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Deputy Jason Saile named Officer of the Year by Sheriff

By Howard B. Owens

Deputy Jason Saile, a 10-year veteran of the Sheriff's Office, was named Officer of the Year by Sheriff Gary Maha during the department's annual awards luncheon yesterday at the Sheriff's Office on Park Road.

Dispatcher Jason W. Holman received the Distinguished Service Award.

The top longevity awards went to Chief Deputy Jerome Brewster and Chief Deputy Gordon Dibble, at 40 years each. Also awarded was Youth Officer John Dehm, who has been with the office for 35 years.

Commendations were awarded to Sgt. Eric Seppala, deputies Chad Cummings, Joseph Loftus Michael Lute, Andrew Hale, dispatchers Peggy Richardson, Steve Robinson, Michale Sheflin, corrections officers Kevin Thomas, Michale Cox, Peter Hoy and investigators Tim Weis and Kris Kautz.

Meritorious Service awards: Correction Officer Michael E. Glow, Sgt. Brian M. Frieday, Sgt. Jon R. Szumigala, Genesee Justice Case Manager Cathy T. Uhly, Sgt. James M. Meier, Sgt. Ronald E. Meides.

Weis and Szumigala were at the luncheon on their final days of duty before retirement.

Certificates of Appreciation were handed out to Julie A. Walsh, Mental Health clinical therapist for the JFCAC, Volunteer for Animals,Le Roy Officer Ryan W. Young (now a deputy),Szumigala, Weis and confidential secretary Carolyn A. Della Penna.

Here are the narratives for the awards to Saile and Holman:

Deputy Jason E. Saile has distinguished himself as a proactive, dedicated and enthusiastic Deputy Sheriff leading the “A” line shift for many years in DWI enforcement. During 2015, his 10th year with the Sheriff’s Office, Deputy Saile had his best all-around year, not solely because he continued to be proactive in his enforcement, but because he emerged as a well-rounded, knowledgeable officer who is able to look beyond the laws and regulations to find answers and relief for the citizens and victims he encounters.  Deputy Saile made himself available for extra duty at a time when patrol strength was seriously depleted. He has used his certifications as a Crash Manager and Field Training Officer to enhance the services of the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office. Deputy Saile commands respect with his knowledge, physical presence and his ability to empathize with the victims he encounters. His work has been exceptional. Deputy Jason E. Saile has brought great credit upon himself and the Genesee County Sheriff's Office and most deserves to be named Officer of the Year.

Senior Emergency Services Dispatcher Jason W. Holman has distinguished himself as a member of the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office. For several years, Senior Dispatcher Holman has provided critical insight and assistance with upgrades, maintenance, and operational configurations of the Genesee County Emergency Dispatch Center computer-aided dispatch program, phone systems, and radio consoles. Senior Dispatcher Holman worked closely with the Genesee County Mutual Aid Fire Advisory Board to develop new policies and procedures to enhance and improve communications. His work handling concerns and working with the fire and emergency medical services to find workable solutions has been instrumental in the implementation of new technologies. Senior Emergency Services Dispatcher

Jason W. Holman reflects great credit upon himself and the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office.

Jason Holman

Hale, Loftus and Seppala receiving their awards for their conduct on the scene of the alleged murder and arson on Selden Road the morning of Dec. 1.

Robison and Sheflin receiving their awards for their conduct as dispatchers the morning of Dec. 1.

Cummings and Lute receiving their awards for rescuing a man from the storm drains under the Batavia Town Square parking lot in November.

Weis receiving his retirement badge and ID.

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