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Possibly rabid fox spotted behind gas pumps at Tops

By Howard B. Owens

A police officer is being dispatched to Tops Market where a woman says she spotted a possibly rabid fox.

The caller said the fox came up to her car snarling and drooling at the mouth and looked very skinny.

The woman is staying on scene to point out the location of the fox.

UPDATE 11:28 p.m.: The police officer who responded reports that the animal is gone, but he's checking the area.

Deer hit by car in city, dies on Jackson Street

By Howard B. Owens

An eight-point buck dropped dead in the parking lot of Jackson Street this morning.

I was in court and didn't hear the scanner (or see it), but Dan Fischer of WBTA said he was sitting in his studio when he saw a deer trot past Main & Center. 

The buck headed west, turned left on Jackson and then collapsed.

Apparently, it had been struck by a car previously.

It was one of two deer spotted in the city this morning.

Fisher said a hunter came by, tagged it and hauled the buck away.

Mandy is Pet of the Week

By Pachuco Owens

Mandy's just dandy, so she's Pet of the Week. She looks noble and proud, and she has a great reputation. Here's a little bit about her, from totally biased sources, her folks -- Alyssa Pike and David Smith:

"Mandy is a great dog. She loves playing with her two best friends, Max and Heidi (2 mini wiener dogs). She is great around kids and loves to go for walks. Her favorite toy is a rock the size of a soccer ball that she moves around the backyard.

She loves to visit her grandparents and her great-grandparents. She truly is a loved member of our family. Even though American Staffordshires and Chows get stereotyped as aggressive and mean dogs, Mandy is the most well-behaved dog I've ever owned. She loves to grimace when she meets new people and when she sees people she hasn't seen in awhile. She has the best personality and is a big cuddler."

To submit your pet for consideration as Pet of the Week, send an e-mail to pets (at) the batavian dot com.  Please be sure to include your address so we can send you a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds if your pet wins.

Dog struck by car gets prompt treatment, thanks to deputy and animal control officer

By Howard B. Owens

A dog was hit by a car yesterday at 1:30 p.m. and Deputy Brian Thompson, a K-9 officer, and Animal Control Officer Bill Taylor responded to the scene.

The accident occurred at Route 77 and Reynolds Road, where a stray boxer-mix darted into the road, according to Deputy Chief Gordon Dibble.

The dog was struck by a car driven by a person from Florida.

Thompson and Taylor first took the dog to an animal hospital, which recommended treatment at Corfu Vet Clinic, so Taylor and Thompson transported it there.

From what I heard on the scanner, the dog didn't sound seriously injured. Dibble said there's no information on how the pooch did after being transported.

I spoke with Shannon at the vet, who was off that day, and she said the dog was transferred to another facility, although she doesn't know where.

But it was good to hear on the scanner Monday about the extra effort Thompson and Taylor went to to care for the stricken animal.

Pet of the Week: Kodah

By Pachuco Owens

This handsome fellow is Kodah and he's Pet of the Week. He looks all business, with piercing eyes that say "Don't even think about it. I've got my eye on you." By all accounts, he is healthy and happy. But it was not always so. Read more...

Hi: My name is Kodah of the Yukon but my mommy and daddy call me Kodah Bear. I hope you consider me for the Pet of the Week. I am a red and white Siberian Husky with blue eyes that will melt anyone. I was adopted from Husky Savers (rescue) in Churchville in January this year.

When my mommy and daddy came to look for a dog, I knew how to charm them into picking me...I sat very quietly in my crate and waited for them to notice me. They did! But I had to pass the cat test - they had a cat at home. When I came to visit them, I didn't let the cat bother me and to this day, I know she is the queen.
A little about me...I am 3 years old and came from Ohio. I was severely beaten by my previous owner there and made it to a rescue and then was brought to New York State. I love my daily walks with my daddy and love to go for rides in the car. They even took me to Dave's Ice Cream and I got a little cup filled with delicious vanilla ice cream. Surely a treat!
I love to be petted and fed and know that I now have a home with tons of love. My mommy is always kissing me and saying sweet things to me. I wish every dog had a home and "parents" like me. It surely has been nice to be truly loved.

It's especially nice to pick Kodah as Pet of the Week. I feel like we're old buddies, having met at Dave's Ice Cream, and we enjoyed a good sniff together.

To nominate your pet as Pet of the Week, send an e-mail with your pet's story and picture to pets (at) the batavian dot com.  I enjoy learning about all the pets in Genesee County, and you could win a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds.

Deputy bit by Rottweiler, forced to destroy dog

By Howard B. Owens

A Sheriff's Deputy was forced to destroy an aggressive Rottweiler this afternoon after the dog bit him on the hand.

Deputy Cory Mower responded  to a report of an aggressive dog running at large in the area of 8300 block of Bank Street Road in the Town of Batavia.

When Mower located the dog and approached him, the dog attacked him, biting his left hand, according to Deputy Chief Gordon Dibble.

Mower was heard on the scanner during the incident telling dispatch, "I tried to make friends with him."

After animal control arrived on scene, Mower transported himself to UMMC, where he was treated and released.

The 1:30 p.m. call was the second complaint the Sheriff's Office received today of a Rottweiler running loose in that neighborhood. In the morning, a deputy searched the area but did not find the dog. (The deputy did locate the dog, but was not able to capture it and it ran away. See comments below.)

The Rottweiler reportedly had current rabies tags, but the owner has not yet been identified and the incident remains under investigation.

Belle is Pet of the Week

By Pachuco Owens

Belle is swell, and I'll tell you why. Of all her assets, which she shares here in darling detail, her most important one to date is that she's a bona fide lifesaver. That's correct, a doggone hero she is. Her folks are probably alive and well today because of her. Here's her story:

Hello everyone. My name is Belle. I'm 7 years old and I live with my parents, my sister and 2 kitties. I was adopted from Neptune's in Batavia. I was only there for a couple of hours until my sister walked in and saw how cute I was!

I like to bark...a lot, but don't worry, my bark is louder than my bite. I'm a super happy dog. I love long car rides, walks, table scraps, playing soccer, dressing up as a bumble bee for Halloween and noshing on lots of treats.

I have the best life ever. I get to sleep all day (I like to switch it up between the couch and my sister's bed. I even use her pillow). Sometimes, I get in trouble, but usually my dad lets me off the hook. I think this is because I've heard him say before that I saved my family's lives.

Two years ago, I thought I smelled something funny coming from the kitchen so I went to go take a looksie. There was this black cloud like stuff coming from the garage into the kitchen. It smelled funny, so I went to my parents' room and tried to wake my dad...I started pawing at him and barking as loud as I could (I think he thought I had to use the grass, if you know what I mean). I led him into the kitchen and I heard him yell 'Fire!!' I guess our garage was on fire and I saved the day! I was spoiled before that, but now I like to consider myself a princess.

I hope I can be your pet of the week! My sister reads The Batavian everyday so she'll know.

Your friend forever,

If your pet is worthy of pet of the week, have him or her e-mail me at pets (at) the batavian dot com.  Please have your pet send a handsome picture and his or her story. Click here for more information. Your pet could win a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds.

Genesis is Pet of the Week -- You gotta problem wi'that?

By Pachuco Owens

An alpha if there ever was one. A top dog, numero uno, first, foremost and her name, continuing along the theme, is -- Genesis.

But we can call this handsome miss "Genny," to her face. As one can see she hogs up the whole couch where she lives, but it's OK (you know that whole whatever gorilla wants, gorilla gets thing). I, being a canine, too, can clearly interpret the wise gal's look here. And it is "What? You lookin' at me? You talkin' to me?" Note the arched eyebrow. Here's her story:

My name is Genesis but everyone calls me Genny. I am a Bullmastiff and I live with my mom and her daughters. I also live with a German Shepherd puppy named Sophie who I tolerate and 3 cats who tolerate me. Those darn cats get up high when they don't want to play anymore and I get in trouble if I go where I'm not supposed to to get them. 

I sleep on the floor in my mom's bedroom because she says I shed too much to sleep on the bed. I sneak up there when she isn't looking though. I try to get down quickly when I hear her coming but she usually catches me. If I look at her with my big sad eyes she usually doesn't yell too much. 

I like to think that my job is protecting the house and family by barking at everyone and everything that goes by. Mom yells at me for it but I know that she doesn't mind too much. She was disappointed when I slept right through someone breaking into the house though. A girl needs her beauty sleep you know!

I'm not scared of much except for thunder and lighting and the fireworks from the ballpark. I don't know why they need to torture me with those all summer long. I love all people food but my favorite thing is bananas. Usually when my mom eats one I get half and she gets half. I also eat LOTS of dog food so I hope we win the Pet of the Week contest because mom says I am eating her out of house and home.

If your pet is worthy of pet of the week, have him or her e-mail me at pets (at) the batavian dot com.  Please have your pet send a handsome picture and his or her story. Click here for more information. Your pet could win a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds.

Adopt-A-Pet: Lewis and Buckwheat

By Billie Owens

I'm three-year-old Lewis and as you can see I'm a beagle. Is there a better dog than a Snoopy dog? I'm neutered, polite, friendly and enjoy people and dogs alike. In fact, I think all mammals are good mammals. I walk nicely on a leash and am not the demanding type. If you would like a new BFF (best friend forever), then come and get me (OK that's a demand) and the sooner the better.

They named me, get this, "Buckwheat." But what's a name -- just letters that's all. I'm a neutered male kitten with long orange and wheat-colored fur (hmm, that explains things). Unfortunately, the volunteer snapped my picture just after I stuck my paw in a light socket. Boy was that a shocker! Well, that's one down and eight lives to go. Just joking! Anyways, my fur is still kittenish and I have to grown into it, or something like that. Is your heart tugging? Can't you just sense my sweetness? Go with it. Don't overthink it. I'll be waiting for you.

Volunteers For Animals
PO Box 1621
Batavia, NY   14021 <>

Working in partnership with:
Genesee County Animal Shelter
3841 W. Main Street Road
Batavia, NY  14020
(585) 343-6410

Adoption Hours
Sunday through Friday: 1 to 3 p.m. (closed Thursdays)
Wednesday: 7 to 9 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

And don't forget to nominate your pet for Pet-of-the-Week, a new winner chosen by Pachuco every Friday. Your pet could win a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds.  And remember, more kinds of pets than just dogs and cats are eligible to win.

Volunteers for Animals needs your vote

By Billie Owens

Local animal lovers are competing for a big grant and need your vote in order to win.

The Animal Rescue Site, along with Petfinder, launched the $100,000 Shelter + Challenge on Sept. 14.

The Animal Rescue Site is awarding $100,000 in grants to eligible member rescue organizations to help animals. The grand prize is a $20,000 grant, and there are many other prizes!

Visit the link below to vote - it only takes a minute. You don't have to register, and voting is free. Support Volunteers For Animals and vote every day!  Thank you!

Shelter Name: Volunteers For Animals
State: NY
City: Batavia

Then hit Search to vote.

Thank you for your help and please ask your friends to help out by voting each day. Together we can make a difference.

Click here: Vote for Volunteers For Animals @ The Animal Rescue Site <;link=ctg_ars_shelterchallenge_from_home_sidetabs>

The Cats and Dogs at the Genesee County Animal Shelter


Volunteers for Animals thanks hands helping paws

By Billie Owens

Here's an email we received from the nonprofit Volunteers for Animals:

"Volunteers For Animals would like to take a moment to thank the many people in the community that help us find homes for the many cats and dogs that find their way into the Genesee County Animal Shelter. Without their kindness and support, our job would be more difficult.

The Daily News frequently prints "Post for the Paws" in the Saturday edition of the paper. It is always a large colorful ad that features a cat and a dog.

The Batavian 
features a dog and a cat each week which is sponsored by Genesee Feeds. It includes a photo of each animal and a fun and witty write up. Check it out - it will put a smile on your face!

WBTA Radio  regularly announces our events and special requests on the air and on their website as a community service.

The Genesee Valley Penny Saver  has an "Adopt A Pet" page on their website and print page where we feature a cat or dog available for adoption.

Volunteers For Animals is now on Facebook. Come join us and help spread the word about getting shelter animals into great homes. We are just getting started and we needs lots of friends!

Barclay wins, becomes first Pet of the Week

By Pachuco Owens

The inaugural choice for Pet of the Week, by all accounts a prestigous distinction, was definately a tough one to make. There were several worthy prospects, and I thank all for participating, but the heart-melting eyes of Barclay and his overall mien made him a standout. He submitted this bio:

My name is Barclay James Newton and I am writing to be considered for your new Pet of the Week feature. I feel I deserve this dignified distinction because my parents say that I am the most loyal, loving, gentle and humble dog they know. My mom says I am the dog of all dogs, the Gold Standard. My dad says there never has been a dog like me and there never will be again. I guess they would know since they have four dogs here and one in heaven (Hey Maisie!).

I'm not so sure what all the fuss is about- I'm just doing my job as a dog, man's best friend and all that. I would like to say that I have a particularly special place in my heart for my human cousins- hey Kort & Ken, love ya! Whenever they come to play, I can't even contain my excitement -- I HAVE to get out to the car to meet them and walk them into the house! They're my girlie girls and I love them to pieces!  Well, I guess that's all for now. Can't wait to see all the upcoming Pet of the Week articles.

Your Friend,

If your pet is worthy of pet of the week, have him or her e-mail me at pets (at) the batavian dot com.  Please have your pet send a handsome picture and his or her story. Click here for more information. Your pet could win a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds.

Rabid animals found in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

Four cases of rabies in animals have been confirmed in Genesee County, according to a press release just sent to local media by the County Health Department.

The four animals confirmed were a raccoon, bat, skunk and cat.

The health department encourages residents to stay away from wild animals and be suspicious of animals that are especially tame or aggressive.

And do not feed the raccoons.

Full press release after the jump:

The Genesee County Health Department advises all residents that Genesee County has had four (4) laboratory confirmed cases of rabies in animals in the past month. The animals vary in species including a raccoon, bat, skunk and cat.

The Genesee County Health Department reminds residents to avoid contact with any wild animal or stray animal, especially cats.  Be suspicious of wild animals that are unusually tame or aggressive, especially those which attack your pets.  Do not attract raccoons to your yard by feeding them.

If you see a wild animal, especially a raccoon, bat, skunk or fox, stay away; keep children and pets away or indoors, and let the animal go away on its own.

If you are bitten, scratched or have contact with an animal you believe to be rabid, immediately wash the wound.  Capture the animal, if possible, so it can be tested, taking care to prevent additional bites or damage to the animal’s head.  Contact the Genesee County Health Department at (585) 344-2580, ext. 5569 and seek medical treatment.

For more information on rabies, vaccination clinics, or to report an incident, contact the Genesee County Health Department at (585) 344-2580, ext. 5569.

New Feature: Pet of the Week

By Pachuco Owens

Hello, I'm Pachuco. My masters are Howard and Billie, who run The Batavian.

Every day I watch them work so hard on The Batavian that I wanted to do something to help out. I get a little bored sometimes laying in the office while my dad works, or sitting at home while my mom's tied up on the computer.

So I asked if there was something I could do, and mom and dad suggested that I become the "Pet of the Week Correspondent."

That's perfect, 'cause I know a good pet when I see one. A good pet is loyal and loving, a friend to lean on and just always there. They're also handsome, and everybody who meets me tells me how handsome I am!

But I won't discriminate on looks, if you're pet really loves you, I may pick your pet as Pet of the Week, too.

Here's what you do: E-mail me a picture of your pet -- dog, cat, ferret, horse, goldfish, parakeet or any creature you keep as a pet -- and each week I'll pick one Pet of the Week. Your pet should also tell me why he or she deserves to this distinction. Your pet doesn't need to write a lot, just something about the joy and fun he brings into your life, the special things he does.

E-mail your picture (JPEG) and story to "pets (at) thebatavian dot com." 

Each week, I'll pick one deserving pet. If I don't pick your pet this week, I will hold onto your submission for future consideration (yes, I'm a smart dog; I can use big words).

Here's the GREAT PART: If your pet is Pet of the Week, we'll send you a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds, so please be sure to include your name and address with your submission.

And please support our sponsor, Genesee Feeds. That's where I get all my food (well, except for the table scraps I sometimes mooch) and I love my meals from Genesee Feeds!

Giant event for cat adoptions at Petco this Sunday

By Billie Owens

It's raining kittens right now and their human friends are swamped. So they're sending out an S.O.S. to any goodhearted soul who can give these little guys a home.

Currently, there are more than 80 cats and kittens either in the Genesee County Animal Shelter, at Batavia Petco or in foster homes awaiting adoption. Another 40 are on the shelter's waiting list.

From noon to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 16, the Batavia Petco (located in the Target Plaza on Veteran's Memorial Highway in the Town of Batavia) will be hosting its second major adoption event.

Event Date and Time

A deer and her fawn calling Batavia home

By Howard B. Owens

Anne Barone sent in this photo of a deer and her fawn that Anne says has been spending a lot of time at the back of the campus of Northgate Free Methodist Church near Bank and Vine streets.

Horse greeting in Stafford

By Howard B. Owens

There was a field with horses by where I parked my truck in Stafford this afternoon. I started snapping some pictures and this horse came over to check me out.

Sheep create traffic hazard on Galloway Road, other critters roam about

By Billie Owens

Four-legged critters had the Town of Batavia's public works department scurrying around Monday morning.

First there was the passel of sheep munching on trash in the front yard of a house at 2905 Galloway Road, creating a bit of a traffic hazard.

A dozen sheep and a lamb were spotted chomping garbage shortly after 10 this morning. A cow mooed encouragement from the back yard. Forty-five minutes later only crumbs remained.

A public works employee for the Town of Batavia showed up and said the foragers lived behind the two-story white house and had gotten out of the pen again. Usually the owner's home to round them up, the worker said.

The commotion caused the sheep to mosey away from the road and head toward the rear of the property.

A Sheriff's deputy arrived. They reported shortly thereafter that the wooly ones were shooed into their pen, which was then jerryrigged to stay shut. Hopefully.

Meanwhile, a skunk was lolling about in a park tennis court. On the scanner, authorities considered how best to remove it. One suggested shooting it. Another said it would be saved for lunch, prompting another to recommend roasting the skunk. None of the options were exercised.

The next critter call was about dogs in the road someplace, hampering traffic.

Check out our special cats and dogs from the Genesee County Animal Shelter on YouTube!

By Wendy Castleman






Maxine, Bruno & Scooter

TAKE A CHANCE ON ME! Socks the Cat


I WANT TO BE LOVED BY YOU...  Missie the Cat




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