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Chris Jacobs

Jacobs pushing for passage of bill that would outlaw health care worker vaccine mandate

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) joined numerous House colleagues to call on Speaker Pelosi to allow the immediate consideration of H.J. Res. 67 – A resolution invoking the Congressional Review Act to outlaw the Biden administration’s health care worker vaccine mandate.

“This administration has chosen to violate the freedoms of every American, destroy the livelihoods of hardworking men and women, and harm our critical industries to push their unconstitutional vaccine mandates,” Jacobs said. “No one, especially our heroes in health care who have supported us throughout the pandemic, should be forced to choose between their medical freedom and their ability to support themselves. These mandates are unAmerican, as is forcing anyone out of a job for making a personal medical decision. The Speaker must allow consideration of this resolution immediately to repeal this vaccine mandate.”

Fact Check: Jacobs states that vaccine mandates are unconstitutional.  There is no legal basis for the statement.  Vaccine mandates have been considered constitutional since 1905. See also this article. More recently, the current court upheld the health care worker vaccine mandate at federally funded facilities.


Jacobs joins effort to increase Federal spending on SROs

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) introduced the School Resource Officer Act of 2022 to provide additional funds to support School Resource Officers. The legislation was originally cosponsored by Representatives Stefanik (NY-21), Newhouse (WA-04), Bacon (NE-02), and Bost (IL-12).

“School Resource Officers play an integral role in building strong relationships between our students and police, as well keeping kids safe,” Jacobs said. “I am proud to introduce this legislation to provide additional funds to support school Resource Officers, and I will always stand with the men and women of our law enforcement and work to keep our children safe.”

“Our North Country families should always have peace of mind when dropping their children off at school,” Stefanik said. “I am proud to support this legislation that supports our law enforcement officers that protect our children, teachers, and schools.”

“I am committed to ensuring Central Washington students have the best learning environment available to them, which is why I have consistently advocated for school choice and more parental input in their child’s education. This legislation goes a step further by directing additional funding toward school resource officers, who play a critical role in making students feel safe and are responsible for developing school safety plans. This important legislation protects our students and communities while ensuring that law enforcement agencies have the resources they need in order to provide this service to their communities,” Newhouse said.

“School Resource Officers not only play a critical role in keeping schools and students safe, but they also serve as educators and informal counselors, and are important members of the school family,” Bacon said. “At a time when schools across the country are adding or bringing back School Resource Officers, this legislation will help those law enforcement agencies who have seen a reduction in funding hire additional SRO’s.”

“As a father, grandfather, and former first responder, ensuring that our children and grandchildren are safe at school is one of my top priorities. A big part of that is having dedicated school resource officers on campus to respond in emergency situations. The COPS program helps ensure that school districts have the resources and officers needed to keep students safe in the classroom,” Bost said.

The School Resource Officer Act notably has the following provisions:

  • Authorization of Appropriations: Authorizes the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program in the Department of Justice at $500,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2026.
  • Reserves Funding Specifically for School Resource Officers: Not less than 30 percent of funding for hiring programs within the COPS program will be used to pay the salaries and benefits of school resource officers.
  • Awarded Grant Terms: Federal funds may provide up to 75 percent of salary and benefits of full-time officers with a 25 percent minimum local cash match requirement. Maximum federal share cap is increased to $125,000 per officer position.

Jacobs opposes proposed state rule on isolation and quarantine for communicable diseases

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) submitted a comment to the New York State Department of Health in opposition to the proposed rule I.D. No. HLT-50-21-0002-EP, pertaining to Investigation, Isolation, and Quarantine for communicable diseases.

“As this proposed rule is written, it could give local health officials the power to remove individuals from their homes and place them in a government-controlled quarantine facility if they are simply exposed to COVID-19 or other communicable diseases,” Jacobs said. “Not only is this blatantly authoritarian, but it is an affront to the individual freedoms and liberties of each and every New Yorker. As other states move to end COVID-19 restrictions, New York State is actively working to assume more power over residents’ lives and implement policies that violate their constitutional rights – I strongly oppose any such measure.”\

Jacobs full comment, submitted to the New York State Department of Health – Bureau of Program Counsel, Regulatory Affairs, can be read here:

Dear Ms. Ceroalo,

I urge you to not to adopt the above-referenced proposed regulation relating to investigation, isolation, and quarantine in response to an outbreak of communicable disease. This proposed regulation is both unnecessary and contrary to the established laws of New York State.

The regulation as currently drafted gives state and local health officials the power to remove residents from their homes and place them in a government-controlled facility. It includes not only people who are confirmed infected with COVID-19, but also covers people simply exposed to COVID-19. We are almost two years into the COVID-19 pandemic and there are very few instances of New York State, or any state for that matter, forcibly quarantining people outside their homes. Circumstances have not changed so that they must do so now. There is no evidence that this policy if implemented would even have any effect on the spread of communicable diseases. The notice of rulemaking does not cite any scientific evidence to support this policy, and only refers generally to the spread of COVID-19 as justification for the regulation’s necessity.

The regulation is also a plain violation of New Yorkers’ freedoms and New York State law. Because the rulemaking covers people who are even only potentially exposed, the regulation can affect almost every New Yorker. The notice of rulemaking cites Section 225 of the Public Health Law. This is an extremely broad reading of the law. Under the State’s interpretation, there is virtually no limit to what the Department of Health can do. Furthermore, it is simply wrong for the government to remove individuals from their homes based on a temporary medical condition. We are a country and a state that prizes individual freedom and respects due process. This regulation flouts both of those values.

Jacobs back legislation to make 2017 tax cuts permanent

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) cosponsored the Protecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts Act to make the 2017 Trump tax cuts permanent. 

“Following the implementation of President Trump’s tax cuts, our nation witnessed an extraordinary period of economic expansion, wage growth, and job creation,” Jacobs said.“Businesses were bringing manufacturing back from overseas, employers were using savings from the federal government to hire additional employees, and our nation saw our output and productivity increase.” 

The legislation co-sponsored by Jacobs most notably: 

  • Make permanent the doubled standard deduction of $12K for those filing single and $24K for jointly filed returns
  • Make permanent the doubled child tax credit of $2K including full refundability of $1400
  • Maintains the mortgage interest deduction at $750K
  • Maintains the Medical Expense Deduction to allow the deduction of qualified expenses that exceed 7.5 percent of an individual’s AGI
  • Provides a 20 percent tax deduction for small businesses

“Since taking the White House and majority, Democrats have made clear they want to undo these successful policies and force through policies that waste trillions of dollars and raise taxes on Americans,” Jacobs said. “We have already seen the disastrous impact of their policies on our economy. I am proud to join this legislation to ensure a successful Trump policy is made permanent so it can continue to help families and small businesses in the future.” 

Jacobs calls on Hochul to end school mask mandate

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) joined the New York Republican Congressional Delegation in a letter to Governor Kathy Hochul calling for an immediate end to her Administration's statewide mask mandate in schools.
"In light of the announcements by the Governors of New Jersey, Connecticut, and Delaware, we write today to urge you to immediately rescind the onerous and unconstitutional mask mandate in New York State’s schools," the Members wrote. "We have heard from countless families throughout our districts expressing their concerns with the mandate, and how it has negatively impacted their child’s experience in the classroom. The time is now to put an end to this unlawful mandate and to allow our children to get back to being just that, children."
"After years of abiding by public health safety guidelines, children are itching to be able to return to some semblance of normalcy," the letter continues. "Knowing that the risk of transmission among children is extremely low, it is counter-intuitive to keep this ill-conceived mandate that does little to improve the wellness and safety of our state’s children. For these reasons, we urge you to end these punitive measures for once and for all."

Jacobs explains vote against bill dealing with China issues

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement after voting against the partisan, costly, and unserious America COMPETES Act that fails to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable.

“China presents one of the greatest national security threats our nation faces today and for the foreseeable future – that is why I proudly cosponsored the China Task Force Act that combined bipartisan policies into a comprehensive package to address the CCP’s malign activities and bolster our nation’s competitiveness. I also have been a strong supporter of the CHIPS Act, which supports the domestic manufacturing of semiconductors. Sadly, instead of addressing these issues head-on, the America COMPETES Act is riddled with unserious partisan policies that would funnel billions of American taxpayer dollars to China and climate change initiatives with zero accountability. If Democrats were serious about addressing the very real threat China poses, they would’ve kept on the bipartisan track of negotiating serious legislation, not a package that wastes more taxpayer money on unrelated partisan priorities the same week as the national debt hit a record $30,000,000,000,000.”

Jacobs backs 'Kids in Classes Act'

By Press Release

Press release:

Today Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) introduced the Kids in Classes Act, which redirects Title I education money to students in the event a school shuts down in-person education. The bill is a companion to Senate legislation introduced by Senators Tim Scott (R-SC), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), and Richard Burr (R-NC). The legislation led by Jacobs in the House has 12 original cosponsors.

“For two years we have seen the damaging impacts of remote learning on our students. When schools are shut down, our children’s education suffers – this is unacceptable,” Jacobs said. “I am proud to join my Senate colleagues in introducing this critical piece of legislation that will ensure students are given consistent and uninterrupted access to in-person learning and quality education. Additionally, this legislation promotes school choice and access to the best educational outlets and services for low-income kids.”

“School closures have failed America’s children, particularly students in marginalized communities whose families are living paycheck-to-paycheck,” Senator Scott said. “As districts continue to bow to the demands of labor unions, we must ensure our nation’s children are protected from further learning loss and isolation. Enabling all kids to achieve the American Dream starts with giving all kids the education they deserve—no matter their zip code.”

“When teachers' unions have more say in a child’s education than that child’s own parent, we have a problem,” Dr. Cassidy said. “The science is clear, kids need to be in the classroom. Our bill empowers parents to choose what is best for their child’s education.”

“Students are more successful when they are in the classroom, parents know that and data proves it,” Senator Burr said. “This legislation will help keep children in the classroom by giving families the option to continue using Title I funds at a different, in-person school should their child’s current public school close because of COVID-19. I’m proud to work with Senators Scott and Cassidy on this important legislation to help families avoid the devastating impacts of unnecessary school closures.”

The Kids in Classes Act will allow for Title I funding to follow children if their schools close due to COVID-19 or a strike. These funds could be used for a range of educational support services in the wake of schools not upholding commitments to in-person learning, including curriculum and curricular materials, instruction materials, tutoring/educational classes outside of the home, private school tuition, and educational therapies for students with disabilities.

Jacobs calls for end to DHS practice allowing arrest warrants as identification for TSA for illegal immigrants

By Press Release

Press Release:

 Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) took numerous actions this week to end the dangerous Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policy that allows illegal immigrants to use arrest warrants, among other documents, to gain access to airplanes in the absence of identification. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) confirmed the use of this practice.

“To think after 9/11 that anything short of photographic, government-issued identification would be allowable to pass through a TSA checkpoint and board an airplane is stunning. However, this administration has taken that a step further is going so far as to allow illegal immigrants, who lack any identification, to use arrest warrants as an acceptable security document,” Jacobs said. “The fact that the administration is actively allowing this to happen is reprehensible and threatens the safety of every American.”

This week Jacobs cosponsored the Crime Doesn’t Fly Act to put an end to this policy and outlaw the current DHS practice of allowing arrest warrants as acceptable forms of identification. Additionally, Jacobs sent a letter to DHS Secretary Mayorkas demanding additional answers about this practice and security measures for those entering our nation illegally. You can read the letter by clicking the link below.

“This administration continues to blatantly ignore the rule of law and the safety of American citizens. The President’s actions – or lack thereof – have directly contributed to the record-breaking surge of illegal immigration at our southern border that has caused a sustained national security and humanitarian crisis,” Jacobs said. “I have continually fought for the safety and security of our nation and our communities, and I will continue to do just that.” 

Jacobs calls on TSA to stop allowing undocumented migrants from using arrest warrants as ID

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) took numerous actions this week to end the dangerous Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policy that allows illegal immigrants to use arrest warrants, among other documents, to gain access to airplanes in the absence of identification. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) confirmed the use of this practice.

“To think after 9/11 that anything short of photographic, government-issued identification would be allowable to pass through a TSA checkpoint and board an airplane is stunning. However, this administration has taken that a step further is going so far as to allow illegal immigrants, who lack any identification, to use arrest warrants as an acceptable security document,” Jacobs said.“The fact that the administration is actively allowing this to happen is reprehensible and threatens the safety of every American.”

This week Jacobs cosponsored the Crime Doesn’t Fly Act to put an end to this policy and outlaw the current DHS practice of allowing arrest warrants as acceptable forms of identification. Additionally, Jacobs sent a letter to DHS Secretary Mayorkas demanding additional answers about this practice and security measures for those entering our nation illegally. You can read that letter here.

“This administration continues to blatantly ignore the rule of law and the safety of American citizens. The President’s actions – or lack thereof – have directly contributed to the record-breaking surge of illegal immigration at our southern border that has caused sustained national security and humanitarian crisis,” Jacobs said. “I have continually fought for the safety and security of our nation and our communities, and I will continue to do just that.” 

Upon request, Jacobs' office provided The Batavian with a copy of the TSA communication to Rep Lance Gooden, which confirms the TSA does allow the use of arrest warrants for ID.  To download a copy, click here (PDF).

Hawley joins agriculture discussion with farmers and Rep. Jacobs

By Press Release

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia), a member of the Assembly Committee on Agriculture joined Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) and Sen. Ed Rath (R,C,I-Amherst) for a meeting he organized with local farmers Thursday to discuss the federal vaccine mandate and its impact on the well-being of their businesses. 

During the meeting, farmers expressed concerns that the vaccine mandate is negatively affecting the supply chains farmers depend on, as well as their ability to hire and retain laborers. This concern has arisen after a new mandate was hastily issued by the Department of Homeland Security requiring essential workers who are not U.S. citizens, including farm laborers, to be vaccinated before entering the country.

“Farming is the backbone of all economic activity in our nation, providing the food and materials necessary for other industries to operate effectively,” said Hawley. “Vaccine mandates have only served to worsen conditions experienced by Americans during the pandemic, and this new mandate pertaining to essential farm laborers is no different. By slowing our supply chain and keeping much-needed farmhands out of our fields, this mandate will strain both our rural economies in upstate New York and slow the restocking of vital goods in grocery stores across the state. I stand opposed to this mandate, and any others like it that may be implemented at the state or federal level.”

“Representing our farmers on the House Agriculture Committee is a job I take very seriously, and right now their livelihoods are at stake as a direct result of President Biden’s vaccine mandates,” said Jacobs. “Farming is a year-round industry that has no room for delays or logistical blockades, yet that is exactly what the president has created. His mandate that just recently went into effect is causing trucking delays, which seriously impacts our farmers and hurts our ag-focused economy in New York’s 27th District. I have fought against these mandates, and I will continue to do so to ensure our supply chains remain intact and our farmers are supported.”

“Our New York farmers have been taking hit after hit,” said Rath. “Many are already struggling with staffing shortages and supply chain issues, at no fault of their own. Jeopardizing their available workforce is irresponsible and inconsiderate of the overwhelming pressures that farmers are facing.  I have advocated for simplifying the countless mandates to help our farms and businesses. I will continue to fight for our agriculture community."

Press release from Rep. Chris Jacobs:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27), NYS Senator Ed Rath (R,C,I - Amherst), and NYS Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I – Batavia) met with local farmers and agricultural leaders yesterday to discuss the impact of President Biden’s vaccine mandate at the Northern border, and the current supply chain issues and labor shortages facing the agricultural industry.

“Representing our farmers on the House Agriculture Committee is a job I take very seriously, and right now their livelihoods are at stake as a direct result of President Biden’s vaccine mandates,” Jacobs said. “Farming is a round the clock industry that has no room for delays or logistical blockades, yet that is exactly what the President has created. His mandate that just recently went into effect is causing trucking delays, which seriously impacts our farmers and hurts our ag-focused economy in New York’s 27th District. I have fought against these mandates, and I will continue to do so to ensure our supply chains remain intact and our farmers are supported.”

"Our New York farmers have been taking hit after hit. Many are already struggling with staffing shortages and supply chain issues, at no fault of their own. Jeopardizing their available workforce is irresponsible and inconsiderate of the overwhelming pressures that farmers are facing. I have advocated for simplifying the countless mandates to help our farms and businesses. I will continue to fight for our agriculture community," Rath said.

​“Vaccine mandates issued at any level of government only serve to cripple our response to the very pandemic such mandates seek to improve,” Hawley said. “For farmers in particular, disruptions in the supply chain could mean the loss of crop yields, the death of livestock animals and critical equipment remaining in a state of disrepair for long periods of time when out of order. When the operations of our farms slow down, the economies of our rural communities slow as well. And across our nation, the restocking of grocery store shelves will continue to be a spotty process. Mandates that stifle the efficacy of our supply chain will only prolong the suffering brought about by this pandemic, and I remain committed to combating their implementation in any broad capacity,”

Jacobs is a member of the House Agriculture Committee. In December, Jacobs sent a letter with Congresswoman Elise Stefanik to President Biden warning of the disruption his vaccine mandate at the border would cause in the supply chain. The President ignored this warning. You can read the letter here.

Jacobs says court agrees that Hochul overstepped authority on mask mandate

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement on the NYS Department of Education defying the court ruling that removed Governor Hochul’s unconstitutional mask mandate.

Yesterday, a NYS court ruling made it clear that Governor Hochul vastly overstepped her authority in implementing an unconstitutional mask mandate on New York State citizens. Yesterday’s ruling sends the same clear message to Governor Hochul as the courts have consistently sent to President Biden regarding his mandates, you are not an emperor, and your powers are not absolute. This ruling is a win for the freedom of every New Yorker and all mandates must be rescinded immediately. No New Yorker - young or old - should face repercussions for exercising their freedom.

Congressman Jacobs' statement on General Motors investment announcement

By Press Release

Press Release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement after it was announced General Motors (GM) is investing nearly $154 million into its Western New York Lockport Components Plant for electric motor manufacturing. 
“I applaud General Motors for recognizing the immense value of our region and for making an investment that will revolutionize their plant here and keep Western New York a leader in advanced manufacturing. Investments like these will ensure good-paying jobs and innovation thrive here, and I look forward to working with General Motors to support this effort and bring our WNY manufacturing industry into the future."

Congressman Jacobs statement on social security announcement of return to in-person services

By Press Release

Press Release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement after it was reported the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) reached a deal to resume in-person services at Social Security field offices, Jacobs has been advocating consistently for this outcome. 
“For months my office has heard from concerned constituents who have been in desperate need of in person services, and for months I have been calling for the Social Security Commissioner and the head of the AFGE to come to a workable arrangement to restore in-person services at SSA field offices. Now, I am glad to finally say those efforts were successful. While we wait for final details on reopening plans, this is welcome and long overdue news. The fact of the matter is this shouldn’t have taken this long, and the administration has no excuse for denying in-person services to thousands of seniors for months, especially those in NY-27 and other rural communities who have very limited access to the internet. I am proud to have led the charge to get these services returned to in-person availability, and I will keep fighting to ensure the needs of my constituents are met
In October, Jacobs led 50 of his House colleagues in sending a letter to Acting SSA Commissioner Kijakazi urging the SSA to work with the AFGE to reopen in-person services as soon as possible. In November, Jacobs introduced the Having Employees Return to Duty (HERD) Act to require government workers to return to work at pre-pandemic staffing levels to provide in-person services for constituents. 

Jacobs calls on IRS to clear up backlog of amended returns

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) sent a letter to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner Rettig yesterday calling for the IRS to address the backlog in amended tax returns and asking specific questions on operations.

“For months, my constituents have waited for their amended tax returns from IRS and have received no answers. My constituents, and Americans around the nation, are anxiously awaiting their returns and are growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of action from the IRS. This is unacceptable and represents a massive dereliction of duty from the agency,” Jacobs said. 

In a letter from November, the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) reported the IRS had a backlog of over 2.7 million unprocessed amended returns. TAS also recently stopped accepting congressional inquiries from offices due to the high backlog. Currently, some NY-27 constituents are reporting delays of up to 30 weeks to receive their amended tax returns from the IRS.

“2021 tax season is rapidly approaching. This problem must be resolved by then, or millions of Americans face massive backlogs for their returns,” Jacobs said. “The IRS has been using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to deny timely service to millions of Americans. It is far past time to drop that excuse and get back to work safely and efficiently as many other government agencies have been able to do – Americans are relying upon it.”


Jacobs touts ruling finding Canada in violation of trade agreement on dairy exports

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is announcing the independent dispute panel has ruled in favor of the United States in the ongoing dispute over Canada’s Dairy Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQs). Canada has been in violation of provisions of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) negotiated by President Trump.

“Since the implementation of the USMCA, Canada has clearly violated provisions which expanded United States dairy exports to Canadian markets. Canada’s unfair policies cost American producers hundreds of millions in unrealized revenue,” Jacobs said. “Since I took office in 2020, I have been working to right this wrong and hold Canada accountable for these violations. Now, I am proud this advocacy on behalf of Western New York dairy farmers has paid off.”

Under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Canada was allowed to use tariff-rate quotas (TRQs) for 14 different categories of dairy products including milk, cheese, and ice cream. These TRQs give favorable tax treatment to U.S. dairy products imported by Canada under a certain quantity. Contrary to what USMCA required, Canada set aside a percentage of products intended for these American imports solely for Canadian producers. This had the effect of denying American dairy farmers additional access to the Canadian market secured by USMCA.

Jacobs has taken numerous actions to resolve this dispute and hold Canada accountable for these violations. Jacobs sent a letter to former United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer calling for a dispute panel to be convened to settle this issue. That panel convened in December 2020 to attempt to settle the dispute. Jacobs held a press conference in July 2021 highlighting this issue, drawing public attention to Canada’s violations, and sending a letter to the Canadian Ambassador to the United States Kirsten Hillman calling for a quick resolution to the issue.

“Representing our region’s farmers is a responsibility I take very seriously. Since taking office, I have consistently worked to ensure they can access every opportunity available, and I will keep working to ensure farming has a prosperous future in Western New York,” Jacobs said.

Previously: Jacobs calls on Canada to honor pledge to import more U.S. dairy product (with video)

Jacobs bill that allows reservists to access active-duty career opportunities on personal devices becomes law

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) and Congressman Tim Ryan (OH-13) announced their legislation, the Reservists Opportunity Act (H.R. 5063), was signed into law by the President as part of the FY22 National Defense Authorization Act. The legislation was also introduced in the Senate by Senators Jacky Rosen (NV) and Joni Ernst (IA).

“Ensuring America’s military is ready to face any threat to our nation requires us to retain the best men and women our country has to offer,” Jacobs said. “The Reservists Opportunity Act helps accomplish that goal by streamlining the process for our citizen-soldiers in the National Guard and Army Reserves to access active-duty opportunities. I’m proud to have successfully led this bipartisan effort to set our military up for future success, and I look forward to seeing our citizen-soldiers find new opportunities to serve our nation.”

"When members of our National Guard and Reserve want to step up to serve full-time, the last thing that should stop them are technological barriers. This Reservists Opportunity Act will ensure these servicemembers can access the opportunities available for active-duty service from their personal devices. I’m proud to have worked with my Republican colleague Chris Jacobs and Senators Joni Ernst and Jacky Rosen to get this important legislation across the finish line for our Guard and Reserve members," said Rep. Tim Ryan.

“Army reservists in Iowa, and across the country, should be able to easily access information on opportunities to grow their careers and find positions that best match their skill sets,” said Senator Ernst. “This bipartisan effort will ensure reservists can securely utilize the Tour of Duty system, and in turn improve military readiness and retention. I’m thrilled to see it signed into law.”

“Removing unnecessary red tape and providing more flexibility to securely search for career-enhancing active-duty opportunities is going to help our soldiers in the Army National Guard and Reserve,” said Senator Rosen. “I’m glad to see our bipartisan plan become law through the national defense bill, so we can help the Army find existing talent within their ranks, grow soldiers professionally, and better serve the needs of the nation.”

“Providing ease of access for Citizen Soldiers to find their next opportunity to serve is vital to their growth as soldiers and the readiness of the reserve force,” said ROA’s Executive Director, retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Phillips.  “ROA is proud to have been an initial partner with Congressman Jacobs in allowing the Tour of Duty system to be accessed at home, removing any barriers to soldiers looking to be “twice the citizen” and schedule the next time they can serve their country in uniform.”

The Reservists Opportunity Act (H.R. 5063), would allow for members of the Army Reserves and National Guard to access the Army’s “Tour of Duty” system from personal devices, greatly improving access and making it easier for reservists and guardsmen to access active-duty opportunities. Currently, this system can only be accessed at locations with Department of Defense (DoD) network access. More information on this legislation can be found here.

Jacobs meets with Arc GLOW leadership, tours Elba facility

By Press Release

Press release:

Representative Chris Jacobs met with Arc GLOW leadership Monday and toured the agency’s Day Habilitation Center on Barrville Road in Elba.  During the tour, he had a chance to meet individuals with disabilities who attend the program there and greet some of the staff.

Following the tour, Jacobs spent over an hour with Arc GLOW leadership including Chief Executive Officer, Martin Miskell, Board President Cheryl Englert, and Board Vice President Debrah Fischer. 

CEO Martin Miskell shared news of the recent merger of Arc of Genesee Orleans and The Arc Livingston-Wyoming, resulting in Arc GLOW, geographically the largest chapter of The Arc New York.  The disability provider’s four-county service area now covers roughly 2,400 square miles and serves nearly 2,000 children and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities and their families and employs 1,000 staff members.

The group discussed advocacy priorities including the Better Care Better Jobs Act. This bill includes an investment in the disability service system as part of a COVID-19 economic recovery to support care for Medicaid recipients, and create more and better jobs for the workforce that provides that care.

Team members discussed the staffing shortage Arc GLOW and its sister chapters throughout the State are experiencing, and the need to secure adequate government funding to pay Direct Support Professionals a wage commensurate with their ability, experience, and performance.

The importance of employment opportunities for individuals wanting a job in the community was also brought to the table, as October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

Congressman Jacobs said he was honored to tour the Arc GLOW facility in Elba to see firsthand the critical services provides to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our rural communities. “Organizations like Arc are crucial to providing essential support and educational services, as well as providing members of our I/DD community with meaningful employment opportunities. The leadership is incredibly passionate and doing a wonderful job, and I look forward to continuing our strong partnership to improve access to these services,” Jacobs said.    

Submitted photos.

Jacobs meets Danny.

Alicia,  Kathy, and Day Hab Specialist Kristen Ace with Jacobs as he receives a puzzle.

Jacobs meets Day Hap Center Nurse Michele Batt.

 Board President Cheryl Englert, Congressman Chris Jacobs, CEO Martin Miskell, and Board Vice President Debrah Fischer.


Jacobs introduces bill aimed at allowing gun owners to travel with fire arms

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) cosponsored the Lawful Interstate Transportation of Firearms Act (H.R. 1680).

“American’s constitutional rights are not confined to state lines – this most definitely applies to Second Amendment rights and American’s rights to travel with their firearm,” Jacobs said. “This legislation implements and strengthens simple but needed protections for traveling gun owners to prevent the prosecution from states or municipalities seeking to erode the rights of law-abiding Americans."

The Lawful Interstate Transportation of Firearms Act (H.R. 1680) expands the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act (FOPA) transport definition. Under this legislation, the expanded definition would include staying in temporary lodging, stopping for food, fuel, vehicle maintenance, emergencies, medical treatment, and any other activity incidental to travel. In addition, H.R. 1680 clarifies that transporting a firearm includes ammunition and detachable magazines.

“Lawful gun owners should be able to make stops incidental to their travel, in the possession of a lawfully-stowed firearm, without concerns that they may face prosecution for making those necessary stops,” Jacobs said. “I am proud to stand for the Second Amendment and the Constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans, and I will keep fighting to uphold them in Congress.”

Defense bill, with amendments by Jacobs, passes House

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) voted to pass the FY22 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) last night (H.R. 4350). Additionally, two of Jacobs’ proposals were included and passed.

“President Biden unjustifiably proposed cuts to our nation’s military, especially at a time when our nation faces threats from numerous enemies abroad. The President’s reckless withdrawal from Afghanistan has created a new terrorist haven and has weakened our international credibility. Similarly, China is ever focused on disrupting the international order. We must be laser-focused on combating threats of Chinese aggression and cyber-warfare,” Jacobs said. “This legislation reverses President Biden’s proposed defense cuts, supplies critical resources for counter-terrorism operations in Afghanistan, gives our troops a much-needed pay raise, and provides for the procurement of critical equipment and vehicles for our nation's military.”

The National Defense Authorization Act passed last night with bipartisan support in the House of Representatives. Included in the final text of the bill were two legislative proposals introduced by Congressman Jacobs:

  • The Reservists Opportunity Act – this legislation allows for soldiers in our National Guard and Army Reserves to more easily access active-duty opportunities. Currently, soldiers need to be connected to a Department of Defense (DoD) network to access the Tour of Duty system, an internal Army job board for active-duty opportunities. This legislation allows for access from personal devices – improving retention and overall military readiness.
  • An amendment that increases “open topic” small business contracting opportunities for small businesses, which the Air Force has used to successfully develop innovative technologies from companies that do not traditionally work with the DoD.

“As our world grows more tumultuous and our enemies seek to test our resolve, improving our military readiness and capabilities is essential to our national security,” Jacobs said. “I introduced these pieces of legislation to ensure we can counter any threat that may arise and that our nation is not only prepared to counter the threats we face now, but any threat we may encounter in the future.”

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