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Sheriff's Office receives reaccreditation

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office was awarded reaccreditation of its law enforcement bureau by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services during the New York State Law Enforcement Agency Accreditation Council meeting in Albany on Dec. 17.

The Sheriff’s Office went through an extensive reaccreditation audit back in October and was found to be in compliance with the program’s 133 standards. An accredited law enforcement agency is reassessed every five years and must show they have been in compliance with the standards during that time period. The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office received its initial accreditation in year 2000.

The Law Enforcement Accreditation Program provides agencies with a method for developing and adhering to the highest standards of professionalism, efficiency and effectiveness within the field of law enforcement and to provide formal recognition of that excellence. The Law Enforcement Accreditation Program is voluntary. Of the approximately 550 law enforcement agencies within New York State, approximately 145 agencies are accredited.

“This is a testament of the professionalism of the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office,” said Sheriff Gary T. Maha.

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