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Candidate for Sheriff sends out Memorial Day message

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Committee to Elect David Krzemien for Genesee County Sheriff would like to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day!

The last Monday in May has been deemed Memorial Day dating as far back as 1868. This day is set aside to remember and honor those military members who lost their lives serving our country. In today’s world with increased restrictions on our freedom, the ultimate sacrifice that so many made means so much more.

Men and women sacrificed their comfort, and ultimately their lives to protect and defend the rights and liberty we have in America today. It is our job to teach younger generations about the brave men and women who never made it home after defending our country.

The sacrifice made by those military men and women should be remembered and celebrated today and every day. God Bless America, we are strong and will make it through this together!

Pictures included were taken at the Our Lady of Good Counsel Cemetery. Special thanks to David Krzemien, Michelle Krzemien, Christopher Parker, Cooper Parker, Lonnie Nati, Julia Pettys, Trevor Krzemien and Emily Burow for taking the time to place flags on the graves of service members.

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