The suspect got away with an undisclosed amount of cash and fled on foot.
Deputy Chris Erion with K-9 Destro helped track the suspect and he was located a short time later at a nearby residence.
Taken into custody was Ricky L. Miller II.
At the time of his arrest, Miller was allegedly found in possession of a needle.
He was charged with robbery, 3rd, petit larceny, and possession of a hypodermic instrument.
He was jailed without bail.
Give him a needle w/ fentanyl
Give him a needle w/ fentanyl so we'll have 1 less to support....
Could he be the same person
Could he be the same person in the picture of the burglary posted as well. Looks similar.
"Calling Robert Radley!
"Calling Robert Radley!
Calling Robert Radley!
Hello, Robert!
Hello, Robert!
I'm sorry, Ma'am. I don't think Robert's awake yet. We'll try again, later."
Robert Radley.
Robert Radley.
Please accept my humble apology, Sir.
When I posted my last comment, I messed up, by accidentally connecting two, completely unrelated articles.
Though it was made in jest, in the end, the joke is on me.
Maybe I should consider taking a reading comprehension course.