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Even on the day of her 90th birthday, Myrtle Burrell doesn't skip crossing guard duty

By Howard B. Owens

There have been winter mornings in Le Roy when Myrtle Burrell couldn't even see down Wolcott Street from her crossing station at Main and Church, the snow was blowing so hard.

No matter the weather, for 34 years, with only a couple of days off, Burrell has been at her post helping children get across Main Street safely.

Even this morning, on the day of her 90th birthday.

It was no big deal, she said. "As I told my grandson, it's just two 45s."

The last time she missed a crossing guard shift, she said, was when her husband Roy passed away.

"I don’t believe in missing time unless something is really wrong," she said. "I guess I'm too dedicated."

She loves the kids, she said. And she doesn't let them mess around on her corner, she said. Once when some boys were acting up Burrell, who isn't much taller than many of the children she helps cross, told them they better watch it or she would karate chop them. And they said, "oh, right," so the next day she came back to the corner with a picture of herself from a karate class. That got the boys' attention.

Burrell started the job after being laid off when the Sylvania plant in Batavia closed. She went to a get-together at a friend's house and somebody mentioned working as a dispatcher and Burrell said, "that's something I'd like to do." 

The person told her to go see then-Police Chief Sam Steffenilla.

She did.

He hired her on the spot.

But then the crossing guard who worked Main and Church decided to quit. Steffenilla asked her if she wanted that job and she said she couldn't do both jobs, but agreed to give the crossing guard job a try.

"They showed me what to do and left me and I've been on my own ever since," she said.

Eve Hens

Happy birthday Myrtle and thank you for all that you do for the children of LeRoy! You do keep that corner under control...not an easy task!

Dec 18, 2017, 3:20pm Permalink

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