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Chris Jacobs

Batavia woman honored as Veteran of the Month by Jacobs

By Press Release

Submitted photo and press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) has designated Margaret Peri of Batavia as the New York 27th Congressional District Veteran of the Month for January of 2021.

“Western New York is home to incredible veterans who not only served our nation honorably but have returned and dedicated their lives to serving our communities,” Jacobs said. “Margaret Peri has continuously answered the call to serve our nation, our local community, and distant communities that have been struck by natural disaster.

"Her selfless and dedicated service exemplifies what it truly means to be an American, and I am honored to designate her NY-27’s Veteran of the Month.”

Peri served in the Army from July of 1975 through September of 1978. Throughout her military service, she was a Chapel Activities Specialist, and her dedication to comforting and caring for patients at Walter Reed Army Medical Center earned her the Army Commendation Medal.

Following her military career, she served the people of Genesee County for more than 38 years in the Department of Social Services. She has also been a dedicated volunteer going on natural disaster relief mission trips to Ireland, Costa Rica, Haiti, and Houston in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.

Peri is also a member of the Eight Days of Hope Ministry and has been actively participating in food drives and food delivery for Western New York residents during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jacobs calls for reopening U.S.-Canadian border

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) has joined a bipartisan group to call on the Biden Administration to work with the Canadian government to develop a cooperative plan to reduce cross-border travel restrictions.

“Reopening our Northern Border will have a direct impact on improving our local economy and allow for businesses and key industries relying on cross-border travelers to receive a much-needed boost,” Jacobs said.

“In addition to injecting needed dollars into our struggling local economy, opening the border is of great personal concern for family members who have been separated for almost a year and property owners who have been unable to maintain or even check on their homes.”

The letter, signed by 24 representatives including Rep. Jacobs and New York reps. Stefanik, Higgins, Katko, and Reed calls for the Biden Administration to develop a binational plan to cooperatively reopen the Northern Border and identifies five key actions that need to be taken:

  • Establish a Bilateral Plan for Restoring Travel – Both U.S. states and Canadian provinces have created extensive frameworks for reopening their respective economies based on public health metrics and criteria identified by public health experts. While these have guided reopening decisions in their respective territories, the U.S. and Canadian governments have yet to work collaboratively to use their existing frameworks to develop guidance for reopening the U.S. – Canadian border.
  • Prioritize Vaccines and Testing for All CBP Staff – Agents and staff of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) work on the frontlines to protect American interests and citizens. We need to ensure they have a continued supply of necessary PPE and that eligibility for vaccinations is expanded beyond its current level of only personnel within a 200-mile radius of a Veterans Affairs hospital.
  • Allow for Families to Safely Reunite – Since the travel restrictions were first implemented, Canada has expanded exemptions to allow family members and extended family members to enter Canada. However, the United States has yet to offer a similar procedure for land border crossings.
  • Develop a Policy for Property Owners – Individuals who own property in Canada have been unable to travel by car to their homes to conduct maintenance and collect necessary belongings, despite the ability to implement safe procedures such as a negative COVID-19 test before traveling and implementing quarantine guidance.
  • Ensure Reciprocal Access to Transit through Boundary Waters – During the coronavirus pandemic, Canadian boaters and boat tour operators have enjoyed access to U.S. waters so long as they did not dock at a U.S. port. U.S. boaters have not had the same reciprocal treatment from Canadian authorities. This has particularly harmed the U.S. boat tour industry, which has been unable to conduct unrestricted tours resulting in lost revenues.

“The Biden Administration has indicated through an executive order that they are pursuing a plan to open the U.S. – Canadian Border safely. I urge them to work collaboratively with the Canadian government to develop an actionable plan that puts a stop to the endlessly extended travel restrictions and uncertainty for thousands of businesses, cross-border families, and American homeowners,” Jacobs said.

Jacobs retains seat on House ag committee

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is announcing that he is returning to the House Committee on Agriculture for the 117th Congress.

“Western New York’s economy and communities are directly supported by our agriculture industry,” Jacobs said. “Our farms, processing facilities, and agribusinesses provide thousands of good-paying jobs and present major opportunities to set our region up for future prosperity. It has been my mission to support our farmers in Congress – I made it a priority to be seated on the Agriculture Committee in July when I was first elected and look forward to carrying my work there into the 117th Congress.”

Announced earlier this year, Rep. David Scott (D-GA) will serve as Chairman, and Rep. Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (R-PA) will serve as Ranking Member of the House Committee on Agriculture for the 117th Congress. The Committee is charged with reviewing, developing, and advancing policies and proposals to support, improve, and further the needs of American farmers, agricultural businesses, and rural communities.

As of 2017, Western New York had more than 4,400 farms producing over $1.1 billion in products, representing 22 percent of all NYS agriculture sales.

“Serving on the Agriculture Committee puts me in the best possible position to advocate for our farmers and their needs,” Jacobs said. “These past few months alone, I was able to work with my colleagues to ensure the Commodity Credit Corporation was allocated necessary funding, increase investments for the USDA ReConnect Broadband Program, and pass COVID-19 relief legislation with direct support programs for farmers like the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP).”

“This term, there are major priorities that must be addressed. Our region needs improved broadband infrastructure, the agriculture sector needs new and younger farmers to ensure the longevity of such a critical industry, and we need to protect and support our farmers from unfair trade practices so they can access expanded markets and grow their businesses,” Jacobs said. “Finally, we will be in the beginning stages of developing a new Farm Bill early this year. I will be working diligently to ensure that the needs of Western New York farmers are met in that legislation.”

Jacobs calls on Cuomo to give ag workers priority for vaccine

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) sent a letter to New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo asking for the agricultural workers to be authorized to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

“We owe our agricultural workers a debt of gratitude. They have supported our families and state economy throughout the entirety of this pandemic and are essential frontline employees,” Jacobs said.

“Without their efforts, millions of families in New York, and around the nation, would not have been able to acquire the nutritious food needed to survive the health crisis.”

“Currently, in New York State, employees of our farms, producers, and processing facilities are ineligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, despite their essential status and the recommendation of the CDC,” Jacobs said.

“The work they do is critical to the stability of our nation, and I have asked the Governor to consider granting them eligibility status.”

The Centers for Disease Control has recommended that Phase 1b of the vaccine rollout include agricultural workers as eligible recipients. Currently, the Governor has authorized only “public-facing grocery store employees” as eligible members of the food and agriculture workers category in New York State’s Phase 1b vaccine program.

According to NYS Comptroller DiNapoli, in 2017 more than 33,000 farms in New York State employed over 55,000 workers and garnered over $5.7 billion in revenue. In the same year, agriculture added over $2.4 billion to the New York State Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the state ranked in the top five of all producers for 15 different agricultural products.

“Not only is agriculture a major driver of the New York economy at a time when our state is facing massive budget deficits, but it is also a matter of health and safety,” Jacobs said.

“Allowing the men and women working on the frontlines in agriculture to receive the vaccine strengthens and stabilizes our food supply chain at this critical time.”

Jacobs backs Biden order that could make travel to Canada easier during pandemic

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is issuing the following statement in response to the executive order signed by President Biden, in part, calling for the study and eventual safe reopening of U.S.-Canadian land ports of entry.

“Cross-border travel is a significant economic driver for our region and of immense personal significance for many Western New Yorkers. For close to a year, border closures have prevented many Americans from reuniting with their families or even simply checking on property they own in Canada.

"We know how to open safely, and we need to implement these solutions. I urge the Biden Administration to work with the Canadian government to correct inconsistent policies and to expand cross-border travel.” 


Yesterday President Biden signed an executive order titled “Executive Order on Promoting COVID-19 Safety in Domestic and International Travel.”

The order reads in part:

(Sec 5, c, Land Travel) The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of HHS, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Director of CDC, shall immediately commence diplomatic outreach to the governments of Canada and Mexico regarding public health protocols for land ports of entry.

Based on this diplomatic engagement, within 14 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of HHS (including through the Director of CDC), the Secretary of Transportation, and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit to the President a plan to implement appropriate public health measures at land ports of entry.

The plan should implement CDC guidelines, consistent with applicable law, and take into account the operational considerations relevant to the different populations who enter the United States by land.

Jacobs attends Biden inauguration, calls for national unity

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is releasing the following statement after attending the Inauguration of President Joe Biden.

“It was an honor to represent the citizens of the 27th Congressional District at the 59th Presidential Inauguration to witness the peaceful transition of power that has, and always will be, a cornerstone of our democracy. I wish President Biden and Vice President Harris well as they lead our nation and I commit to working with their administration to advance the interests of Western New York.

“This is a time to move our nation forward and unite. It is not the time for partisan agenda items – but actionable solutions that directly address the serious needs of the American people. We must work together to safely reopen our economy and schools, confront the national security threats facing our nation, and set a course toward future prosperity for small businesses, farmers and workers.

Jacobs calls on House colleague to apologize for remarks about National Guard

By Press Release

Press release:

Representatives Chris Jacobs (NY-27), Elise Stefanik (NY-21), Andrew Garbarino (NY-02), Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11), Tom Reed (NY-23), Lee Zeldin (NY-1), and John Katko (NY-24) are calling upon Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN) to apologize for his comments denigrating members of the National Guard.

“Representative Cohen’s reckless comments attacking members of the National Guard are disrespectful and divisive. These men and women proudly serve our nation and have been working nonstop for the past week to ensure our safety and that of the incoming administration tomorrow.  

“New York proudly has over 1,400 members of our National Guard members mobilized to protect our nation’s capitol right now. On behalf of them, and the over 20,000 troops stationed here from across the United States, we demand Rep. Cohen apologize immediately for his reckless and blatantly disrespectful remarks.

Jacobs defends vote against impeachment of Trump, accused of inciting an attempted insurrection

By Howard B. Owens

President Donald J. Trump was impeached for alleged crimes while in office for a second time today and Rep. Chris Jacobs did not join his house colleagues in accusing the president of inciting an attempted insurrection on Jan. 6.

Jacobs released the following statement:

“The events of last week were horrific, and the violence we witnessed has no place in our democracy. Those responsible must be held accountable for their actions. I want to thank the brave men and women of the United States Capitol Police who showed true heroism while protecting me, my colleagues, and thousands of staff members and aides. 

“Our nation is clearly divided. Healing this division and moving the country forward should be our first and foremost priority. This rushed impeachment proceeding accomplishes none of these goals, especially given that the President has agreed to an orderly and peaceful transition of power on January 20th, 2021.

“Impeachment has been used rarely in our nation’s history, and when it has been used the House of Representatives has carried out a full and deliberate process complete with an investigation, hearings led by the Judiciary Committee, and a mark-up of the articles of impeachment before a vote is called. We witnessed none of that today. The process was rushed, avoided due process, and set a dangerous precedent to further politically weaponize impeachment. 

“Because of the abbreviated process, the short length left in the President’s term, and his commitment to a peaceful transition, I voted against the articles of impeachment today. Our nation has significant challenges we still need to address – including the on-going COVID-19 crisis.

“Our focus should be on tackling these very serious and pressing issues while we work to heal a deeply divided nation. Now is the time to move forward, not take additional divisive action at a time when our country cannot bear it. 

“The peaceful transition of power is a hallmark of our American democracy; it is what sets us apart. Now more than ever, I believe all Americans need to see that transition process occur, as it always has, to reaffirm that our democracy is still strong, healthy, and unbreakable.

Ten Republicans joined the Democratic majority in voting for impeachment.

Trump invited his supporters to Washinton, D.C., on Jan. 6, the date both houses of Congress were to meet in joint session to certify the Electoral College votes, to "stop the steal." At the rally, Trump falsely claimed he won the election by millions of votes, by a landside, and told the crowd of supporters that they needed to march to the Capitol Building and Cheer members of Congress who stood strong with him but suggested VP Mike Pence wouldn't have "the courage" to send certification back to the states. 

“We are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women,” he said, “and we are probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them — because you will never take back our country with weakness.”

Members of the crowd set up a gallows outside the capital and were overheard saying they intended to hang Pence.

A police officer was killed during the riot and another committed suicide afterward.  Three other people died, including a Trump supporter who was shot by police and one who was trampled to death by other Trump supporters.

Since Jan. 6, dozens of Trump supporters have been arrested by the FBI for their alleged participation in forcefully entering the capital building.

Last night, we emailed Jacobs the following question: If inciting an attempted insurrection isn't an impeachable offense, what is? Here's his response received earlier today before the impeachment vote:

“This process is rushed, absent due process or Judiciary hearings, and sets a dangerous precedent for politically weaponizing the process of impeachment. Given the President’s commitment to a peaceful transition and the short amount of time left in his term, this process will bring about more division at a time when our country cannot bear any more. Instead, we all need to mindful of our rhetoric and work to move our nation forward, and those who committed violent acts last week must be brought to justice.”

Trump becomes the first president in history impeached twice.  In the first impeachment, the Senate did not vote to convict Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. There are legal scholars who maintain that the Senate does not have to act on the impeachment (equivalent to an indictment by a grand jury) before he leaves office on Jan. 20.

Near the end of the riot on Jan. 6, Trump praised his supporters, saying " We love you; you're very special," he added, later saying: "But go home, and go home in peace."

Later, he condemned the violence and a few days later said the rioters were likely Antifa, which House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who had received intelligence briefings on the riot, told Trump wasn't true.

Tonight, after his second impeachment, Trump delivered a pre-recorded speech and called for calm.

"No true supporter of mine could ever endorse political violence. No true supporter of mine could ever disrespect law enforcement or our great American flag," he said.

"Now I am asking everyone who has ever believed in our agenda to be thinking of ways to ease tensions, calm tempers, and help to promote peace in our country," he said.

Jacobs announces SBA webinar tomorrow on the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is announcing a webinar hosted by the Small Business Administration (SBA) to discuss the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant.

“I first want to commend the SBA for their tireless work to support our small businesses and our communities," Jacobs said. “One of my top priorities since taking office has been to deliver economic relief to support millions of American small businesses.

"When we passed the most recent COVID-19 aid package, not only did we deliver $284 billion to support the Paycheck Protection Program, but we also enacted additional provisions such as the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act that continue to represent our commitment to a strong American comeback."

This legislation allocated $15 billion to the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant program, which offers up to $10 million in grant funding to eligible organizations. The webinar will take place on Jan. 14th at 3 p.m. EST, and will cover eligibility, accessibility of grants, and the application process. 

Please be advised this webinar will fill up fast, if additional sessions become available an update will be provided.

To register for the webinar, visit:  

In addition, the Paycheck Protection Program is currently open to both first time recipients and applicants seeking a second draw. The funding is being distributed through Community Financial Institutions.

To be eligible for a second loan, a borrower must meet the following criteria:

1) Received a first-time loan and has or will use the full amount for authorized uses;

2) Has no more than 300 employees, and

3) Can demonstrate at least a 25-percent reduction in gross receipts between comparable quarters in 2019 and 2020.

For more information on the Paycheck Protection Program, please visit:

Jacobs votes against resolution calling on Pence to invoke 25th Amendment

By Press Release

Press release:

“The Constitution entrusts the Vice President and the Cabinet with the authority to invoke the 25th Amendment, and it is only intended to be used when a President is incapacitated – not as means of punishment. Congress has no place in this process and the Vice President’s decision not to invoke the 25th Amendment makes tonight’s vote no more than political posturing from Speaker Pelosi. At a time when our nation cannot bear more division, the Speaker should pull consideration of this resolution from the floor and instead work with us to heal the country.”

NOTE: Text of the 25th Amendment, Section 4:

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session.

If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

Jacobs announces reopening of Paycheck Protection Program

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is announcing that the Paycheck Protection Program has been reopened for first- and second-time borrowers.

“Since I took office this summer, I have made it a top priority to extend the Paycheck Protection Program," Jacobs said. "It has supported 51 million American jobs, with 12 million of those in rural communities and thousands of them right here in Western New York."

“The reopening of this program represents our continued commitment to supporting the hard-working American small business owners and employees who are the backbone of our local communities and economy.”

The Paycheck Protection Program reopens today – Monday, Jan. 11th – for first-time borrowers through community financial institutions. On Wednesday, Jan. 13th, the program will be open to second-time borrowers.

A borrower is eligible for a second draw if they:

1) received a first-time loan and has or will use the full amount for authorized uses;

2) has no more than 300 employees, and

3) can demonstrate at least a 25-percent reduction in gross receipts between comparable quarters in 2019 and 2020.

In addition, when the most recent COVID-19 package was signed into law, it enacted a provision that ensures expenses paid for with PPP loan funds will be considered tax deductible. This upholds the original intent of the CARES Act.

“I successfully joined my colleagues in strongly advocating the allowance of tax deductibility for loan expenses. Many businesses accepted these loans under the premise they would not be surprised with an additional tax burden this coming year,” Jacobs said. “I’ll keep working to support small businesses, protect and create jobs, and move our Western New York economy forward.

For more information regarding the reopening of the Paycheck Protection Program, please visit here.

Jacobs won't back effort to impeach Trump over incitement of riot at the Capitol

By Howard B. Owens

Some members of Congress plan to introduce at least one resolution in the House on Monday to impeach President Donald Trump following a riot -- what has been called an insurrection or attempt to overthrow the government -- by hundreds of his supporters at the Capitol Building on Tuesday.

Rep. Chris Jacobs said he does not support impeachment.

“To carry out an unprecedented, politicized, and rushed impeachment proceeding with less than two weeks left in the President’s term would have catastrophic effects on the civil fabric of our nation," Jacobs said in a prepared statement. "President Trump has committed to a smooth and orderly transition of power and that should be our focus for the next 10 days."

Congress was in joint session at the time, meeting to certify the Electoral College votes confirming Joe Biden as the victor in the nation's Nov. 3 presidential election.

Trump has made numerous baseless claims of a stolen election. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud nor that he actually won by "millions of votes" as he has claimed. Trump and his team have filed 62 lawsuits claiming election irregularities and all but one of them have been dismissed by state and federal courts, including two that reached the conservative-controlled Supreme Court. In cases where Trump's attorneys were asked to produce evidence of fraud, they've admitted they have no evidence to present. 

Despite all evidence to the contrary, Trump staged a rally in Washington, D.C., inviting his followers to come to the nation's capitol to "stop the steal."

At the rally that morning, Trump said, "You'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength. You have to be strong."

There are news reports of Trump followers threatening the life of Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Police officers have reported finding off-duty police officers and military veterans among the protesters who came prepared for violence. 

Five people died during the riot, including a capitol police officer and war veteran, Brian D. Sicknick, who was reportedly bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher. Two Trump supporters died -- a woman from San Diego who was shot by Capitol police while she was part of a group trying to breach a section of the Capitol Building, and a Trump supporter who was trampled to death by other Trump supporters. 

Trump has condemned the actions of the rioters

"The demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol have defiled the seat of American democracy," Trump said. "To those who engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country. And to those who broke the law, you will pay."

It's unclear what path the House might take leading up to a vote on articles of impeachment. If passed, the articles would be transmitted to the Senate. It would be up to the Senate to decide whether to hold a trial. Trump could only be removed from office if the Senate voted to convict him of charges in the articles of impeachment. Some legal scholars believe Trump could be potentially be tried by the Senate even after he leaves office.

If convicted, he would be barred from running for federal office again.

Here's Jacobs' full statement: 

“The events of this past week represent a dark period for our nation. The kind of reprehensible violence we saw has absolutely no place in our democracy, and I condemn it in the strongest possible terms. I cherish our First Amendment right to protest, but we must settle our differences peacefully, not with mob rule. Right now, many feel disenfranchised, our nation is divided, and tensions are high. The last thing our country needs is more division.

“To carry out an unprecedented, politicized and rushed impeachment proceeding with less than two weeks left in the President’s term would have catastrophic effects on the civil fabric of our nation. President Trump has committed to a smooth and orderly transition of power and that should be our focus for the next 10 days.

Democratic chairs in NY-27 condemn Jacobs announced protest of election

By Press Release

Press release:

The verdict of the American people is clear and resounding: Joe Biden will be our President, and Kamala Harris will be our Vice President. Every single state has certified its results, and no court has found any of those certifications invalid. Despite repeated Republican accusations of fraud, Republicans have been unable to produce an iota of evidence to support, much less prove, their accusations. Despite that failure, several Republican members of the House and Senate have tried to interfere today with the counting of electoral votes, a ceremonial ritual, today.

Yesterday Rep. Chris Jacobs (NY 27) dodged repeated questions from press and constituents about what he planned to do in the House today. Since his votes will be publicly recorded within hours, though, Chris Jacobs has finally revealed his intentions. Shamefully, he is standing with those who would overturn the will of the American voters and the voters of New York. Rather than standing for democracy, he has aligned himself with the demagogues who refuse to accept their loss and are inciting violence.

We, the county Democratic Chairpersons of New York's 27th Congressional District, condemn Congressman Jacobs' decision in the strongest possible terms. No one who refuses to accept election results deserves to hold elective office. Once again, the Representative of NY 27 is bringing shame upon the people of this district.

Jeremy Zellner
Chair, Erie County Democratic Committee

John Jacoby
Chair, Niagara County Democratic Committee

Jeff Lewis
Chair, Orleans County Democratic Committee

Michael Plitt
Chair, Genesee County Democratic Committee

Cynthia Appleton
Chair, Wyoming County Democratic Committee

Judith Hunter
Chair, Livingston County Democratic Committee

Zach King
Chair, Monroe County Democratic Committee

John Hurley
Chair, Ontario County Democratic Committee

Jacobs condemns violence in nation's capitol

By Press Release

Press release:

“I condemn the violence and destruction that is taking place in our nation’s capitol in the strongest possible terms. While our country cherishes peaceful protest, this current behavior is unacceptable and has no place in a democracy.

"I urge all protestors to immediately and peacefully leave the Capitol building and the surrounding area and to follow the instructions of law enforcement personnel.”

Chris Jacobs reverses position on validity of election results

By Howard B. Owens

Rep. Chris Jacobs, who previously issued a statement rejecting an attempt to overturn the presidential election, today said he will object to certification of the Electoral College results. 

When Texas filed a lawsuit attempting to invalidate election results in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, Jacobs said he would not sign onto the effort because he respected federalism and states' rights.

Today, in a statement, Jacobs contradicted that stance saying, “There is no question the presidential election was contentious and conducted under trying circumstances, leading several states to make unprecedented changes to their electoral systems without the authorization of their respective state legislatures as the Constitution dictates."

There have been multiple lawsuits contesting changes in state voting procedures in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. All of them have been rejected by their respective courts, primarily because the plaintiffs did not file their lawsuits prior to the election but instead waited until after residents in these respective states voted in good faith under the guidance provided by state officials.

States such as Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio, South Carolina and Texas -- states Trump won -- also made accommodations for voting during the coronavirus pandemic but Republicans are not contesting the results in those states. 

Jacobs said disputes over the election have not been adjudicated; however, 59 lawsuits have been thrown out by state and federal courts either because of timeliness or lack of evidence, including two that reached the Supreme Court. The current composition of the court includes a majority six Republican-nominated justices, including three appointed by Trump.

Today, both bodies of Congress are meeting in joint session to open and tally the electoral college votes, which have been certified by states, giving Joe Biden a 306 to 232 vote victory. Jacobs will not be the only Republican refusing to accept the results of the election. Several senators and other House members are joining in.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has been a strong ally of the president over the past four years, criticized that effort in a floor speech today.

“Voters, the courts, and the states have all spoken — they’ve all spoken,” McConnell said. “If we overrule them, it would damage our republic forever.”

In opposing Biden's victory, Jacobs breaks with fellow Republican from the Southern Tier, Tom Reed.

"It is clear to me that the U.S. Constitution calls upon our elections for president to be done at the state level, and that if there are issues of fraud, if there are issues of whether or not those elections are carried out lawfully, they are to be adjudicated at the state level," Reed said. "No state legislature has asked us to intervene in Congress in this process, and that being said, I will not be objecting to the state electors tomorrow, based upon my commitment to the U.S. Constitution."

Here is the full statement from Jacobs:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement regarding the objections to the certification of the Electoral College.

“There is no question the presidential election was contentious and conducted under trying circumstances, leading several states to make unprecedented changes to their electoral systems without the authorization of their respective state legislatures as the Constitution dictates.

This troubling fact, along with countless reports of election irregularities, has left many Americans with valid concerns about the integrity of the November 3rd presidential election because these concerns have yet to be properly adjudicated.

“I have a duty to represent my constituents and a constitutional duty to ensure the security and integrity of our elections. I do not take this decision lightly, but for these reasons feel it necessary to object to the certification of the electoral votes from contested states.

“The American people must have confidence in their elections, and I intend to work to restore that trust. As such, I will support efforts to achieve a full review of the actions taken by states that have led to the widespread distrust that now exists. I feel it is imperative to allow for this crucial national conversation to be debated in public on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Jacobs supports Trump's call for $2K stimulus checks but fate of bill hinges on Senate vote in Georgia today

By Howard B. Owens

Rep. Chris Jacobs voted last week in favor of President Donald Trump's request to give every eligible American an extra $2,000 in a COVID-related stimulus payment but the CASH Act remains stalled in the U.S. Senate.

Whether those payments will land in taxpayers' bank accounts in the coming weeks seems to hinge on today's runoff election in Georgia.

Two Senate seats are up for grabs and all four candidates support passage of the CASH Act but getting the bill through the Senate isn't just a matter of lining up enough votes.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, as majority leader, has the power to block a floor vote on the bill.

McConnell has argued that some of the direct payments would go to families who don't need it and would cost about $464 billion.

The House-passed bill, McConnell said, "has no realistic path to quickly pass the Senate," vowing that the chamber would not be "bullied into rushing out more borrowed money."

Jacobs doesn't see it that way.

“Additional COVID-19 relief has been my priority since I took office this summer," Jacobs said in a statement. "I voted to deliver $2,000 stimulus checks to Western New Yorkers who have been hardest hit by arbitrary shutdowns, unemployment, and economic downturn. I commend the President for signing the bipartisan relief deal last night and for his support of increased stimulus checks.” 

The CASH Act was approved last week by the House in a 275-134 vote. Fourty-four Republicans supported the measure.

The $2,000 payments were first suggested by Trump. He said he wasn't happy with Americans getting only $600 each in the last stimulus bill.

While campaign for the Democrats in Georgia's special election yesterday, Joe Biden, winner of the Nov. 3 election, said the $2,000 stimulous checks would be sent to Americans immediately if the Democrats win both seats today.

The race pits Kelly Loeffler against Raphael Warnock and David Perdue against Jon Ossoff.

Biden supports Warnock and Ossoff.

"If you send Jon and the Reverend to Washington, those $2,000 checks will go out the door, restoring hope and decency and honor for so many people who are struggling right now," Biden said. "And if you send (Perdue and Loeffler) back to Washington, those checks will never get there," Biden said. "It's just that simple. The power is literally in your hands."

Even though Perdue and Ossoff both support the stimulus payment, even with the two Republicans seated in the Senate, McConnell could still block the bill from coming up for a vote.

A victory for two Democrats would mean the end of McConnell's reign as majority leader and, according to Biden, mean there would be no possibility of Republicans blocking the direct payments.

A Democratic victory today would also give the party control of both houses and the White House for at least the next two years and leave Republicans with little power to block the Democratic agenda.

The amplified power of congressional leadership to control floor votes has long been a target of complaints from the former Congressman from Wisconsin, and former Republican now Libertarian Justin Amash. He tweets about it frequently.


— Justin Amash (@justinamash) January 4, 2021

Jacobs issues statement on being sworn in to new congressional term

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement after being sworn into the 117th Congress today.

“Serving Western New York has been the honor of a lifetime," Jacobs said. "I am looking forward to a productive new term and working to tackle pressing regional and national priorities. My focus will be on rebuilding Western New York’s economy, supporting small businesses and farmers, and investing in new infrastructure -- including rural broadband.

"I also know there is much work left to be done as we defeat COVID-19, especially securing vital aid for our local governments. I want to thank Western New York and the great people of NY-27 for putting their trust in me. I pledge to put you and the United States Constitution first, and continue to uphold my commitment to serve with honor and integrity.”

Jacobs touts passage of COVID-19 relief bill

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) helped pass a targeted, bipartisan COVID-19 relief package today in the House of Representatives.

“After months of deliberation, countless calls for targeted aid from my Republican colleagues and me, and hours of hard work, we have finally passed a bipartisan COVID-19 relief package through the House of Representatives,” Jacobs said. “This relief has been long overdue, and I am disappointed in the last-minute, rushed process that got us here. But I am glad this necessary aid is finally making its way to the people of NY-27.”

“Notably, this relief includes key provisions I strongly advocated for the past few months, including more small business relief through the successful Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and tax-deductibility for PPP loan-covered expenses. For months, $138 billion in appropriated funding has sat waiting to be used.

"Now, that money and more will be available to millions of small businesses and employees. This aid comes at a critical time when New York small businesses are facing new restrictions and arbitrary shutdowns. We are also tackling key priorities like funding for the safe reopening of our schools, direct assistance to families in need, supporting farmers, and ensuring Americans receive safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines.”

The bipartisan COVID-19 Package includes important priorities:

  • $284 billion to extend the Paycheck Protection Program and allow for both first and second-time borrowers to receive loans.
  • $15 billion in aid for entertainment venues, movie theaters, zoos, and museums.
  • Makes Paycheck Protection Program loan-covered expenses tax-deductible.
  • $48 billion for the purchase and distribution of vaccines and state testing assistance.
  • $600 stimulus checks for both adults and dependents.
  • $300 per week in supplemental unemployment benefits.
  • $92 billion to support the safe re-opening and operating of universities, schools, and childcare centers.
  • $7 billion for high-speed internet development, including $300 million in rural broadband funding.
  • $13 billion in funding to support American farmers, including funding for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP).

“Finally, although regrettably not included in this package – I remain committed to fighting for aid for local governments,” Jacobs said. “There is still work left to do in the new Congress, but this legislation is a major step toward supporting the American people and bipartisan cooperation.”

Jacobs applauds USDA investment into New York rural communities

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is applauding the Department of Agriculture (USDA) on their substantial investments into rural New York communities.

“Rural communities comprise the majority of NY-27, and I commend the USDA and the President for their commitment to making the health, prosperity, and future of rural communities a priority,” Jacobs said. “This commitment will translate into a strong, thriving economy in these communities and deliver new opportunities to students and younger generations.”

Overall, the USDA invested $40 billion in rural communities throughout the United States in FY20 -- $434 million of that was invested directly into New York State. Notable highlights include $16.8 million in rural broadband funding, $112 million to deliver safe drinking water supplies, and $1.6 million for small and emerging businesses. To read more about USDA investment, click here.

NY-27 Highlights:

  • $17,235,000 into the towns of Byron, Pavilion, Byron and Dansville Village. These loans and grants were used to enhance water storage and access, as well as clean up contaminated water supplies. 
  • $269,900 to the Springville Volunteer Fire Company to update their facilities to better respond to emergencies in the surrounding community. 
  • $99,900 United States Department of Agriculture Grant (USDA) for the Village of Perry to improve local trail mapping, bolster tourism, and create jobs.
  • The Farmers to Families Food Box Program developed in response to COVID-19 supported producers and processors throughout NY-27, including HH Dobbins in Lyndonville.

I was proud to announce these significant investments into our Western New York communities, and I remain committed to maintaining a strong partnership with the USDA to ensure NY-27 rural communities are supported,” Jacobs said.

“Furthermore, I am going to be fighting for increased investment in the new Congress, especially to support rural broadband development to connect our communities – the urgency of this need has grown substantially with COVID-19 as small businesses, schools, and medical visits have moved online.”

Jacobs calls delivery of COVID vaccine a 'historic day'

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement in response to the first COVID-19 vaccines being administered in the United States.

“This is a historic day. Operation Warp Speed has lived up to its mission and is now delivering the first round of COVID-19 vaccines to high-risk Americans, including the brave men and women working on the frontlines in our nation’s hospitals," Jacobs said. "I commend the President, the Operation Warp Speed team, and the thousands of American researchers who worked tirelessly to ensure this ambitious goal was achieved.

"The administration is set to deliver millions of vaccines around the country over the next few months and make them available to any American who wants one. While we can finally see the light at the end of tunnel, I encourage Western New Yorkers to remain vigilant and continue to wear a mask and social distance – we are approaching the end, let’s finish strong.”

The federal government has an initial agreement with Pfizer for the purchase of 100 million doses of their vaccine. Furthermore, the FDA is set to consider Emergency Use Authorization of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine candidate on Dec. 17th.

For more information regarding COVID-19 vaccinations, individuals can visit the CDC’s website at:

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