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Photos: Local historians gather at GCC

By Howard B. Owens

Local history was on display at GCC today with history groups from Genesee County's villages, towns and museums gathering in the college's forum.

Visitors could see displays on history, view artifacts, buy books and gift items and learn directly from the people who know the most what our predecessors did in Western New York.

As part of the event, War of 1812 reenactors, the Genesee County Militia, Kellogg Company, offered lectures and demonstrations on what military life was back 100 years ago.

In the early 1900s, then-Governor Al Smith created the civic position of local historians. New York is the only state to declare preservation and dissemination of local history to be a public purpose. (source)

Another thing Batavia can brag about: giving the world the word 'scalawag'

By Howard B. Owens

You wouldn't want to be called a "scalawag," but if you were a Batavia resident in the early 19th Century and didn't pay your debts, that's exactly how a local merchant might label you, and the local newspaper would print the charge, no less.

An amateur word sleuth uncovered the origins of "scalawag" recently, and according to a piece in the Boston Globe, the rather uncomplimentary word was likely invented right here in Batavia.

Nathaniel Sharpe, a 22-year-old genealogist from Bathgate, ND, was researching one of his ancestors, one John W. Putman.

He found a reference to Putnam in the March 8, 1836, issue of Batavia’s Republican Advocate.

Putnam was called a "skallewagg" for leaving town without paying his debts.

The spelling was curious and Sharpe wondered if "skallewagg" might mean the same as current spelling "scalawag."

It does, and prior to Sharpe's discovery, the earliest known print reference to the word was in 1848.

The Oxford English Dictionary said the word had Western New York origins.

With more research, Sharpe was able to determine that the possible originator of the word was James Brisbane (a famous surname in Batavia and journalism history).

The entire story is fascinating. Click here to read it.

Local historical agencies present History Open House at CGG on Saturday

By Billie Owens

Genesee County Federation of Historical Agencies

History Open House -   April 6th at GCC  10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Every half hour there will be a live presentation which includes music and fashion show (War of 1812 and Civil War uniforms). These are free, family friendly presentations. Following the presentations, representatives will be present to answer questions and show artifacts. Tables will be set up in the forum with displays and artifacts.

Door prizes will be awarded every 15 minutes!

Historical presentations and information as follows:


10 a.m.          GCC Glee Club “Here Comes Treble”  (Welcoming)

10:30 a.m.      GCC – Civil War Initiative by Derek Maxfield

11 a.m.           Tonawanda Reservation Mini History by Terry Abrams        

11:30 a.m.       Ely Parker by Holland Purchase Historical Society

 NOON            Peace Garden

1 p.m.              Military Historical Outfit review – War of 1812 & Civil War

1:30 p.m.         Kellogg Company, Genesee County Militia – Militia in 1812

2 p.m.             Genesee Area Genealogists – Tracing Your Family History     

2:30 p.m.        Stafford Historical Society – Red Ware

Englishman looking for family in New York, specifically, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

We recevied the following message from across the pond ... Brian Slater is looking to reconnect with family members separated by time, generations and immigration.

In the summer of 1967 I stayed in Batavia at the home of my great aunt and uncle, Beatrice and Hernbt Jermy, a photo of which I took of all their family.

I am very keen to make reestablish contact with any members of the family across the ocean from their original country of England where they all came in 1913/1914 from a village called Horning in Norfolk.

Their four children were Charles, Arthur, Alice and Vera all in the photograph with their children. The girl in the brown dress was Donna and her brother in the white shirt Jimmy, children of Harry and Vera, rear left, who lived not far from Watkins Glen.

If any of your readers can cast a light I shall be most grateful as I am the last generation who can bridge the family divide across the Atlantic Ocean.

Brian Slater

Possibly rare edition of famous book found in East Pembroke house undergoing renovations

By Howard B. Owens

When I stopped by the Peace Garden today, I found a TV crew there looking over an old book.

The book was found in an old house in East Pembroke that is being renovated, stuck under floorboards in the attic along with some coins from the 1830s and paperwork from the 1930s, according to Larry Abarie.

The book is well known to historians, but editions with all the pages are reportedly hard to find. This copy appears to have all of its pages.

Interestingly, you can read the book -- which was an anti-slavery tract, but advocated returning former slaves to Africa -- online.

Dave McKinley's report for WGRZ is online here.

Photo: Flag of Rear Admiral Chandler, Batavian who served in the 19th Century, on display at HLOM

By Howard B. Owens

Jeff Donahue, director of the Holland Land Office Museum, stands with a big flag that once flew on the flagship of Rear Admiral Ralph Chandler, who was born in Batavia in 1829 and died in Hong Kong in 1889.

Chandler, a ship commander in the Civil War, was Asiatic Squadron commander from 1886 until his death.

The flag is on loan to the museum by Ralph Chandler Parker III. It measures 13' 11" on the hoist and 25' on the fly.

To fit it in the case, four people wearing archival gloves spread it out on sheets on the floor and then folded it, and folded it, and folded it, until it fit.

"It would have been beautiful if we could have displayed it at its full dimensions," Donahue said. "Unfortunately, we just don't have the space to do that."

Chandler was married to Cornelia Redfield and they had five children together.

Photo: Former food processing plant on Old Ford Road, Elba

By Howard B. Owens

One of the first pictures I ever took in Genesee County was of this once productive food processing plant on Old Ford Road, Elba.

All I had then was a Casio point-and-shoot camera.

Every once in a while I think I should go back and try again and when I drove past the old facility today thought I'd give it another try.

The original post prompted a lengthy comment from June Rowcliffe, who explained the history of the building going back to the 19th Century (the tower was built in the 1920s).

Trailer for Bill Kauffman's 'Copperhead' released, film opens June 28

By Howard B. Owens

A screenplay by local author Bill Kauffman has been turned into a major motion picture and today the official trailer was released by the studio.

"Copperhead," set in Civil War-era Upstate New York, deals with the wars effects on people far removed from the battlefields.

The film opens nationally in theaters June 28.

The subject matter of the film -- a seldom portrayed aspect of Civil War America -- may be well-timed following the box office and critical success of the movie "Lincoln."

Copperhead stars Billy Campbell, Peter Fonda, Augustus Prew and Angus Macfadyen and is directed by Ronald F. Maxwell. The screenplay is an adaptation of a novel by Harold Frederic. Frederic, of Utica, wrote "The Copperhead" in 1893.

Kauffman, born in Batavia and a resident of Elba, is the author of "Dispatches from the Muckdog Gazette" and eight other books.

Photographic Techniques Used During the American Civil War: Talk by Mark Osterman

By Leslie DeLooze

Richmond Memorial Library, 19 Ross St., Batavia.  Mark Osterman, Photographic Process Historian at the George Eastman House, will talk about photography during the Civil War era. His talk will include a Power Point presentation and a display of a 19th century camera.  This program is presented in conjunction with A Tale for Three Counties 2013.

Event Date and Time

Lincoln, Gettysburg & the Civil War: Talk by Greg Kinal

By Leslie DeLooze

Richmond Memorial Library, 19 Ross St., Batavia.  Gregory Kinal, Social Studies teacher at Pembroke High School and leader of over 40 student trips to Gettysburg and Washington, D.C., will talk about Lincoln and the Civil War years ending with his assassination--one of the great murder mysteries of American history. Presented in conjunction with A Tale for Three Counties 2013.

Event Date and Time

Marker commemorating the Cary Mansion dedicated on East Main Street

By Howard B. Owens

Margaret Brisbane told Trumbull Cary some time prior to 1817, if you're going to marry me, you're going to build me a mansion.

So the man who founded the Bank of Genesee and served as a NYS Senator and Batavia's first treasurer, built a mansion.

And it stood for nearly 150 years as one of Batavia's grandest structures, until the board of St. Jerome's on only about 30-days notice in 1964 tore the building down, stealing from Batavia another piece of its heritage.

Today, the once-handsome mansion and the man who built it were commemorated with a plaque on the former mansion site. The marker was paid for by the William C. Pomeroy Foundation.

Sallie Fogarty, the great-great-great-granddaughter of Trumbull and Margaret Cary was in Batavia for the dedication of the market (pictured above with City Historian Larry Barnes).

Prior to the dedication, Barnes told the assembled audience in the Go Art! building (the former Batavia Club and first permanent home of the Bank of Genesee) about Cary and his mansion.

Cary, born in 1787 in Mansfield, Conn., moved to Batavia in 1805 at age 18 to seek his fortune. He went to work for the post office, served as clerk for James Brisbane, and eventually became Batavia's postmaster.

Later, he became a local merchant and began to build his fortune.

He helped found St. James Episcopal Church.

In 1833, he helped finance the Tonawanda Railroad, the first rail line to serve Batavia.

The Carys -- Trumbull died in 1869 and Margaret in 1863 and both are buried in Batavia Cemetery --  had one child who survived into adulthood. His grandson was the last Cary to live in the mansion.

Fogarty traces her family tree back to this second Trumbull Cary, who died in 1913, and his first wife, Grace Truscott, who died in 1882.

Harry E. Turner (H.E. Turner Funeral Home) purchased the mansion in 1922.

On the demands of George Cary, brother of the second Trumbull Cary and a prominent architect in Buffalo, Turner sold it back to the Cary family. 

George Cary was determined to turn the mansion into a tourist destination owned by the city. He paid for restoration and set up a board to oversee its operation and then deeded the property to the city. After the operations ran into some financial trouble two years later, the city established a commission to determine what should be done with the mansion. The commission determined it could be run profitably, but the city council voted to give the property back to George Cary in 1936.

The property was rented by various businesses over the years and ownership passed from George Cary to his daughter Allithea Lango, Boston, Erie County.  Local businesses that had space in the mansion included Pontillo's and Valle Jewelers.

Lango sold the mansion to St. Jerome's in 1959. The hospital began building a nursing school on the back of the property and then with very little notice decided to tear down the mansion to expand the nursing school.

The board said the building was in a "dangerous" condition and had be demolished immediately. Batavia residents were given no time to weigh in on the demolition.

The nursing school closed in 1982. The building is now called Cary Hall and is owned by UMMC.

Last year, UMMC acquired the neighboring property, the former location and of the Elks Lodge building, and with little notice to the community, tore that building down.

Photos: Fossil hunting in Bethany

By Howard B. Owens

Driving back from Genesee County Park this afternoon, Billie and I headed down Francis Road and spotted a man on the side of a cliff digging. It wasn't hard to guess what he was doing, so I stopped to talk with him. Yup, Bob Lann, of Spencerport, was digging for fossils.

What I didn't know is that this old railroad cut in Bethany is recognized as a good spot for fossil hunting.

Lann is a veterinarian and amateur fossil hunter. This was his first trip to Bethany.

Based on a little Google search, I came across a fossil hunting blog by James Heaney. He says Western New York -- and Lann said this, too -- is a great place for fossil hunting, especially from the pre-dinosaur ages. A guy named Robert Eaton also has information online about fossils in the Genesee region.

Below, Lann displays portions of a trilobite he found today and a bit of coral.

Photos: Batavia Cemetery Association's Ghost Walk Tour

By Howard B. Owens

It's the time of year again for The Batavia Cemetery Association's annual Candlelight Ghost Tours at the historic Batavia Cemetery. The first tour was Saturday night and another will be held at the cemetery this Saturday from 7 to 9 p.m. The cost is $10 and proceeds benefit the association and upkeep of the cemetery.

Sue Conklin as a Gypsy fortune-teller.

Tim Buckman as Philimon Tracy.

Charlie and Connie Boyd was Dean Richmond and his wife.

Cross that survived St. Joe's fire in 1970 up for auction

By Howard B. Owens

A bit of Batavia's history will be up for auction next Wednesday at Bontrager's Auction house on Wortendyke Road, Batavia: A cross that once adorned the old St. Joe's Church.

A fire on Aug. 18, 1970, destroyed the church and the Gilhooly family in Attica acquired the cross. The family has decided it's time to let somebody else care for the historic relic.

Pictured with the cross are Todd Jantzi, right, owner of Bontrager's, and one of his employees, Dave Harms, who was a young volunteer firefighter with East Pembroke in 1970.

Harms said he remembers the fire well. He and Gail Seamans were among the first on scene and manning a hose line.

Flames, he said, were jumping out of the bell tower and church windows. It's one of the most involved structure fires he's ever seen.

Along with East Pembroke, assisting Batavia City Fire Department, were Stafford, Oakfield, Elba and Bethany fire departments.

At the time of the fire, the church, built in 1864, was scheduled for demolition. The cause of the fire was never determined.

Mike and Frank are looking for a place to pick in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

Unless you're like me and regularly watch History Channel's American Pickers, that headline may not make a lot of since.

Mike Wolff and Frank Fritz are pickers -- antique dealers who travel around looking for unusual items left abandoned and forgotten in barns and sheds.

The TV show's opening gives the best description of what it's about:

We're looking for amazing things buried in people's garages and barns. What most people see as junk, we see as dollar signs. We'll buy anything we think we can make a buck on. Each item we pick has a history all its own and the people we meet? Well, they're a breed all their own.

We make a living telling the history of piece at a time.

The show's producers contacted the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce looking for leads.

Producer Jodi Friedman wrote to the chamber:

The American Pickers are headed to NY soon so we're looking for leads throughout the state, specifically interesting characters with interesting items and lots of them! Our location scout will actually be in NY soon so this is a bit time-sensitive, but I'm wondering if you can think of any folks in Genesee (or surrounding areas) with large private collections.

She added, "please note that Mike and Frank only pick private collections so no stores, malls, flea markets, museums, auctions, businesses or anything open to the public."

Here's a link to their flier, which includes contact information for Friedman.

When I drive around Genesee County, I see a few barns that look like they might contain some "rusty gold."  If you own such a barn or know somebody who does, contact Jodi.  It could be a lot of fun to have Mike and Frank stop in Genesee County and get our little corner of America on the History Channel.

Holy Family School was shining beacon for Le Roy, Western New York

By Daniel Crofts

Le Roy's Holy Family School closed its doors for the last time a couple of weeks ago, but the school will long be remembered for the outstanding staff and students who graced its hallways and classrooms, for the positive community atmosphere it enjoyed, and for what it meant to local families during its 123-year history.

Photo courtesy of Kelly Hansen

There were 10 students in the final graduating class of the school at 46 Lake St., which was attached to Our Lady of Mercy Parish and served pupils in pre-K through eighth-grade. Students came not only from Le Roy, but also from elsewhere in Genesee County as well as Wyoming, Livingston and Monroe counties.

Photo courtesy of the Le Roy Historical Society

The school has seen a lot of changes -- including a change in its name -- since it was first staffed by the Sisters of Mercy more than 120 years ago (see the  timeline of milestones at the end of this story). Throughout all of these changes, its tradition of academic excellence and thriving school family remained much the same.

People who were part of the Holy Family community are filled with sadness, but also with fond memories and hope for the future.

Here are some stories that give an idea of just how special a place Holy Family was:

Michael Ficarella

Michael Ficarella, of Batavia, was hired as a sixth- through eighth-grade teacher at Holy Family School for the 2011-2012 school year. It was his first full-time teaching job.

"I couldn't have picked a better school to start (teaching)," Ficarella said.

He talked about the supportive team of teachers who welcomed and helped him throughout the year.

"From real early on, they were always coming by my room to see how I was doing, offering pointers on how to make this or that lesson better or how to make the classroom run smoother, etcetera."

In addition to teaching science and social studies, Ficarella also worked with younger students in the school's after-school program. During his brief time at Holy Family, he got to know a lot of kids.

"The students were great," he said. "They were well-mannered, very eager to learn and took pride in their school."

He mentioned the eighth-grade field trip to Washington, D.C., on which the kids were "phenomenal."

Despite losing his job his first year teaching, Ficarella said he is "absolutely 100 percent" glad of the experience and has no regrets.

The Hansen Family

Photo courtesy of Kelly Hansen

One of Ficarella's students was Alex Hansen, who was part of Holy Family School's final graduating class. He attended the school from kindergarten through eighth-grade.

"(The graduation) was bittersweet," said Kelly Hansen, Alex's mother. "What we were witnessing was never to take place at Holy Family School ever again."

"There were many 'lasts' over the past few months. It was very difficult for everyone as the adults tried to make the last days of school the best they could possibly be."

Hansen said that the decision she and her husband made to send Alex to Holy Family was "curious to some because we live in Batavia."

"The answer is never an easy one," she said, "but it always contains the same elements. The high test scores, great word-of-mouth, a place where God could be mentioned without fear of ridicule, not to mention a stellar reputation within the community for more than one hundred years."

She and her husband were also impressed with the parish to which the school was connected, which was called St. Peter's at the time.

"I'm not sure there would be a way to calculate the grand sum from the parish that has kept the school afloat for 123 years," she said.

Photo courtesy of Our Lady of Mercy Parish Secretary Sue Bobo

Of course, the school environment was also a major factor in the decision.

"We were impressed with what we saw the day we first visited," Hansen said. "Children holding the door for us as we came and went, walking down the halls and having students greet us without an adult to prompt them, students standing and greeting adults as they entered a classroom -- all this left us knowing that we were making the right decision for our family."

Second-grade teacher Patty Page is pictured with her granddaughter at a Halloween party at Holy Family School. Photo courtesy of Sue Bobo.

As for the teachers, their "commendable dedication" has left an impression on Hansen.

"Many teachers at (Holy Family School) have taught for 20 or more years," she said. "Catholic school teachers are state certified yet make a small fraction of what their public school counterparts do. They clearly are not in their chosen profession for the money -- it is something they do because they love it."

She sees this as part of a pattern of sacrifices that everyone involved in the Catholic school system makes for what they consider the greater good.

"Most families who choose to send their children to a Catholic school quietly go without things other families take for granted so that their children may reap the abundant benefits," she said.

"We’ve had the same car over the course of all nine years (of Alex attending Holy Family School). It is a bit rustier and a lot noisier. It has driven from Batavia to Le Roy hundreds of times, often carrying multiple students to one event or another."

"To pay for education that could otherwise be obtained for free at a public school is a bizarre choice to some," she said. "But for us it was the only option we could imagine. Anyone familiar with Catholic education knows about the sacrifices made in order for it to be possible."

The Winters Family

Photo courtesy of Bryan Winters

When first-grader Anna Rose Winters learned that her school would be closing, she was very sad. But then the first question that came out of her mouth was: "What are the uniforms like at St. Joe's?"

Anna Rose, like other Holy Family students, will attend St. Joseph School in Batavia in the fall.

"She went through the normal grief stages," said her father, Bryan Winters. "There were tears, but then she very quickly started to incorporate St. Joe's."

Winters was on Holy Family School's Finance Committee for several months, which put Anna Rose in a "unique situation."

"She's a smart kid -- she could read the writing on the wall," he said. "We were honest with her from the beginning that her school could close, but we'd try our best."

And try they did. According to Winters, who makes his living raising money for the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, the committees formed by parents to help save the school "were doing all the right things."

"It's remarkable how much money we were able to raise with the time constraint," he said. "But there were a lot of needs-based scholarships (and other expenses that could not be met with the current student enrollment)."

Like his daughter, Winters also went through the grieving process. But he has a "very great feeling" about St. Joe's and is optimistic about Anna Rose's future.

"(Of course), there are families who have been at Holy Family for three or four generations," he said. "Their grieving process is probably longer, and that's understandable. But I need to think of the best interests of my daughter. We're going to get fully involved in St. Joe's."

Bryan and Kate Winters moved to Le Roy from Monroe County a few years ago. Holy Family School was the main reason for their move.

Having just started a family, they wanted to move to the country to give their kids (they have two younger children in addition to Anna Rose) some "breathing room." But they also wanted to make sure the kids received a Catholic education.

"We looked around Western New York and the Finger Lakes region," Winters said. "We toured different schools in Livingston and Monroe counties, and even some in Erie County."

They were very selective in their search, because everything in their lives is a "distant second to our kids."

When they went to an open house at Holy Family, "that sealed the deal."

"That was where we knew we felt at home (at Holy Family)," Winters said. "We learned about the different programs and the curriculum -- they had a very rigorous program. We liked the student-teacher ratio. It was primarily for that reason that we moved to Le Roy."

With three years as a Holy Family parent under his belt, Winters still sings the school's praises loudly.

"It blows my mind that there were people around here who didn't send their kids to Holy Family," he said. "They must not have known what we had there."

Pictured Principal Kevin Robertson with Mrs. Page's second-grade class. Photo courtesy of Sue Bobo.

Like Ficarella and Hansen, he touted the supportive atmosphere the school offered.

"We could call or email any time, and (the issue) was taken care of," he said. "There was a real family feel, whether it was students with teachers or families with teachers. It was an open community."

Part of this openness was the teachers' willingness to share personal stories with their students.

"Every once in a while Anna Rose would share a story at dinner about a teacher's dog, or about Mrs. So-and-So's son getting into a certain college," Winters said. "The fact that these teachers would recognize (for example) that a first-grader wants to hear stories about a dog means a lot. It goes back to that feeling of family."

Winters' wife is a teacher, so the two of them "have a pretty good pulse on what a good teacher is."

"And these teachers -- they had it," he said.

And the students weren't bad, either.

"The Holy Family slogan was 'Teaching Tomorrow's Leaders,' and I think that's what they were doing," Winters said.

He commented on how the kids would hold doors for people and demonstrate politeness in other ways.

"All that stuff goes above and beyond two plus two," he said. "It was about more than just standardized testing; the focus was on growing the student as a person. It was built into the curriculum."

Anna Rose is excited about going to St. Joe's, but she and her family will always have fond memories of Holy Family School.

STORY CONTINUES after the jump (click the headline to read more):

A Brief History in Pictures

Holy Family's original name was St. Peter's School, after the church with which it was affiliated (St. Peter's Church became Our Lady of Mercy Parish in 2008). The school was placed in the charge of the Sisters of Mercy, who lived in Batavia and commuted every day by train the first year.

A photo of St. Peter's academic department in the early 1900s. Photo courtesy of the Le Roy Historical Society, originally published in the Le Roy Gazette.

St. Peter's grew significantly between its founding in 1889 and 1955, when it was expanded to serve the children of both Catholic parishes in Le Roy (the other one being St. Joseph's Church). At that point, it was renamed "Holy Family School."

Note: Unless otherwise specified, all of the following were published in the Batavia Daily News and obtained courtesy of the Le Roy Historical Society:

Photo published in the Holy Family School Newsletter

Over the years, Holy Family slowly made the transition from a parochial school to a regional school. Hansen said that by the time it closed, "only 40 percent of the students were from Le Roy, with remaining students coming from Wyoming, Livingston and Monroe counties."

Regional schools have different requirements than parochial schools, including, according to Hansen, a "suggested class size (of) 20-25 students per grade level."

Take that, the fact that the school was staffed by state certified teachers instead of religious sisters receiving a modest stipend (which kept tuition costs low), and the population decrease in our area, and you get a good idea of the reason for Holy Family School's closure.

For more information on Holy Family School's history, please see the timeline at the bottom of this story.

Here are some pictures of the school through the years, courtesy of Sue Bobo and the Le Roy Historical Society:

Graduating class of 1957

Graduating class of 1965

Graduating class of 1978

Thank you to the interviewees, Sue Bobo and the Le Roy Historical Society for the information and pictures.

Timeline: Holy Family School:

  • 1849 -- Rev. Edward Dillon founds St. Peter's Catholic Church in Le Roy.
  • 1852 -- Rev. Thomas Fitzgerald, Rev. Dillon's successor as pastor, begins collecting funds to enlarge parish in response to rapid membership growth.
  • 1857 -- Temporary parish school established by Rev. James McGlew in the church basement.        
  • July 1889 -- Work is begun on new school behind St. Peter's Church (now called "the annex").
  • Sept. 2, 1889 -- St. Peter's School opens, with the Sisters of Mercy recruited to teach.
  • Early 1900s -- St. Peter's School has enrollment of 260 students.
  • Feb. 14, 1907 -- Most Rev. Charles H. Colton, bishop of Buffalo, administers Sacrament of Confirmation in Le Roy; large number of Italian-American residents ask for their own "National" (or ethnic) parish.
  • Feb. 16, 1907 -- Bishop Colton sends Rev. Joseph A. Gambino to establish St. Joseph's Church.
  • 1913 -- Significant improvements to St. Peter's Church and School.
  • 1955 -- St. Joseph's and St. Peter's unite to build a new school building to serve all Catholic children in Le Roy. Upon completion, St. Peter's School is renamed Holy Family School.
  • Sept. 23, 1956 -- Holy Family School is officially dedicated by Most Rev. Leo R. Smith, an auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Buffalo.
  • 1965 -- Gymnasium is built in the school.
  • 1989 -- Holy Family School is run mostly by laypeople rather than nuns.
  • 1993 -- Barbara McVean becomes the first layperson to serve as principal of Holy Family School.
  • 1990s -- 2000s -- Holy Family School begins to serve students from other communities as neighboring Catholic schools close.  Children from elsewhere in Genesee County as well as from Wyoming, Livingston and Monroe counties attend the school.
  • 2008 -- St. Joseph's and St. Peter's merge as Our Lady of Mercy Parish.
  • 2009 -- 2010 -- Under diocesan plan, Holy Family School transitions from parochial to regional school.
  • 2011 -- Parents establish the Holy Family School Finance/Fund Raising Committee to try saving the school from closure.
  • 2012 -- Holy Family School closes in spite of valiant student, parent and teacher efforts.
  • June 8, 2012 -- The Holy Family School Choir performs for the last time in public at the Le Roy Bicentennial Celebration; receives standing ovation.

Previous coverage of Holy Family School:

Mancuso's hosts Holy Family School, of Le Roy, for Catholic Schools Week

Pictures: Holy Family and St. Joe's kids

Students at Holy Family learning and having fun with art

Photos: Celebrating the Town of Le Roy's bicentennial

By Howard B. Owens

In 1812, the good people who set up shops, homes and farms in a picturesque corner of the State of New York, by proclamation of the State Legislature, separated from the Town of Caledonia and established the Town of Bellona.

The first order of business, raise alms for the poor, then deal with pesky wild and domesticated animals, such as boars, rams and foxes.

The first meeting of the Town of Bellona was reenacted on the same spot in Trigon Park and outside the Memorial Auditorium on Friday.

Less than a year later, Bellona would be known as Le Roy (named after a wealthy New York City businessman whose son settled in the area and built what is now known as the Le Roy House).

Just as 200 years ago, the meeting closed with 13 toasts by the dignitaries in attendance, including Kathy Hochul, Steve Hawley, Mike Ranzenhofer and Stephen Barbeau -- the current town supervisor who presided over the meeting dressed as the town's first supervisor, Dr. William Sheldon, might have been attired.

The chorale performance by students of Holy Family School was an emotional one for parents, who learned just a few days ago that the school would be closing.

If you're unable to view the slide show below, click here. To purchase prints of these photographs, click here.

Norton Road resident prizes 103-year-old postcard showing her house

By Howard B. Owens

There's an old shack stuck far back in the woods off Norton Road in Elba. I've photographed it before, but wasn't entirely pleased with the results.

As I drove down Norton this evening, I saw the shack, but the field that last year was full of wildflowers was plowed. The shack was still in a wooded area, surrounded by flowers. I then noticed a woman watering some plants in her front yard, so I stopped to ask if I could go on her property (to get the right vantage point) to make a photograph.

I introduced myself and, yes, Charline Shultz reads The Batavian.

We chatted a second and Charlene told me she had an old postcard of Norton Road. It shows her house, which was built in 1812. Charlene said a friend happened across the postcard on Ebay and bought it for her.

The back of the card reads: "The view as we see it from our home looking south.  The church in the distance is where Mr. Kellogg preached when we knew him.  With best wishes and warm regards, Mary Norton, Elba, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1908."

It was apparently contained in a letter sent by Mary Norton to a friend in California, and now it's back in New York more then 100 years later on the road where it started.

Authentically Local