People really should attend the City School District's annual art show in March at the Richmond Memorial Library, Superintendent Chris Dailey said after art teacher Amanda Antonucci provided a department review Tuesday night at the Board of Trustees meeting.
"It's amazing what our kids produce," Dailey said.
This year the art show will feature a districtwide project: art students are drawing portraits of just their eyes. The pair of eyes will be displayed side-by-side on one long wall.
The opening night reception will be held March 15.
Antonucci went through several projects students are working on at schools in the district, including the fourth-annual monster swap project, where elementary students draw a monster and high school students make a sculpture of those monsters.
"It's my favorite project," Antonucci said.
Teachers at Jackson, John Kennedy, and the Middle School are all integrating STEM into their art instruction.
This includes learning about nature through art, using perspective to learn math and geometry, and science with Lego-related projects.
Dom Grazioplene is the most recent student selected for a solo art show at GO ART!, with an opening reception Thursday night.
There are art appreciation nights planned in May for Jackson and the high school and in May the middle school will host its annual human rights activists project.