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Local women start Catty Shack to deal with cats in neighborhoods

By Howard B. Owens

Shannon Laurer and Jennifer Goss have started Catty Shack, a neighborhood cat rescue and release program serving Genesee County. Yesterday, City Slickers hosted a fundraiser to help cover the costs of dealing with stray cats locally.

Catty Shack is primarily a TNR (trap, neuter and release) program, but tame cats may be adopted to appriopriate homes.

Catty Shack has already captured, neutered and released 16 cats, will trap 18 more next week and have 20 kittens that will soon be ready for adoption.

To find out more, visit the Catty Shack page on Facebook.

Michael Pullinzi

How about adding an address so the public can make donations if they want? It's a shame the City doesn't help fund this. The UB study was spot on, but no action by our local Council. It's spot on for what local government should be doing. A humane smart plan of action.

Nov 2, 2016, 10:14am Permalink
Shannon Laurer

Michael, we do not have an actual shelter, all trapped cats that can not be tamed are fixed & released & we have set up for feeders at that colony location. For the ones we feel can be adopted out we have fosters for (& can always use more) Our facebook page has a link to "shop" at our Amazon wish list, our website link takes you to our GoFundMe page and you can also make a monetary donation directly to the State Street Animal hospital 585-344-4974 on the Catty Shack account. This has all developed as a love for cats and not wanting to see them suffer. We have full time jobs and this has taken up alot of our "free" time but we know we are making a difference so will continue as long as we are able.

Nov 2, 2016, 11:24am Permalink
Michael Pullinzi

I was just looking for an address to mail a check. I already made a $25 donation on the go fund me sight this morning. Good luck with things. You are to be commented.

Nov 2, 2016, 3:34pm Permalink

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