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Car hits pole on East Road near Route 63, Bethany

By Howard B. Owens

A car has struck a pole, with unknown injuries, on East Avenue near Route 63, Bethany.

Bethany fire and ambulance dispatched.

UPDATE: Photos by Doug Yeomans. After the initial dispatch, we heard no more about this accident.

Doug Yeomans

The driver was taken away in the back of a trooper car while I was on scene. He was "allegedly" charged with DWI. I was told this by people that live near the corner and watched the events unfold. They heard the crash, and came outside to see what had happened. Allegedly, the people standing next to the van had to interpret between the troopers and the driver, because the driver claimed to speak no English.

Aug 31, 2017, 11:57am Permalink
Doug Yeomans

Hmm..wonder why there's no news update from the troopers about a DWI arrest involving a property damage accident. Why is it that some DWI arrests get splashed all over the news, while other seem to vanish? I drive that road almost daily, and that curve is disaster waiting to happen. Pure luck he didn't hit someone coming around the corner. He didn't speak English, so is he here illegally? Is that why it's not being reported?

Aug 31, 2017, 9:47pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

The State Police don't put out press releases for every arrest.

It might be in the blotter, but the blotter from yesterday won't be available until after 11 a.m. today.

Sep 1, 2017, 7:02am Permalink

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