

Cipollone was challenged by Alfred L. McGinnis, who ended up beating Cipollone by 30 votes, 161-131 in Ward 4.

The Democrats gathered at Batavia's Original to await election results, while the Republicans were at City Slickers and the Libertarians were at Larry's Steakhouse.

All results are from the County Board of Elections and are currently considered unofficial.

Michael T. Cianfrini, interim county clerk, won the seat outright in an unopposed election with 5,128 votes.

Patti Pacino, in the pink, running for reelection in the 2nd Ward, beat Lisa Whitehead, 133 to 80.

Members of the Libertarian Party at Larry's.

Lisa Whitehead lost the Ward 2 election to incumbent Patti Pacino.

Incumbent John Canale held onto his Ward 3 seat, beating challenger Richard Richmond 111-94.

Cipollone at Batavia's Original.

In other notable races,

  • Peter Yasses beat Gerald Heins 202 to 172 for the supervisor seat in the Town of Byron.
  • Gary Graber held onto his town justice job in Darien, with 333 votes, beating back challenges from Michelle M. Krzemien, 242, Jennifer R. Nunnery , 200, and Wade A. Schwab, 109.
  • In the Town of Le Roy, Steve Barbeau retained his supervisor post with 884 votes to 647 for Robert Scott.
  • John R.  Duyssen was the clear winner in the Town of Le Roy race with 1,039 votes. Coming in second in the vote-for-two election was John J.  Armitage, with 817 votes. James D. Barsaloux IV received 604 votes and Justin Caccamise picked up 520.
  • Local property owner James D. Pontillo has been pretty unhappy with the treatment he's received from Town of Stafford officials, but that didn't translate into a victory in the town's race for supervisor, where incumbent Robert Clement won 327 to 78.
  • Robert A. Penepent has only a two-point margin over Brenda J. Mancuso in the Town of Stafford race for town justice, 334-332.
  • In the town board race, there were four candidates and the top vote-getters were Donald L. Mullen, 268, and Robert F. Pacer, 183. Edward A. Ferris had 154 and Anthony J. Prinz had 133.
Brian Graz

Does anyone else wonder why political candidates all hang out at Bars to monitor election day results... ??????

Well even though I stayed home, I'm celebrating voting for a winner for the first time in a long time... Al McGinnis - Ward 4... YEA!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 4, 2015, 12:24am Permalink
Scott Chismar

Congratulations to the voters in the Town of Byron. For way to long the Town was run by the Good Old Boy Network. Pete Yasses and Brian Forsyth will work will together to see that Byron is a decent place to reside. The voters had enough of the bullying tactics of George Heins and did the right thing by send him packing. Good luck to Pete and Brian for a well deserved victory. On a side night it is quite amusing to see that George ran under the Working Families Party line when all he ever did was walk all over the guys in the Highway Department. Good riddance George!

Nov 4, 2015, 12:52am Permalink
Kyle Couchman

Gee Brian doesn't seem to me that there is much choice after polls close at 9 to 9:30. It's not like they could gather anywhere else at that time the libraries and churches are closed.

I love the way you twist things to look a certain way.

Nov 4, 2015, 5:17am Permalink
John Roach

The City 3rd Ward race will not be decided until November 10th, since there are more absentee ballots to be counted than the difference in the poll numbers.

Nov 4, 2015, 6:51am Permalink
Emma Morrill

If you are going by those standards, John, then you should also say that Ward 4 has not been decided. I just got the following numbers from the Board of Elections. Ward 3 and Ward 4 are in a *very* similar (practically identical) situation, so if you're going to call it for McGinnis, you should call it for Canale... or don't call it for either. HERE is the data:

WARD 3 (Canale -vs- Richmond): Canale currently leads by 17 votes. There were 50 absentee ballots MAILED out. 23 have been received, so far. Ballots can still come in, but they must be postmarked by yesterday's date or earlier.

WARD 4 (McGinnis -vs- Cipollone): McGinnis currently leads by 30 votes. There were 72 absentee ballots mailed out. So far, 33 have been returned. Ballots can still come in, but they must be postmarked by yesterday's date or earlier.

When you look at the numbers, the two situations are nearly identical (with MORE potential absentee ballots outstanding in Ward 4 than in Ward 3!), so please let's not pick and chose, just because you have a horse in this game, John. It looks as though Canale and McGinnis will win, unless by some miracle nearly all of the absentees tip one way.

Nov 4, 2015, 10:55am Permalink
John Roach

Emma, get a grip. Absentee ballot numbers for the 4th came out late. No picking one over the other. While the numbers favor both John Canale and Al McGinnis to win, with absentee ballots, you just never know.

Nov 4, 2015, 12:48pm Permalink
Ed Glow

In response to the post from Scott Chismar...

I've been a home owner in Byron for the past 18 years and I am neither involved with or even aware of any "Good Old Boy Network" here. I've had numerous occasions arise that have required personal contact with George Heins over the years and on every single occasion the matter was handled quickly and to my satisfaction.

George has always been very polite, courteous & helpful to me and I've never heard any of the accusations you claim from anybody I know here in Byron. You Sir, sound like somebody with a personal "axe to grind."

My congratulations to Pete Yasses! If I ever need to contact you for any reason I hope I receive the same respect and service provided by your predecessor. Good luck to you Sir, your new position isn't a "cake walk" by any stretch of the imagination!

Nov 5, 2015, 3:12am Permalink
Scott Chismar

Hey Ed, if I am not mistaken, Pete Yasses was the incumbent. He was already providing you the good services that you have been receiving. He started the much needed house cleaning in the Town of Byron and I am confident that he will continue to do so.

Nov 5, 2015, 5:53pm Permalink

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