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Report of smoke in the residence in house on East Main Road, Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

There's a report of smoke in the residence of 8286 E. Main Road, Le Roy.

Le Roy fire dispatched with mutual aid from Pavilion.

UPDATE 1:07 p.m.: There may be a problem with an electrical outlet. A thermal camera is requested in the house.

Structure fire reported in Pavilion

By Howard B. Owens

A structure fire is reported at 10959 S. Lake Street Road, Pavilion.

It's gone to a second alarm.

It was reported about 20 minutes ago, but we couldn't confirm the address until just now.

Pavilion, Bethany, Stafford, Le Roy dispatched.

There has been a lot of radio traffic since the dispatch, but none that we can hear specifically from the fire.

If any readers have photos, send to or text (585) 260-6970.

Structure fire on Jackson Street in the city

By Billie Owens

A structure fire is reported at 404 Jackson St. It's across from Jackson School. Multiple calls have been received. Flames are seen coming from the rear of the house, which has three or four apartments. City fire just arrived.

UPDATE 9:46 a.m.: This has gone to a second alarm. Alexander Fast Team is called to respond along with Elba and Town of Batavia. Mercy medics are to report to the school's bus loop to treat a patient with possible smoke inhalation. Command at the scene reports potential fire exposure problems to nearby property.

UPDATE 9:55 a.m.: The multi-family dwelling is next to Max Pies Furniture.

UPDATE 10:06 a.m.: Jackson School has been evacuated.

UPDATE 10:10 a.m.: A neighbor at the scene says four dogs also live at the house. Their status is unknown.

UPDATE 10:13 a.m.: A worker(s) from National Fuel just arrived.

UPDATE 10:22 a.m.: National Grid is on scene.

UPDATE 10:24 a.m.: Command asks a dispatcher to contact the city's Public Works department to see what can be done to improve water pressure.

UPDATE 10:36 a.m.: Students at Jackson School are being dismissed. Schoolchildren who use bus transportation are directed to the back of the school where they will be picked up by busses in about 15 minutes and taken to their appropriate stops.

UPDATE 11:04 a.m.: Jim Sanders, who was inside Max Pies Furniture when the fire broke out, said: "I walked out of the store because I seen smoke. So I walked around the building and I could see the fire coming out the whole back of the house. So I called 9-1-1. ... It wasn't more than a few minutes than the fire company arrived. They were putting water on our building (Max Pies) so it wouldn't catch ours."

UPDATE 11:20 a.m.: Five dogs perished in this fire. The loading area for the children to board buses was changed to the nearby Ascension Parish parking lot. Some children have been picked up or are waiting for buses/rides inside the parish rec hall.

UPDATE 11:26 a.m.: "Heard like a car going by, revving it's engine," said eyewitness Tim Balonek. "A heard a whoosh, a big whoosh. Then I looked out and the back window was totally engulfed in flames. That's when I called (for) the fire department. They already had trucks on the way."

UPDATE 11:41 a.m.: Interim Fire Chief Dan Herberger said the fire call came in shortly before 10 o'clock this morning and upon arrival firefighters found advanced fire and started an aggressive interior response. Subsequently, high winds prompted them to change to defensive tactics and crews were ordered out of the building. "(The structure) was a business at some point. So it's heavily cut up with additions. It makes it challenging." Max Pies store is only 10 feet away but suffered no significant damage. Two adults and one child made it out of the burning structure safely. "Unfortunately, five dogs perished," Herberger said. No firefighters or other people were injured; the person who was evaluated in the school bus loop for possible smoke inhalation was not transported to the hospital. Herberger said they called for the school to be evacuated as a precautionary measure. There was a lot of smoke blowing around. Witnesses said the school evacuation went smoothly; some children were scared and crying when they left and some parents appeared "a little freaked out," but things were handled calmly and orderly nonetheless. All bags/belongings were supposed to be left at the school.

Possible fire in wall of residence in Byron

By Howard B. Owens

A possible fire in a wall is reported at 6900 Cockram Road, Byron.

Byron and South Byron fire departments are dispatched.

UPDATE 6:01 p.m.: Chief on scene requests all units respond non-emergency.

Purported bonfire from Feb. 25 on South Lake Road in Pembroke rekindles

By Billie Owens

Pembroke and Indian Falls firefighters were called tonight to a rekindle of a fire that was reported as a controlled burn in the wee hours of Feb. 25. It's at  8854 S. Lake Road, Pembroke. The crews had to back later that morning for a rekindle, and now they're at it again. 

For the original post, click here.

Reader submitted photos.

Batavia Downs evacuated for fire alarms

By Howard B. Owens

Audio and visual fire alarms at Batavia Downs have been set off.

The building has been evacuated.

City fire is on scene, investigating.

Town of Batavia fire responding.

A possible pull station was activated. Investigating.

UPDATE: I thought I updated this earlier: False alarm. 

Firefighters in Pembroke called out twice to what was reported as a controlled burn

By Howard B. Owens

Firefighters from Pembroke, Indian Falls and Corfu have been dispatched for a second time this morning to 8854 S. Lake Road, Pembroke, for a fire.

The first call was at 1:54 a.m. for the report of a controlled burn.

A person on social media posted about the fire. He said, "What I learned tonight 12 gallons of gas on a big bonfire will get the whole fire department to come and put it out." He later added, "thank you to Pembroke Fire Department, you guys rock."

Reader-submitted photos and info.

UPDATE: Pembroke firefighters returned later in the day for overhaul of the scene (reader submitted photos):

Firefighters called to rekindling of house fire on Alleghany Road

By Billie Owens

Pembroke and Indian Falls fire departments are called to the scene of the house fire which broke out late Thursday afternoon at 8006 Alleghany Road, Indian Falls. Dispatch says a passerby reported seeing flames coming from the second story of what remains of the structure.

UPDATE 1:25 a.m.: Pembroke command requests a tanker from both East Pembroke and Corfu to the scene and reports about 25 percent of the remaining structure is ablaze.

UPDATE 1:36 a.m.: The call has gone to a second alarm. Tankers from Darien and Alabama are requested to the scene.

UPDATE: Rekindle photos submitted by a reader.

Volunteers battle house fire on Route 77 in Indian Falls

By Howard B. Owens

The cause of a fire that destroyed a house in Alabama where an elderly man was living has yet to be determined.

The fire at 8006 Alleghany Road, Indian Falls, was called in shortly after 5 p.m. with smoke and flames showing from the back of the residence.

Pembroke Chief Jamie Waff said dispatchers received several calls reporting flames showing, so the fire immediately went to a second alarm with Town of Batavia, Darien, Corfu and Alabama joining Pembroke, Indian Falls and the Town of Batavia's Fast Team joining the initial response. East Pembroke, Akron, Newstead and Oakfield were also toned out later.

"With manpower issues during the day, right at five, along with the fire, we went right to a second alarm for manpower," Waff said.

The wind from the southwest quickly pushed the fire from the rear of the house to the front.

The resident reportedly kept a lot of items in the house and the first firefighters in found the back of the second floor piled with garbage bags filled with stuff, so the firefighters were initially pulled out until the situation could be better assessed for their safety.

The resident, who was outside when firefighters arrived, was placed in a patrol vehicle after deputies arrived on scene so he could stay warm. The deputy requested a medic to check him for possible smoke inhalation. 

There was a dog and some cats inside the residence, but Waff didn't know the status of the animals at the time we talked.

House fire reported on Alleghany Road, Pembroke

By Howard B. Owens

A house fire, with flames showing in the rear, is reported at 8006 Alleghany Road, Pembroke.

Pembroke and Indian Falls dispatched along with the City of Batavia Fast Team.

UPDATE 5:17 p.m.: Working structure fire. Additional response from Town of Batavia, Darien, Corfu and Alabama.

UPDATE 7:15 p.m.: I just returned from the scene of the fire. At the time I left, smoke and a small bit of flame were still showing, but firefighters seemed to have things under control, though it was looking like the fire could continue in that condition for some time. An older man lived in the house and was placed in a deputy's car for warmth until an ambulance arrived to check him for possible smoke inhalation. The fire spread from the back of the house to the front and got into the attic. A dog escaped the fire, we're told, but the status of cats living in the house is unknown. More later tonight with photos, probably in a separate post from this one.

UPDATE: Reader submitted photos.

Car fire reported behind M&T Bank, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

A car fire is reported in the Court Street Plaza parking lot behind the M&T Bank in Batavia.

City fire is responding.

UPDATE: Photo via City of Batavia Firefighters -- IAFF Local 896. Firefighters reported a quick knock down. No injuries. This was also the first fire for two new members of the department, Sean Huggins and David Pollock.

Chimney fire reported on Angling Road, Corfu

By Billie Owens

A chimney fire is reported in a residence at 2109 Angling Road, Corfu. The Corfu fire chief on scene says it's currently contained to a "three-inch chimney pipe." Corfu and East Pembroke fire departments are responding. Other units were called but were subsequently told to go back in service.

Garbage truck reportedly on fire in Alexander

By Howard B. Owens

A garbage truck is reported to be on fire in the area of the country deli in Alexander.

Alexander fire responding.

UPDATE 10:12 a.m.: A tanker from Bethany requested to the scene.

UPDATE: Photos submitted by Heather Jackson.

Photos: Garage fire on Pratt Road, Pembroke

By Howard B. Owens

At about 11 a.m., Larry Abaire was working in his rented garage at 2369 Pratt Road, Pembroke, removing parts from a junked car when something sparked a fire in the detached gas tank.  He tried using three fire extinguishers to put out the fire, but it wasn't enough to stop the fire from spreading quickly.

He lost $200,000 in tools, which were uninsured.

The fire spread to another attached garage and neighbors who had their ATVs and snowmobiles stored there were able to get those vehicles out before the fire reached that structure. 

"Nobody got hurt, that's what matters," Abaire said.

East Pembroke Fire Chief Don Newton said the fire was "blowing out the front" of the building when crews arrived on scene and there wasn't much left to save.

Previously: Barn fire reported on Pratt Road

To purchase prints, click here.

Barn fire reported on Pratt Road

By Howard B. Owens

A barn fire is reported at 2369 Pratt Road, Pembroke.

East Pembroke fire and one engine from Pembroke fire dispatched.

UPDATE 11:08 a.m.: Town of Batavia requested to stand by at East Pembroke's hall.

UPDATE(S) (By Billie) 11:16 a.m.: Mutual aid is requested from Indian Falls, Alabama, Oakfield and Corfu. Mercy medics are called to the scene.

UPDATE 11:21 a.m.: The city's third platoon is called to report to fire headquarters on Evans Street.

UPDATE 12:15 p.m.: Larry Abaire says he lost $200,000 worth of tools and equipment in this fire, none of it insured. "Nobody got hurt, that's what matters," he said. Abaire, who has rented the building for the last five years for storage and to work on his own vehicles, was working on the gas tank of "a junk car" when "something caught the gas on fire." "I've done thousands of them, but it only takes that one..." He says he had turned the heater off but "had a couple things on the floor" when the fire broke out. It spread rapidly. He emptied three fire fire extinguishers on the blaze to no avail. Another guy was there and he got the ATVs and snowmobiles out OK. Abaire said the building was well insulated, "that's propbably why they're having a hard time putting it out."

UPDATE 12:31 p.m.: The fire is under control.

UPDATE 12:32 p.m.: East Pembroke Chief Don Newton said those who arrived first found a working garage fire. They try to save what they could but the fire "was blowing out the front" and not much could be salvaged. He said there were "many issues" to address and lots of propane tanks and "all finds of different fuels inside. "It was just an inferno when we got here."

Brush fire reported on Cook Road, Byron

By Howard B. Owens

Byron, South Byron and a tanker from Elba are requested to 5583 Cook Road, Byron, for a brush fire.

The entrance is off Transit Road.

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