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chamber of commerce

Chamber members get education on trends in social media from GCC specialist

By Howard B. Owens

About 20 local business owners and managers attended a talk by Kevin Manne at T.F. Brown's this morning on social media, sponsored by the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce.

Manne, new media specialist for Genesee Community College spoke about how digital media is empowering customers, how that power can be harnessed to benefit a business and how to effectively promote a business on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and YouTube.

Previously: College hires new media specialist, sees rapid online growth

Chamber announces 2010 award winners

By Howard B. Owens

The Genesee County Chamber of Commerce this morning announced its 2010 award winners.

They are:

  • Business of the Year: Sterling Tents & Awnings, Inc.
  • Agricultural Business of the Year: Triple P Farms, LLC.
  • Geneseean of the Year: Joseph Teresi
  • The Genesee County Lifetime Achievement Award: Stuart Steiner, Ed.D
  • The Wolcott "Jay" Humphrey III Excellence in Community Leadership Award: Robert Bennett

The awards ceremony will be April 9 at the Batavia Clarion, Park Road, Batavia.

UPDATE: The chamber has released additional information about the awards dinner.

The Genesee County Chamber of Commerce is celebrating its 39th Annual Awards Ceremony, which will be held on Saturday, April 9 at the Clarion Hotel, Park Road, Batavia.

This is the county’s premier event honoring businesses and individuals for their achievements in business, community service and volunteerism.

Understanding the recent economic situation, the chamber has lowered ticket prices hoping that this will allow and encourage attendance. Tickets are $50 per person or a table of 10 for $450.

The evening begins at 5:30 with hors d’oeuvres, entrée tables and cash bar (no formal sit-down dinner will be served). The Awards Program starts at 7 and dessert and coffee will be served at that time.

Chamber after hours is Dec. 9 at revamped Travelodge

By Billie Owens

There will be a Business After Hours from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 9 at the newly renovated and remodeled Travelodge.

It is located at 8204 Park Road in Batavia.

Come take a tour and see why you will want to stay overnight!

The event is sponsored by the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce. Cost is $5 for members and $10 for potential members.

There will be a 50/50 raffle, door prizes, hors d'oeuvres and refreshments.

Come share some holiday cheer! PLEASE RSVP by phoning 343-7440 or via e-mail:

Dynamic speaker tells local business owners how to stand out in the market place

By Howard B. Owens

Rick Segel , an author and nationally recognized expert on small-business marketing gave a dynamic presentation to about 50 small-business owners or their representatives today. Comedy is part of Segel's pitch and he generated quite a few laughs during the first session. The program went from 9 a.m. 1 p.m. and was sponsored by the Business Improvement District and the Chamber of Commerce.

Workshop for smal business: 'standout in the marketplace'

By Billie Owens

The Genesee County Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Batavia Business Improvement District are calling for exhibitors to participate at this year’s Small Business Workshop.

Titled “Standout in the Marketplace," it will take place from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 14.

Rick Segel, a nationally recognized marketing expert, will be the keynote speaker at this informative and entertaining workshop. Topics he will be discussing include:

  • ways to differentiate and stand out in a big box community;
  • creating an environment to gain lifetime customers;
  • ways to get customers to notice and find you;
  • and using traditional and new media in innovative ways.

Businesses are invited to set up a table-top display to this captive audience to show what they do and network with fellow attendees and exhibitors.

Cost is $40 per display table for BID and chamber members and $50 for non-members. This price includes lunch for one person. Set up will be between 7:30 to 8 a.m. and tear down after 1:30 pm.

The Workshop will take place in at the Generation Center located 15 Center St. in Batavia. 

If you are interested in attending the event as a participant, the cost is $15 per person for chamber and BID members and $20 for non-members.

To participate as an exhibitor or to make your reservations, please call Kelly J. Bermingham, director of Membership & Special Events at 343-7440, ext. 26. All applications are first-come-first-serve basis due to limited space, so don’t miss out.

Marketing wiz Rick Segel tells small businesses how to be a standout in the marketplace

By Billie Owens

A special workshop for small businesses called "Stand out in the marketplace" is set for Thursday, Oct. 14 at the Generation Centre on Center Street in Batavia.

It features nationally recognized marketing expert Rick Segel and is presented by the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce and the Batavia Business Improvement District (BID).

It runs from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. and includes lunch. Cost is $15 for BID and chamber members, $20 for nonmembers.

For more information or to register, call the chamber at 585-343-7440, ext. 26.

This event is "guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.....REALLY!" (Check out Segal's website:

Topics will include:

  • Ways to Differentiate and Stand OUT in a Big Box Community
  • Creating an environment to gain lifetime customers
  • Ways to get customers to NOTICE & FIND YOU
  • Using traditional and new media in innovative ways

Chamber Member Appreciation at Dwyer Stadium

By Melissa George

Genesee County Chamber of Commerce
Member Appreciation

DATE: Thursday, August 26th
TIME: 6:00pm till end of game
LOCATION: Dwyer Stadium, 299 Bank Street, Batavia


We are going back to the ball park on Thursday, August 26th for the Chamber of Commerce Annual Member Appreciation. Once again the Chamber will be hosting "A Night at the Ballpark." Ticket prices include general admission to the game and a Member Appreciation all you can eat buffet under Party Tent in the "The Hot Corner."


Buffet will be served between 6pm-7:30pm and includes all you can eat Hotdogs, Hamburger & Cheeseburgers w/all the fixings, pasta salad, potato salad, watermelon, potato chips, ice-cold beer & soda.


The cost of this is only $18.00 for adults,
$9.00 for children 4-12

 and free for children 3 and under.

Tickets along with an additional event wrist band MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE AT THE CHAMBER OFFICE, 210 East Main Street, Batavia. If you do not purchase your tickets at the Chamber Office you will NOT BE ADMITTED TO THE PARTY TENT.

Chamber office hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m-4:30 p.m.

Please call the chamber at 343-7440 for any questions.

Chamber of Commerce member appreciation night is Aug. 26

By Billie Owens

All Genesee County Chamber of Commerce members and their guests are invited to attend the chamber’s annual Member Appreciation Night starting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 26.

This year, the chamber will host “A Night at the Ballpark.” Ticket price include general admission to the game and an all-you-can-eat buffet under Party Tent in the “The Hot Corner.”

The buffet will be served between 6 and 7 p.m. and includes hotdogs, hamburgers and cheeseburgers with all the fixings, pasta salad, potato salad, watermelon, potato chips, ice-cold beer and soda.

The cost is $18 for adults, $9 for children 4-12 and free for children 3 and under.

Tickets along with an additional event wristband MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE AT THE CHAMBER OFFICE, 210 E. Main St., Batavia. If you do not purchase your tickets at the Chamber Office you will NOT BE ADMITTED TO THE PARTY TENT.

Chamber office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday. Please call Kelly B. at 343-7440 for any questions.

Map company clarifies position with chamber on local ad sales effort

By Howard B. Owens

The co-owner of a company that makes an ad-supported map product said he wants to make it clear he takes seriously concerns that his sales reps may have left an impression with some local businesses that his company is working with the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce.

"We are acknowledging that we are not affiliated with the chamber on this edition," said Matt Vonderhaar, of Cincinnati-based Universal Advertising Associates.

Yesterday, The Batavian reported that chamber officials were concerned that Universal was representing a tie with the chamber in its sales efforts for a map of Genesee County.  The chamber has its own map project, which The Batavian is providing support for on the upcoming edition.

Vonderhaar said his 35-year-old company has been doing business in Batavia for 20 years.

In fact, he said, from 1997 up until June 2008, the chamber had a free ad on the Genesee County map in exchange for distributing the map through the chamber office.

He said Universal produces maps in 42 states, and many of them are affiliated with local chambers. He suggested that perhaps some of his 35 sales reps are conditioned to talk about the chamber connection from those other sales calls.

He said if anyone has any concerns about his reps sales tactics, they should contact him directly through his company's website.

"This is a second-generation business," Vonderhaar said. "We put out a great product. We're very proud of what we do. If anybody has an issue with our business they should call me directly."

Chamber concerned map company leaving wrong impression on sales effort

By Howard B. Owens

A company out of Ohio has been calling businesses in Genesee County selling ads on a map, and Chamber of Commerce officials are concerned that business owners are being left with the impression that the sales effort benefits the chamber.

Lynn Freeman, president of the Genesee County Chamber, sent an e-mail to chamber members yesterday alerting them to the potential confusion.

"I spoke with the company and asked them to desist in tying their promotion to the chamber," Freeman wrote. "Their response was 'We can't control what our customers conclude.'"

The Batavian called the company, Universal Advertising Associates, which is based in Cincinnati, for comment and we have not received a call back.

There is an official map produced for the local chamber by a Rochester-based company, Mapworks, Inc. A portion of the proceeds from ads sold on this full-color map, benefits the chamber.

In the final quarter of 2009, The Batavian was the official sales representative for Mapworks on the chamber map project.

While release of the map is later than expected, it is in production now.

Freeman asks that any time a local business receives a solicitation from a third-party that purports to represent the chamber, business owners contact the chamber office to verify the affiliation.

Genesee County Chamber of Commerce offers trip to China this fall

By Billie Owens

The Genesee County Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a nine-day "familiarization tour: of China from Sept. 26 to Oct. 4.

Very similar to their successful trips in 2008 and 2009, the chamber is offering the community the unique opportunity to travel to China for the low price of $1,999. Price includes air fare (from JFK), bus to/from JFK, hotel stays, three meals a day, bus tours (with guides), admission to tourist spots, and airport taxes throughout the trip.
Of professional interest, this trip will present opportunities to learn a great deal about how the Chinese business system operates.

The group will tour many memorable sites, both ancient and modern, and enjoy a multitude of unforgettable experiences in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou.   This year, there is also the opportunity to go to the Shanghai Expo, in addition, there is the option to visit Xian (Terra Cotta Warriors) or to Guilin (Elephant Trunk Hill) for an additional fee.
The chamber believes this trip to be an exceptional value. For more details call at the chamber at 343-7440 ext. 27, and sign up to attend an informational meeting at 5:30 p.m. on May 26 at the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce office on East Main Street in downtown Batavia.

Details on the trip can also be found at <>.

Special Service Recognition Award: The Batavia Area Jaycees

By Billie Owens

Last year was a very special benchmark for the Batavia Area Jaycees. It was their Diamond Anniversary.

On Saturday, the community service and social-networking group will receive the Special Service Recognition Award from the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce.

"The membership looks at it as a lifetime achievement for everyone who's ever been a Jaycee," said Steve Tufts, chairman of the Jaycees' 75th Anniversary Committee. "I think they are looking at the award as a nod from the chamber of commerce that they're doing some good stuff for the community."

Other committee members are Danielle Russell, Jodie Freese and Tara Pariso. Alumni who served on it are Bill Young, Ron Weiler, Bill Dougherty and Tom Ditzel.

The 1934 charter meeting of the Batavia Junior Chamber of Commerce was held at the Hotel Richmond on Main Street. Membership was restricted to men aged 18 to 35, but the age span shifted to 21 through 39 once the national legal drinking age became 21. The local chapter incorporated in 1976 and changed its name to the Batavia Area Jaycees. Eight years later, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the national organization and all its affiliates could not ban women from membership.

"That year, the brainstorming power of our chapter effectively doubled," Tufts said.

From the beginning, the Jaycees were all about networking and developing leadership skills to better themselves and their communities. So for decades now, the club has groomed tomorrow's leaders, which is one of the unique aspects of the Jaycees. Some people think of it as a "stepping-stone organization."

"We recruit them, train them and ship them out," Tufts said. "When they leave, they're better at organizing things, running a project or serving on a board. They understand the basics of Roberts Rules of Order and parliamentary procedure."

The development of an individual's leadership skills includes learning to: think fast and speak extemporaneously; debate topics; improve writing and otherwise hone the abilities considered to be valuable assets, both on the job and in the public sector.

People in their 20s and 30s experience a lot of flux and changes in their lives, so the average length of a Jaycee membership is three years. If a member hits 40 and "ages out," he or she affectionately becomes "an exhausted rooster."

Over the years, many people have benefitted from their association with the Jaycees. Past Chamber of Commerce President Ray San Fratello is said to credit the group with helping him learn the skills to serve in that capacity. Chamber Executive Assistant Melissa A. George was once a Jaycee president. So was Kelly J. Bermingham, the chamber's director of membership and special events.

Each year, the Jaycees Board of Directors proposes a calendar of events to meet the needs of the membership and the community. Programming falls into one of four areas: management development, individual development, community development and membership services. Community volunteer activities are offered most.

Early projects were health related, including Adam Miller's Stamp Out Syphillis program in 1937, free polio and measles clinics and a blood bank. During World War II, the chapter displayed flags on Main Street, led campaigns on civic planning, Americanism, Boost Batavia, and established three shelters for hitchhiking servicemen.

In the '60s, the Jaycees "spearheaded the effort to establish Genesee Community College," according to the Special Recognition Award application. And later, they held several annual competitions, including the Miss Batavia Pageant and Outstanding Young Farmer program. They developed a blind trail and built a shelter at Genesee County Park and a shelter at DeWitt Park.

Projects overseen by the Batavia Area Jaycees today include the annual Labor Day 5K Run, and the Home, Garden & Trade Show, which is the group's largest fund-raiser. Their 57th annual show was held this past weekend.

"It's been our longest-standing project because the basic model works -- it's a temporary place where local businesses can see more people than they normally would (in a weekend) and develop leads and maybe even sell some products," Tufts said.

He views the show as, indirectly, the chapter's best community service project, even though it is held to raise money for the chapter. Putting the show together serves as a "catalyst to local businesses" because homes are typically a family's greatest tangible asset, so virtually everyone has some connection to a home show.

The chapter's awards are too numerous to list. Suffice it to say that there are dozens and dozens of them, many of which are displayed at its hall in the historic Batavia Industrial Center on Harvester Avenue.

"We call it our woodpile," Tufts said, of the plaques, trophies, certificates, ribbons, etc., lining the shelves.

The fact that the Batavia Area Jaycees have a home base sets them apart from all other chapters in the state. It is a business. The chapter's ever-changing membership has been confident enough in its fund-raising abilities to take on the associated costs -- rent, utilities, insurance -- of renting office and hall space.

And they have succeeded, in part, because of the size of this community, not in spite of it. The small- to medium-sized community is best suited to any club that really wants to make a difference.

"We've got enough feelers out there to know and sense what needs to be done, how we can help and what gaps need to be filled," Tufts said.

General membership meetings are held at the Jaycee Hall at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month. The Jaycee Hotline is 343-5775.

Photo: Tara Pariso, Danielle Russell and Steve Tufts.

Brasky named Geneseean of Year; Rose Garden, The Batavian, Kutter's Cheese Factory win annual awards

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia High coaching legend Myron "Buddy" Brasky has been named Geneseean of the Year for 2009 by the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce.

Reached just before a basketball game tonight, Brasky didn't have much time to talk, but he said he never expected the award.

"It was a total surprise," Brasky said. "I had no idea I was even being considered. It was a surprise. It's a big honor. I'm surprised and honored."

Rose Garden Bowl/Viking Valhalla Restaurant was named Business of the Year.

The Batavian was named Innovative Enterprise of the Year.

The Agriculture Business of the Year is Kutter’s Cheese Factory in East Pembroke.

Special recognition awards are going to the Batavia Area Jaycees and the Batavia Muckdogs' parent company, Rochester Red Wings Community Baseball.

The annual awards will be presented at a ceremony at the Holiday Inn on March 6.

Visitor booth broken into, apparently for shelter overnight

By Howard B. Owens

The visitor information booth in the parking lot of the Holland Land Office Museum was broken into last night, according to Kelly Rapone, tourism marketing director for the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce.

Somebody broke a lock to gain entry and then made himself at home.

Nothing was stolen -- there's nothing inside to steal, unless you think you can resell travel brochures.

"We were grateful that it had not been vandalized as we had just refinished the inside this summer," Rapone said.

The lock has been replaced.

Rapone supplied the photo.

"We're not sure what he did with all the Windex!" she said. "That was half full when we locked it up in October."

Annual chamber luncheon meeting hosts CEO of NY Business Council

By Billie Owens

The Genesee County Chamber of Commerce invites the community to attend its Annual Meeting to be held 11:45 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 22 at Bohn’s Restaurant.

This year’s keynote speaker will be Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State.

It is the state's largest and most influential business association representing more than 3,000 member businesses, chambers of commerce, and professional and trade associations.

Event Date and Time

October chamber mixer is at Licata Chiropractic & Wellness Center

By Billie Owens

The October Business After Hours get-together is going to be held at Licata Chiropractic & Wellness Center.

It is located at One Court St. Plaza (adjacent to Batavia Tailors & Cleaners). Time is 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 15.

Event Date and Time

The Batavian to help Chamber sell map ads

By Howard B. Owens

Every two years, the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce releases a map of the area that helps promote local businesses.

This year, The Batavian will handle the ad sales, which helps support the Chamber and pays for a valuable resource for travelers and residents alike.

As always, the up-to-date color map will be produced by Rochester-based Map Works, Inc.

More than 12,000 copies will be distributed throughout Genesee County in 2010 and 2011.

Local businesses interested in this promotional opportunity should contact Howard Owens at 585-260-6970.

20th Annual Genesee County Decision-Maker’s Agriculture Forum

By Melissa George

You are cordially invited to join us for the 20th

Annual Genesee County Decision-Maker’s Agriculture Forum,

sponsored by the Agriculture Committee of the
Genesee County Chamber of Commerce


“Careers in Action”

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Tour begins at the Elba Fireman’s Recreation Hall located at

7143 Oak Orchard Road (Rt. 98), Elba, NY 14058



7:15 a.m.         Registration / Breakfast (Eggs, sausage, hash browns, muffins, yogurt, milk, coffee, etc.)


7:45 a.m.                     Welcome:

Shelley Stein, Chair, Agriculture Committee, GC Chamber of Commerce

Steve Lockwood, Chair, Board of Directors, GC Chamber of Commerce


7:50 a.m.                     Torrey Farms

The current and next generation of Torrey Farms will share how the next generation of the Torrey family is working into the business and the various roles and responsibilities of family and management in running a Top 100 Farm.


8:45 a.m.                     Load busses and travel to Lamb Farm, Oakfield


9:00                             Lamb Farms, Oakfield

The Lamb and Veazey families will highlight some of the technology in use at their farm and how the second generation of the original partners are working together to share decision making and management to keep their business growing.


10:00                           Travel to CY Farms, Batavia


10:15                           CY Farms LLC & Provitello, LLC

CY will discuss the role of non-family members in the management of their diverse businesses and how they all work together to make the farm successful.  Jurian Bartelse of Provitello, LLC will talk about his family’s innovative veal raising facility and how technology has influenced the management of their business and the opportunities that it has created.


11:15                           Wrap-up and Return to Elba Recreation Hall



To participate in the 2009 Decision-Makers’ Agriculture Forum, you need to register by September 22, 2009, (there is no charge, but you must register): 

Call Melissa at the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce: 585-343-7440, ext. 27 or email: chamber (at) geneseeny (dot) com




Genesee County Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting

By Melissa George

GeneseeCounty Chamber of Commerce Annual Membership Meeting on
Thursday, October 22, 2009


Registration begins at 11:15 am 
Buffet Lunch begins promptly at Noon
Bohn’s Restaurant
5256 Clinton St. Rd., Batavia, NY 14020
$20.00 per person

Ken Adams, Chair of the Business Council of NY
This year’s keynote speaker will be Kenneth Adams, the President and CEO of The Business Council of New York State.  The Business Council is the state's largest and most influential business association representing more than 3,000 member businesses, chambers of commerce and professional and trade associations.  The mission of the Business Council is to create economic growth, good jobs and strong communities throughout New York State by shaping public policy to improve New York's economy. Insight on the inner workings of Albany and what we can do to improve the Upstate economy will be Ken’s topics.
Chamber of Commerce: 09 Year in Review
Chamber of Commerce: 2010 Board Members
Please complete the reservation form below and return it to the Chamber office by Oct. 14, 2009. 210 East Main Street, Batavia NY 14020 Attn. Annual Meeting
If you have special dietary needs, please call Melissa at the Chamber at 585-343-7440, ext. 27.
RSVP’s without payment will be invoiced - $20 per person
Amount Enclosed:

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