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Winners of architectural drawing contest announced by Landmark Society

By James Burns

The Landmark Society of Genesee County announced the winners of the 25th annual fourth-grade architectural art contest. The goal of the contest is to promote awareness of Genesee County and highlight the talents of the area's fourth-grade students.

Below is 1st Place winner Zoey Shepard from Byron-Bergen.

Below is 2nd Place Aidan McClurg from Elba.

Below is 3rd Place Alyssa Ball from Byron-Bergen.

There were also 20 Honorable Mentions.

From John Kennedy School: Jasmine Penders, Raydence Stehlar, Avelin Tomidy, Sofia Oltramari, Jakenzi Lee, Shawn Schwartzmeyer, Briana Welsh, Christina Michele Brown, Jenick Baker, Ariana Ddelandi, Katelyn Mance, Olivia Shell, Gavin Fowler.

From Oakfield –Alabama: Brooke Kennedy.

From Pavilion: John Philips, Evelyn Northrup.

From Byron-Bergen: Jason Bleiler, Ava Wagoner, Kendall Phillips.

Shown with the children is Lucine Kauffman of the Landmark Society of Genesee County. For more information please visit

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