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Water main break reported on River Street, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The City Water Department is on location of a water main break in front of 108 River St. The water will be shut off on River Street from Pearl to South Main. The surrounding area may experience low pressure or rusty water, please do not attempt to do laundry at this time.

Traffic will be limited so please avoid the area if possible.

We appreciate your understanding while repairs are being made, the city will make every attempt to have water restored as soon as possible.

UPDATE 11:45 a.m.:

The water main has been repaired and the water has been restored. The water may still be discolored, please avoid doing laundry until water is clear.

It will take a little while for the crew to make the repairs to the pavement, so if traffic can avoid the area it will be appreciated.


Senators say new funding will modernize drinking water & sewer projects in NYS

By Billie Owens

Press release:

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer and U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today announced $220 million in Congressionally appropriated State Revolving Funds (SRFs) from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for New York State that will revitalize water infrastructure projects to protect surface water and provide safe drinking water to Upstate communities.

The senators emphasized the necessity of the funding, which comes at a critical time for New York as the state recovers from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

“New York has some of the oldest sewer systems in the country, and last year, nearly 200 waterways that provide drinking water in the state were found to contain contaminants flagged as dangerous by the EPA,” Senator Schumer said. “This federal funding will help address the hazard that aging water infrastructure presents to the health of thousands of New Yorkers.

"I will continue to fight tooth and nail to make sure that New York gets every dollar it needs to replace and repair every inch of waterway that will keep New Yorkers safe and healthy.”

“Access to clean water is a right, and New York’s communities deserve clean drinking water and wastewater systems they can trust,” Senator Gillibrand said. “This EPA funding is great news for the New York Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds and will improve the quality of vital water infrastructure, enhance our water recycling system, and protect our state’s lakes and rivers.

"I will continue fighting for the resources needed to enhance public health and provide New Yorkers with access to safe and reliable water.”  

Specifically, the Senators said, $175 million out of the total funding is being allocated toward the New York Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program, which provides low-interest loans and principle forgiveness for the improvement of water quality protection infrastructure projects that include modernizing wastewater infrastructure, implementing water reuse and recycling, and addressing stormwater.

Since its inception in 1990, the CWSRF, in conjunction with the New York Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) and NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, has provided $28.5 billion in low-cost financing.

Additionally, Schumer and Gillibrand added that $45 million out of the total funding is going toward the New York Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) program which provides low-interest loans and principal forgiveness for the construction of drinking water and infrastructure projects, and for the administration of small system technical assistance, source water protection, capacity development, and operator certification.

The DWSRF has provided $6.3 billion to assist public water systems across the state.

The federal funding allocated by the EPA will be distributed by New York State, which will contribute an additional 20 percent to match the federal grants.

The Senators have fought for years to secure sufficient funding for the CWSRF and DWSRF, fighting the Trump administration’s efforts to cut funding for the program by hundreds of millions of dollars. Most recently they secured $4 billion for the EPA’s State and Tribal Assistance Grants Program which provides money to the CWSRF and DWSRF, among other vital environmental programs.

GC Highway Department announces bridge reopening in Darien, and bridge closure in Bethany

By Billie Owens
Public Notice
  • Colby Road bridge (just south of CSX railroad) in the Town of Darien will be reopening on Monday, June 29.
  • McClernon Road bridge over the Black Creek in the Town of Bethany will be closing Monday, June 29 for major repairs. The bridge is expected to be closed for four to five weeks.

Timothy J. Hens, P.E., Superintendent, Genesee County Highway Department

East Avenue water main repair in the city rescheduled for Wednesday

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Water Department is planning on making repairs to a water main on East Avenue on Wednesday, June 17, instead of today (June 15) as previously announced.

Work will begin at 8 a.m.

The water may be turned off on East Avenue between Holmes Avenue and Eugene Street. Homes in the area may find lower pressure, and discolored water. Please do not attempt to do laundry if the water is discolored.

We appreciate your understanding while this repair is being made. City crews will make every attempt to restore water as soon as possible.

The road will not be shut down, but travel lanes will be restricted. Please avoid the area if possible.

City water crews to repair water main on East Avenue on Monday

By Billie Owens

From Bill Davis, superintendent of Water and Wastewater:

The City of Batavia Water Department is planning on making repairs to a water main on East Avenue in Batavia on Monday June 15 beginning at 8 a.m.

The water may be turned off on East Avenue between Holmes Avenue and Eugene Street.

Homes in the area may find lower pressure, and discolored water. Please do not attempt to do laundry if the water is discolored.

We appreciate your understanding while this repair is being made. City crews will make every attempt to restore water as soon as possible.

Hickox Road to close this afternoon for two days for emergency repair of embankment

By Billie Owens

From Timothy J. Hens, superintendent, Genesee County Highway Department

Genesee County will be closing Hickox Road in the Town of Alexander from 4 p.m. this afternoon (June 4th) through 5 p.m. Saturday afternoon June 6th.

This will allow for the emergency repair of a landslide along the eastern embankment of the road approximately a quarter mile south of the Hamlet of Ray.

The road will be closed to thru traffic in the area of the repair during this time and will be open to local traffic only from Dodgeson Road to Walker Road.

Photos: New water tower under construction in Elba

By Howard B. Owens

Construction is under way of a new 750,000-gallon water tank in Elba that will serve both the village and the town.

Town Supervisor Donna Hynes said planning for the project began in 2015. In 2016, the Town of Elba received a grant and low-interest loan from USDA Rural Development to fund the project in a single phase. The grant is for $3,854,000 and the loan was for $13,658,000.

Hynes said it then took a year to complete SEQRA and all the necessary permits. Project construction began in mid-2018.

The project also includes approximately 248,000 linear feet of 8-inch and 12-inch water mains serving approximately 500 water users.

Construction should be completed this summer, then painted, and in service by early fall.

Photos: Submitted by a reader last week.

As Cuomo calls for infrastructure cuts, Hawley and highway superintendents cry out for more money

By Billie Owens

From Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

In light of years of stagnant investment in the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) and a proposed elimination of $65 in Extreme Winter Recovery funds by Gov. Cuomo, Assemblyman Steve Hawley rallied Wednesday in Albany with highway superintendents from around the state calling for infrastructure investment parity.

For several years, CHIPS funding has been held stagnant at $438.1 million statewide despite billions of dollars in increases to fund the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and repair downstate bridges.

This funding is used to repair and pave streets and highways. Furthermore, Gov. Cuomo has proposed cutting $65 million in Extreme Winter Recovery funds which are used by areas experiencing harsh winters to speed up recovery and repair processes.

“Whenever the MTA cries broke Gov. Cuomo is right there willing to throw more tax dollars their way, yet Upstate has to fight tooth and nail each year for a little bit extra to ensure we have safe travel,” Hawley said. “Millions of upstate residents, emergency services vehicles, farmers and manufacturers use our roads each day and their safety and quality of life matter just as much as a subway patron.

"We are seeking a $100 million increase to CHIPS and a restoration of the $65 million Extreme Winter Recovery fund – a small and reasonable step toward parity in a budget totaling over $175 billion. I will continue fighting to see that upstate gets it fair share this year!”

Schumer, Gillibrand announce $9.2 million in DOT funds for Upstate roads ruined in storms last fall

By Billie Owens

Press release:

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer and U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation has granted Upstate New York counties devastated by the Halloween storm last year, $9,200,000 in federal funding through the Emergency Relief (ER) program.

The $9.2 million will go toward repairing roads and highways in Upstate New York, both of which were seriously damaged during the flooding, including those in the NY-27 Congressional District.

“This grant is good news for everyone in Upstate New York," Schumer said. "Last Halloween, our state, from one corner to the other, saw severe damaged after being ravaged by heavy rain, flooding, and tempestuous winds.

"This federal aid will finally begin the process of healing and recovery for these Upstate communities and ease the burden of natural disasters on New York taxpayers."

Senator Gillibrand said: “I’m grateful we could deliver federal aid to communities across Upstate New York that are still suffering from the extensive damage caused by the Halloween storms. This grant is an important first step in ensuring these communities get the resources they need to rebuild.”

During the Halloween storm, 12 counties received at least 3 inches of rain, which is nearly a month’s worth in most Upstate areas, and 27 counties received flood warnings and flash flood warnings.

Furthermore, winds blew between 60 and 70 miles per hour, knocking down countless trees, destroying private property and leaving hundreds of thousands of Upstate New Yorkers without power.

In the Mohawk Valley, hundreds of residents were evacuated and many properties remain uninhabitable. The storm even tragically took the life of a priest, Father Tom Connery, in Herkimer County, who was trapped in his vehicle during one of the flash floods.

In Western New York, floodwaters and wind caused millions in damage across the Lakes Erie and Ontario shorelines.

Schumer and Gillibrand have long advocated for federal recognition of the disaster and called repeatedly for funding to begin repairs. The DOT funding will go toward the 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, and 27 Congressional districts.

Aging bridge at South Lyon over the Tonawanda might finally get replaced

By Howard B. Owens

After more than a dozen years of effort by county officials, the aging bridge over the Tonawanda Creek at South Lyon Street may finally get replaced, perhaps sooner rather than later.

The project has been approved for a $498,400 federal grant.

Yesterday, the Public Service Committee recommended approval of a resolution authorizing the county to spend an additional $124,600 from the county's 1-percent share of sales tax and beginning the design phase of the project.

Highway Superintendent Tim Hens said under current terms of the grant, administered by the state, construction can't begin until 2023 but the county will push to accelerate the project.

"We are going to design it as quickly as we can and then we're going to press to have it funded in advance of (October 2022)," Hens said. "It depends on what money is available at state level and in the region. If projects get delayed or something comes in under budget, well, there is a possibility there might be money lying around that we could jump on."

Hens said he first submitted the project for Federal funding in 2006. The funds were awarded in 2007 but then the recession of 2008 meant a cut in spending. He resubmitted it in 2011 but Federal authorities determined that as a single-lane bridge, it didn't warrant saving.

"We argued that the traffic counts are higher than you think they are," Hens said. "We had the city, our city, the DPW, help us out on traffic counts. We had the traffic counts of around 2,500 cars a day at the peak."

The bridge is an important link for traffic between the bridges at Oak Street and at River Street, Hens said. 

In 2014, there were more cuts at the Federal level and it was pulled off the docket again. Hens resubmitted the project in 2017 and was denied funding.

The plan is now, with a grant awarded, to start the design phase immediately, because, Hens said, once money is spent on the project it is less likely to suffer another cut in spending.

"It's posted for five tons now," Hens said. "It's been in pretty rough shape. To make it go another three years might be pushing the limits from an engineering standpoint. It might get to the point where the posting drops enough where you can't get a car over it and it's closed."

The current bridge is Army surplus and was set in place in 1982 and a temporary fix for the old bridge it replaced.

The hope is to design a two-lane bridge. That's tough because the abutment of the current bridge is right under the pavement of South Main Street. Hens said the plan is also to design another truss bridge so that the character of the current bridge is maintained.

City working water main break on Pearl Street

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Water Department is on location of a water main break in front of 185 Pearl St. The water will be turned off on Pearl Street from 100 Pearl to the western City line.

We appreciate your understanding while this repair is being made. City crews will make every attempt to restore water as soon as possible.

UPDATE 6:30 p.m.: Water service has been restored.

Portion of North Road in Le Roy closed for three days next week for water main installation

By Billie Owens

From the county Highway Department:

Please be advised that North Road in the Town of Le Roy will be closed to traffic between Route 19 and Conlon Road on Monday (Jan. 13), Tuesday (Jan. 14) and Wednesday (Jan. 15) for the installation of a water transmission main line across the roadway.

The roadway will be COMPLETELY CLOSED TO ALL TRAFFIC -- including emergency vehicles. A detour will be posted during this time.

County highway superintendent at White House introducing new permitting reforms

By Billie Owens

Information from the National Association of County Engineers. File photo.

Washington, D.C. – National Association of County Engineers (NACE) President and Genesee County (New York) Highway Superintendent Tim Hens participated in a White House event with President Donald J. Trump this morning as he introduced new permitting reforms involving the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

“We welcome reforms that will allow for local governments to address our nation’s aging infrastructure in a timely manner,” Hens said. “These reforms will aid counties in their ability to utilize federal funds for road and bridge expansion, repair and rehabilitation more efficiently and expeditiously.

"We applaud the President and Administration and look forward to working together to ensure these common-sense reforms provide a regulatory landscape that will improve project delivery times while maintaining the environmental protections important to our communities.”

This morning’s event highlighted permit and federal process areas the Administration seeks to streamline, including transportation infrastructure project parameters, which would require a federally mandated environmental review.

America’s counties own 45 percent of the nation’s road inventory and 38 percent of its bridge inventory, while investing more than $122 billion on infrastructure and maintaining and operating public works.

Hens is a 1993 graduate of the Air Force Academy and has served as Genesee County Highway superintendent since 1998. As superintendent he functions as the county engineer and oversees the operation and maintenance of all county-owned infrastructure and equipment, including roads, bridges, parks, facilities, airport and water system.

About the National Association of County Engineers

Now in its 64th year, the association is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional association representing more than 2,400 county engineers, public works directors, highway commissioners, road managers, and related professionals in the United States and Canada. In the United States, local roads account for about 75 percent of highways and roads, or 2.93 million miles. Counties manage 1.74 million miles of those roads. Counties also own 231,000 bridges and operate one third of the nation’s transit systems and airports.

Photo taken of Tim Hens at a GC Public Service Committee meeting in September 2018.

Water main repairs on North Road in Town of Le Roy resume Monday

By Billie Owens

From county Highway Superintendent Tim Hens (president, National Association of County Engineers):

Construction of a major 36" diameter water main is occurring along North Road (CR#40) in the Town of Le Roy.

Construction will restart on Monday, Dec. 30th, and will continue for several weeks.

The road will be closed and will only be accessible by local traffic and emergency vehicles during this time. Major delays can be expected.

Complete roadway shutdowns will occur and be communicated as blasting of bedrock and road crossings occur. Alternate routes are suggested.

Caswell Road in Byron is now reopened

By Billie Owens

The Genesee County Highway Department announced this afternoon that Caswell Road is now reopened.

The Caswell Road Bridge between Walkers Corners Road and Cockram Road in Byron was closed Aug. 22nd for road work. It had been due to reopen on Oct. 4.


State DOT announces work is complete on $1.6 million Oatka Creek bridge project in Pavilion

By Billie Owens

Press release:

New York State Department of Transportation Commissioner Marie Therese Dominguez today announced that major construction is complete on a $1.6 million project to replace elements of the bridge carrying U.S. Route 20 over Oatka Creek in the Town of Pavilion, Genesee County.

The bridge, which reopened to traffic today, will be more resilient and capable of withstanding potential damage from flooding or stream debris during inclement weather.

“By making existing infrastructure more resilient to wearing and weather impacts, we are investing in the future of our transportation system,” Commissioner Dominguez said. “The renovations, which DOT incorporated as part of this project provide safe access for users and will greatly benefit Genesee County residents and travelers as part of the Finger Lakes Forward initiative.”

As part of this project, the existing steel truss was replaced with a modern steel multi-girder superstructure that includes a concrete deck. To accommodate all users of the roadway, 12-foot-wide travel lanes and seven-foot-wide shoulders were included in the striping pattern of the bridge to facilitate bicycle and pedestrian traffic.

Multi-girder type bridges have more redundant elements than truss bridges, making them more resilient. Rip rap shoring up the base provides additional strength to the bridge, preventing erosion, and the inclusion of joint-less approaches to the bridge will help reduce corrosion.

Senator Michael H. Ranzenhofer said “I am glad that the construction on Route 20 bridge over Oatka Creek is complete. The safety of our roads and bridges is one of my top priorities. With winter fast approaching this construction completion was crucial.”

Assemblyman Steve Hawley said “The Route 20 Bridge over Oatka Creek has been subject to flood waters and damage for some time, and I am pleased to see that repairs have been made and travelers may now cross the bridge with ease and confidence. Safe and reliable infrastructure is paramount for our business owners, local residents and emergency service vehicles, and I will continue to advocate for Western New York’s bridge road and highway needs moving forward.”

During the bridge closure, which began in July, motorists were detoured using nearby state routes 19 and 63. While the bridge is now open to vehicular traffic, there is anticipated cleanup work and shoulder work remaining.

For real-time travel information, motorists should call 511, visit or download the free 511NY app.

Water main break reported at Ellicott Street and Clifton Avenue, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Water Deptartment is on location of a water main break at the Intersection of Ellicott Street and Clifton Avenue.

Clifton Avenue will be closed to through traffic. Water may be interrupted on Clifton Avenue, and James, William and Ellicott streets between Otis Street and Clifton Avenue, and Harvester Avenue from Ellicott Place to Ellicott Street.

Please do not attempt to do laundry as water may be discolored due to work being done.

Video: Union Street milled as part of $2.3 million infrastructure project

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Union Street has been plagued by water main breaks over the past few years but that should be a thing of the past with a new water line in place.

As part of a $2.3 million project, the city has replaced the water mains on Union Street, South Main Street, and Brooklyn Avenue, as well as replacing sidewalks and repaving the streets.

The cost of the project is covered primarily by grants and funds from the federal government, called Community Development Block Grants.

The project also included storm drain improvements at Williams Park.

The contract for the work was awarded in March to Randsco Pipeline Inc.

Today, Union Street was milled in preparation to lay down new asphalt.

City dealing with water main break on Pearl Street

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

A water main break on Pearl Street at approximately 5 a.m. has resulted in water service interruption in an area between 40 Pearl St. and the City Line.

Crews are preparing to make repairs and replace the pipe. Water service will be restored as soon as is possible.

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