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Lt. Gov. Hochul visits WNY Tech Academy in Bergen

By James Burns

Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul visited Western New York Tech Academy in Bergen today. Hochul met with school Principal Thomas Schulte. On her last visit to the area, the two talked about the exciting new school and Hochul made a point to come back and visit to see it firsthand.

Hochul is so interested because it is a new concept in medium and high level education. P-Tech schools like Western NY Tech Academy have only been open for two years. Instead of a four-year curriculum like a normal high school, P-Tech schools have a six-year curriculum. At the end of the six years, the students graduate with a high school diploma and a fully accredited two-year college associates degree in a science discipline -- at no cost to the student or family!

Schulte walked Hochul through the school explaining how the classes are designed around teaching Math, Science and English as applied to solving real-world problems. Hochul commented how great that was because she, like many others, thought in high school “When am I ever going to use this stuff they are teaching me?” Well, in this school they use the information right away.

The classrooms resemble corporate meeting rooms. Classes are held differently, too. As well as the fundamentals students are taught to interact with each other in productive ways and communicate ideas and solutions effectively.

The concept of the school is so attractive to some that they bus in over an hour and a half away from Dansville. Supporters say Genesee County is lucky that the school is located in the Bergen School system complex. Because it's so new, it's not currently running with full classrooms.

If you are interested in sending your student to the school or for more information, please go to www.wnytechacademy

Ed Hartgrove

"At the end of the six years, the students graduate with a high school diploma and a fully accredited two-year college associates degree in a science discipline -- at no cost to the student or family!"

So, if I'm reading this correctly, the students attending these type of schools come only from families that pay no school/state/federal taxes? I don't see how that even approaches being "fair"!

But, as they say, "Life ain't fair!"

Mar 16, 2016, 11:40pm Permalink
Jack Dorf

I believe they are referring to the cost of the 2 year degree. I don't see anywhere where it states anything about this program being for low income people. I think it a great idea.

Mar 17, 2016, 7:54am Permalink
Ed Hartgrove

In case your comment was in reference to mine, Jack, I didn't mention anything about low income people.

The original article reads, "At the end of the six years, the students graduate with a high school diploma and a fully accredited two-year college associates degree in a science discipline -- at no cost to the student or family!"

As I went to the website for the Western New York Tech Academy (whose URL is ), and the website stated that they "are funded through a New York State, Pathways to Technology Grant."

So, it would appear that NY taxpayers are funding this "school". My point was, if the taxpayers are funding the school, but there was "... no cost to the student or family!", then the parent's must not have been paying taxes.

And, on a side note, I also think the "type of learning" the students are purportedly given is a good idea.

And, if you do happen to visit the homepage of the academy, you get the added benefit of a slideshow featuring many complimentary pictures of Steven Hyde!
And some people actually think their tax monies are used in frivolous ways. How could numerous pictures of Mr. Hyde be considered "frivolous"?

Mar 17, 2016, 8:56am Permalink
Jack Dorf

My post was based on the article and your comment. I never saw the website.

You stated, "So, if I'm reading this correctly, the students attending these type of schools come only from families that pay no school/state/federal taxes? I don't see how that even approaches being fair. But, as they say, "Life ain't fair!"

How should someone take that comment?

Mar 17, 2016, 12:21pm Permalink
Ed Hartgrove

Jack! I'm not about to tell people how they should take my comments. They're (usually) written in common, everyday English.

Now, if you are asking me how I would have "taken" that comment, I don't really have any better explanation than the way it currently is written.

The article says there's no cost to the students/families. Just the fact that Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul "visited" said school, already points to the thought that the school isn't (completely) privately-funded.Which would mean that it is taxpayer funded.

Did you read the part that said, "The concept of the school is so attractive to some that they bus in over an hour and a half away from Dansville"?

Are you saying that you think busing student from all over the county (not to mention from OTHER counties) costs nothing, Jack? Where do you thing that money comes from? Or, are you of the Democratic-minded proponents, which believe in the ever-elusive "Money Tree", which, supposedly, magically drops its splendor just because we need it to be FREE?

So, if the students/parents aren't contributing for the cost (plus, the ADDED cost) of these schools, then it follows that they aren't paying school/state taxes (and, yes, I dropped the federal part of taxes, from my first comment, because there's no proof that the "feds" are involved).

Not sure what you're not understanding, Jack.

Mar 17, 2016, 2:45pm Permalink
James Burns

The school does use corporate money and resources too. It is in thier literature and the NYS explanation of the schools too.

Please try to read what is in the article, not what is not. If taxes were mentioned death should have been too. As we know, all that is certain in life is death and taxes.

Mar 17, 2016, 4:22pm Permalink
Ed Hartgrove

Well, anyways, glad to hear you aren't a Democrat, Jack
And, the last time I was "tight" was in July, '98 (Right, JoAnne?)

Hope you have a great va'ca.

Easter? Oh, yeah. One more day I won't have to get up early to head off to work. (St. Patty's Day - snuck around all day without wearing ANY green - my mom's family would disown me!) :)

Mar 17, 2016, 6:45pm Permalink

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