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Photos: Vehicle off the road in Pembroke

By Howard B. Owens

About 40 minutes ago a vehicle was reported off the road along Phelps Road in Pembroke.

There were two adults and three children in the vehicle, no injuries  

A pole was taken down and the pole damaged a nearby building.

Pembroke, Indian Falls, Mercy EMS, and Sheriff's deputies responded.

UPDATE Monday: The driver is identified as Ashley C. Crance, 29, of Searls Road, Byron. The driver reported being fatigued and didn't remember what happened. It appears the driver failed to negotiate a curve in Phelps Road, causing the vehicle to continue westbound off the roadway where it struck a utility pole and continued down an embankment where it overturned. A section of pole struck a nearby building, damaging the building. The accident was investigated by Deputy Richard Schildwaster.

Reader submitted photos.

Kevin Ross

There was also a roll over accident a few minutes after Phelps Rd was dispatched, that I heard while I was enroute to Phelps Rd. It was in Alabama on Rt. 77 between Ham Rd and Church St. Nice pictures Howard as always.

Jan 29, 2017, 10:50pm Permalink
Ed Glow

Thanks for filling us in on the other rollover in Alabama Kevin, I don't see any mention of that incident here at the number one online news source for Genesee County.

For the record though Kevin, Howard didn't take those pictures. If you look directly above the first picture it states "Reader submitted photos." Apparently we need a "reader" in Alabama too.

Jan 30, 2017, 6:25am Permalink

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