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Car fire in Downs parking lot

By Billie Owens

A fully involved car fire is reported in the Batavia Downs parking lot, located at 8315 Park Road, behind Kmart. Town of Batavia Fire Department is "well on the way."

UPDATE 12:05 p.m.: A responder at the scene reports two adjacent vehicles have been impacted by the blaze.

UPDATE 12:11 p.m.: A firefighter says the blaze has been contained to the fully involved vehicle. Law enforcement is called to the scene to take a report.

UPDATE 12:52 p.m.: The car fire is out. Town of Batavia is back in service.

Mulch fire next to credit union

By Billie Owens

A small mulch fire is reported on the south side of the ESL Federal Credit Union by the ATM. It's located at 4214 Veterans Memorial Drive. Town of Batavia Fire Department is responding.

UPDATE 6:05 p.m.: The mulch fire is out. Town of Batavia is back in service.

Large grass fire reported off East Main Road, Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

A large grass fire is reported in the area of 7921 E. Main Road, Le Roy, behind the old Le Roy Machine location.

Le Roy Fire Department and ambulance responding.

UPDATE 11:20 a.m.: It's a rubbish fire on the west side of the building. A chief notes the no open burn regulation is in effect for one more day.

UPDATE 11:26 a.m.: The fire is not near a field nor a building. The owner is tending to it and the burn is on a concrete surface. Le Roy fIre is back in service.

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Grass fire at Lamb Farms

By Billie Owens

A grass fire is reported at 3962 Batavia-Elba Town Line Road in Oakfield. It's on the Lamb Farms property and is estimated to be the size of four or five football fields. Town of Batavia Fire Department is responding

This is a dairy farm.

UPDATE 12:25 p.m.: There are no barns or other structures currently in the path of the fire.

UPDATE 12:28 p.m.: A tanker from Oakfield is called. The chief on scene says "This is nowhere near the size it was originally dispatched as." It appears to be following a path along a ditch, not approaching any structures.

UPDATE 12:33 p.m.: Firefighters approaching the scene are told they'll probably see more black smoke than gray smoke because some tires in the field have caught fire.

UPDATE 12:42 p.m.: Foam is being used to put out the tires on fire. The easterly edge of the blaze is knocked down. The chief says "I think we'll be in good shape" when asked if more manpower or equipment will be needed.

UPDATE 12:47 p.m.: The foam has squelched the tire fire. The overall blaze is under control.

UPDATE 12:58 p.m.: The fire is out.

UPDATE 1:11 p.m.: All units are back in service. The revised estimated area of the fire swath is 30 feet by 200 feet.

Car fire in the Village of Bergen

By Billie Owens

A car fire is reported at Route 19 and the railroad tracks in the Village of Bergen. Bergen Fire Department is responding.

UPDATE 12:48 p.m.: The owner of the vehicle called dispatch and said the car is not on fire it has just overheated. Engine 27 is on location to check things out nonetheless.

UPDATE 12:51 p.m.: A firefighter confirms the car is overheated. Engine 27 is back in service.

Grass fire reported on north side of Thruway

By Billie Owens

A grass fire is reported on the north side of the Thruway by mile marker 394, in front of Area 51 Motocross Prack. East Pembroke Fire Department is responding.

UPDATE 4:58 p.m.: As firefighters discussed how best to get to the grass fire, the NY Thruway Authority notified the dispatch center that the blaze is off the Thruway and cannot be accessed by driving down Harloff Road where the motocross park is because there's a fence blocking access to the Thruway.

Report of greenhouse fire at Pudgie's

By Howard B. Owens

A caller reports seeing flames inside a greenhouse at Pudgie's Lawn and Garden on West Main Street Road, Batavia.

Chiefs on scene report nothing showing.

UPDATE: A chief confirms an LED light inside the building -- no fire.

Multiple fire alarms blared at the Clarion Hotel, nothing found

By Billie Owens

Town of Batavia firefighters are scouring the Clarion Hotel on Park Road for any signs of fire after alarms sounded there about 15 minutes ago. The alarm system has been silenced and will likely be reset shortly. They have found nothing so far, other than the odor of cigarette smoke in the northwest stairwell, which a firefighter on scene said "I believe that's associated with employees."

The hotel is now allowed to "be repopulated" and people can go about their business. Alarms sounded for the fifth floor, the penthouse, the duct work and the first-floor atrium.

"Wow, and nothing showing -- how 'bout that!" said the chief in amazement.

UPDATE 5:45 p.m.: The alarm system has been reset.

UPDATE 5:57 p.m.: Town of Batavia is back in service.

Structure fire on Kibbe Avenue in the city

By Billie Owens

A structure fire is reported at 4 Kibbe Ave. in the city. Batavia Fire Department is on scene.

UPDATE 7:32 a.m.: This was apparently a very small fire, which is now out. Ladder 15 and Engine 12 are back in service.

Oven fire at apartment on North Spruce Street in the city

By Billie Owens

An oven fire is reported at 232 N. Spruce St., Apt. B. City firefighters are responding.

UPDATE 7:29: The fire is out. Mercy medics are called to the address for a victim(s) of smoke inhalation. Ladder 15 is back in service.

UPDATE 7:45 p.m.: City fire command and Engine 12 are back in service.

Woman reportedly burns her hands after pizza box catches on fire while in oven

By Howard B. Owens

Mercy medics and Batavia firefighters are responding to 18 1/2 Ellicott St. for a pizza box fire that is believed to be out; however, the resident reportedly suffered burns to her hands while dealing with the fire.

The pizza box was in the oven.

UPDATE 6:08 p.m.: Engine 12 back in service.

Car fire on westbound Thruway

By Billie Owens

A car fire is reported on the westbound Thruway at mile marker 399.2. Pembroke and Indian Falls fire departments are responding.

UPDATE 1:15 p.m.: A responder on scene says the fire is mostly out. There's still some smoke visible that's coming from the console between the seats.

UPDATE 1:34 p.m.: The fire is out. All units are back in service.

Car fire at Lewiston and Meadville roads in Alabama

By Billie Owens

A car fire "with complications" is reported at Lewiston and Meadville roads in Alabama. Alabama firefighters are dispatched.

UPDATE 5:46 p.m.: Apparently the fire is out. No idea what the complications were. The vehicle was a Chevy Camaro registered to a Gasport driver. A tow was called to haul it away.

UPDATE 5:50 p.m.: Alabama is back in service.

Car fire on Clipnock Road, Stafford

By Billie Owens

A car fire is reported at 9156 Clipnock Road in Stafford. The Stafford Fire Department is responding.

UPDATE 11:42: A firefighter on scene reports the vehicle owner is using a fire extinguisher on the blaze and has it under control.

UPDATE 11:58 a.m.: The fire is out. Stafford is back in service.

Barn fire reported on Sparks Road in Pavilion

By Howard B. Owens

Pavilion Fire Department, non-emergency, is responding to a barn fire that's almost out at 6305 Sparks Road, Pavilion.

The call started with a report about 15 minutes ago of an unknown type fire in the area of Sparks Road and Transit Road.

A lot of smoke was reported in the area.

It's unclear how the fire got to the point that it's almost out.

UPDATE 8:27 p.m.: Bethany Fire Department was also dispatched to this, now both Pavilion and Bethany are providing mutual aid to put out a structure fire on Wyoming Road in Wyoming County.

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Possible fire reported on Tountas Avenue, Le Roy

By Billie Owens

A possible strucutre fire is reported at 3 Tountas Ave. in Le Roy. There is said to be the odor of something electrical burning. Yet an emergency responder who was just at that address said he could smell nothing unusual there, only the smell of food cooking.

Le Roy and Bergen fire departments are responding. One unit on scene reports nothing showing. They are going to scan the building with a thermal camera.

UPDATE 1:10 p.m.: Bergen is told to return to service. No other Le Roy units will be needed. The location is the family care clinic. An interior crew is leaving the inside after finding nothing with the imaging camera.

UPDATE 1:14 p.m.: The firefighters are going to use ladders and look into the attic.

UPDATE 1:23 p.m.: Nothing hazardous found. Le Roy is back in service.

A child playing with fire likely cause of Maple Street blaze

By Howard B. Owens

A child playing with fire is the most likely cause of a blaze that gutted the second floor of an apartment building at 26 Maple St., Batavia, on Friday.

According to Lt. Jay Steinbrenner of the Batavia City Fire Department, the physical evidence and the version of events given by the mother are consistent and the fire will officially be deemed accidental.

It's unknown if the child was playing with matches or a lighter.

The names of the occupants of the three unit complex are not yet available.

The mother burned her hand trying to grab a pillow that had been set on fire so she could throw it out of the apartment.

When she couldn't successfully deal with the fire herself, she evacuated her children from the apartment and then called 9-1-1.

Heavy smoke and some flames were already billowing out of the second-floor windows by the time the first firefighters arrived on scene at about 1:30 p.m.

Steinbrenner said that one firefighter observed upon entering the building, "It's a big fire real quick."

The upstairs rooms were filled with thick black smoke when firefighters entered through northside door.

The wind was from the south, so smoke and flames were being blown in the opposite direction. Firefighters needed to push the blaze -- they wanted to push it toward the southside windows, which would give them the best chance to save as much of the structure as possible.

In all, Steinbrenner said, he thought the city crews did a good job of accomplishing their goal.

Though the building was razed, the first floor remained structurally sound and the two downstairs occupants were able to recover almost all of their personal belongings.

"The fire was contained to the second floor," Steinbrenner said. "I thought we did a good job. The tenants downstairs were able to salvage their possessions. There was very little damage downstairs, just water damage."

Photos: House fire at 26 Maple St., Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

A three-unit apartment building at 26 Maple St., Batavia, was destroyed today by a raging inferno that consumed the upper floor of the building shortly after 1:30 p.m.

The tenants of all three units -- a mother with three children, a mother with two children and a single male -- were home when the fire erupted and all residents, including children, escaped the blaze.

One woman suffered burns on her hands.

The cause of the fire is still undetermined.

What remains of the structure will be demolished this evening.

The mothers with children are being assisted by Red Cross.

The property is owned by Thomas Snyder and was assessed at $80,000.

Retired firefighter Frank Capuano said he remembers that when he was a child the building was a grocery store / corner market.

All city fire platoons were called to the scene, with mutual aid from Town of Batavia and Elba fire departments, and Oakfield filling in at the city station. Mercy EMS provided medical and rehab support.

No firefighters were injured.

UPDATE 6:16 p.m.: Chief Jim Maxwell said the fire has been ruled accidental. No further information is being released at this time.

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