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animal rescue

Volunteers For Animals and OC prisoners team up to teach dogs better behavior

By Billie Owens

From Volunteers For Animals:

Tomorrow will be your first opportunity to check out dogs who have been participating in a new behavorial training program developed by Volunteers For Animals and the Orleans Correctional Facility.

All the dogs from The Path to Home Program will be at the Genesee County Animal Shelter during adoption hours from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. tomorrow, Jan. 12th. The shelter is located at 3841 W. Main Street Road, Batavia.

There will be someone from Orleans Correctional Facility who is familiar with the dogs on hand to answer questions about the canines. The volunteers are excited about this opportunity for the public to meet the dogs and check out their progress.

The existing foster program for dogs could only handle approximately four to six dogs, with fostering done in private homes. No formal dog obedience training was easily available in these private homes.

So Volunteers For Animals applied for and received a grant from Maddie's Fund in order to start this unique prison-based program. The grant has helped pay for supplies, food and medical care for the dogs. In addition, each dog will get a crate, bedding, leash, collar, training treats, and food provided by Volunteers For Animals.

Volunteers For Animals will be pulling dogs from high-kill shelters and locally who may be in need of behavioral support to become more adoptable. More at-risk dogs will now be able to go to Orleans Correctional Facility for the fostering and basic obedience training to help their socialization.

At the prison, dogs will live with selected inmates who will care for them 24 hours per day for approximately 12 weeks. 

A certified dog trainer will also provide 1.5-hour formal weekly training class for the dogs, with extra sessions if needed, and the inmates will work daily to reinforce the formal training.

At the end of the training period the dogs will have an opportunity to take the test for "Canine Good Citizen." All dogs in The Path to Home Program will be crate trained, have basic obedience skills, and good house manners.

These dogs would love to meet you tomorrow!

  • "Max" (right)

  • Retriever Mix

  • 2 year old/ Neutered Male

  • Estimated graduation date: 1/23/2019

    Max is very bright, learns quickly and is good with most dogs but enjoys rough play. He would do best in a home with no small children. Max is crate trained.

  • "Shannon" (left)

  • Pit Bull Terrier Mix

  • Adult/ Spayed Female

  • Estimated graduation date: 1/23/2019

    Shannon is a calm dog who is good with most other dogs. She is housebroken and crate trained.

                   "Moses" (right)
                    Hound/Shepherd Mix

  • Adult/ Neutered Male

  • Estimated graduation date: 1/23/2019

    Moses is a calm dog who would probably do best in a single dog home. He is crate trained and housebroken.

  • "Valerie" (above)

  • Mountain Cur Mix
  • 4 year old/ Spayed Female

  • Estimated graduation date: 1/23/2019

    Valerie is very playful and good with other dogs. She would do best in a home with a fenced in yard since she is a fast runner!

  • "Chewbacca" (right)

  • Anatolian Shepherd Mix

  • 5-6 years old/ Spayed Female

  • Estimated graduation date: 1/23/2019

    Chewy is calm and quiet. She is good with most other dogs and is crate trained.

Meet Pearl and Zeus -- they want to go home with you straightaway

By Billie Owens

Meet pale-coated Pearl, a lovely little buff-and-white, golden-eyed feline that, despite her inherant glamour, was found in a dumpster. She is awaiting a forever home at the Genesee County Animal Shelter.

Pearl is an adult; she's spayed and sweet-tempered. She loves attention. That means she will enjoy having a pal who pets her and laughs when she tries to catch the laser beam at playtime. She prolly goes bonkers with a catnip mouse.

Another solid friend waiting for new digs is named Zeus.

You remember Zeus, king of the Greek gods who lived on Mount Olympus. He was the god of the sky and thunder. His symbols include the lightning bolt, the eagle, the bull, and the oak tree. He was married to the goddess Hera. That one.

Well, this Zeus is not married to the goddess Hera and he's a four-legged canine -- a pit bull-terrier mix who is not as complicated as his mythological namesake.

He likes long walks and is described as simply "a nice guy." He also "trains well for treats." Meaning he's motivated to do all sorts of things, like sit, down, stay, etc., if there's something edible in it for him. He's also very handsome.

If you and your family need a quality companion to make your holidays brighter, look no further that the shelter on East Main Street Road in the Town of Batavia. You won't regret it.

Speaking of the shelter, they could use some supplies. Now that the calendar has put you in a gift-giving frame of mind, why not donate to the Volunteers for Animals? Or bring in some useful items like Purina Cat Chow, plain non-clumping litter, bleach, paper towels, dog food, small pet beds, etc.

For monetary donations, make checks payable to the Genesee County Sheriff's Office and mail to:

Volunteers For Animals
PO Box 1621
Batavia, NY 14021

Visit the shelter at:

3841 W. Main Street Road
Batavia, New York 14020

Hours of Operation:

  • Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Friday --  1 to 3 p.m.
  • Wednesday -- 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p.m.
  • Thursday -- CLOSED
  • Saturday -- 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

UPDATE: Mac needs a job -- prowling your premises

By Billie Owens

From the Volunteers for Animals:

Mac is in need of a cushy barn home or indoor/outdoor home with no young children. He is a great cat who just needs a job.

He is very playful but can be a bit rough at times. He is a young adult, up to date with vaccines and neutered.

There is no charge for an adoption fee and we ask that you confine him for a period of time until he has adjusted to his new surroundings.

If you are able to help out this guy, drop us an email at

UPDATED Sunday, Nov. 11: Reader Wendy Castleman informs us that Mac has found a new home.

Suspected puppy abuser gets bail, forfeits pet ownership

By Billie Owens

Photo of two additional dogs that Welch had. Both are at the county animal shelter.

Suspected puppy abuser Brandon Welch made his first court appearance yesterday afternoon since his arrest Oct. 18.

The 23-year-old, who lives in an apartment on East Main Street in the city, was granted bail at his preliminary hearing.

It was requested by his private counsel, Frank Ciardi, on the misdemeanor charges of falsely reporting an incident in the third degree (for claiming he found the starving puppy); torturing/injuring/not feeding an animal; and owning/harboring an unlicensed dog.

Ciardi, whose criminal defense practice is based in Rochester, advocated his client's suitability for bail by noting that Welch has no criminal history, he's lived here two years and was employed in Churchville at the time of his arrest.

To Ciardi's right stood his diminutive client, silent and stoop shouldered; shackled and wearing orange jail uniform, with his head nearly shorn bald and his brown beard neatly trimmed.

City Court Judge Robert Balbick set Welch's bail at $5,000 cash or $10,000 bond, which was not opposed by First Assistant District Attorney Melissa Cianfrini.

The question of bail for the Class D felony charge of making a terroristic threat was deemed null and void after two witnesses could not get here in time to testify. The charge was brought after investigators learned that the defendant allegedly said he would shoot the next cop who came to his home.

Two female witnesses were to be served with orders of protection from Welch, subpoenaed and brought from the "other side of the state" to Batavia to testify about the threat they allege Welch made against law enforcement. That failed to happen by 11:30 a.m. yesterday.

As of the day before -- Tuesday afternoon -- Welch's case was docketed for 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. Yet the pair of witnesses was apparently scheduled to give statements earlier -- in the morning -- and the deadline could not be met.

The first district attorney said not only were orders of protection requested, and subpeonas sought, but the people requested all of Welch's firearms to be turned over; she was concerned that only two of three known weapons were recovered in Welch's apartment by law enforcement after they got a search warrant.

Judge Balbick said there was no order on file concerning the firearms.

Cianfrini said she had supporting depositions showing that the defense was asked to turn over all weapons and ammunition.

"He freely handed over the weapons he had there," replied Ciardi.

But a third weapon, a rifle which Cianfrini referred to as a "30-'ott'-6" -- which is a caliber, a size of cartridge (.30-06) that is used in various kinds of weapons and is powerful enough to take down a moose -- was not recovered.

The rifle and ammo were missing and a rifle case was "found empty," she said, adding that this made the people uncomfortable because Welch had been seen in possession of the rifle.

Ciardi then asked: "Why would he turn over two weapons and not all three?"

He added that if Welch is released -- he makes bail -- he will advise him to turn over all weapons.

To ensure their costs are covered, a security bond application was filed with the Genesee County Sheriff's Office by Animal Control to recoup costs to shelter, feed and care for Welch's pets.

An emaciated 9.2-pound pit bull mix pup now known as "Opal" was brought to Batavia Police after it was found in Stafford Oct. 4. A tipster later led police to Welch. 

Three other animals in his care were subsequently seized from Welch's home: a bearded dragon lizard, which, like Opal, is now in foster care; and two other mixed breed dogs, which Welch told Judge Balbick are part boxer and part German shephard, respectively. The canines appear healthy, albeit lean, and are at the shelter. They have an eager-to-please, energetic disposition.

Under Article 26 of the state Agriculture and Markets Law, the shelter is eligible to be reimbursed at a rate of $10 per animal per day for any seized animal in its custody, plus vet bills. Vet bills in Welch's case to date stand at $837.38 and counting.

The bond application sought was for more than $4,500, according to Animal Control.

Because Welch forfeited ownership of all four creatures, repayment for costs incurred and vet bills will not be sought and the security bond application was vacated.

Welch's next city court date is 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 30, for discovery on the misdemeanor counts and pre-trial motions.

Inset photo above right: This is an example of the kind of lizard -- a bearded dragon lizard -- Welch kept before relinquishing ownership Wednesday. It is not a picture of the one that belonged to Welch.

City resident accused of threatening to shoot cops in case of starving, neglected pup

By Billie Owens

A 23-year-old City of Batavia man suspected of starving and neglecting a puppy found by a Good Samaritan in Stafford on Oct. 4 has been arrested.

Brandon Joseph Welch was arrested in the afternoon on Oct. 18 at his residence, 679 E. Main St., apt. 4H, and jailed without bail for allegedly making a terroristic threat to police, among other charges.

Batavia police executed a search warrant at his apartment in connection with the animal abuse case of a pup Volunteers for Animals at the shelter dubbed "Opal." That animal is now in foster care.

According to Batavia Police Det. Eric Hill, police got the warrant after receiving a tip from a witness.

Welch initially told police that he had found the puppy, a fawn-and-white colored female weighing only 9.2 pounds when rescued. The dog was not able to stand on its own and was covered in urine and feces, and was severely dehydrated and malnourished.

The police investigation determined Welch was "supposed to be caring for the dog," Hill said.

Welch said "he was going to shoot the next police officer who came to his apartment," Hill said, and police recovered firearms in Welch's possession.

Welch is charged with making a terroristic threat, which is a Class D felony, as well as falsely reporting an incident in the third degree (for claiming he found the animal); torturing/injuring/not feeding an animal; and owning/harboring an unlicensed dog.

He was arraigned the same afternoon, last Thursday, and is due in Batavia City Court tomorrow, at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 24.

The case was investigated by Batavia Police Officer Stephen Quider, assisted by Officer Jason Davis.

Opal, meanwhile, is looking like a different creature since she's been in foster care and received veterinary care and some decent nutrition. The pictures below -- sitting up smart and standing up strong on all fours, -- were sent to us yesterday by Volunteers for Animals. (Love those ears! Note the wagging tail!)

Deputy corralling kittens at Oak and Richmond, traffic is stopped

By Billie Owens

Traffic is stopped at Richmond Avenue and Oak Street because a Sheriff's deputy is trying to herd kittens across the road.

They kitties are in the roadway and he's trying corral them or move them out of harm's way; no word on momma. 

UPDATE 1:02 p.m.: Traffic is flowly freely. A kitten is now inside the patrol car; the others must have skittered off.

UPDATE 1:11 p.m.: The deputy is en route to the shelter with the kitten.

Batavia woman accused of failing to care for dog was a no-show in court today, and so was her attorney

By Billie Owens

The Pearl Street Road woman accused of failing to provide proper food and care for her 3-year-old Labrador retriever mixed breed named Maya was a no-show in Town of Batavia Court today, along with her attorney Michael Ranzenhofer.

The case of Becky L. Frens, who is about 56 years old, was on this morning's court docket for 10:30 and nearly two hours later Judge Michael Cleveland called her name and got no response from the gallery. The court clerk said earlier that the court had not heard from Frens or Ranzenhofer, nor had they appeared in court today.

Cleveland said Ranzenhofer had asked him for a second postponement in the case -- it had been delayed once on Aug. 27 until today -- but he denied the request, saying the reasoning for another postponement was not specific enough. Cleveland did not say when Ranzenhofer made the request, but he made it clear he had not heard from Ranzenhofer or Frens today and that they were due in court.

Next time, bench warrants

First Assistant District Attorney Melissa Cianfrini said she would not ask for a bench warrant to be issued for either the client or attorney in this case, although she could, because she is giving Ranzenhofer the benefit of the doubt. Since he was not present, perhaps there was a miscommunication, she said. But if it happens next time, a bench warrant(s) will be sought.

The people are ready for trial, Cianfrini said.

Cleveland set the matter on the docket for 10 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 22, for either adjudication or to set a trial date, one or the other.

Frens was arrested on July 10 by troopers from the Batavia Barracks of the State Police after she went to the Genesee County Animal Shelter to retrieve her dog.

The day or so before Maya had gotten out and somehow managed to walk many, many yards on sore paws -- with nails so overgrown they were chewing into the pads -- down the Frens' gravelled driveway to the edge of the Pearl Street Road pavement. It was there that neighbors across the street saw the dog and coaxed it into their yard, where they gave it cat food and balogna and whatever nutrition they could round up. Emaciated, Maya scarfed it all down along with three bottles of water.

Then the neighbors called the law.

Frens is charged with overdriving, torturing and injuring an animal; and failure to provide proper sustenance under the state Agriculture & Markets law, Article 26, Section 353, which is a Class A misdemeanor. If found guilty, a defendant faces jail time of more than 15 days but not greater than one year. In addition, a fine of up to $1,000 can be imposed.

Update on Maya

Meanwhile, Maya had a big day today.

According to Volunteers for Animals' Lynette Celedonia, who aided Maya from day one, she was to be spayed today and the last knots of scar tissue from infection due to demodectic mange was to be surgically removed from her back and shoulder area.

Since July, Maya has made amazing progress, Celedonia said. Gina Lippa, also with Volunteers for Animals, agreed. They came to court today to hear the Frens' case and afterward were happy to report how well Maya is doing.

"Her coat has grown in and thickened up and she's put on weight; her hip bones and ribs are no longer showing," Celedonia said. "Her infections have cleared up. And her muscles are stronger from playing and running -- which in her case is more like hopping -- and she's been adopted by the best family possible."

A public health nurse and her husband adopted Maya and share their home with her and two other doggie companions, plus avian and feline companions.

Celedonia has a recent picture on her phone of Maya, snoozing on big comfy sofa, taken after an afternoon of romping around in her new yard, plumb tuckered out and looking like a different, healthier dog.

Le Roy PD find cat in duct-taped bin, seek public's help in finding suspect and/or owner

By Billie Owens

Photos and information from the Le Roy Police Department:

The Le Roy Police Department is currently investigating a case of animal cruelty. Early this morning (Sept. 22) patrols located a cat enclosed in a plastic bin. The cat was inside the bin and the lid was duct-taped closed; there were no holes cut in the lid or anyway for air to enter the bin.

The cat appears to be in good health and is being cared for at this time.

The cat is an unneutered male tiger cat and appears to be well fed and taken care of (pictures posted below). 

We are asking for the public’s assistance with any information that could lead to a possible suspect or suspects as well as locating the owner of the cat. 

The Le Roy Police Department takes Animal Cruelty seriously and appreciates the public’s assistance in this matter. 

If you have any information, please contact the Le Roy Police Department at (585) 345 6350.

Found: black cat in Batavia, 'has a very distinct collar'

By Billie Owens

The Batavia Police Department found a black cat being cared for by a concerned citizen Sunday morning and took it to the shelter.

The distinctly collared, yellow-green-eyed male had quite the trip yesterday.

According to police:

"This guy had one amazing adventure as he took a walk with a stranger and got to ride in the back of two different police cars. He has taken quite the liking to Officer (Jason) Ivison, but we are sure he is missing his owner! He has a very distinct collar. If anyone knows who owns him or you happen to be the one missing him, please contact the Genesee County Animal Shelter."

The shelter is located at 3841 W. Main Street Road, Batavia. Phone is 343-6410.

Cali the calico cat is missing in Bergen

By Billie Owens

Jan Gilbert is hoping the legions of eagle-eyed readers of The Batavian, with their vaunted capability to locate any untold number of missing pets over the years, will pull through yet again and spot Cali.

This petite 7-year-old female feline lives in Bergen and is named, rather obviously, after her coat. Her moniker is not shorthand for California, a word more likely to be used by people who aren't from there. (There being where the publisher and editor of The Batavian hail from.)

Graced with a face that probably accrues charm the more you see it, Cali looks quite distinctive. "Elle est belle, n'est-ce pas?" A pixie with effiminate van-Dyck-meets-blotch-and-smudge colorations.

Jan says she's been missing from the area of Route 33 and West Bergen Road for a whopping six weeks.

This is hard for the family, whose members have stuffed mailboxes in the vicinity with fliers about their lost pet. They miss her lovableness and her little furry presence lolling about.

She's an indoor-except when-she wants-to-be-outdoor-cat. (T-shirt: Cat with all four paws splayed and gripping a screen door. Text: "Cat wants in. Cat wants out.") Adopted as a feral kitten, Cali feels naturally at home in both worlds, and likes to hunt and prowl when the mood strikes. She's shy, unless she's stalking in the savanna, then she's sly.

"She's always come home," Jan says. "She's stayed out overnight before, but always comes back in a day or two. But not this time."

She was possibly spotted by a neighbor a couple of weeks ago, but the neighbor's snarky little dog chased her off those premises and she has not been seen since. Although a few people have reported seeing a cat like Cali, alas, none were actually her.

So, take a good look. There's only one cat in Bergen who looks like that. And if you see her, call Jan Gilbert at 585-967-9042.

Cheerful Cheeto still awaiting a BFF and home, visit him at the shelter now

By Billie Owens

Remember Cheeto?

Well, he's still at the Genesee County Animal Shelter.

Despite the dog days of summer, this pit bull / Labrador retriever mix manages to keep his enthusiasm for life high and his mood cheerful.

You can see it in his eyes.

He's asking for a true friend to enjoy all that this wonderful old world has to offer: The buddy system; Tete-a-tete; Mano a mano; Semper fidelis; Tit-for-tat; You 'n' me, pal; A team; Us vs. them; We're in the soup together; Comrades in arms & legs; Duality; Pair of jacks; Dynamite duo; A real pair; Besties; BFFs; "Pardners"; Yin and yang; Mac 'n' cheese; We.

This neutered, adult canine gets along swimmingly with other dogs and thinks walking with humans is best thing to do on the planet.

You could take him out for a "test drive" so to speak; probably do you both good. A leash is at the ready. Just don't forget to hydrate.

Visit the animal shelter during these A-D-O-P-T-I-O-N hours:

  • Sun, Mon, Tues, Fri -- 1-3 p.m.
  • Wednesday -- 1-3 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.
  • Closed Thursdays
  • Saturday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The shelter is located at 3841 W. Main St. Road, Batavia.

Juniper is declawed and ready for a 'cushy' life outdoors in a cozy barn

By Billie Owens

The Volunteers for Animals at the Genesee County Animal Shelter are in need of a comfy barn home for this kitty.

Juniper is a neutered, declawed male cat that came to the shelter as a stray. Because it was found that he did not use his litter box consistently, he cannot be adopted to a regular home.

He is a nice fellow, friendly with people, but needs a "cushy" outdoor place to live because he is declawed and he has "rustic" ways.

A good shelter, food, water and some human companionship are all that they ask. Not really a tall order when you think about it; kind of a no-brainer as they say.

It will be necessary to confine him for a couple of weeks to acclimate him to his new surroundings.

In addition to being neutured, Juniper is tested and vaccinated. There is no adoption fee for him.

If you can help him out, call the Shelter at 585-343-6410, option 7, or email Juniper's friends at, or stop by the shelter during adoption hours.

Elmwood Avenue Siamese cat is missing for the second time this week

By Billie Owens

No, readers, your eyes do not deceive you. This photo is of a missing Siamese cat -- the very one and the same Siamese cat we alerted you to on Monday, July 23.

Little Mr. Smarty Britches -- actually his name is Kia, which is pronounced K-eye with a long i -- escaped his habitat again and is missing for the second time this week.

He is about 4 years old and is described as having "blue eyes, light brown body, black face."

He has been summering on Elmwood Avenue in the city at his owner's mother's house, in other words, at his grandma's place. His usual digs are in Spencerport, which goes a long way in explaining his wanderlust while in Batavia.

Spencerport is a village along the Erie Canal in the Town of Ogden. It is not a U.S. Top 10 micropolitan City like Batavia, with its enviable small-worldliness. So much to see and do! Whew!

At any rate, his grandma fetched him from his brief stint in the clink, otherwise known as the Genesee County Animal Shelter (a very fine place as far as shelters go). You'll recall he was put there by Batavia's finest, who intuited that this well-cared-for feline must belong to somebody.

But his return was shortlived. No doubt he spent the bulk of his time behind bars scheming on his next moves. And sure enough, the warm "welcome back home" had barely worn off, when he took the first opportunity to slip out the door -- and with dazzling speed, faster than you can say "lighting bug."

This reporter called his owner today, Shawn Bowman, and told him: "I see a pattern here."

"A pattern?" he replied.

"Yes, this is the second time in a week..."

Bowman was advised, that if his mother's neighbors succeed in spotting Kia and he gets back into the household's good graces, he should go to the Hogs for Paws event at Stan's Harley-Davidson on Aug. 11. At the benefit for the local shelter animals, he can get Kia microchipped and get a pet ID tag. He can buy a break-away collar from Genesee Feeds, which isn't far away, or maybe at Hogs for Paws, and voila! the Siamese mystery becomes less mysterious in the event of a three-peat.

Meanwhile, let's keep our eyes peeled. Even the mailman has been asked to keep a scout's eye out for Little Mr. Smarty Britches.

If you see the missing-found-missing-again cat from the Elmwood Avenue area, please call Shawn Bowman at 356-3680 or email him at

(Photo of Kia, courtesy of Shawn Bowman.)

Wanted: homes for two pets named after cheesy snack food; also, Hogs for Paws is Aug. 11

By Billie Owens

This solid, friendly canine is a pit bull / Labrador retriever mix.

He's a grownup and is neutered.

His mien is happy and energetic.

He gets along good with other dogs.

Walking with the Volunteers for Animals at the Genesee County Animal Shelter is most enjoyable for him.

Someone took it upon themselves to name this dog Cheeto. That would be the singular form of the Frito-Lay snack food, Cheetos (formerly, until 1998, Chee-tos).

Charles Elmer Doolin (not just another pretty name) created Crunchy Cheetos in a Texas test kitchen in 1948. Today, there are 21 different Crunchy types; in Japan, they like strawberry-flavored ones. I kid you not.

This reporter is betting that Cheeto has had a taste or two of the savory snack in his day, not that any veterinarian would recommend it. Would go so far as to say he deserves another bite -- from the hand of a forever friend no less.

Also at the shelter, the feline wing of it, is an orange tiger domestic shorthair cat whose constitution is quiet and sweet. This gingery cutie is a spayed adult female.

Sitting with you and getting her tummy rubbed are her preferred pastimes.

Her name? Well, we can't make this stuff up. (Fiction so bad, nobody would buy it, or believe it.) It is Cheese Puff.

Yes, you read correctly, Cheese Puff is hankering for a home in Genesee County just like her doggie comrade Cheeto.

We assume she, too, is named after the strangely orange edible.

Cheetos Puffs were introduced in 1971; Baked Cheetos, inarguably a healthier choice, came along in 2010.

Cheese Puff, as you can see in the inset photo at right, is lightly colored.

She obviously was not the muse for the screaming bright Flamin' Hot Cheetos that have sent many people to the ER with gastrointestinal distress -- because excessive consumption, with the emphasis on excessive, will b-u-r-n your guts, folks.

But I digress. I usually do in these posts. Get off into the weeds somewhere and have to slog back to the matter at hand.

Which reminds me. If you can't adopt one of these amicable amigos, you can AT LEAST help support some of their needs while they await new homes.

Which brings me to Hogs for Paws, the annual fundraiser at Stan's Harley-Davidson in Batavia that benefits the critters at the Genesee County Animal Shelter.

This year's event, staunchly sponsored as always by Stan's and the Volunteers for Animals, will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 11. Stan's is located at 4425 W. Saile Drive.

Anyone and everyone are welcome.

There will be pet ID tags for purchase; food from Care-A-Van Ministries; plus a variety of vendors; T-shirt sale; 50/50 raffles and much more.

All monetary donations go toward the cost of spaying and neutering animals prior to adoption -- so important!

Please bring an item from the volunteers' Wish List. Always good choices are: canned and dry cat and dog food; small blankets and pet beds; bleach; laundry detergent; paper towels; NON-CLUMPING (plain) cat litter.

No one will be held responsible for Frito-Lay products left unattended.

UPDATE 6:32 p.m.: Full disclosure: Original Crunchy Cheetos are the reporter's most favored snack item, for reals.

Is your Siamese cat missing?

By Billie Owens

From the Batavia Police Department:

Found Cat

We found this beauty in the area of Elmwood Avenue in the city. The cat appears to be well-cared for which is why we think someone might be missing it. If anyone knows the owner, please call the Animal Shelter at 585-343-6410.

UPDATED: Cat had it made in the shade but was left in the lurch on Prune Street in the city

By Billie Owens
The cat in the two submitted photos posted here thought it had it made. It had a home and family with children to love it, a collar with a tiny bell on it, and of course, food, water and shelter.
In the spring, a pair of little girls came over and told a couple on Prune Street in the city that their cat was stuck in the couple's tree. The brindle-colored tiger shorthair cat was retrieved and that was that.
But weeks ago everything changed. Suddenly, the cat became "unaffordable" and it was no longer welcome in the place it once called home. The collar disappeared.
And Jim and Peggy Benedict, that couple on Prune Street, found the cat spending more and more time in their yard, up their tree, on their back porch.
"We didn't want it to starve to death, so we put food out for it," Peggy says, adding that the cat appears to have gotten skinnier since spring.
Jim approached a neighboring family about the animal, but the head of the household denied ownership.
The couple has two stray cats already and adopted a Plott hound, the state dog of North Carolina, last fall. They can't keep this foundling and are hoping a reader of The Batavian will step up and take this cat to a forever home. There's zero room at the Genesee County Animal Shelter; Peggy knows -- she calls every day.
Peggy says she's not sure if the feline is a female or a neutered male. She says she will pay for a voucher to get a low-cost spay, if it turns out to be an unspayed female.
Peggy guesses the cat is a year or 2 old at most. For now, it lives outside in the Benedicts' yard.
Very friendly, is how she describes the cat. Likes cats, dogs, children, adults. Easy going, sweet disposition; affectionate; likes to be rubbed and petted.

If you would like to meet this unnamed mystery cat, or can help with a home, please call Peggy at 813-5949.
UPDATE 7:20 p.m.: Larry Delre, of Delre's Greenhouse & Garden Center at 4062 W. Main Street Road, Batavia, saw the post and went to visit the cat this afternoon at the Benedicts' house. He was smitten with the feline and will come to fetch it tomorrow. Jim and Peggy Benedict, the temporary caretakers who live on Prune Street in Batavia, are thrilled that everything has worked out for the good of this poor abandoned creature. Yippee!

Volunteers needed to clean cages and kennels at the GC Animal Shelter

By Billie Owens

Volunteers are needed to assist with cat cage and dog kennel cleaning at the Genesee County Animal Shelter.

The Volunteers for Animals are looking for a few good people -- not necessrarily Marine Corps candidates -- but nonetheless folks with a sense of mission and purpose.

They ask for a commitment of at least twice a month.

Assistance is needed any day of the week (Sunday through Saturday) from about 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The work involves either cleaning cat cages and feeding the cats or cleaning dog kennels.

If you would like more information, please email them at  or stop by the shelter during adoption hours.

Genesee County Animal Shelter

3841 W. Main Street Road, Batavia

Adoption Hours

Sun., Mon., Tues., Fri.: 1-3 p.m.

Wednesday: 1-3 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.

Closed Thursdays

Saturday: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

UPDATED -- FOUND: Gambit's gambit? Did cat sneak off for summer frolic? ALL-PETS BULLETIN

By Billie Owens

APB -- ALL-PETS BULLETIN: "Gambit" the cat is missing from the corner area of Vine Street and East Avenue in the City of Batavia.

The male tabby, 1 1/2 years old, is gray and white, neutered and very friendly. He wears both a pink and a silver collar with a bell, and a name tag with phone number.

If you see Gambit, please call Mike Columbo at (585) 297-0241.

A gambit as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as: a chess opening in which a player risks one or more pawns or a minor piece to gain an advantage in position; a remark intended to start a conversation or make a telling point; and/or a calculated move, a stratagem.

Let us hope this sudden and unexplained disappearance by Gambit is not a "stratagem" of his to have sneaky summer fun at the expense of his poor owner's well-being.

UPDATE (By Billie) Thursday, June 21, 4:42 p.m.: Just spoke with owner Mike Columbo who laments that his cat has still not turned up. He's hopeful and plans to put fliers up in the neighborhood. Please keep your eyes peeled for Gambit, readers; it's a calculated move calculated to bring him home!

UPDATE Sunday, June 24:  This afternoon Gambit's owner wrote to say the cat was located in the backyard of a neighbor late Thursday. The cat is home safe and sound. Mike Columbo wrote:

"...I found my cat Gambit on Thursday night! Someone who lives on Elm Street, a block away from me, called saying they saw him in their backyard!  
I was able to lure him out with some treats and brought him back home! Needless to say I was elated!"

Adorable gray brindle tiger kitten with white markings found near River Street in Batavia

By Billie Owens

A reader named Felicia contacted us this morning about this foundling, she writes:

"Found a kitten brown, white, gray in Batavia. Seems to be about 6-months old, very friendly, vocal, trusting of humans. Found near River Street in Batavia. Took it in for the night -- looking for the owner and are checking for a microchip tomorrow."

Can contact Felicia at 716-524-5819.

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