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Lost Dog: Beagle high tails it in Oakfield

By Howard B. Owens

"Charlie" decided to go on a little unsupervised adventure yesterday while in Oakfield and has been missing since.

The beagle, who lives in Batavia, ran off from his owner while on Farnsworth Avenue, with green collar and leash still attached.

Somebody spotted Charlie yesterday on Maltby Road between the school and North Pearl, but the spotter doesn't think Charlie was dragging his leash along with him at that point. 

If you know anything about Charlie's whereabouts, call (585) 344-0787.

Ruth Smith

Spent 6 hours looking for Charlie today. He was sighted on Hamm Rd and Wight Rd. Right around Gorton Rd. and Judge Rd (Rte 63) in Oakfield. People are seeing him, but he will not stick around long enough for us to get to him. At least we know he's still alive. Thank you to all that shared post, help look and called us with sightings. Very much appreciated. Hopefully tomorrow will be the lucky day. Thank you.

Nov 13, 2016, 7:08pm Permalink
Ruth Smith

Unfortunately, Charlie was found on Rte 77 this afternoon and he was hit by a car. He did not make it. We just want to thank everyone that shared our posts and helped us to look.

Nov 14, 2016, 4:45pm Permalink
Ruth Smith

So I jumped the gun...I apologize. My husband went to pick up the beagle and it was NOT Charlie. He is still unaccounted for...please still keep a look out. The dog that was found is a medium white/grey dog with dark spots. He had dark ears and muzzle. He is between Kenyon Road & Rte 77 in Oakfield. I hope the owner finds out.

Nov 14, 2016, 6:43pm Permalink

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