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Claudia Tenney says Joe Biden should be impeached in new NY-24 campaign commercial

By Press Release

Press release:

 Today, Congresswoman Claudia Tenney released her second campaign ad, renewing her call to Impeach President Joe Biden.

The 30 second ad, “Patriots Fight,” says:

TENNEY: How I feel about Joe Biden?

TENNEY: I see this guy as a talentless, career politician and completely derelict in his duty, which is why I’ve called for him to be impeached!

TENNEY: One of the things about the Republicans that is kind of frustrating at times is, we don’t fight.

TENNEY: We have to fight every single day, right now.

TENNEY: I stand up to the status quo in both parties, I have a core set of principles.

TENNEY: Can we preserve this Republic? It is all on the line.

TENNEY: It’s not easy to fight the fight that patriots fight, but it’s worth it.

“Whether it is Joe Biden’s dereliction of duty at the Southern Border or his disastrous retreat in Afghanistan, I have called for Joe Biden to answer to the American people in Impeachment hearings. I will not stand by while Biden and Pelosi trample on our constitution to push their far-left agenda. I look forward to working with a Republican House Majority next Congress to impeach Biden and hold his administration accountable for their numerous failures,” said Congresswoman Claudia Tenney.

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