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No cause yet determined in last week's fire at My T Acres farm in Batavia

By Philip Anselmo

No cause has yet been determined in the fire that tore through several barns at My T Acres on Lewiston Road in Batavia last week. Tim Yaeger, Genesee County Emergency Management coordinator, told us that he was still working to determine what led to the blaze, along with members of the fire department and several provate investigators.

"We haven't yet ruled anything out," said Yaeger. "It doesn't look suspicious. It was an accidental fire. But we don't have anything yet. We continue to work at it."

The following photos were submitted by Molly Riner, a member of the family that co-owns the farm. The first shows the view inside the main barn shortly after the fire broke out. Below that is the interior of the "gym" that sustained some damage in the blaze. Lastly, we see the main barn after it had become completely engulfed.

Barn Fire at My-T Acres

By Peter Fleming

This was the view from Lewiston Road, facing south toward Batavia, right after it started.



Video: My T Acres fire: The day after

By Philip Anselmo

Earlier today, we met with Patricia Riner, one of the co-owners of My T Acres on Lewiston Road in Batavia, site of a massive barn fire yesterday—coverage on The Batavian has been ongoing. Riner told us about the nearly incalculable loss—all of the farm equipment in the barn, including tractors, planters, harvesters, fertilizer, tires, irrigation equipment; basketball hoops and gym equipment—everything was lost. Farmers and friends and family from all over the region have been coming by offering their support, says Riner. Folks came by with lunch today. Some have made offers of farm equipment to lend to help finish up the season's crop transfers. Others have been by to help clean up in any way they can.

There's still no word on what caused the fire nor any estimate on the damage. Riner said that they can only hope for the best going forward.

Please follow this link for our complete coverage.

Batavia Daily News for Friday: Call it Batavia Downs... Casino...?

By Philip Anselmo

Tom Rivers reports in today's Daily News that Batavia Downs will now be known as Batavia Downs Casino following a change of heart among the state's lottery regulators. Further, "video gaming machines" will no be re-dubbed "slots." Rivers explains:

Lottery and state legislators have eased their restraint in using terms "casino" and "slots" to describe the activities and games in the race tracks, which are now filled with beeping and flashing machines that resemble Vegas slots.

What does this mean for the business? Apparently, a lot.

"The word 'casino' is more representative of our business," said Martin Biniasz, the Downs marketing director. "It's a wise move on the state's part because they realize these machines can be a great revenue generator."

Biniasz goes on to say that the new name will allow them to better compete with Native American casinos.

In other news, Scott DeSmit covered yesterday's fire at My T Acres in Batavia, which was featured on The Batavian yesterday and this morning. The Batavian will also be posting an interview with My T Acres co-owner Patricia Riner later this afternoon.

We encourage you to pick up a copy of the Daily News at your local newsstand. Or, better yet, subscribe at

Investigation ongoing at My T Acres site

By Philip Anselmo

We received a press release this morning from the town of Batavia Fire Department with further details on yesterday's massive barn fire at My T Acres on Lewiston Road in Batavia. The Batavia crew reports that the fire, which started in the main barn of a three-barn complex, completely destroyed "the main barn and numerous pieces of farm equipment," which were stored inside. Both of the additional attached barns "received substantial heat, smoke and water damage."

We reported yesterday that only one firefighter sustained a minor injury, but he did not seek medical assistance. No livestock or other animals were housed in the farm complex. No one else was injured as a result of the fire.

Investigators are already on scene today looking to establish a cause and origin of the fire. No estimated dollar value of loss has yet been determined. The Batavian left a message this morning with the property owner, Nate Call, who was on scene with the insurance representative.

Mutual-aid fire departments were requested from the City of Batavia, Alexander, Elba, LeRoy, Oakfield and East Pembroke Fire Departments. Additional Fire units from Stafford, Albion, Attica, Indian Falls, Alabama, Barre and Corfu fire departments provided stand-by assistance.

The Town of Batavia Fire Department was also assisted at the scene by the Genesee County Office of Emergency Management, New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control, Genesee County Health Department, Genesee County Sheriff's Office, New York State Police and the Wyoming County Correctional Facility.

The following photographs of the wreckage were submitted by Steve Ognibene.

Reader photo of today's My 'T' Acre fire

By Howard B. Owens

Thomas Wommack submitted this photo. He said he shot the scene Galloway Road.

Our previous posts:

We continue to welcome reader pictures of this fire (or anything interesting you've photographed).  The best way to submit photos is to create a new blog post and upload your photos. Here's a tutorial to help.

UPDATE: Here's a satallite photo via Google Maps of the farm.  The barn that was destroyed is the large one to the right of the photo. The gymnasium forms the lower part of the T, pointing toward Lewiston Road.

The fire has also become a topic of discussion in the Ag-Talk Forum.

Video: My T Acres barn fire (Details)

By Philip Anselmo

Deputy Chief Paul Barrett, of the town of Batavia Fire Department, gives us a summation of the days events following the barn fire earlier today at My T Acres on Lewiston Road in Batavia. Please note: we spoke with Barrett shortly after 1:30pm, three hours after the fire broke out. At that time, they expected to be on scene extinguishing a handful of smaller fires for another few hours.

Batavia: My T Acres barns engulfed in flames

By Howard B. Owens

UPDATE 10:54 a.m.: The fire is at 8127 Lewiston Rd. in Batavia.  A large plume of black smoke can be seen drifting over the city of Batavia.

UPDATE: 11:17 a.m.  We're at the scene (after a long walk because State Troopers wouldn't let us drive in). 

Owner of the property Pat Riner says they noticed a small flame coming from one of the barns and the fire spread quickly.  A silo appears to have fallen. UPDATE: After the flames and smoke cleared, I decided what looked like the ribs of a silo were just part of the barn that had been fully engulfed.

The facility is My-T acres.

Witnesses said they heard explosions. Riner said the explosions where mostly truck engines. The barn that caught fire was full of harvester equipment, "because the harvest is over." She said. Also, a truck was full of ferilizer for next year.

The structure is adjacent ot a barn that Riner described as a sports facility used by many athletes in Batavia.  As we post now, the fire is spreading to that structures while crews battle the flames from atop two ladder trucks, spraying water down onto the flames.

We should have a quick video posted in 30 to 60 minutes.

Philip Anselmo will follow up with more reports once he's on scene.

UPDATE: 11:29 a.m.:  Crews put additonal hoses on the sprots-structure fire. The fire seems well tapped down at that end of the building now. I'd estimate about 15 to 20 percent of the structure was lost.

UPDATE 11:52 a.m. : Here's a quick video from the scene.

UPDATE 12:08 p.m.: Spoke with Genesee County Emergency Management Coordinator Timothy Yaeger briefly. No loss of life. No injuries. No animals known to be involved. About 12 companies responded.  Flames can still be seen in an around the structure, but the fire appears to be under control.

UPDATE 2:31 p.m.:  The fire is under control and nearly extinquished. Some of the companies that responded are now back in service.

Below is one of the pictures from the scene.  More can be viewed here.


UPDATE:  If you were at the scene and took pictures, or took pictures of the plume over Batavia, please upload them in a blog post or send us a link to where ever you posted your shots.

Here's a camera phone shot taken from the Thruway.


FIRST POST 10:40 a.m.: We've received reports of a large barn fire in Pembroke Batavia.  Multiple units responding, from as far away and LeRoy.

We'll head out to the scene now.

Batavia Daily News for Wednesday: Blaze in Bethany attributed to dust explosion

By Philip Anselmo

A livestock feed facility that caught fire in Bethany yesterday morning and burned for more than seven hours has sustained more than $1 million in damage, according to the Daily News. An initial investigation into the blaze that destroyed the structure has been attributed to a dust explosion inside the exhaust system.

In other news, Kevin J. Weber, 37, of Batavia, was sentenced to 1 1/2 to three years in state prison Tuesday. Weber pleaded guilty to fourth-degree arson for setting a storage shed on fire in September. He had previously been in jail for more than four years for an arson fire in Byron in 2002.

Batavia Downs should wrap up the season with an overall handle of about $6.2 million, a $500,000 increase over the wagers from last year. Also, revenue from the video gaming machines may exceed $30 million, which amounts to about 10 percent more than last year.

We encourage you to pick up a copy of the Daily News at your local newsstand. Or, better yet, subscribe at

Batavia Daily News for Tuesday: Barn fire injures a farm worker in Bethany

By Philip Anselmo

A grain barn on Creek Road in the town of Bethany caught fire this morning and all but burned to the ground, according to the Daily News. One farm worker on scene was taken to United Memorial Medical Center for treatment of minor smoke inhalation. No one else was injured in the blaze that, at one point, threatened to explode a row of propane tanks.

Reporter Scott DeSmit tells the story of the fire in a vivid narrative. Here's just a snippet:

Flames quickly tore through the thin metal roof and sides of the barn. Electrical service in the front popped like fireworks, sending bursts of green and white sparks into the air and causing concern that the live lines would soon catch fire and fall.

More than a dozen fire crews were still on scene at 10 o'clock this morning, two hours after the fire erupted. WBTA's Dan Fischer informs us that Creek Road was closed off between Putnam and Brookville roads.

Batavia Downs will close the track for the season after this Saturday. Unlike last year, Tom Rivers reports that the horses will be allowed to stay at the raceway instead of having to head to Buffalo, as they did last year.

Batavia city school students will be allowed to attend a biotechnology at Genesee Community College for free and earn a college credit thanks to a grant from Bank of America.

We encourage you to pick up a copy of the Daily News at your local newsstand. Or, better yet, subscribe at

Batavia Daily News for Wednesday: Daily News nearly ready to launch Web site

By Philip Anselmo

Congratulations to the Daily News, which announced in the paper today that the publication will go online sometime "within the next few weeks." Keep an eye on the print version to find out when the site will be ready for viewing. Folks can log on at once the site is up and running.

In other news, reporter Joanne Beck wrote an article on the fire last night at an Oak Street home. That news was featured early this morning on WBTA and picked up a little while later by The Batavian.

Fire hydrants will be flushed starting at 9:30am, Tuesday, in the area of Pearl Street, Meadowcrest Drive, River Street and Ellicott Street.

Author Bill Kauffman was honored with the Andrew Eiseman Writers Award in nonfiction for his book Look Homeward America: In Search of Reactionary Radicals. The award is given out by the University of Rochester. For more on the award, visit the University of Rochester Web site.

We encourage you to pick up a copy of the Daily News at your local newsstand. Or, better yet, subscribe at

News roundup: Fire on Oak Street

By Philip Anselmo

A fire broke out in a second floor bedroom at 66 Oak Street in Batavia around 9:30pm last night, according to WBTA's Dan Fischer. Two people were home at the time, but both escaped without injury. A preliminary investigation has termed the cause accidental, and damage to the home has been estimated at around $15,000.

Fischer picked up a choice piece of audio from our state Assemblyman, Steve Hawley, who spoke of the wastefulness of yesterday's special session of the state Legislature and called for more productive meetings to cut spending in the future. Hawley called the episode "politics as usual," a phrase which—not to knock Hawley at all—was surely used by countless grandstanding state politicians yesterday, all of whom, in the end, are themselves the practitioners of the usual. Are any of these representatives, in truth, practicing the unusual: in other words, getting things done, not shrinking in fear from the collective threats of special interest lobbyists, not wasting time and (our) money on circus shows that masquerade as fruitful discourse? Fischer tells us that yesterday's special session cost the taxpayers in excess of $100,000. Listening in on another news report last night, I heard that the costs were related mostly to overtime and travel expenses for the legislators! How's that for politics as usual. Or irony. Call it what you will.

Lawnmower fire in Batavia

By Brian Hillabush

 As I was out checking out some polling spots in Batavia, I happened to notice some fire trucks on Union St.

I stopped to see what was going on and it wasn't anything too serious, but somebody lost their lawnmower.

Apparently some dry leaves got caught up in the mower and started the blaze.


Video: Pavilion Fire

By Philip Anselmo

This photo and video footage of last night's fire in Pavilion, at an apartment above the Post Office, was submitted by Kevin Clary.

No one was injured in the blaze. Check out our earlier post for the details.

News roundup: Fire in Pavilion

By Philip Anselmo

A fire broke out in an apartment above the Pavilion Post Office shortly before midnight last night, according to WBTA's Dan Fischer. A family of three escaped without injury. Fischer reports that 11 fire companies from three counties came out to battle the blaze. "Most of the mail" was saved, but the Post Office suffered some water damage.

(UPDATE): Earlier this morning, one of our readers attempted to anonymously submit photos and a video clip of the Pavilion fire. Those submissions did not come through. If you tried to send those to us, please send me an e-mail so that we can work out what went wrong and get up the information on the site for all of our readers. If you wish, you may remain anonymous.

Stafford Fire Department Open House

By Philip Anselmo

From the Stafford Fire Department:

On Sunday October 5, 2008 The Stafford Fire Department held its open house to kick off fire prevention week, along with a Mercy Flight fly in, free lunch was provided to all, many interesting displays, live demonstrations and a lot of activities for the children that were there. There was also a check presentation from Chief Brian Pocock and Car Committee Chairman Robin Krenzer to Karen Bridge from Mercy Flight in the amount of $5000.00 making this our 17th year donating to mercy flight.

News roundup: Fire house open house

By Philip Anselmo

An open house has been scheduled at the town of of Batavia Fire Hall, according to the Daily News. Folks are welcome to come down this Sunday, between 11:00am and 3:00pm, for free hot dogs and soda, and to pick up a free smoke detector and learn a little more about fire prevention. The Fire Hall is located at 8382 Lewiston Road in Batavia. (The Batavian put up a post yesterday with the news that the Le Roy Fire Department is doing much the same. An announcement on the department's Web site even offers to install the free smoke detector.)

News of the opening of Larry's Steakhouse, featured today on the front page, was announced here on The Batavian yesterday. You can also check out that post to download a full menu for the restaurant.

Don't have a fire detector? Le Roy crew will install one in your home for free

By Philip Anselmo

An announcement on the Web site for the Le Roy Fire Department claims that the fire crews will install a smoke detector in your home for free. All you have to do is follow the link on the site to send them an e-mail to request yours.

There is no indication on the site of who is eleigible for the free smoke detectors—only folks in Le Roy or across the county, we don't know. We've put in a call to the department to find out more info. We'll get it up as soon as it comes to us.

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