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VIDEO: Gov. Cuomo provides details on region-by-region reopening of New York

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

  • State will monitor four core factors to determine if a region can reopen: number of new infections, health care capacity, diagnostic testing capacity and contact tracing capacity.
  • Outlines new safety precautions each business must put in place upon reopening.
  • More than one million New Yorkers have been tested for COVID-19 to date.
  • New York's National Guard has made nearly 300,000 testing kits to collect samples.
  • Announces special enrollment through the marketplace will remain open through June 15, 2020.
  • Confirms 2,538 additional coronavirus cases in New York State -- bringing statewide total to 318,953; new cases in 45 counties.
  • Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today outlined additional guidelines for when regions can reopen.

The state will monitor four core factors to determine if a region can reopen:

  1. New Infections: Based on guidelines from the CDC, regions must have at least 14 days of decline in total net hospitalizations and deaths on a three-day rolling average. In regions with few COVID cases, the region cannot exceed 15 net new total hospitalizations or five new deaths on a three-day rolling average. In order to monitor the potential spread of infection in a region, a region must have fewer than two new COVID patients admitted per 100,000 residents per day.
  2. Health Care Capacity: Every region must have the health care capacity to handle a potential surge in cases. Regions must have at least 30 percent total hospital and ICU beds available. This is coupled with the new requirement that hospitals have at least 90 days of personal protective equipment stockpiled.
  3. Diagnostic Testing Capacity: Each region must have the capacity to conduct 30 diagnostic tests for every 1,000 residents per month. The state is rapidly expanding capacity statewide to help all regions meet this threshold.
  4. Contact Tracing Capacity: Regions must have a baseline of 30 contact tracers for every 100,000 residents, and additional tracers based on the projected number of cases in the region. The state is currently building an army of contact tracers with Mayor Bloomberg to meet the needs of each region statewide.

Governor Cuomo also outlined which industries and businesses can open in each phase of the state's reopening plan. Businesses considered "more essential" with inherent low risks of infection in the workplace and to customers will be prioritized, followed by other businesses considered "less essential" or those that present a higher risk of infection spread.

Regions must not open attractions or businesses that would draw a large number of visitors from outside the local area.

The Governor also outlined new safety precautions that each business must put in place upon reopening to help lower the risk of spreading the virus. Businesses will be required to:

  • Adjust workplace hours and shift design as necessary to reduce density in the workplace;
  • Enact social distancing protocols;
  • Restrict nonessential travel for employees;
  • Require all employees and customers to wear masks if in frequent contact with others;
  • Implement strict cleaning and sanitation standards;
  • Enact a continuous health screening process for individuals to enter the workplace;
  • Continue tracing, tracking and reporting of cases; and
  • Develop liability processes.

The Governor also announced that more than one million New Yorkers have already been tested for COVID-19 to date.

The Governor also announced New York's National Guard has made nearly 300,000 testing kits to collect samples, 60,000 of which are being sent to labs and hospitals across New York State.

The Governor also announced the special enrollment period through the NY State of Health Health Plan Marketplace will remain open through June 15, 2020.

"While we continue to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we can begin to focus on reopening, but we have to be careful and use the information we've learned so we don't erase the strides we've already made," Governor Cuomo said. "Reopening is not going to happen statewide all at once -- New York has diverse regions and those regions have different circumstances, so rather than wait for the whole state to be ready to reopen we are going to analyze the situation on a regional basis.

"We will measure whether a region can reopen based on four factors -- the number of new infections, health care capacity, diagnostic testing and contact tracing -- and we will continue to monitor these factors throughout the reopening process to prevent a second wave of the virus and protect the health and safety New Yorkers."

VIDEO: A tribute to the BHS softball team

By Howard B. Owens

Nickie Fazio, wife of Batavia High School softball Coach Jim Fazio, made this video as a tribute to the 2020 softball team, whose season has been canceled by the coronavirus pandemic.

Fazio said:

I wanted to do something special for the Varsity girls since they did not get to play this year. My heart goes out to all of them, but especially the seniors. Took me the whole week to get it done. Thank you to everyone that sent me pictures to help me put this together. It evolved into something much bigger than I originally planned. This was the best way Coach and I could express how much these girls mean to us.

GLOW YMCA faces 'tremendous spike' for aid and services due to COVID-19: #GivingTuesdayNow

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Tomorrow, May 5, as part of the global day of giving #GivingTuesdayNow, YMCAs across New York State will join together to showcase how they are staying “Open For Good” to meet the needs of their community during the COVID-19 crisis.

“When businesses were shut down, the impact on YMCAs was immediately felt,” said Kyle Stewart, executive director of the Alliance of New York State YMCAs. 

Since the organization’s beginning in the United States in 1851, the Y has always adapted to meet community needs, and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been no different. 

“We’ve seen a tremendous spike in requests for services and financial support since our community closed,” said Rob Walker, GLOW YMCA. “Now, we’re hoping that communities throughout our state will support us, so that we can continue providing essential services during this pandemic, and also ensure that we’re able to serve our communities as we reopen and recover.” 

#GivingTuesdayNow is a global day of giving and unity, set to take place on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented challenges caused by COVID-19. The day is designed to drive an influx of generosity, citizen engagement, business and philanthropy activation, and support for communities and nonprofits around the world. At a time when we are all experiencing the pandemic, generosity is what brings people of all races, faiths, and political views together.

“YMCAs are a charitable, nonprofit force for good,” said Stewart. “#GivingTuesdayNow gives us all the chance to showcase how we bring diverse communities together to help our community heal.”

On #GivingTuesdayNow, you can support the Ys across New York, and in your community, by visiting

Three new COVID-19 cases reported in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments have received five more COVID-19 cases. Orleans has two new cases and Genesee has three. 

Contact tracing has been initiated and all who have had direct contact with the individual will be notified by Health Department staff. Both of the Orleans County individuals are residents of The Villages of Orleans Health and Rehabilitation Center.

There is currently no further information to release on ages and locations. Mapping to include the positive cases from the weekend will be updated on Monday afternoon.

“We are also saddened to report one more death of an Orleans County resident from The Villages of Orleans Health and Rehabilitation Center. We extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of this individual during this very challenging time,” said Paul Pettit, Director of Genesee & Orleans County Health Departments.

We continue to encourage our residents to be vigilant about handwashing, cleaning frequently used surfaces, properly wearing cloth face coverings over the mouth and nose, keeping your hands away from your face, limiting time out in public and when you do need to go out for essentials you designate one person from your household, keep social distancing and stay home if you are sick.

Video: Gov. Andrew Cuomo's briefing for May 3, 2020

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:


States will aggregate demand for personal protective equipment, medical equipment and testing on a regional basis.

Regional supply chains will help realize better pricing, delivery and reliability of PPE and medical equipment for states.

Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, Delaware Governor John Carney, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo and Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker today announced a joint multistate agreement to develop a regional supply chain for personal protective equipment, other medical equipment and testing.

While the states will continue to partner with the federal government during this global and national public health crisis, they will also work together to identify the entire region's needs for these products, aggregate demand among the states, reduce costs and stabilize the supply chain.

The states will also coordinate policies regarding the inventory of PPE each state's health care infrastructure should have to be prepared for a possible second wave of COVID-19. The states will also coordinate policies on what supplies local governments should have on hand for their first responders, and if any requirements regarding PPE for the not-for-profit and private sector are needed.

The states will then seek to identify suppliers within the country, region or state who can scale to meet the demand of the entire region over the next three months. The goal of this approach is to decrease the potential for disruptions in the supply chain for PPE and medical equipment, including sanitizer and ventilators, and testing, and promote regional economic development.

In addition, the states are discussing how to collectively explore emerging technologies on an ongoing basis to take advantage of the potential associated with alternative methods of production for existing products and innovation that would lead to more effective and/or less expensive alternatives. For example, 3D printers may represent an attractive alternative to manufacturing certain personal protective equipment and medical products.

"The COVID-19 pandemic created a mad scramble for medical equipment across the entire nation -- there was competition among states, private entities and the federal government and we were driving up the prices of these critical resources," Governor Cuomo said.

"As a state and as a nation, we can't go through that again. We're going to form a regional state purchasing consortium with our seven Northeast partner states to increase our market power when we're buying supplies and help us actually get the equipment at a better price. I want to thank our neighboring states for their ongoing support, generosity and regional coordination on these important efforts."

Governor Murphy said, "Our states should never be in a position where we are actively competing against each other for life-saving resources. By working together across the region, we can obtain critical supplies as we begin the process to restart our economies, while also saving money for our taxpayers. This concept is at the heart of the regional approach we've established."

Governor Lamont said, "With global supply chains continuing to experience a major disruption due to the pandemic, combining the efforts of our states into a regional purchasing initiative will help our states obtain needed PPE and other medical equipment without competing against each other. I've long been advocating for the federal government to get involved because pitting all 50 states against each other to compete for these supplies has never made any sense. Partnering with our neighbors helps make our purchasing power stronger and more dependable."

Governor Wolf said, "By working together we can combine our strengths to build the capacities we all need. We can exploit our market size to encourage producers to make what we need, we can exploit our financial strength to give that encouragement added weight, and we can exploit the great research institutions and the brainpower in our region to increase our chances of success. I look forward to working with my fellow governors — and my neighbors -- to build a strong regional supply chain."

Governor Carney said, "We need a consistent approach for moving our states out of this crisis, and that includes ensuring a sufficient supply of PPE and tests. I'm thankful for this coordination with my fellow governors in the region. We'll be better positioned to continue tackling this crisis working together with the states around us."

Governor Raimondo said, "Our healthcare workers should never have to worry if we have enough PPE to keep them safe. Over the past two months, we've been scouring the earth for supplies and have worked hard to meet the demand on the frontlines. We know that, in order to safely reopen the economy, we need a long-term supply of PPE for all critical infrastructure workers. I look forward to continuing to collaborate with states across the region in order to build and maintain a steady, reliable, and affordable supply of PPE."

Governor Baker said, "Massachusetts looks forward to working with other states to identify more options for PPE procurements for our health care workers and public safety personnel."

More than 2 percent of Finger Lakes residents have coronavirus antibodies, according to state report

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

  • State will distribute more than 7 million more cloth masks to vulnerable New Yorkers and frontline workers across the State. 
  • State is distributing $25 million to food banks across the State through the Nourish New York Initiative.
  • Confirms 4,663 additional coronavirus cases in New York State -- bringing statewide total to 312,977; new cases in 44 counties.
  • Governor Andrew M. Cuomo: "Uncharted waters doesn't mean proceed blindly, right? It means get information, get data, the best you can, and use that data to decide where you're going. So, especially in this situation, you have so much emotion, you have politics, you have personal anxiety that people feel, social anxiety, social stress. Let's stick to the facts, let's stick to the data, let's make sure we're making the best decisions with the best information that we have." 
  • Cuomo: "We want people to know who need to use the subways and buses, because they are working, that they're safe. And the essential workers who have kept this entire society functioning have done an extraordinary job, and we want them to know that we're doing everything we can do to keep them safe."
  • Earlier today, Governor Cuomo announced the results of the state's completed antibody testing study show 12.3 percent of the population have COVID-19 antibodies. The survey developed a baseline infection rate by testing 15,000 people at grocery stores and community centers across the state over the past two weeks. Of those tested, 11.5 percent of women tested positive and 13.1 percent of men tested positive. A regional breakdown of the results is below:


Percent Positive

Capital District


Central NY


Finger Lakes


Hudson Valley
(Without Westchester/Rockland)


Long Island


Mohawk Valley


North Country




Southern Tier




Western NY



The Governor also announced that the state will distribute over seven million more cloth masks to vulnerable New Yorkers and essential workers across the state. The masks will be distributed as follows:

  • 500,000 for NYCHA residents;
  • 500,000 for farmworkers;
  • 1 million for vulnerable populations, including the mental health and developmentally disabled communities;
  • 500,000 for homeless shelters;
  • 2 million for elderly New Yorkers and nursing homes;
  • 1 million for faith-based organizations and food banks.
  • 2 million for grocery stores, supermarkets, and food delivery workers.

The Governor also announced the state is distributing $25 million to food banks across the state through the Nourish New York Initiative. The Nourish New York initiative, announced earlier this week by Governor Cuomo, is working to quickly reroute New York's surplus agricultural products to the populations who need them most through New York's network of food banks. Funding will be distributed as follows:

  • New York City Region: $11 million
  • Westchester Region: $1 million
  • Long Island Region: $1.6 million
  • Capital/Hudson Valley Region (includes portion of North Country and Mohawk Valley): $4.4 million
  • Central NY Region (includes portion of North Country and Mohawk Valley): $2.2 million
  • Southern Tier Region: $1.1 million
  • Western New York Region: $2.1 million
  • Finger Lakes Region (includes portion of Southern Tier): $1.7 million

For second time in three days, no new COVID-19 cases reported in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments have received two more COVID-19 cases. Orleans has two new cases and Genesee has zero.

Contact tracing has been initiated and all who have had direct contact with the individual will be notified by Health Department staff. Both of the individuals are residents of The Villages of Orleans Health and Rehabilitation Center.

There is currently no further information to release on ages and locations. Mapping to include the positive cases from the weekend will be updated on Monday afternoon.

We continue to encourage our residents to be vigilant about handwashing, cleaning frequently used surfaces, properly wearing cloth face coverings over the mouth and nose, keeping your hands away from your face, limiting time out in public and when you do need to go out for essentials you designate one person from your household, keep social distancing and stay home if you are sick.

NYS Department of Labor has paid more than $4.6B in benefits to unemployed New Yorkers since COVID-19 crisis began

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The New York State Department of Labor today announced that it had distributed more than $4.6 billion in unemployment benefits since the coronavirus pandemic began impacting businesses in early March.

In total, the DOL has processed more than 1.6 million completed applications or unemployment benefits since March 9th, including for both traditional unemployment insurance and the new COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program.

“In New York, we are working faster and more aggressively to deliver unemployment benefits than many other states, and in a matter of weeks, we have paid more than $4.6 billion to well over a million New Yorkers,” NYS Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon said.“We have been throwing everything — including the kitchen sink — at upgrading our systems and increasing our capacity to serve New Yorkers, and we will continue this work until everyone receives their benefits.”

Since coronavirus-related shutdowns began impacting businesses across the country in March, states have faced an unprecedented number of new unemployment insurance applications. To date, more than 30 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits through the week ending April 25th.

The volume of new unemployment claims has reached historic levels, including setting a record for the highest number of weekly claims filed nationwide for the week ending March 28th, which saw 6.8 million new claims -- compared to the previous high before this crisis of 695,000 claims during one week in October 1982.

Completed unemployment benefit applications for 1.6 million New Yorkers have been processed since this crisis began -- including 222,040 new claims from the week ending April 25.

In total, New York State has distributed over $4.6 billion in benefits to New Yorkers between March 9 and April 30, including through traditional unemployment insurance and new federal programs like Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), which provides benefits for those not covered by traditional unemployment insurance; Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC), which provides an additional $600 per week for all benefit recipients; and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), which provides 13 additional weeks of benefits, for a total of 39 weeks of unemployment benefits.

Facing an unprecedented surge in unemployment claims and a large number of partially complete claims with missing or incomplete Federal Employer Identification Numbers, which require a phone call to complete, the Department of Labor has taken decisive action to update its system, streamline operations, and improve its capacity to serve New Yorkers. These efforts include:

  • Issuing a directive requiring New York-based employers to provide New Yorkers with the information they need to apply for unemployment benefits, including the company’s Federal Employer Identification Number;
  • Launching a new, streamlined website backed by Google Cloud's infrastructure, which can automatically scale to meet demand and rolling out an updated application that allows New Yorkers to seamlessly apply for either traditional unemployment insurance or the new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance in one system — well before many other states launched their PUA applications;
  • Undertaking a major call back initiative to proactively call New Yorkers with partially completed applications and obtain the information needed to process their claims. To date, the DOL has made more than 670,000 proactive calls;
  • Increasing the number of Department of Labor representatives handling calls and processing applications from 400 people working five days a week to up to 3,100 individuals working seven days a week; and
  • Being among the first states to release the additional $600 weekly payments to unemployed individuals -- even before the federal government made funding available.

Hawley sponsors legislation for financial support of firefighters, EMS workers

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley recently signed on with the Assembly Republican Conference to sponsor legislation that would divert state and federal funds received for COVID-19 relief to frontline firefighters and EMS workers who have been on the clock since the lockdown in New York started.

With these organizations relying heavily on donations and fundraisers to support their services, and with the lockdown draining them of their resources, Hawley wants to ensure these workers are protected and ensure their success.

“During these tough times, with a budget that is struggling to keep up, we need to be provide state and federal funding to those risking their health and safety on the front lines,” Hawley said. “There is just about $90 million that’s been generated from wireless surcharges that is deposited into the state’s General Fund and not used for emergency response purposes; my recommendation is to start there.

“Despite these trying times, it’s important that we keep in sight the health and safety issues that our frontline workers are facing. They need this funding to offset the costs they can’t make back otherwise during this pandemic. The legislation proposed addresses the need for state funding as a result of COVID-19.” 

To further support these frontline workers, Hawley is urging Speaker Heastie and the Chair of Assembly Racing and Waging Committee, Assemblyman Pretlow, to allow a full vote on his Assembly Bill A2250, which would legalize the selling of raffle tickets online for nonprofit organizations who fundraise, such as local firehouses, volunteer organizations, service clubs, or EMS operations.

Video: In daily briefing, Cuomo announces schools and colleges to remain closed for rest of academic year

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

  • Directs schools and colleges to create Reopening Plans that reimagine facilities to be approved by the state;
  • State is partnering with Kate Spade New York Foundation and Crisis Text Line to provide 24/7 emotional support service for frontline workers; workers can text NYFRONTLINE to 741-741;
  • Department of Financial Services to require New York State-regulated health insurers to waive out-of-pocket costs for mental health services for frontline essential workers;
  • Announces new targeted efforts to further reduce number of new hospitalizations per day;
  • Five new drive-through testing facilities now open in Monroe, Erie, Broome, Niagara and Oneida counties;
  • Confirms 3,942 additional coronavirus cases in New York State -- bringing statewide total to 308,314; new cases in 48 counties;
  • Governor Andrew M. Cuomo: "Nobody can predict what the situation is going to be three weeks or four weeks from now, so we are trying to stage decisions at intervals that give us information, but also enough time for people to make preparations they need to make."
  • "We are going to be asking businesses to come up with plans that safeguard workers when they reopen. We need schools to come up with plans also that bring those precautions into the schoolroom. That is also for colleges, and the state will approve those plans."
  • Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Cuomo today announced all K-12 schools and college facilities statewide will remain closed for the rest of the academic year and will continue to provide distance learning during that time. The schools will also be required to continue meal programs and child care services for essential workers. The state will make a decision about summer school programming by the end of May.

How Gail Tenney turned a nuisance into help for UMMC workers on the front line

By Jeanne Walton

It didn’t take Gail Tenney long to decide who she wanted to help when the coronavirus pandemic hit.

She works for her family’s businesses, McNickel’s Bottle and Can Redemption and adjoining RJ’s Washroom on Ellicott Street in the City of Batavia.

Given her family’s work at the Redemption Center, and because she knows that for most people “bottles and cans are a nuisance,” an empties drive was the perfect choice for an event to benefit hardworking medical providers at United Memorial Medical Center.

Thus was born "Community Strong with Cans." Tenney visited neighbors on Redfield Parkway, Bogue Avenue and Woodrow Road. They were happy to help!

She collected empties with a $200 redemption value initially, $120 with the next round, and then added $100 from her family. This $420 was used to purchase 55 meals for hospital workers at UMMC.

The meals were from local eatery Commit to Well (inside Eli Fish Brewing Co.) and delivered on April 13; the recipients were more than grateful.

“The ongoing support of our community is such an important piece in our fight against COVID-19," said UMMC President Dan Ireland. "As we all learn how to cope during these extraordinary times and rise to the challenge, our team members are working long hours away from their family—many accomplishing tasks they’ve never done before.

"Our community’s acts of kindness, large or small, keep us going. This outpouring of gratitude reminds us why we’re here, and that the community we care so deeply about, also cares for us. There are not enough words to express our sincere appreciation. We are all so thankful for the heartwarming generosity.”

Now Tenney would like to expand the scope of the project and share the benefits with the people who support their businesses as well, while increasing collection efforts throughout the community.

"Let’s support them, they support us," Tenney said. "…My heart breaks for them" because they are truly the people in need during these difficult times.

Along with the hospital staff, Tenney has selected Care-A-Van Ministries and Community Action of Orleans and Genesee to be recipients in the future.

Paul Ohlson of Care-A-Van said that contributions they receive are distributed according to needs, so it is most helpful to provide them with the funds directly.

Similarly, Lisa Wittmeyer of Community Action is anticipating that any money raised will help in upcoming months when many local residents need to catch up on unpaid rents from the early days of the pandemic.

The Tenney family hopes their efforts will bring a bit of much needed relief to those who need it, without overburdening the people they are asking to contribute. They intend to continue matching funds for money raised.

To donate your empties to "Community Strong with Cans," to arrange a pick up, or to help, please contact Tenney at: or call/text (585) 993-2060.

Visit Tenney’s Blog here.

Top photo, courtesy of UMMC.

Inset photo right, courtesy of Gail Tenney.

With federal loan secured, Batavia Downs able to pay employees for next two months

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Officials at Western Regional Off-Track Betting / Batavia Downs Gaming (WROTB/BDG) today announced they have received funds via the Paycheck Protection Program which will provide critical financial relief for costs including payroll, health benefits, rent, and other expenses related to job retention.

The funds will cover the next two months of expenses and were awarded April 30.

“When PPP funding was announced last month, the Board of Directors and I made the decision almost immediately to apply for relief,” said Henry Wojtaszek, president and CEO of WROTB/BDG. “What was most important was continuing to financially support our staff and their families during these uncertain times.”

The gaming facility was closed on March 16th and employees were paid their full wages for a period of one month. On April 16th they were furloughed for a period of two weeks. Once the PPP loan was secured, employees were recalled to begin work again on the next pay week.

Throughout the temporary closure, there have been employees working onsite including security and surveillance. Others are working from home. As a potential reopening date comes closer there will be new health, safety, and security protocols put into place.

Employees will be trained and made aware of whatever new safety regulations are implemented well in advance of opening in order to provide a safe environment for employees and guests.

“Once we reopen, we will look to continue to deliver revenue to our partners in local government," Wojtaszek said. “Once given the go-ahead by state officials we hope that through the gaming floor, our concerts, and events we can provide much-needed monies to local governments in order to fund critical services from first responders to food banks. We know it will take a lot of preparation on our end to meet those standards, but our dedicated staff will ready to take on the task.”

Western Regional OTB and Batavia Downs employs more than 450 hardworking Western New Yorkers.

LIVE: Health Department COVID-19 Briefing May 1, 2020

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Written briefing:

New Cases

  • As of 2 p.m.
    • Genesee County received one new positive case of COVID-19, for a total of 150 positive cases.
      • The positive case resides in Batavia.
      • The positive case is in their 70s.
      • The newly positive individual was not on quarantine prior to becoming symptomatic.
      • Three of the previous positive cases have recovered and have been released from mandatory isolation.
      • Four of the total active positive cases are hospitalized.
  • Orleans County received one new positive case of COVID-19 for a total of 96 positive cases.
    • The positive case resides in Albion.
    • The positive case is in their 30s.
    • The individual had been on mandatory quarantine prior to becoming symptomatic.
    • Five of the total active positive cases are hospitalized.
  • Orleans County has lost two more residents to COVID-19. They were both residents at The Village of Orleans Health & Rehab facility. Both were over 65. We extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of these individuals during this very difficult time.
  • Please take a moment of silence to remember all we have lost in our counties, our state, our nation and around the world. These people are our parents, our grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, friends, neighbors and coworkers. They have each been important to us and they have had an impact on all they have had contact with.

Click here to view the Genesee and Orleans County online map of confirmed cases

The facility breakdown is only showing those facilities from where we received a positive swab for COVID-19. Facilities will be added when and if there is a positive case of COVID-19. If a regulated facility from either of our counties is not listed, there are no positive cases of COVID-19 as of the release of this briefing. The local health departments do not have oversight with many regulated facilities, which may include nursing homes, correctional facilities, hospitals, etc.

  • In order to show community spread of the active cases, we have broken out the facilities and all active cases (mandatory isolation, mandatory quarantine and precautionary quarantine and recovery) will only be community cases. We will continue to include all confirmed cases, total tests administered, total negative results, ages and deaths cumulatively for both community and facilities. We found that because we are not the agency that follows non-county regulatory facilities we couldn’t report recoveries. We expect this will give a clearer picture of what is happening in Genesee and Orleans counties.
    • We are having conversations with our local facilities as appropriate to provide guidance and personal protective equipment (PPE) as it is available, but we are limited in what we can do because they are state or federal facilities and not under local oversight. If you have questions or concerns about a specific facility we encourage you to talk directly with the facility and the appropriate oversight agency.
  • The NYS Health Department will partner with the State’s Attorney General to investigate nursing home violations. A hotline or online form can be submitted where residents, families, or members of the public can share complaints about nursing homes that have not provided required communications with families about COVID-19 diagnoses or fatalities, nursing home abuse, and neglect including failure to follow rules to keep residents safe. The hotline number is (833) 249-8499 or click this link for the online form.
  • Swabbing and antibody testing is becoming increasingly available in the WNY region.If you are experiencing symptoms, contact your primary care provider and they will determine if testing is right for you. If the counties receive an increase in swabbing supplies and the protocol for testing is changed, we will notify the public. The Health Departments are not providing public swabbing due to lack of supplies. For more information on testing click here.
  • There is still no cure or vaccination available for COVID-19. Be alert to scams or home remedies. Contact your primary care provider if you have any symptoms and follow his/her instructions.
  • Prepping for Re-opening Our Region: Although there currently isn’t any guidance on when WNY will be allowed to reopen, we are optimistic we will have guidance soon and encourage everyone to be prepared in our preparations with our goal to protect the health and safety of our residents. Conditions will be monitored to limit and lessen (mitigate) any rebounds or outbreaks by restarting a phase or returning to an earlier phase, depending on the severity to protect the most vulnerable. Reopening will be data driven to determine the viability of the process. If there is a sharp increase of positive swabs and antibody results we need to determine if it is related to increased testing, lack of following guidance or a combination of the two.
    • For all businesses: Develop a plan to limit the risk of infection of employees and the public. Monitor workforce for symptoms, do not allow symptomatic people to physically return to work until cleared by a medical provider. If possible continue to encourage telework whenever possible.
      • The Health Departments encourage stores and businesses to set guidelines that include not allowing patrons to enter if they are not wearing a face covering or are not wearing it correctly (covering the mouth & nose). For those who cannot wear masks for legitimate breathing issues, ask someone else to run errands for your or call ahead to see if you can have curbside delivery. Make sure you have proper signage noting your policy and that it is visible to your patrons.
      • Close common areas where personnel are likely to congregate and interact or enforce strict social distancing protocols.
      • Ensure 6 foot buffer zones when dealing with the public and between work stations. Prioritize online payments over cashiers when possible.
      • Provide handwashing / hand sanitizing stations for employees and the public.
      • Consider making properly worn face coverings (covering the mouth and nose) mandatory for staff and customers. For those unable to wear masks due to legitimate breathing issues, reassign them so they don’t interact with the public or have close contact with fellow workers.
      • Review your sick leave policy and enforce it so no on exhibiting symptoms is allowed to report for duty. If someone becomes ill at work, have disinfecting protocol in place to clean the area(s) the employee has been in.
    • For everyone: Wearing Masks and Social Distancing is paramount to preventing flare-ups and mini-outbreaks. Everyone needs to be compliant. Correctly wearing cloth masks (covering the mouth and nose) is part of a multipronged approach to stop/slow the spread of COVID-19. We know wearing a face covering is inconvenient and uncomfortable, but it can limit transmission of respiratory germs. The mask traps the droplets before they spread into the environment. Remember wearing a face covering helps to protect others from your potential germs. Since many have been asymptomatic, this will help limit the spread…"My mask protects you, and your mask protects me!" Wearing face coverings is a way of strengthening social distancing.
    • Minimize nonessential travel and adhere to CDC guidelines regarding isolation following travel.
    • Continue the following:
      • Continue frequent handwashing / hand sanitizing if soap and water are not available.
      • Continue frequent sanitizing / cleaning of shared surfaces.
      • Continue Social Distancing – staying 6 feet away from others (non-household members)
      • Continue Wearing face coverings
      • Stay HOME if you are sick!!!

Mental Health

  • Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations and having to socially distance yourself from someone you love can be difficult. Below are resources that can help you connect to a professional that can help you through these challenging times:
    • Care + Crisis Helpline is available 24/7 at 585-283-5200 or text "Talk" to 741741;
    • New Yorkers can call the COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline at 1-844-863-9314 for mental health counseling.
  • Domestic Violence: For New Yorkers in need of help or assistance, they can text 844-997-2121 or can go to the new confidential online site to reach a professional. The new text program and confidential online service will make it easier for victims who are isolated with their abusers to get help. Both the text and online service are staffed 24/7 by the Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence Staff who are experts in the area of domestic violence.

U.S. Postal Service offers guidance on Hold Mail service during COVID-19 pandemic

By Billie Owens

Press release:

WESTERN NY — The U.S. Postal Service Western New York District, which includes service to all addresses beginning with ZIP Codes 140 through 149, is providing this information to help customers connect with their mail if they are temporarily displaced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, we are providing details on Hold Mail.

Our Hold Mail service is designed for customers who plan on being away from their home or business for up to 30 days. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Postal Service suspended the 30-day time frame and extended all Hold Mail requests until May 30, 2020.

Business and residential customers can rest assured knowing their mail and packages will be held safely at their local Post Office until that date. On or before May 30, 2020, customers can either pick up accumulated mail at their Post Office with proper identification or request redelivery.

In these unprecedented times, the Postal Service understands that some customers may need their mail held beyond May 30, 2020. Therefore, the Postal Service will institute a two-week grace period, beginning June 1, 2020, during which customers can contact their local Post Office to make arrangements to have their mail held longer.

We also understand that different parts of the country will be reopening at different times based on local conditions. If customers live in one of the areas reopening, we encourage them to contact their local Post Office as a part of their return to business and make arrangements to collect their mail on hold or make arrangements to restart regular delivery of mail including mail still being held.

On June 15, 2020, the Postal Service will revert back to its normal policy that allows for customers to have their mail held for 30 days. Customers with questions regarding Hold Mail requests can contact the Postal Service at 1-800-ASK-USPS (275-8777).

For the latest information on Postal Service service updates, please check

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

Torrey Farms donates 26,000 pounds of veggies to New Yorkers in need

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Northeast Dairy Producers Association (NEDPA) today announced that farms and co-ops located across Upstate New York have donated more than 34,000 pounds of milk, beef, fruit and vegetables to fellow New Yorkers in need. 

In addition to the NY-sourced milk and food, packets of crayons and coloring books for kids have also been donated, and were made available to families today, May 1, at Senator Jessica Ramos’ district office in East Elmhurst, Queens.

The following donations were made possible by a partnership between Senator Ramos and a number of New York State farms:

  • 300 pounds of beef donated by La Casa De Leche Farm (Livingston County) and the Northeast Dairy Producers Association.
  • 1,700 gallons of milk donated by Dairy Farmers of America.
  • 20,000 apples equaling 5,700 pounds donated by Farm Fresh First Inc., which markets NY apples from more than 100 apple growers throughout the state.
  • 14,000 pounds of onions, 8,000 pounds of potatoes and 4,000 pounds of cabbage donated by Torrey Farms Inc. (Genesee County) and the New York State Vegetable Growers Association
  • 2,880 pounds of blueberry and vanilla parfait yogurt donated by Upstate Niagara Cooperative Inc., a dairy cooperative located in Western New York.
  • 575 packs of Prang Crayons made with soybean oil donated by the New York Corn & Soybean Growers Association, along with coloring books sponsored by New York dairy farmers and donated through American Dairy Association North East.

On Wednesday, a truck left Western New York packed with beef, vegetables, fruit, yogurt, crayons and coloring books. The truck stopped at Dean Foods in Rensselaer County to pick up 1,700 gallons of milk and arrived in Queens yesterday.

Many areas in Senate District 13, including Elmhurst, East Elmhurst, Jackson Heights, Corona and parts of Woodside and Astoria — are considered food deserts, making it difficult to obtain fresh meals. Additionally, there are few local food pantries that remain open in the area as many residents have fallen ill with COVID-19. 

The donations of food, milk, crayons and coloring books were distributed to families in need today. A hot meal distribution will also take place on Saturday, May 2 at Senator Ramos’ office. 

“In addition to the unspeakable loss of life caused by the coronavirus pandemic, two additional devastating tragedies are unfolding during this crisis — a spike in hunger as the economic pain takes its toll, and the breakdown of our food supply chain,” Senator Ramos said.

“We cannot have hungry families in New York City, and farmers Upstate dumping their product because they cannot sell it. Together with our farmer partners, we created our own network, and we will convert our district office into a food distribution hub to provide our neighbors with fresh produce and meals.” 

Northeast Dairy Producers Association Vice Chair and Owner of La Casa De Leche Farm (Livingston County) Keith Kimball said, “The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us all -- our families, our businesses and the greater New York community.

"By pooling resources and working together to adapt to unprecedented market disruption, we’re able to get milk, beef and produce in the hands of those in need. I’m proud to partner with farmers, co-ops and processors across the state to make this donation a reality, and thankful to Senator Ramos for hosting the event for families in Queens.”

Maureen Torrey, co-owner of Torrey Farms Inc. in Genesee County, said, “Thanks to the passionate employees on our family farm and our dedicated truck drivers, we’re able to donate 26,000 pounds of vegetables to families in need, including onions that Senator Ramos helped us plant last year.

"This public health crisis has changed life as we know it, but what we’ve learned is that no matter where you live -- Buffalo, Plattsburgh, New York City and everywhere in between -- we’re all New Yorkers -- and together We are New York Tough.” 

(File photo of Maureen Torrey taken in 2013.)

Northeast Dairy Producers Association (NEDPA) is an organization of dairy producers and industry partners committed to an economically viable, consumer-conscious dairy industry dedicated to the care and well-being of our communities, environment, employees and cows.

VA in Batavia reportedly not facing same PPE shortage issue plaguing rest of the system

By Howard B. Owens

Earlier this week, Richard Stone, the nation's head physician for the Veterans Administration, said that the VA is facing a shortage of personal protective equipment.

We asked Evangeline Conley, public affairs officer for the VA Western NY Healthcare System, and here is her response:

VA Western New York Healthcare System stopped using crisis capacity guidelines weeks ago and is currently adhering to the same CDC contingency capacity postures the CDC recommends all health care facilities use.

VA Western New York Healthcare System’s PPE practices have helped limit its COVID-19 employee infection rates to .6 percent of the workforce. Other health care systems such as University of Washington Medicine report 4.4 percent of employees have tested positive and 2.1 percent of Henry Ford Health System’s workforce has tested positive.

Supply levels are being monitored every day to make sure facilities have adequate PPE for the number and types of patients they are seeing. If a facility were to fall below stock levels, the facility would be cross-leveled by another VA facility or region.

Tompkins Financial Corporation reports record year-to-date and first quarter earnings

By Billie Owens

Press release:

ITHACA -- Tompkins Financial Corporation (NYSE American:TMP), parent company of Tompkins Bank of Castile, Tompkins Insurance Agencies, and Tompkins Financial Advisors, has reported record year-to-date and first quarter earnings.

Tompkins Financial Corporation Reports Cash Dividend

Tompkins Financial Corporation announced today that its Board of Directors approved payment of a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.52 per share, payable on May 18, 2020, to common shareholders of record on May 11, 2020.

Tompkins Financial Corporation Reports First Quarter Earnings

Tompkins Financial Corporation announced net income attributable to common shareholders of $7.9 million, or $0.53 per diluted common share for the first quarter of 2020, compared to $21.0 million, or $1.37 per diluted common share, for the first quarter of 2019. Results for the first quarter of 2020 were negatively impacted by current economic stress resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, which contributed to the $16.3 million provision for credit losses recognized during the quarter under the new current expected credit losses (CECL) accounting standard. Refer to "Asset Quality" section for further discussion of the impact on the Company's financial statements upon adoption of this new accounting guidance.

"These are clearly unprecedented times for our country and our communities. I am extremely proud of the exceptional way the Tompkins team has stepped up to the current environment by addressing the specific challenges of our clients and communities who are facing hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Though these are unprecedented times, Tompkins enters this environment well prepared to face the many challenges and difficulties we are all dealing with as a result of the pandemic. Over recent years, we have invested significantly in digital technologies to improve capabilities that allow our customers to bank remotely. We have also invested significantly in our internal systems, which allowed nearly 100 percent of our non-retail employees to transition quickly and securely to remote working environments with limited disruption to our business. Furthermore, we entered 2020 with a strong financial position, coming off a year of record earnings per share in 2019, and with our 2019 Risk Based Capital Ratio at its highest level since 2014."


Despite the decline in earnings from the prior year, there were several favorable trends noted during the first quarter of 2020, including:

•       Total loans of $4.9 billion were up 3.1 percent over March 31, 2019

•       Total deposits of $5.4 billion increased by 8.4 percent over March 31, 2019

•       Noninterest bearing deposits of $1.4 billion increased by 5.6 percent over March 31, 2019

•       Net interest margin was 3.44 percent for the first quarter of 2020, up from 3.34 percent for the first quarter of 2019, and 3.43 percent for the fourth quarter of 2019


Net interest margin was 3.44 percent for the first quarter of 2020, up compared to the 3.34 percent reported for the first quarter of 2019, and 3.43 percent for the trailing quarter ended Dec. 31, 2019. The improved net interest margin year-over-year was largely driven by lower other borrowing balances and funding costs, primarily in other borrowings. Net interest income of $53.0 million for the first quarter of 2020 was up 2.0 percent compared to the first quarter of 2019.


Noninterest income represented 26.4 percent of total revenues in the first quarter of 2020, compared to 27.2 percent in the first quarter of 2019. Noninterest income of $19.0 million was down 2.3 percent compared to the same period in 2019. Noninterest income in the first quarter of 2019 included a one-time incentive payment of $500,000 (pre-tax) related to our card services business.


Noninterest expense was $45.7 million for the first quarter of 2020, which was up 3.5 percent from the same period in 2019, and in line with the fourth quarter of 2019. The increase in noninterest expense from the same period last year was mainly related to higher salaries and wages in the first quarter of 2020, largely reflective of merit increases awarded in 2019.


The Company's effective tax rate was 19.4 percent in the first quarter of 2020, compared to 21.0 percent for the same period in 2019.


Asset quality trends remained strong in the first quarter of 2020. Nonperforming assets represented 0.46 percent of total assets at March 31, 2020, down slightly from 0.47 percent at Dec. 31, 2019. Nonperforming asset levels continue to be below the most recent Federal Reserve Board Peer Group Average1of 0.56 percent.

Net charge-offs for the first quarter of 2020 were $1.2 million compared to $3.5 million reported in the first quarter of 2019. Net charge-offs of $1.2 million in the first quarter of 2020 was largely related to a single credit, while the first quarter of 2019 included a $3.1 million write-down of one credit, both in the commercial real estate portfolio.

The Company adopted Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2016-13, “Financial Instruments – Credit Losses (Topic 326): Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments” (“CECL”), effective Jan. 1, 2020. The Company recorded a net increase to retained earnings of $1.7 million upon adoption of the new standard. The transition adjustment at Jan. 1, 2020 included a $2.5 million decrease in the allowance for credit losses on loans, and a $0.4 million increase in the allowance for credit losses on off-balance sheet credit exposures, net of the corresponding $0.4 million decrease in deferred tax assets. The provision for credit losses for the first quarter of 2020 was $16.3 million, increasing the allowance for credit losses to $52.4 million at March 31, 2020. The increase in the first quarter of 2020 was not a direct result of specific credit risks currently identified in the loan portfolio; rather, the increase was largely a result of the impact of the current economic shutdown related to COVID-19 on economic forecasts and other model assumptions relied upon by management in determining the allowance.

The allowance for credit losses represented 1.06 percent of total loans and leases at March 31, 2020, compared to 0.81 percent at Dec. 31, 2019, and 0.84 percent at March 31, 2019. The ratio of the allowance to total nonperforming loans and leases was 170.74 percent at March 31, 2020, compared to 126.90 percent at Dec. 31, 2019, and 175.51 percent at March 31, 2019.


Capital ratios remained well above the regulatory minimums for well capitalized institutions. The ratio of Tier 1 capital to average assets was 9.53 percent at March 31, 2020, down slightly from 9.61 percent at December 31, 2019, and improved from 9.24 percent at March 31, 2019. Consistent with the Company's capital planning practices, during the quarter ended March 31, 2020, the Company repurchased 71,288 shares of common stock at an average price of $78.83 per share. On March 19, 2020, following the announcement of the national emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company suspended the purchase of shares under the Company’s share repurchase program. During the quarter ended Dec. 31, 2019, the Company repurchased 35,821 shares of common stock at an average price of $80.25 per share. There were no shares repurchased during the first quarter of 2019.


Economic Environment

The COVID-19 outbreak has led to government-mandated closures and stay at home orders across the nation, which have resulted in deteriorating economic conditions throughout the U.S. The various government orders issued in response to the pandemic are significantly impacting the U.S. labor market, consumer spending and business investments. During March 2020, in response to the deteriorating economic conditions, the Federal Reserve reduced the federal funds rate 1.5 percentage points, to .00 to .25 percent. The Federal Reserve also provided a pandemic-related stimulus package estimated at $4.0 trillion, in order to ease the stress on financial markets. In addition, the United States Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act ("CARES Act"), which would provide approximately $2.5 trillion of support to U.S. citizens and businesses affected by COVID-19.

Company Response

During the first quarter of 2020, the Company designated a Pandemic Planning Committee, made up of members of Senior Management, to oversee the Company’s response to COVID-19. The Company implemented a number of risk mitigation measures designed to protect our employees and customers, while maintaining services for our customers and community. These measures included restrictions on business travel and establishment of a remote work environment for all non-customer facing employees. The Company also implemented drive-up only or by appointment only operations across its branch network.

Currently, over 85 percent of our workforce is working remotely and we have imposed social distancing restrictions and provided premium pay for those employees who are required to be on premise to complete essential on-site functions. Due to the significant uncertainty of the current economic climate, and the Company's ongoing response to the pandemic and related shutdowns, annual pay increases for our Company's executive officers (which is comprised of our Senior Leadership Team members) have been deferred indefinitely.

As previously announced, Tompkins has initiated and participated in a number of credit initiatives to support employees and customers who have been impacted by the shutdown associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. For non-executive employees affected by COVID-19, the Company implemented a low interest loan program. The Company also implemented a payment deferral program to assist both consumer and business borrowers that may be experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19. The current standard program allows for the deferral of loan payments for up to 90 days and customers will be able to request a payment deferral until the middle of May 2020. As of April 20, 2020, the Company had granted payment deferral requests for approximately 2,800 loans to individuals and businesses.

The Company is participating in the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”). This program provides borrower guarantees for lenders, as well as loan forgiveness incentives for borrowers that utilize the loan proceeds to cover employee compensation-related expenses and certain other eligible business operating costs, all in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the SBA. The Company began accepting applications for PPP loans on April 3, 2020, and has approved approximately 2,900 loans totaling about $500 million.

Mr. Romaine added, “We enter the second quarter of 2020 in a period of significant uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and related economic shut-downs. Our long held philosophy of maintaining Tompkins as a sustainable high performing company, supported with prudent risk management practices, is now more important than ever. We believe our healthy capital and liquidity positions will provide flexibility to respond to current challenges. The overall impact of COVID-19 on our consolidated results of operations for the three months ended March 31, 2020 was limited, with the exception of our provision for credit losses. We did see some slowdown toward the end of the first quarter in other areas of our business, including reduced transaction volumes in our card services business, a decrease in wealth management fees due to the decline in financial markets, and decreases in certain other fee related income. However, the extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic will affect our business, results of operation and financial condition going forward is difficult to predict and depends on numerous evolving factors.”

There is currently a great deal of uncertainty regarding the length of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of the extraordinary measures being put in place to address it. If efforts to contain COVID-19 are not as successful as anticipated, if restrictions on movement last into the third quarter or beyond, or if the federal government's economic stimulus packages are ineffective or delayed, the current economic downturn will likely be much longer and much more severe. The deeper the economic downturn is, and the longer it lasts, the more it will damage consumer fundamentals and sentiment. Similarly, an extended global recession due to COVID-19 would weaken the U.S. recovery and damage business fundamentals. As a result, the pandemic and its consequences, including responsive measures to manage it, have negatively impacted, and may continue to negatively impact, demand for and profitability of our products and services, the valuation of our assets, the ability of borrowers to satisfy obligations, and our ability to meet the needs of our customers, all of which could have a material adverse effect on our business and financial performance.


Tompkins Financial Corporation is a financial services company serving the Central, Western, and Hudson Valley regions of New York and the Southeastern region of Pennsylvania. Headquartered in Ithaca, NY, Tompkins Financial is parent to Tompkins Trust Company, Tompkins Bank of Castile, Tompkins Mahopac Bank, Tompkins VIST Bank, Tompkins Insurance Agencies Inc., and offers wealth management services through Tompkins Financial Advisors. For more information on Tompkins Financial, visit

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