Press release:
RTS announced today that service improvements stemming from the Regional Service Efficiency Study conducted in 2016 will be implemented in Genesee and Wyoming counties on Monday, June 26.“These improvements to our transit system are a direct result of the engagement and feedback from customers and stakeholders in these respective communities, and months of hard work from the RTS team,” said Bill Carpenter, CEO at RTS. “We encourage our customers to provide input on the new changes in the coming days and weeks to help us ensure the most efficient operation possible.”The improvements are as follows:RTS GeneseeRoutes 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be renamed 211, 212, 213 and 214. Aside from the renaming of the routes, the biggest changes include the addition of service on Saturdays, connections to Orleans and Wyoming counties, and the creation of a “Countywide Runner.” The details of these and other improvements are as follows:· We retained a good portion of current route system (routes 211 and 212);· Route 212 will begin earlier in the morning to continue service to the Middle/High School and create additional opportunity for rides to work;· We added transportation to Big Tree Glen 10 times a day, Monday – Friday;· We integrated the early morning Genesee Community College (GCC) run into current routes and added additional transportation for a total of six trips to GCC;· We added a midday service run to Le Roy;· We added Saturday service;· We now connect with Orleans and Wyoming counties at K-Mart on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8:55 a.m., 11:55 a.m. and 2:55 p.m., and;· We merged our Dial-A-Ride and Countywide service to create a “Countywide runner.” This countywide service is now available Monday – Friday to anywhere in the county not within ¾ miles of the route. This service will focus on countywide and medical appointments.Following are the links to the new RTS Genesee route maps on our website:· RTS Genesee Routes 210 & 211· RTS Genesee Routes 212 & 213· RTS Genesee Route 214
Why didn't these kinds of improvements happen under the former Regional Mgr.?