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Congresswoman Tenney votes in favor of Fiscal Responsibility Act

By Press Release

Press Release:

Claudia Tenney

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24)  voted in favor of H.R. 3746, the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. This agreement reins in the Biden administration’s out-of-control spending, protects vital services for our nation’s seniors, veterans, and military personnel, defends small businesses and hardworking families from aggressive IRS overreach, and addresses our nation’s worker shortage. This legislation passed the House by a vote of 314-117.

"The Fiscal Responsibility Act is the single largest deficit reduction package in our nation’s history. It will deliver billions in immediate savings and takes concrete steps to reduce our spending and hold Joe Biden accountable. It is an important part of restoring fiscal responsibility and accountability in Washington,” said Congresswoman Claudia Tenney

“This bill includes the largest recession of misappropriated funds ever, clawing back billions of dollars from wasteful Democrat programs and returning it to the American people. This bill also freezes non-defense discretionary spending for 2023 and limits future spending to 1% growth, the first time Congress has curbed and capped non-defense discretionary federal spending at this level. The bill also reclaims unspent COVID funds, eliminates funding for Joe Biden’s new army of IRS auditors, zeros out taxpayer funding to China through the Global Health Fund, and implements new work requirements for federal benefits to boost employment and enhance accountability.”

“Joe Biden’s excessive spending and irresponsible policies have put our nation on the brink of an unprecedented economic crisis. By implementing these spending cuts and achieving these important fiscal reforms, we are holding the White House and Senate Democrats accountable. There is much more work to be done, and this legislation marks the start of the process, not the end of it. House Republicans will continue to lead the way to limit out-of-control spending, save taxpayer dollars, reduce taxes, and grow our economy."

Specifically, the Fiscal Responsibility Act will:

  • Reduce annual non-defense discretionary spending below Fiscal Year 2023 levels, the first discretionary spending cut in 11 years. Importantly, the bill includes an immediate 11% cut on the woke and weaponized bureaucracy while increasing funds for national defense, veterans, and border security. This amounts to the largest cut in non-defense discretionary funding in history. It also caps the growth of non-defense discretionary federal spending at 1% annually for the next five years;
  • Implement the most significant reforms in two decades to SNAP and TANF to boost work requirements for these programs, save taxpayer money, stimulate economic growth, and lift Americans out of poverty;
  • Eliminate $400 million from the CDC's "Global Health Fund," which allocates taxpayer funds to China and other programs, making it the largest rescission package in history;
  • Establish the first-ever statutory Administrative Pay-Go, ensuring President Biden and all future presidents are finally responsible for the full cost of their executive actions;
  • Expedite and reduce costs for energy and infrastructure projects through the first substantial reform to NEPA since 1982;
  • Eliminate the funding for new IRS auditors in the total FY24 staffing request;
  • End the outrageous three-year COVID-19 halt to student loan payments, resulting in an estimated monthly savings of almost $5 billion for taxpayers;
  • Impose a funding cap of 99% for any Continuing Resolution (CR) to compel Congress to finally do its job and ensure a functional appropriations process that includes marking up and passing all required 12 appropriations bills;
  • Secure full funding for critical veterans programs and national defense priorities while safeguarding Social Security and Medicare; and
  • Reject all of President Biden's proposed $5 trillion in new tax increases, government mandates, and federal programs.

Read the full text of the bill here.

Tenney hosting grant process webinar May 24

By Press Release

Press Release:

Claudia Tenney

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) announced  the fifth installment of her monthly webinar series, which is focused on highlighting services and resources at the federal level available to constituents.

The next webinar will focus on the federal grant process, providing individuals and organizations with an overview of how to search for and apply for federal grant opportunities. The webinar is open to all constituents.

Those interested in attending this webinar should RSVP by emailing Participants who register in advance will receive a link to the Zoom meeting on the morning of the event.

This webinar is being hosted as part of Tenney’s monthly webinar series, in which the Congresswoman connects residents of New York’s 24th Congressional District to resources and support at the federal level. This is the fifth webinar Tenney’s office has hosted this year. Recordings of past webinars can be found on Tenney’s website here.

File photo by Howard Owens

Congresswoman Tenney votes for legislation targeting unemployment fraud

By Press Release

Press Release:

Claudia Tenney

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), a member of the Ways and Means Committee, voted in favor of H.R. 1163, the Protecting Taxpayers and Victims of Unemployment Fraud Act. This bill provides states with incentives to investigate and recover fraudulent unemployment insurance payments while working to fight and prevent future fraud.

Tenney was an original cosponsor of this legislation and supported its passage in the House Ways and Means Committee when it was considered earlier this year. The bill passed the House by a vote of 230-200. Tenney spoke on the House floor in support of this legislation earlier today. You can watch her remarks here.

Tenney has led the charge to hold New York accountable for its pandemic-era fraud, waste, and abuse. After a report by the New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli found rampant Unemployment Insurance fraud totaling $11 billion, Tenney sent a letter to New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli expressing concerns over his office’s decision to delay key findings related to the audit until after New York’s 2022 gubernatorial election between Kathy Hochul and Lee Zeldin.  

“The total cost of improper unemployment insurance payments across our country has reached at least $191 billion, with some experts estimating it as high as $400 billion,” said Congresswoman Claudia Tenney. “New York alone accounts for $11 billion in fraudulent charges. Countless constituents contacted my office to notify us of receiving unemployment forms they hadn’t requested and dealing with the ramifications of having their identity stolen to obtain fraudulent funds. The Protecting Taxpayers and Victims of Unemployment Fraud Act moves us one important step closer to recovering lost taxpayer dollars, holding fraudsters accountable, and putting in place a system to protect against future fraud.”

Specifically, the Protecting Taxpayers and Victims of Unemployment Fraud Act:

  • Allows states to retain 25% of recovered fraudulent federal funds.
  • Allows states to use recovery funds to improve UI program integrity and fraud prevention.
  • Allows states to retain five percent of state UI overpayments recovered upon meeting data matching integrity conditions and dedicating such funds to preventing future fraud.
  • Extends the statute of limitations for criminal charges or civil actions for prosecuting fraud from five to ten years.

File photo by Howard Owens

Congresswoman Tenney introduces legislation to lower healthcare costs

By Press Release

Press Release:

Claudia Tenney

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), a member of the Ways and Means Committee, joined her colleagues in reintroducing H.R. 3029, the Primary Care Enhancement Act. This bipartisan legislation is designed to expand access to direct primary care (DPC).

Additional co-leads include Representatives Lloyd Smucker (R-PA), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), and Brad Schneider (D-IL).

The legislation would clarify provisions of the Internal Revenue Code to enable individuals with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to use those funds to access DPC. This healthcare delivery model provides essential high-quality primary care at a lower cost for individuals of all ages and incomes across the United States.

“Direct Primary Care (DPC) is an innovative monthly membership-based payment plan that helps reduce health care costs while providing high-quality primary care to patients,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “DPC is a popular option for upstate New Yorkers and promotes a strong and trusting relationship between patients and their health care providers. The bipartisan Primary Care Enhancement Act removes the tax barrier that inhibits patients with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) from reaping the benefits of DPC. I will always be a champion for legislation that promotes health care flexibility and affordability.”

“I am proud to collaborate with my colleagues on the Ways & Means Committee to introduce this bipartisan legislation to expand access to affordable primary care. As a former business owner that provided health insurance for over 150 employees, I know that innovative care delivery models like direct primary care put patients in charge of their health, improve outcomes, and reduce costs for businesses and employees. Unfortunately, the Internal Revenue Service’s interpretation of current tax law prevents individuals with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) from accessing direct primary care, even when their colleagues without HSAs can do so. I am thankful for my colleagues’ support of this bipartisan legislation to expand access to direct primary care,” said Congressman Smucker.


  • DPC is a healthcare delivery model that reduces costs and improves access to primary care. Employers report up to 20% savings on the total cost of care for their employees by providing better health care up front in the primary care setting, reducing unnecessary hospital and specialty care, and drastically reducing administrative expenses.
  • More than twenty states have passed laws defining DPC care as a medical service and not a health insurance plan. Likewise, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) rules on Essential Health Benefits clearly state that DPC arrangements are medical services, not health insurance.
  • Currently, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) prohibits individuals with HSAs from funding their accounts if they have a DPC arrangement. Furthermore, individuals cannot use their existing HSA dollars to pay for the monthly or annual DPC fees as qualified medical expenses.

Primary Care Enhancement Act:

  • The Primary Care Enhancement Act clarifies two provisions in the Internal Revenue Code that currently treat these innovative payment arrangements for employees and individuals as health insurance rather than medical services. The bill would allow patients using DPC to contribute to their HSAs and use HSA funds to pay for direct primary care fees.
  • The Primary Care Enhancement Act has twice been favorably reported out of the Ways & Means Committee with bipartisan support in prior Congresses.
  • Senate companion legislation, S.628, is sponsored by Sens. Bill Cassidy, Jeanne Shaheen, Tim Scott, and Mark Kelly.

Photo: File photo Claudia Tenney by Howard Owens

Congresswoman Tenney Announces May Mobile Office Hours

By Press Release

Press Release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) announced today her May mobile office hours. During these hours, constituents can receive one-on-one assistance from Tenney’s team of expert caseworkers on issues regarding federal agencies such as the Veterans Administration, Social Security Administration, Internal Revenue Service, or Passport Agency.

If you are interested in attending any of these mobile office hours, please schedule an appointment by contacting Tenney’s District Office at (315) 236-7088 or walk in at any time to receive assistance. Please note, scheduling an appointment ahead of time will allow for an expedited casework experience.

In addition to Tenney’s mobile office hours during the month of May, Tenney maintains three full-time offices in Lockport, Victor, and Oswego, with regular satellite hours in Watertown every Tuesday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. The Lockport (716-514-5130), Victor (585-869-2060), and Oswego (315-236-7088) offices are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Additional information on casework services and office locations can be found at

Mobile office hours will be available at the following times and locations:

County: Genesee
Date: Wednesday, May 10
Time: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Place: Genesee County Office Building
Address: 7 Court St., Batavia, NY 14020

Photo: File photo of Claudia Tenney by Howard Owens

Congresswoman Tenney introduces bill dealing with election law

By Press Release

Press Release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), co-chair of the House Election Integrity Caucus today introduced the Promoting Free and Fair Elections Act to defund President Biden’s overreaching executive order that threatens the safety and security of American elections. This legislation ensures American elections are transparent by prohibiting federal agencies from engaging in partisan voter operations at taxpayer expense.

Reps. Bill Posey (R-FL), Randy Weber (R-TX), and Andrew Clyde (R-GA) co-sponsored the House version of this bill, while the Senate version was introduced by Senator Tedd Budd (R-NC). 

Specifically, this bill would prohibit actions ordered under President Biden’s Executive Order (EO) 14019 from being initiated by federal agencies. This would prevent federal agencies from entering into agreements with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to use their power, influence, resources, and federal funding to conduct voter registration and other mobilization activities. America’s civil service should be non-partisan and federal agencies should not be using taxpayer funds to actively engage in partisan Get Out The Vote operations that have nothing to do with their core missions.

“President Biden’s EO 14019 allows the federal government to use its power and your taxpayer dollars to influence our elections,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “The Promoting Free and Fair Elections Act ensures that federal agencies remain non-partisan and are not engaging in partisan voter registration and mobilization efforts on the taxpayer dime. As the Election Integrity Caucus co-chair, it is my privilege to introduce this legislation to restore transparency and confidence in our democratic process, while keeping federal bureaucrats and the swamp from deliberately tipping the balance of our elections.”

The legislation prohibits the use of federal funding to carry out activities directed under EO 14019, including:

  • Soliciting or entering into an agreement with a third-party group to conduct voter registration or voter mobilization activities on federal property anywhere in the country, or on any federal agency website;
  • Implementing strategic plans to carry out activities directed under EO 14019 until at least 180 days after submitting to Congress a copy of the plan, unless those activities are required under federal law; and
  • Engaging in any voter registration activities outlined in Section 7 of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), until at least 180 days after providing Congress a copy of the agencies’ strategic plan to do so under EO 14019, or in the case of those agencies that did not create a strategic plan under EO 14019, only after they have certified to Congress that no such plan exists.

Tenney is the founder and co-chair of the House Election Integrity Caucus in Congress. With more than 60 members, the Caucus is dedicated to preserving the sanctity of our elections and boosting confidence in the democratic process.

The full text of the bill is available here.

Tenney supports bill she says will protect female sports

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) voted in favor of H.R. 734, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023. The legislation ensures that biological females are not forced to compete against biological men in women's competitive sports funded through Title IX.

Tenney was an original cosponsor of this legislation and introduced this bill on February 1, 2023, on behalf of the bill’s original lead sponsor, Congressman Greg Steube (R-FL). This bill passed the House by a vote of 219-203.

“On National Girls and Women in Sports Day this February, I walked up the Capitol steps alongside tremendous female athletes to introduce the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “Today, House Republicans kept yet another commitment to the American people by voting to pass this commonsense bill. Across the country, the Biden administration is allowing, even encouraging, biological men to participate in women’s sports. This is fundamentally unfair and diminishes equal opportunities for women in athletics, which we fought for decades to achieve. By passing this bill, we are protecting opportunities for female athletes to train, compete, and thrive.”

Click here to read the full text of the bill.

Tenney supports unsuccessful attempt to override Biden's veto of waterways rule change

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) voted to override President Biden’s veto of H.J. Res. 27, a bipartisan resolution to overturn the Administration’s deeply flawed and burdensome “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule. The legislation passed by a vote of 227-196 but failed to achieve the two-thirds necessary for a veto override. 

President Biden’s overly broad WOTUS rule would redefine the Environmental Protection Agency’s definition of a “navigable” waterway to include small seasonal streams, small ponds, and even large amounts of groundwater. This vague and overreaching rule would drastically expand the government’s authority, increasing its power over farmers and producers throughout New York’s 24th Congressional District.

In January, Tenney and 195 House Republicans sent a letter to the Biden administration calling on it to reconsider this damaging rule. Tenney was also an original co-sponsor of H.J. Res. 27, which passed the House in February and the Senate in March, both with bipartisan support. The resolution, passed under the Congressional Review Act, would nullify Biden’s WOTUS rule. President Biden vetoed the resolution earlier this month. 

"With his veto of H.J. Res. 27, President Biden proved once again that he continues to prioritize far-left activists over our nation's farmers and landowners," said Congresswoman Tenney. "Earlier this month as part of my Farm Bill Listening Tour, I met with farmers and producers across New York’s 24th District, who expressed concerns that Biden's WOTUS rule was overly broad and poorly defined. Our region’s farmers are among the best stewards of our natural environment, and they should be viewed as important partners in conversation efforts. Instead, this bill targets them with even more regulations, which are overly burdensome and will drive up costs at a time of already soaring inflation.” 

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens.

Tenney introduces bill to keep Federal funding for Medicaid flowing to county governments

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) joined Congressman Nick Langworthy (NY-23) in introducing the Protect Local Taxpayers Act in response to Governor Kathy Hochul’s Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Proposal, which would keep $625 million in Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) that have been shared with New York counties since 2011. Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22) is also an original cosponsor of this bill.

New York State is one of the only states in the nation to require counties to pay a significant portion of the state’s non-federal matching share of its Medicaid program. This costs local counties in New York up to $7.6 billion per year, resulting in county governments imposing some of the highest property taxes in the country and stressing other critical local services.

The Protect Local Taxpayers Act would offer a straightforward fix by ensuring that FMAP funds are directed, as intended by Congress, to our state’s counties to cover their portion of Medicaid expenses. Since New York counties face a massive obligation under New York’s Medicaid program, this legislation will ensure they are never left with a significant and harmful budgetary impact, such as the one that would be caused by Kathy Hochul's irresponsible 2024 budget.

“As a result of one-party Democrat rule in Albany, New York State has among the highest taxes in the country,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “One reason upstate New York families face such high costs is that our local counties are forced to absorb and subsidize the soaring cost of New York’s Medicaid program. Enough is enough! I’m honored to join the Protect Local Taxpayer Act, which will prevent state governments like ours from further shifting our bloated state Medicaid expenses onto our local county governments, and then refusing to reimburse them for a portion of the costs. Albany should be focused on supporting our local communities, not taking more of their money to subsidize far-left priorities.”

“Governor Hochul’s budget proposal would force rural counties like the ones I represent in Western New York and the Southern Tier into doomsday decision-making, causing unnecessary panic among the people who rely on Medicaid services,” said Congressman Langworthy. “It is well past time to get fiscal sanity back into our state government, and I remain laser-focused on protecting the hardworking taxpayers who feel disenfranchised by state leadership.”

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens

Tenney announces federal assistance for those harmed by Winter Storm Elliott

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) announced federal grant and loan programs available to assist Western New York families, farms, and small businesses following the devastating Winter Storm Elliott that hit the region in December 2022. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the availability of grants to assist residents in need of home repairs following the severe storm. The Small Business Association (SBA) is also offering federal disaster loans for families, businesses, and farms with uninsured or under-insured losses due to the storm.

To qualify for the USDA grant, homes must be in the presidentially declared disaster areas in Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Jefferson, Lewis, Niagara, Oneida, Oswego, St. Lawrence, and Wyoming Counties. The Rural Disaster Home Repair Grant Program offers up to $40,675 in assistance to repair storm-damaged homes. More information on this program is available here.

The funding from the SBA loan is available for families and businesses in Erie, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Genesee, Niagara, and Wyoming counties. As of early April, the SBA has approved over $5.8 million in disaster loans for 195 businesses and residents across Western New York. The deadline to apply for this loan is April 28, 2023. More information is available here 

“Winter Storm Elliott devastated Western New York, causing severe damage to family homes, farms, and small businesses in addition to taking the lives of nearly 70 of our neighbors,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “These federal loans and grant programs will assist our community as we rebuild from this severe storm. If you have questions while applying for these programs, please call my district office at (716) 514-5130 for additional information.”

Tenney introduces tax credit bill to assist rural developers

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, introduced the New Markets Tax Credit Extension (NMTC) Act of 2023. This bipartisan legislation would make the NMTC permanent, index the allocation to inflation in future years, and exempt NMTC investments from the Alternative Minimum Tax.

Tenney led this piece of legislation alongside Rep. Kelly (R-PA), Rep. Sewell (D-AL), and Rep. Davis (D-IL). Additional cosponsors include Rep. Miller (R-WV), Rep. Ferguson (R-GA), Rep. Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Rep. Schweikert (R-AZ), Rep. Smucker (R-PA), Rep. Wenstrup (R-OH), Rep. LaHood (R-IL), Rep. Yakym III (R-IN), Rep. Steube (R-FL), Rep. Carey (R-OH), Rep. Buchanan (R-FL), Rep. Van Duyne (R-TX), Rep. Blumenauer (D-OR), Rep. Sánchez (D-CA), Rep. Higgins (D-NY), Rep. DelBene (D-WA), Rep. Chu (D-CA), Rep. Moore (D-WI), Rep. Kildee (D-MI), Rep. Beyer (D-VA), Rep. Evans (D-PA), Rep. Panetta (D-CA).

Set to expire on December 31, 2025, the New Markets Tax Credit was established in the Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000 (PL 106-554) and is an essential source of financing for businesses and community facilities in low-income and rural areas across the country. Private investors will receive a 39 percent tax credit distributed over seven years for qualified investments into Community Development Entities (CDEs). These CDEs use the proceeds of those investments to finance business expansions, health centers, daycare facilities, business incubators, and other essential revitalization projects. 

Since its inception, the NMTC has supported over a million jobs and invested billions into communities, including across New York's 24th District. A recent investment in Batavia, NY, will support the construction of the "Healthy Living Campus," a multimillion-dollar investment that will support the partnership between GLOW YMCA and United Memorial Medical Center. This project will create or retain nearly 400 quality jobs in the community.

“Now more than ever, it is essential that we work to create investments in our rural and low-income communities,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “Rural America is often forgotten by the Washington elites, which means that rural communities sometimes lack the necessary resources to invest, grow, and expand. Congress must make the New Markets Tax Credit permanent to allow our rural communities to continue accessing this important resource which helps to create jobs and stimulate economic growth. As a small business owner from rural America, I will always be a tenacious advocate for investments in our rural communities and businesses in Congress.”

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens

Officials thank Rep. Tenney for visit to Water Treatment Plant

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee County and City of Batavia officials were pleased to host Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) this week for a tour of the City of Batavia Water Treatment Plant. Access to clean water is a public safety issue, so Genesee County has made upgrades to its water system a top priority.

Genesee County is undertaking a large-scale countywide water project to provide critical water security and resiliency to its residents, farms, and industries. This project will improve water quality for drinking water, increase the capacity to supply hydrants for emergency response, spur economic growth and job creation for New Yorkers, and help to guard the County against water insecurity.

This tour gave the Congresswoman a first-hand look at the County’s multi-phased water security initiative and the threatened Batavia Water Treatment Plant, an aged structure that has outlived its useful life. The Genesee County Water Project, now in its second of three phases, aims to provide reliable water for the future generation of residents, farms and businesses.

“We appreciate Congresswoman Claudia Tenney visiting Genesee County and learning of our critical public water project goals,” said Genesee County Legislative Chair Shelley Stein. “The County’s top priority is re-investing in our water infrastructure, and we appreciate the Congresswoman’s active interest in ensuring a reliable water future for the County. We look forward to sharing more of Genesee County with her.” 

Immigration reform tops the list of concerns during Tenney's farm tour stop in Batavia Tuesday

By Howard B. Owens

Dairy prices and substitute labeling, crop insurance, support for specialty crops, soil health, nutrition programs, agricultural research, inflation, and invasive species were all topics that farmers in the region brought to Congresswoman Claudia Tenney Tuesday at the Old Courthouse in Batavia,

Tenney, who has been representing Genesee County as part of the redrawn NY-24 since January, made Batavia the first stop on a tour of the district to discuss potential provisions in the 2023 Farm Bill.

Congress passes a new Farm Bill every five years. The Farm Bill is most notably known for providing crop insurance and other assistance to farmers to deal with the nature-driven inherent risks of agriculture and the trade barriers that often make selling their commodities more difficult.  But it also deals with a host of other issues related to farming.

While all of those topics were discussed, the topic most often broached by speakers on Tuesday was immigration.  Farmers are tired of seeing their workers fear deportation, and they want to increase the labor supply to help them remain productive.

"I've been involved with immigration and immigration issues since the Reagan administration," said Kim Zuber, owner of Zuber Farms in Byron. "Our first Hispanic employee, back in 1980, the first kid we got was 21. He had a green card, and he became a citizen through the Reagan administration. I've been in Washington many, many times, and this is a political football by the left and right, and we pay the price. They practically make criminals of us on the question of papers. We are sick of being in the middle of this political football. We really would appreciate it if somebody would stand up and say, 'Enough.' These people are our fellow human beings. Sure, surely, bad people come across the border, but the people who work on these farms are supporting themselves and their families. They're good people. They got families and kids just like us. It's just sad. We are sick of being the football between the left and the right."

Natasha Sutherland, from Stein Farms in Le Roy, was the first speaker of the day and, after talking at length about dairy prices and the regulations that control them, opened the immigration discussion by noting that there are people entering the country on a daily basis, risking their lives, to provide for their families.  Often these farmworkers are supporting families they left behind. 

"These people deserve to live and work without fear of deportation," Sutherland said.

The next speaker, Pat McCormick, reiterated some of Sutherland's points.

"We need to improve," he said. "We need to be able to get the farmworkers that we need here and have the paperwork they need so that they're not afraid to go to the hospital and not afraid to go to the grocery store."

He added, "They are a vital part of our community and are a vital support to their people back home, so we need to fix that problem." 

Another farmer spoke about one of his workers who witnessed a murder and was initially afraid to speak to authorities for fear of deportation. Eventually, he did provide evidence that helped get the killer convicted, but the farmer said farmworkers shouldn't have to face that kind of fear.

"It brings people to tears," he said. "These guys and girls are people. They're one of us. They deserve more respect than we give them."

Tenney Supports Immigration Reform
In her closing remarks, Tenney told the farmers she heard their concerns about immigration and is seeking to address it.  In an interview with The Batavian after the meeting, Tenney said she supports providing a pathway for undocumented farmworkers to stay in the country without fear and that she would particularly like to help dairy farmers help their workers here on H2A visas stay in the country all year long. She also supports an increase in immigration from Mexico and South America so long as it's legal, protects the safety of Americans, and ensures farmers are getting workers who work hard and obey the laws of the country.

She acknowledged the need for more workers but said it's also essential -- especially in New York where farmers are facing increased costs because of new overtime rules and the threat of unionization -- to lower the costs for farmers to retain the workers they have.

"These visa programs are really just a bureaucratic disaster right now for them," Tenney said. 

She explained, "What we're trying to do in the Farmworker Modernization Act is come up with a way to make (the H2A visa program) a year-round program, to make the touchback point, the consulate of (their home) country, which would be in New York State. That touchback would be to go and renew the visas and make it a more streamlined process. We would still go through all the criminal records. The farmers would be given some security as to the types of people that are coming to work in their operations. And it would provide us with some oversight as opposed to now, where we sort of have people in the shadows. We want to make sure good, hardworking people who are willing to come here, do the hard work, and that we can actually do it in a more streamlined fashion that is less cost costly to the farmers."

Asked about the fact that oftentimes Republican politicians oppose providing a pathway for undocumented workers to remain in the country, who are the kind of experienced workers farmers want to keep. Tenney said she is sympathetic to the frustration expressed by those views because she personally knows people who have waited 20 years to come into the country and become citizens through a documented, legal process.

But she also understands that people who came here to work and are working, are the kind of people we should want in the country.

"They're not coming here across the border to human traffic, to traffic drugs, to engage in surveillance," Tenney said. After accusing the Chinese of sending people to the U.S. to engage in surveillance, she continued, "We want to make sure that we provide a legal path so that the farmers are protected, the farmworkers are protected, and we know that the people who are working on these farms are productive and are no threat to American citizens in any way. They will ultimately at least have a path to legalization if they're not already legal."

Tenney is aware of the shortage of workers in the U.S. economy and understands the complexity around the issue of a large number of prime-working-age men not joining the labor force and said, yes, immigrants can help bridge that gap.

"We are seeing a great need, not just in farming, but across every sector," Tenney said. "We need people to come and work and create growth in our economy. Without growth, we're not going to deal with our deficits, we're not going to deal with the needs that we have."

While she supported the Farmworker Modernization Act, she thinks Republicans can and will come up with a better reform bill.

"Republicans are for allowing legal immigration," Tenney said. "We want the rule of law to be respected, and I think a lot of illegal immigrants don't know any better, to be honest with you, because they're being trafficked."

She blamed cartels for pushing illegal immigrants, including children, into the country in order to disrupt border security, even on the northern border.

"Nothing is more disheartening than my visit to the border and seeing just how much control the cartels have," Tenney said. "The confusion, the chaos, the large numbers coming across, the lack of ability for the Customs and Border Patrol to really handle this (is disheartening)."

There is a middle ground on immigration reform, she said, that doesn't involve lawlessness. There can be a sensible plan that respects the rule of law, and she believes that is what farmers are looking for.

Some economists project the U.S. is short about one million workers. Tenney said she isn't opposed to a million immigrants entering the company to fill jobs so long as it is legal. 

"That's something that we have to negotiate, but I think there is a very few numbers of people who are against having more people come into the country legally," Tenney said. "There's a very small number that may think this is a burden on taxpayers. I look at (immigrants) as people who are going to produce growth, and if we're producing growth, and we have a larger output and more labor, you're going to see us prosper. We're going to be able to cut down our deficit and actually bring more prosperity. I see growth as the answer."

Photos by Howard Owens.  Top photo: Rep. Claudia Tenney speaking during opening remarks.


Assemblyman Steve Hawley spoke briefly about the budget deadlock in Albany and how the deadlock is costing taxpayers money.

"They are intransigent," Hawley said. "They are refusing to do anything about bail reform or spending $240 billion a year of our taxpayer money. Every day that we were in Albany, 213 senators and assembly members cost you and me $40,000 a day. We've been there six days looking at not one budget bill, that's a quarter of a million dollars. Now, that pales in comparison to $240 billion, but a penny is a penny, and a dollar is a dollar, and there is a quarter of a million dollars being paid to individuals getting nothing done. It is tragic."

Natasha Sutherland, Stein Farms.

Seating in the Old Courthouse was nearly filled with farmers from throughout the region, most of whom did not speak during the meeting. Among those in attendance was Daniel Swyers, a dairy farmer from Perry.

While Tenney asks a farmer a follow-up question, County Legislative Chair Shelley Stein listens.

Tenney declines to defend Trump claim of innocence, sticks to attack on Manhattan DA

By Howard B. Owens

Given a chance to explain why she thinks Donald Trump didn't commit any crimes in his alleged payment of hush money to a porn star, Rep. Claudia Tenney passed.

Instead, a spokeswoman for Tenney reiterated the congresswoman's attack on Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. 

In a press release on Friday, Tenney called Bragg "Soros-backed" -- a controversial phrase that the Anti-Defamation League has characterized as antisemitic because it casts Soros, who is Jewish, as the leader of a conspiracy and a "puppet master."

Meg Deenen, a spokeswoman for Tenney, defended the use of the term based on a $1 million contribution George Soros made to Color of Change PAC, which backed Bragg in his Democratic primary campaign for District Attorney.

News broke Friday that the former president was indicted by a New York Grand Jury for allegedly paying $130,000 in hush money to Stormy Daniels, a former adult film actress whom Trump was reportedly involved with, though Trump has denied an affair.  If the payment was made and was intended to help his 2016 presidential campaign, it violated campaign finance laws.

Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, has already been convicted and served a prison term on similar charges, and may be a witness against Trump in the case.  Cohen has claimed he was working at Trump's direction in making the alleged payment.  

A Grand Jury was investigating similar charges against Trump when Bragg took office in 2022. Bragg was reportedly dissatisfied with the strength of the case at that time, and two prosecutors in his office resigned over the disagreement. Bragg reopened the investigation after members of the Trump organization were convicted on tax fraud charges.

Trump's attorneys have reportedly confirmed the pending indictment against the former president, but it has not yet been unsealed, and we don't know what specific charges it might contain.

Tenney called the indictment a "witch hunt" and "a political persecution with purely malicious intent" in a press release, but offered no facts or evidence to support her claim.

She also attacked Bragg for allowing "violent criminals to walk the streets, downgrading 52 felony charges to misdemeanors."

Bragg is one of a cadre of District Attorneys in large cities across the nation pushing progressive reforms in criminal prosecutions. Critics of such policies -- including Tenney -- say crime is increasing in these cities.  Progressive policies likely cost Chesa Boudin, the district attorney in San Francisco, one of the most progressive cities in the U.S., his job. He became hugely unpopular, characterized as "soft on crime," and was ousted in a recall election.

Bragg made headlines when he took office with his "Day One" memo in which he said the prosecution of low-level offenders, including low-level felonies, was clogging an already overburdened court system.  He asked prosecutors to concentrate on violent crimes

According to at least one poll, Bragg's policies are not going over well with New York City residents. The conservative editorial board of the New York Post has attacked Bragg's policies.

But when asked why Tenney believes Bragg's policies, which she attacked, are related to the potential prosecution of Trump, Tenney did not respond.

The Batavian contacted Tenney's staff after receiving the press release Friday because of the "Soros-backed" phrase in its first sentence.  The tendency in some circles to paint Soros as the source of evil is widely considered to be antisemitic. 

The ADL states:

Even if no antisemitic insinuation is intended, casting a Jewish individual as a puppet master who manipulates national events for malign purposes has the effect of mainstreaming antisemitic tropes and giving support, however unwitting, to bona fide antisemites and extremists who disseminate these ideas knowingly and with malice.

The Batavian asked Tenney's office, "Is it Rep. Tenney's intention to perpetuate an antisemitic stereotype by saying Alvin Bragg is 'Soros-backed'?' and if she thought Bragg was prosecuting Trump in order to do the bidding of Soros?

Deneen responded, "It is ludicrous to suggest that stating who George Soros’s donations have supported and criticizing his pro-crime policies is anti-Semitic. The accusation is completely preposterous and, frankly, wildly inappropriate."

The Batavian asked multiple questions in its email, not just about the "Soros-backed" statement, but for the evidence Tenney believes exists that would exonerate Trump. What evidence does she have in her possession, that gives her confidence the Grand Jury is less than impartial and acting with Bragg to pursue a political prosecution?  We then followed up with similar questions, after receiving the response above, and noted that to whatever degree Soros might be involved with Bragg, it seems irrelevant to the prosecution of Trump unless Tenney has evidence or facts to back up the assertion.

Neither Tenney nor Deneen responded to the additional questions.

The "Soros-backed" trope appears to be a GOP talking point in defense of Trump, and Soros responded to it, stating, "As for Alvin Bragg, as a matter of fact, I did not contribute to his campaign, and I don’t know him."

Writing for the Spectator, Oliver Wiseman said the GOP may be side-stepping the charges against Trump with the phrase "Soros-backed," but it isn't completely without relevance.

"There’s nothing far-fetched or conspiratorial about calling Bragg Soros-backed. Soros gave $1 million to the Color of Change PAC, which backed Bragg’s election. Soros’s son, Jonathan, gave directly to Bragg, as did his wife. And Soros has been a vocal supporter of progressive prosecutors like Bragg around the country. It may be a deflection for Republicans to talk about Bragg’s ties to Soros, but it doesn’t mean they don’t exist."

Here is the full press release from Friday:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today released the following statement in response to the indictment of former President Donald Trump: 

"Soros-backed District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s witch-hunt targeting President Donald Trump is a political persecution with purely malicious intent,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “Bragg has repeatedly allowed violent criminals to walk the streets, downgrading 52% of felony charges to misdemeanors. Yet now he has decided to spend precious taxpayer dollars and resources on this outrageous case against Donald Trump, and only after he announced he was running for president. Every American should be concerned about this gross abuse of power and the politicized two-tiered system of justice we now have in America. I once again call on Governor Kathy Hochul to act. Uphold the rule of law and remove Alvin Bragg from office for, among other things, his failure to enforce the law and his blatant politicization of the criminal justice system. ” 

Photo: File photo of Claudia Tenney by Howard Owens.

Tenney backs bipartisan bills aimed at combating opioids

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), a member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, took part in a committee markup of seven bills, including H.R. 1734, the Testing, Rapid Analysis, and Narcotic Quality (TRANQ) Research Act. This bipartisan piece of legislation, which Rep. Tenney cosponsored, was led by Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA), Rep. Yadira Caraveo (D-CO), Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK), and Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA).

This legislation works to combat the spread of synthetic opioids across our country. The bill directs the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to expand its research and focus on the science needed to understand and cease the spread of synthetic opioids. The usage of xylazine, also known as “Tranq” or the “Zombie Drug,” has skyrocketed. Nationwide, xylazine-related deaths have increased by 1,000% in some states since 2020. Xylazine’s presence is growing across the state, including in Western and Central New York. This drug, often laced in fentanyl, is immune to standard opioid overdose treatments and has horrifying side effects, including causing large wounds that won’t heal.

The Committee also included an amendment offered by Congresswoman Tenney to require the Director of NIST to report on their implementation of this critical legislation. Further, the amendment allows the Director of NIST to make legislative recommendations to improve NIST’s ability to implement the TRANQ Research Act.

“Since 2020, deaths from the terrible ‘zombie drug’ xylazine have skyrocketed nationwide, including in New York State,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “Our communities have been devastated by the opioid crisis, and the emergence of this deadly drug has only worsened the crisis. It is essential that we combat the opioid epidemic. It was my privilege to cosponsor the TRANQ Research Act, which will help us target this dangerous zombie drug and work to save thousands of lives. I am also honored to have my amendment included to make sure Congress can continue to monitor the implementation of this act.”

Additional original cosponsors include Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR), Rep. Valerie Foushee (D-NC), Rep. Jay Obernolte (R-CA), Rep. Jennifer McClellan (D-VA), Rep. Tom Kean (R-NJ), Rep. Deborah Ross (D-NC), Rep. Mike Garcia (R-CA), Rep. Kevin Mullin (D-CA), Rep. Eric Sorensen (D-IL), Rep. Brandon Williams (R-NY), Rep. David Trone (D-MD), Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX), Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX), and Rep. Dale Strong (R-AL). 


Tenney announces Farm Bill listening tour with stop in Batavia on April 4

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today announced her upcoming Farm Bill Listening Tour to hear directly from constituents about issues impacting our agriculture industry in New York’s 24th District.

Every five years, Congress passes legislation that sets national agriculture, nutrition, conservation, and forestry policies. This legislation is commonly called the “Farm Bill” and will be considered this year by Congress. Tenney is hosting a series of roundtables to hear directly from farmers and producers about issues facing the agriculture industry in New York’s 24th District.

New York’s 24th District is the largest agriculture and dairy district in the Northeast, producing dairy, beef, crops, wine, apples, and more. In addition, Wayne County ranks third in the nation for apple production.

“As your voice in Congress, it is essential that I hear directly from you about the issues facing our community,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “Our sprawling district, the largest agriculture-producing district in the Northeast, is home to so many hardworking farmers who feed our community, state, and nation. I am committed to hearing from them about their top priorities as we prepare for the consideration of the 2023 Farm Bill. I will always be a tenacious advocate for our region’s agriculture community.”

Please see the schedule below for upcoming roundtable sessions. Those interested in attending should use this link to RSVP. If you cannot attend an in-person session, you can also submit your views virtually using the same link above.

Western New York Farm Bill Roundtable
Tuesday, April 4th, 10 a.m. Old Courthouse
7 Main St., Batavia

Central NY & North Country Farm Bill Roundtable
Wednesday, April 5th, 10 a.m. Oswego County Legislative Chamber
46 E Bridge St., 4th Floor Oswego

Finger Lakes Farm Bill Roundtable
Thursday, April 6th, 10 a.m. Phelps Community Center
8 Banta St., #100, Phelps

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens.

Tenney co-sponsors dairy pricing legislation

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) recently cosponsored the Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2023, which ensures dairy farmers can price their products to reflect today’s market environment. This bill will increase transparency and modernize the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system, giving our farmers confidence that any future changes to the program reflect economic fundamentals.

This bipartisan bill is being led in the House by Congressman Joe Morelle (NY-25) and Congressman Nick Langworthy (NY-23) and has a Senate companion led by Senators Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Susan Collins (R-ME).

"I am honored to represent New York's 24th District, the largest dairy-producing district in the Northeast. The Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act ensures that dairy farmers and producers across New York can stay competitive amidst rising inflation rates, labor costs, and energy prices. This bill is essential so farmers can focus on the important work of producing food for our nation. I will continue to advocate for our nation's farmers and producers and promote stability in the dairy market," said Congresswoman Claudia Tenney.

“Federal milk marketing reform is a key priority for AFBF, and we are pleased to see Rep. Langworthy incorporate several of our requested changes into the Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act. Dairy farmers deserve clarity and confidence in how they are paid, and all-inclusive cost and yield surveying of processors is a good first step to ensure make allowances are being calculated fairly and accurately. Switching back to the “higher-of” Class I formula as quickly as possible is a priority of our dairy farmers. We commend Rep. Langworthy for including a provision that would require USDA to initiate a National Federal Order hearing process that will allow us to pursue this change administratively while we also pursue the change legislatively. We look forward to working with Rep. Langworthy to get this legislation passed,” said Zippy Duvall, President of the American Farm Bureau Federation.

“Meaningful Federal Milk Market Order reform is essential for New York’s dairy farms to help ensure they receive a fair price for their milk. Farm Bureau has long been advocating for federal order changes and created a special working group made up of farmers and industry leaders to help identify areas for the key change. We thank Representatives Langworthy and Morelle for introducing the Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act, which will modernize the federal milk marketing order system to more equitably support our farms and food supply,” said David Fisher, New York Farm Bureau President and dairy farmer.

Additional original cosponsors include Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22), Congressman Trent Kelly (MS-01), Congresswoman Lori Chavez-DeRemer (OR-05), Congresswoman Mary E. Miller (IL-15), Congressman Dan Meuser (PA-09), Congressman Chris Stewart (UT-02), and Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-01).

Photo: File photo of Claudia Tenney by Howard Owens.

Tenney announces annual Congressional Art Competition for NY-24

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today invited High School students from New York’s 24th district to participate in the 2023 Congressional Art Competition. The contest winner will have their artwork displayed in the U.S. Capitol for a year.

Started in 1982 by members of the U.S. House of Representatives, High School students across the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories are invited to participate in a nationwide annual art competition. Since its creation, over 650,000 high school students have submitted their artwork to the contest. 

“I’m pleased to announce the 2023 Congressional Art Competition for students across New York’s 24th District,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “This competition is an incredible way for students to showcase their artistic abilities. Every year, I am in awe of the talent of the students in our district, and I look forward to seeing all the great artwork that is submitted this year.” 

The deadline to submit artwork to be judged by members of the local art community will be Friday, April 21, 2023.

Additional information about the competition, including guidelines and student release forms required to participate in the 2023 competition, can be found at or by calling Tenney’s District office at (716) 514-5130.

Tenney calls for defunding World Health Organization

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), recently co-sponsored three pieces of legislation focused on promoting transparency and defunding the World Health Organization (WHO). During the pandemic, the WHO showed that they are not an independent international public health cooperative, but rather simply a puppet of the Chinese Communist Party. Instead of listening to Chinese scientists warning about the dangers of COVID-19, for months, the WHO parroted CCP talking points including that person-to-person transmission was not possible.

First, H.R.79, the “WHO Withdrawal Act,” led by Rep. Andy Biggs (AZ-5), requires the President of the United States to remove the U.S. from the WHO and prevents taxpayer dollars from being used to fund the organization. This legislation would codify President Trump’s decision in 2020 to leave the WHO, which was reversed by President Biden.

Second, H.R.343, the “No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act,” led by Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21), would avert any assessed or voluntary contributions from the United States to the WHO.

Finally, S.444, the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,” introduced in the House by Rep. Tom Tiffany (WI-7), deems any final agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response to be a treaty. Under Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, treaties require the consent of two-thirds of the U.S. Senate. This bill will prevent the Biden Administration from circumventing the Senate and arbitrarily deeming any final treaty an “executive agreement” which does not require Senate approval.

"Since the beginning of the pandemic, the WHO has proven that it does not have America's best interest at heart," said Congresswoman Tenney. "​​Through the disguise of the WHO, millions of taxpayer dollars have bankrolled the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda and have covered up the pandemic's origins. The WHO is not reformable. It is a privilege to join these three pieces of legislation that will ensure the United States leaves this CCP-puppet agency once and for all."

Tenney backs bill to prevent states from shifting Medicaid costs to local governments

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) introduced the Property Tax Reduction Act, which would prevent state governments like New York from unfairly shifting state Medicaid expenses onto local county governments.

Congressman Nick Langworthy (R-NY) co-led this bill alongside Congresswoman Tenney. Congressman Brandon Williams (R-NY) and Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) are also original cosponsors.

New York is the only state in the country that requires local counties to pay a substantial portion of the state’s share of Medicaid funding, amounting to nearly $8 billion per year or nearly a quarter of the non-federal cost share for the program. 

This places enormous fiscal pressure on our local governments and has led to some of the highest property tax bills in the country. This arrangement also enables the state to inflate and expand both the scope and the cost of Medicaid since the state is not directly responsible for absorbing the costs associated with burdensome changes and unfounded mandates to the program. This mandate is among the reasons New York also has the highest per capita Medicaid expenditures nationwide; as of 2019, per capita Medicaid personal spending for New York is close to 7 times higher than that of California and 10 times higher than New Jersey.

In New York’s 24th Congressional District, this irresponsible funding scheme shifts a burden of at least $180 million onto our county governments annually. Counties raise most of these funds through property tax levies. Tenney’s bill would stop Albany from passing this Medicaid share onto counties, saving local taxpayers millions. 

“New York State leads the country with the highest rate of outmigration,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “This mass exodus directly corresponds with outrageous property taxes, forcing families and small businesses to relocate. One of the driving causes of this crisis is that New York’s 62 county governments have zero say in how New York’s Medicaid program is operated but are forced to pay a significant amount of its costs. This dysfunctional and unfair system burdens county governments, driving up costs for working families. It also lets Albany Democrats off the hook for reckless spending and gross mismanagement. I am reintroducing the Property Tax Reduction Act to require New York’s Democrat lawmakers to start taking responsibility for reckless spending and to prevent them from unfairly shifting costs to local property taxpayers and counties.”

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