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Pavilion Firefighter of the Year: Tyler Schiske

By Howard B. Owens

Tyler Schiske, on the right with Chief Dewey Murrock, was named Pavilion's Firefighter of the Year, during the department's annual dinner at its Fire Hall on Saturday night.

The Pavilion Volunteer Fire Department's officers for 2017 are: Dewey Murrock, chief; John Weis, 1st assistant chief; Donald Roblee, 2nd assistant chief; Tyler Schiske, Paul Dougherty, Wayne Taylor, captains; Mike Wright and Chad Freeman, lieutenants; Doug Wright, fire police captain; Bill Kegler and Dick Park, safety officers; and Dougherty, Schiske and Taylor are training officers.

The social officers are: Nick Wright, president;Paul Dougherty, vice president; Bill Carrigan, treasurer; Kathy Wright, recording secretary; and Kelly Kraft, financial secretary.

Ed Hartgrove

As this post falls into what I would call a "recognition article", I think the greatest emphasis should be on correct names.

While I wouldn't claim to be 100% sure, I think a couple have been misspelled. I went to Pavilion High School, and, one of my classmates was Dick Parks (not Park). And, a year ahead of me, was a fellow student, Doug Wright (not Dough).

As I said, I could be wrong. It's entirely possible that the people you listed are offspring of the guys I knew. Or, maybe they aren't even related. If you printed the correct names, then, my apologies to the two men. I just thought I'd point out a possible spelling error/typo.

Mar 27, 2017, 11:05am Permalink

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