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animal rescue

Dog locked inside SUV in Walmart parking lot

By Billie Owens

An unoccupied SUV in the grocery pickup section of the Walmart parking lot reportedly has a dog locked inside. The caller waited by the vehicle 15 minutes to see if the owner would return before calling dispatch. An animal control officer and a deputy are en route.

UPDATE 11:44 p.m.: The deputy is on site and speaking with the dog owner. The deputy advises the animal control officer can disregard the dispatch.

People reportedly move and leave pet(s) behind on Valley View Drive, Batavia

By Billie Owens

A caller reports a pet(s) left behind when the occupants moved out of a residence on Valley View Drive in Batavia. An animal control officer is responding.

UPDATE 5:42 p.m.: A reader with knowledge of the situation writes: "The owners were located and the pets are being taken care of by family members while the owners deal with some health issues."

Pig loose and running around in yard on South Main Street, Batavia

By Billie Owens

A caller tells dispatch that a loose pig is running through the yard at 3684 S. Main St. in the Town of Batavia, between Lover's Lane and Fairway Drive. An animal control officer is dispatched to round up the porker.

At first the officer didn't she heard the call right. "What kind of animal is it again?" she asked.

Dog locked in white car in Aldi parking lot

By Billie Owens

A dog is locked in a vehicle in the Aldi parking lot on East Main Street in Batavia. It's a white car near the end of the lot, says the dispatcher. The window is down one inch. It's 77 degrees outside now. An animal control officer is responding.

UPDATE 12:14 p.m.: The vehicle has Florida license plates.

Animal Control officer busy today with dogs locked inside hot vehicles

By Billie Owens

Photos and information from reader Roberta White:

This dog was in a truck in the Walmart parking lot in Batavia for 20-25 minutes minimum before dispatch was contacted and law enforcment officers arrived at about 2 p.m.

An animal control officer said the dog was definitely uncomfortable. She said if it was an older dog, it would have been in serious trouble.

She also said it was her third call to Walmart today. She's had made four or five trips in Genesee County today for dogs locked inside hot vehicles.

The truck owner was paged in the store while officers tried to unlock the vehicle. Surface temperature inside was 102 degrees. It's 80 degrees outside.

Mark Your Calendar: 16th annual Fur Ball is Sept. 28, new auction and raffle items being accepted now

By Billie Owens

The 16th annual Fur Ball to benefit the Spay/Neuter Program at the Genesee County Animal Shelter will be held at the Sacred Heart Social Center in the City of Batavia starting at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28.

There will be food and beverages and basket raffles and silent auctions.

Tickets are $25; tickets for children 12 and under are $15. Tables of 10 are available for $250.

Make checks payable to: Volunteers for Animals -- Spay/Neuter Program. They can be mailed to: Volunteers for Animals, P.O. Box 1621, Batavia NY 14020

The Sacred Heart Social Center is located at 17 Sumner St.

The Volunteers for Animals is now accepting new items for the auctions/raffles for the Fur Ball. They can be left at the shelter during adoption hours.

The shelter is located at 131 W. Main Street Road in the Town of Batavia.

Adoption hours are:

  • Afternoons on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.
  • Also, Wednesday nights from 7 to 9
  • Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Dog locked in black Ford Expedition in BJ's Plaza in handicapped spot

By Billie Owens

A dog is locked in a vehicle in this sweltering heat in the parking lot of BJ's Warehouse in Batavia. The caller reports it's in a black Ford Expedition parked in a handicapped space without a handicapped placard displayed.

It's 88 degrees and there's heat advisory in effect until 6 p.m.

An animal control officer is responding.

Punkin needs you to pony up some cash for surgery she urgently needed -- and got

By Billie Owens

This here's "Punkin" -- a young beagle rescue brought up from the Volunteer State -- Tennessee -- and quickly adopted, no doubt due to her winsome ways, a dash of raz-ma-taz and limpid brown lamps that could charm the staunchest malcontent.

Then the unthinkable happened -- right outta the blue!

Her new family took her home and the next day she was having severe pain and could not walk.

Punkin was taken to a local vet but they thought her problem was more serious so they suggested she go to Orchard Park Veterinary Medical Center.

She had extensive testing and needed urgent surgery. Punkin had surgery to clean up at least three bulging disks, decompress the spinal cord and relieve the mobility issue.

She is currently do well and is able to stand following surgery. 

Those indefatigible souls at the Genesee County Animal Shelter, the posse known as The Volunteers For Animals, seek your help and ask for a donation to defray the medical bills.

Punkin's medical care is more than $6,000 at this time and so far they've only been able to raise small percentage of that, or $410 (and counting).

Click here, to donate now. Easy-peasy. Win-win.

Benny the barn cat seeks new digs to be his unfettered self

By Billie Owens

From the Volunteers For Animals:

Benny is in need of a barn home with no young children.

He is a cat that is accustomed to being outdoors and not picked up/handled.

He is negative for FIV/FeLV, up to date with vaccines and neutered.

There is no charge for an adoption fee and we ask that you confine him for a period of time until he has adjusted to his new surroundings.

If you are able to help out this guy, drop us an email at

The Batavian communicated with Benny recently and he let us know he was eager to be on the prowl again, mousing, pouncing, stalking, and lounging outdoors in a warm, sunny spot. He's feeling a bit couped up at the Genesee County Animal Shelter, even though it's nice enough there.

He sure would like a new home where he can be his independent, unfettered self, alive and kickin'. Mice beware!

FOUND: Big and brawny 'Giovanni' is missing from area around Liberty and South Jackson streets, Batavia

By Billie Owens

A big bull-mastiff-type dog named "Giovanni" is missing. He became lost this afternoon in the vicinity of Liberty and South Jackson streets in the City of Batavia.

The owner, devoted reader Bernie Thompson, emplores citizens -- "DO NOT CHASE." We're guessing that to do so with this large, hunky charcoal-brindle-coated canine would be to risk possible injury, if not, daresay, worse.

He is most assuredly male, neutered, and microchipped. Giovanni was last seen wearing a robin's-egg-blue collar and leash.

If found, or if you have information about him, call 813-3087.

His left front paw, curiously, has two middle toes that have white tips. And he has a small white patch on his stout chest.

UPDATE June 24: This morning owner Bernie Thompson reported Giovanni is home safe and sound!

Turtle safely removed from traffic on River Street, Batavia

By Billie Owens

A friend of turtles removed a large snapping turtle from the roadway on River Street. An officer confirmed this for dispatch and the animal control officer was informed.

Don't know the location on River that the turtle was found.

Is your cat with a blue harness missing?

By Billie Owens

The owners of Dave's Ice Cream on West Main Street Road sent us this smartphone screenshot of a cat they saw wandering yesterday around the corner of Union Street and West Main Street in the city.

It has a blue harness on and they figured it might be someone's missing pet. 

REUNITED: Attention-loving lost bird lands on gardener in Batavia, who hopes to find owner

By Billie Owens

This colorful cutie landed on the person of reader Karen Laney while she was outside gardening today.

She lives on State Street Road in Batavia. Laney said the friendly avian is "very obviously a hand-raised bird."

She would very much like to find the owner of this affectionate pet and hopes the owner will contact her via email and make arrangements to reunite with it.

Her email is

UPDATE 12:04 p.m., Friday, May 24: Karen Laney, whom the bird landed on, sent us this good news a minute ago: "A person who knew the owner saw the post about the bird in the Batavian and bird and owner have been reunited! Thanks so much for getting the word out!" You are welcome. We are glad!

Help support homeless animals: Pony up your scrap metal and rummage sale items

By Billie Owens

Two upcoming events will benefit the Genesee County Animal Shelter and its furry denizens: Scrap for the Pack and a Garage Sale.

Scrap for the Pack is set for 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, June 1 and 2, at the shelter. It is a scrap metal collection event in the shelter parking lot, located 3841 W. Main Street Road in Batavia.

Bring your metal items that The Volunteers For Animals will recycle for cash at Ed Arnold EAS Scrap Processors of Corfu. These include: railings, doors, garbage cans, file cabinets, bicycle frames, gutters, pipes, poles, fencing, window frames, lawn furniture, tools, shelving, washing machines, dryers, stoves, wheel barrows, wagons, etc.

They CANNOT accept propane tanks, A/C units or refrigerators.

The other event is a Garage Sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 13, 14 and 15. It will be held at Genesee Feeds, located near the shelter but across the street at 3860 W. Main Street Road, Batavia.

***Donations for next month's Garage Sale are being accepted NOW and can be dropped off at the shelter. NO CLOTHING OR ELECTRONICS.***

Visit The Volunteers For Animals online here.

'Spring Fever Fundraiser Event' at Willow Bend Inn April 28 to support GC shelter animals

By Billie Owens

Volunteers For Animals will host a "Spring Fever Fundraiser Event" from 1 to 6 p.m., Sunday, April 28, at the Willow Bend Inn, located at 3489 W. Main Street Road in Batavia.

A $10 entry fee to the fundraiser for animals at the Genesee County Animal Shelter includes a hamburger or hot dog.

There will be 50/50 raffles and a Chinese auction.

Classic rock music will be provided by FOMR.

Is there a better way to spend a Sunday? C'mon out and have some fun to support an awesome cause!

Available for adoption at the GC Animal Shelter: 'Boots' and 'Tessie'

By Billie Owens

Meet Boots, an adult neutered male domestic shorthair cat that is available for adoption at the Genesee County Animal Shelter.

Boots loves attention, in fact he craves it. But he's not pesky about it -- he's too cool and easygoing for that. You won't find him losing his dignity by dashing spastically around his dwelling, which screams "I'm sooo needy! I'm going mad from this dearth of activity and affection!"

Volunteers For Animals note that he "seems to like everyone." The key word in the descriptor is "seems." Merriam-Webster's Dictionary tells us it means (1) "to appear to the observation or understanding" or (2) "to give the impression of being."

This is a remarkable personality trait that should not be underestimated. The ability to seem to like everyone when in fact you do not or, at best, you harbor an impalpable but distinct qualm about a person and his character, yet mingle amiably with that person/dog/cat and no one is the wiser, speaks volumes about Boots's competence in jibing with others.

That is a great quality to have in a pet; coupled with his striking black and white bib and tucker and a dashing all-white moustache -- it makes for one fine speciman.

The dog here is Tessie, a spayed, adult female boxer mixed breed who straight up likes to be a household's one and only pet. She only has eyes for you and she needs you to only have eyes for her.

She does not share the limelight. She does not take a backseat to any other four-legged friend. And she does not equivocate about it.

She is loyal and true, but the key to her heart is all about fun and playfulness. Fetch? Walks? Yes! Yes! Tugs? Yes! Purposeless goofiness? Doggone right --100-percent. 

The flippy, bouncy ears tell you all of that, especially when matched with the eager eyes that say your mere existance is her pure joy.

Tessie, too, is available for adoption at the shelter.

Visit the shelter:

3841 W. Main Street Road, Batavia
Phone is 343-6410.

Feel free to drop off some needful items such as Little Friskies cat kibble or Purina Dog Chow, or bleach, paper towels, small soft blankets, etc.

Adoption Hours:
Sun, Mon, Tues, Fri  1 - 3 p.m.
Wednesday  1 - 3  & 7 - 9 p.m.
Saturday  11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Speaking of the shelter and the indefatigable volunteers there...

"Volunteers For Animals is always in need of monetary donations for the animals at the Genesee County Animal Shelter. Our largest expense is veterinary care for sick and injured animals.

"A great deal of our money is spent spaying and neutering as many animals as possible BEFORE they leave the Shelter. Spaying and neutering animals is the ONLY way to reduce the number of homeless animals. In addition to vet care, we also purchase FIV/FeLV tests for cats and heartworm tests for dogs.

"Please consider making a donation today. All donations to Volunteers For Animals, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, are tax-deductible."

You can make a donation through PayPal or mail a check to: 

Volunteers For Animals
P.O. Box 1621
Batavia, NY 14020

Meet three amigos from the prison dogs behavioral training program Saturday at the shelter

By Billie Owens

This Saturday, Feb. 9th from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and also on Sunday, Feb.10th from 1 - 3 p.m., three of the dogs from The Path to Home prison program will be at the Genesee County Animal Shelter.

The Volunteers For Animals are excited about this opportunity for the public to meet these special dogs. We hope to see you at the Shelter!

For previous coverage of The Path to Home behavioral training program for dogs, click here

"Chewbacca" (top right)

  • Anatolian Shepherd Mix

  • 5-6 years old/ Spayed Female

  • Graduation date: 1/23/2019

Chewy is calm and quiet. She is good with most other dogs and is crate trained.

"Max" (middle right)
  • Retriever Mix

  • 2 year old/ Neutered Male

  • Graduation date: 1/23/2019

Max is very bright, learns quickly and is good with most dogs but enjoys rough play. He would do best in a home with no small children. Max is crate trained.

"Moses" (bottom right)

  • Hound/Shepherd Mix

  • Adult/ Neutered Male

  • Graduation date: 1/23/2019

Moses is a calm dog who would probably do best in a single dog home. He is crate trained and housebroken.

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