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Genesee County's unemployment rate stays at regionally low level

By Howard B. Owens

Genesee County unemployment rate held steady in the month of June at 6.2 percent, matching May's rate and lower than the 7.4-percent rate a year ago, according to figures released today by NYS Department of Labor.

Genesee County continues to maintain the lowest rate in the GLOW region, with Orleans at 8.4 percent, Livingston at 7 percent and Wyoming at 7.1 percent.

The Rochester-area rate is 7.0 and the Buffalo-area rate is at 7.4 percent.

The state's rate is 7.6 percent and the U.S. rate is 7.8 percent.

County's jobs number jumps from previous month, but still lags a year ago

By Howard B. Owens

There were 100 fewer jobs in Genesee County for June compared to June 2012, but the month-over-month number looked much, much better.

According to NYS Labor Department statistics just released, Genesee County gained 600 jobs from May to June, going from 23,300 non-farm jobs to 23,900 non-farm jobs.

There were 24,000 jobs reported in June 2012.

The county's unemployment numbers are not yet available, but the state's unemployment rate fell to 7.5 percent, the lowest it's been since early 2009 and lower than the national rate of 7.6 percent.

Genesee County's unemployment rate is lowest it's been since December 2008

By Howard B. Owens

Genesee County's unemployment rate for May 2013 is the lowest it's been in 57 months, according to data released today by the NYS Department of Labor.

At 6.2 percent, it hasn't been lower since Dec. 2008, when the rate was 5.6 percent.

The previous month, April, Genesee County's rate was reported at 7.1 and a year ago May it was reported at 7.4 percent.

In the prior 18 months, the county's unemployment rate dipped below 7 percent only once.

The lowest rate for the county since the turn of the century was 3.2 percent in October 2000.

The state's unemployment rate is said to be 7.4 percent, down from a year ago but up 1/10th of a percent since April 2013.

The nation's rate is 7.3 percent.

Orleans County is 8.4 percent, Wyoming 7.1 and Livingston 7.1.

The Rochester area's rate is reported at 7.0 and Buffalo at 7.3.

Genesee County holds even on total jobs for May 2013

By Howard B. Owens

Genesee County saw no increase in the number of jobs based in the county year-over-year, May 2012 compared to May 2013, according to data just released by the NYS Labor Department.

In both months, the department counted 23,200 jobs based in Genesee County.

There was a 100-job increase from April 2013 to May 2013.

The County's May unemployment figures are not yet available, but the state's unemployment rate from one year to the next dropped from 8.6 percent to 7.6 percent.

New York as a whole added 85,700 jobs, increasing to 8,937,200 jobs in the state in May 2013.

For Genesee County, the total number of private sector jobs increased from 17,300 to 17,400.

Goods producing jobs remained unchanged at 4,000. Manufacturing jobs remained unchanged at 3,000. Service jobs remained unchanged at 19,200. Trade, transportation and utilities increased from 4,400 to 4,500. Government jobs decreased from 5,900 to 5,800.

Unemployment rate improves for Genesee County, but county still has fewer jobs

By Howard B. Owens

Even with the opening of Alpina and the ramp up of Muller Quaker in the Genesee Valley Agri-Business Park, Genesee County lost 300 jobs year-over-year for April, according to data released by the NYS Department of Labor.

Even so, the unemployment rate for the county dropped to 7.1 percent, the lowest April since 2008, when the county's unemployment rate was 5.4 percent.

The April 2012 rate was 7.6 percent.

The total number of non-farm jobs in the county hit 21,900 for April 2013, compared to 22,200 in April 2012.

The data does show an increase in jobs from March 2013 when the job count was 21,700.

The unemployment rate in March 2013 was 8.0 percent.

The state's unemployment rate is 7.3 percent, which is an improvement over the previous month and as well as a year ago.

The national unemployment rate is 7.1 percent.

In Orleans County, the unemployment rate is 9.3 and it's 7.8 percent in Livingston and 8.3 percent in Wyoming.

County's unemployment rate hits five-year low for March

By Howard B. Owens

Genesee County's unemployment rate for March hit 8.0, the lowest it's been for any March since 2008, when the county's rate stood at 6.3 percent.

The number is a one-point decrease from February and lower than the 8.7-percent rate of March 2012.

There are 28,600 people with jobs in the county, according to Department of Labor statistics, up from 28,400 in February. The total employed matches the March 2012 number.

The U.S. unemployment rate for March is 7.8 percent and NYS's rate is 8.1.

In Livingston County, the rate is 9.1. It's 10.4 in Orleans County and 9.7 in Wyoming.

Genesee County added 200 jobs from February to March

By Howard B. Owens

New jobs data shows that Genesee County gained 200 jobs from February to March, but the March number is still 100 jobs fewer than a year ago.

Last month, there were 21,700 jobs reported, compared to 21,500 in February. In January, 2012 there were 21,800 jobs.

The state's unemployment rate fell from 8.4 percent to 8.2 percent, month over month.

Genesee County's unemployment rate for last month has not yet been released.

Jobs data for Genesee County improved in February

By Howard B. Owens

There were fewer people listed as unemployed and more jobs in Genesee County for February, according to the latest numbers from the NYS Department of Labor.

The jobs report pegs the local unemployment rate at 9 percent, down from 9.5 percent in January and a four-tenths of a percentage drop from February 2012.

Meanwhile, the number of jobs reported in Genesee County went up from January to February by 100 positions. There were 28,500 jobs reported, which is also an increase over February 2012 when the number was 29,300.

The state's unemployment rate is 8.8 percent, and the nation's 8.1, both improvements over a year ago.

Orleans County's unemployment rate improved from January to February, 11.2 percent compared to 12.3 percent, but still off from the 10.9 percent of a year ago.

In Wyoming County, unemployment went from 11.2 percent down to 10.8 percent month-over-month.

For Livingston County, unemployment is at 10.1 percent, down from 10.3 percent a month earlier.

Most recent labor report for Genesee County: Jobs down, unemployment up

By Howard B. Owens

The most recent jobs report numbers for Genesee County aren't as healthy as in some months past.

Between December 2012 and January 2013, Genesee County lost 3,600 non-farm jobs, and there were 100 fewer jobs than January 2012.

At the same time, the county's unemployment rate climbed, reaching 9.5 percent, up from 9.4 percent the previous month and 8.2 percent a year earlier.

There are currently 28,500 people in the county with jobs, and the number of jobs in the county is an estimated 21,400.

A year ago, the jobs number was 21,500.

Neighboring counties' unemployment rates:

  • Livingston, 10.4
  • Orleans, 12.4
  • Wyoming, 11.2 percent

Unemployment in NYS has climbed year over year from 9.1 percent to 9.4, while the nation's rate has dropped from 8.8 percent to 8.5 percent.

December job figures for Genesee County a mixed bag

By Howard B. Owens

December job numbers are out and Genesee County once again saw an increase in the number of jobs in the county year-over-year, but also an uptick in the unemployment rate.

There were 29,000 jobs in Genesee County for December, according to Labor Department figures released today, which is 400 more than December 2011, but 300 fewer than were counted in November 2012.

The unemployment rate year-over-year went from 8 percent to 8.2 percent, and jumped from November 2012 when it was 7.4 percent.

Orleans County continues to lead the GLOW region in unemployment, with a 10.9 percent jobless figure, compared to 8.0 for Livingston and 9.5 for Wyoming counties.

The U.S. unemployment rate for December was 7.6 percent, up from 7.4 percent in November 2012, but lower than the 8.3 percent of December 2011.

New York's unemployment rate grew two-tenths of a percent, year-over-year, from 8 percent to 8.2 percent and it's up from November 2011 when it was 7.9 percent.

More jobs and more unemployed in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

The number of people working in Genesee County in October is higher than in 2011, but so is the unemployment rate, according to figures released today by the Department of Labor.

There are 30,200 people working in the county, the DOL reports, which is up from 29,700 a year ago; however, the unemployment rate year-over-year went up from 6.8 percent to 7.2 percent.

The state counts 2,300 unemployed people in the county for October 2012 and 2,200 a year ago.

There were 30,300 people employed in the county in September 2012 and the unemployment rate that month was 7.1 percent.

Ranzenhofer announces support for 'job creation plan'

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

With the State Budget now passed, jump starting New York's economy and getting people back to work are at the top of the to-do list. That’s why I voted for legislation today in the State Senate to implement the 2012 NEW JOBS-NY Job Creation Plan.

Every new job created helps the state’s economy, helps strengthen a community, and most importantly, helps a family improve its quality of life.  This comprehensive plan will help create thousands of new private sector jobs by delivering tax relief and reducing energy costs for small businesses and manufacturers.

Among the highlights of the 2012 NEW JOBS-NY Job Creation Plan are:

  • HIRE-NOW-NY Tax Incentive: New job-creating incentives to grant businesses a tax credit of up to $5,000 for each new job created; up to an $8,000 credit if the new job goes to someone on unemployment; up to a $10,000 credit if a business hires a returning military veteran.
  • 10 % Personal Income Tax Credit for Small Businesses: This tax cut would save 800,000 small businesses $80 million.
  • 20 % Corporate Tax Cut for Small Businesses: This cut in the corporate tax rate will save nearly 200,000 small businesses $49 million.
  • Reducing the Job-Killing Tax Burden on New York Manufacturers: The plan would spur creation of thousands of manufacturing jobs by dramatically reducing taxes on manufacturers over a three year period ($495 million in tax relief).

Over the last two years, we’ve enacted two fiscally responsible State Budgets that reduced spending, excluded any new taxes or fees, and enacted billions of dollars in tax cuts. The 2012 NEW JOBS-NY Job Creation Plan will build on this progress, create thousands of new jobs and help to ensure a brighter, stronger future for the Empire State.

Labor statistics show improvement for Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

The year-over-year job and employment picture for Genesee County brightened in December, according to Department of Labor statistics.

The county's unemployment rate for December was 7.4 percent, a slight improvement over December 2010 when it was 7.9 percent, but not as good as last November when unemployment stood at 6.7 percent.

Overall, non-farm jobs increased from 22,600 in December 2010 to 23,800 last December. However, that's still below the November job figure of 24,100.

Historically, Genesee County sees a decline in jobs from November to December.

According to the latest report, there are 30,200 people in Genesee County with jobs, compared to 29,400 people with jobs in December 2010.

Year-over-year, goods producing jobs increased from 3,900 to 4,000.

Total service jobs increased from 18,700 to 19,800, including those in education. Health service jobs increased from 3,000 to 3,300, and leisure and hospitality jobs increased from 2,200 to 2,500

Government jobs increased from 6,100 to 6,200.

New waterpark at Clarion Hotel seeks lifeguards

By Billie Owens

The brand-new Palm Island Indoor Waterpark is looking to hire lifeguards. Full- and part-time jobs available. Applications can be found, along with park hours, at the website

The 12,000-square-foot facility is at the Clarion Hotel on Park Road in Batavia. It includes a 197-foot and a 169-foot waterslide, a pool equipped with basketball hoops, a spa, a play lagoon with waterfalls, small slides and dumping buckets, as well as birthday party rooms, a food and beverage concession and an arcade room with 15 games.

Hochul: I will work with anybody and everybody willing to create jobs for WNY

By Howard B. Owens

Press release: 


“The message I have heard, loud and clear, during my seven ‘Congress On Your Corner’ meetings this month, is that our constituents expect us to work towards real job proposals that will help get our people back to work. I was sent to Washington to work with anybody and everybody willing to help create opportunities in Western New York. 

“Now is the time for us to come up with a critical infrastructure plan that will not only help our local governments build roads, bridges and airports, but also get our economy moving once again.

“When we return to Washington next week, our top priority must be cutting the exorbitantly high unemployment rate and revitalizing our economy. I intend to work quickly to renew the FAA Reauthorization and Surface Transportation Bill and ensure we don’t leave nearly one million workers on the sidelines, as was done to 4,000 FAA employees earlier this summer. As these pieces of legislation progress, I plan to work with my local municipalities to ensure they can apply for their proper funds.

“Congress cannot continue to act in the same hyper-partisan manner it did throughout the summer with the FAA Reauthorization and debt-ceiling negotiations, which is why I plan to continue to work with President Obama, as well as all Republicans, Democrats and anyone else willing to ensure we are creating opportunities for hard-working, middle-class families.”

Unemployment rate for Genesee County drops, more jobs reported

By Howard B. Owens

Unemployment in Genesee County fell to 7.1 percent for May 2011, down from April's figure of 8.0, and lower than a year ago when unemployment was 7.6.

Total non-farm jobs increased from April to May by 1,300 positions, going from 22,500 jobs in Genesee County to 23,800.

The May figure is the same as it was in May 2010.

Private-sector jobs increased month-over-month from 16,300 to 17,600, which also represents a year-over-year increase for May of 100 jobs.

Government jobs remained unchanged month-to-month, and down by 100 jobs year-over-year, going from 16,300 to 16,200. 

Leisure and hospitality jobs, such as those jobs counted at Darien Lake Theme Park, were up 45 percent from April to May, going from 2,400 to 3,500. In May 2010, the category had 3,400 jobs.

Nationally, the unemployment rate for May was 8.7 percent and for New York was 7.7 percent.

County's employment picture shows continued improvement

By Howard B. Owens

Genesee County's jobs picture continues to improve, as the rate of unemployed residents has declined and some 200 new jobs were created in the county in March.

Data released from the State Department of Labor shows the unemployment rate for March in Genesee County at 8 percent, down from 9 percent in March 2010. 

There are 2,800 job seekers in Genesee County, down 100 from February.

Meanwhile, 100 new "goods producing" jobs were created in Genesee County, March compared to February. The number moved up from 3,600 to 3,700.

Government jobs also grew by 100 new positions, growing month-over-month from 6,200 to 6,300. That's the same number of government jobs in the county a year ago.

Other sectors of job creation remained steady.

There are now 22,300 non-farm jobs in Genesee County, compared to 22,100 in February and 21,900 in March 2010.

My first blog and my journey

By Sally Waldron

Well this is my first blog here, even though I have been a regular visitor to the Batavian.

I guess this blog post is more for me and to be able to vent my frustrations, since my family although supportive is tired of hearing me lol.

Back in 2008, unsatisfied with my career choices and a failed venture into a job position, I decided to, at the age of 43, to enter college and obtain my Associates Degree, with the hopes that it would open new doors for me.  I was one of those that were able to get the unemployment extensions that I lived off while attending school.  Now that isn't to say that I didn't work I actually took a full time temporary position that I worked for 9 months while attending classes, but after the position ended, I decided that my grades were more important and made the sacrifice of doing without things I enjoyed to further my education.

After obtaining my degree with straight A's and accumulating a large student loan debt because it is just my husband I, so I did not qualify for any form of financial aid.  I now question if taking the time, effort, and money was really worth it.  I have been looking for work since January, and because of my choice to not work while going to school it seems like I am being punished, for that is the first thing that employers look at, is that I haven't worked steady for over 2 years, and do not acknowledge that it was because I was in school.

Now that I am on my last two weeks of unemployment with no extensions, I fear that all that I worked for, and what my husband and I have worked for these last 20 years are at risk of being lost just because I decided to better myself, but employers do not see it.

It actually disheartens me that instead of working with others to help them, that I will end up doing clerical work again through the temporary agencies, which I could have done without going into debt.

Another area of disappointment is that when I started college, so many jobs only required an Associates, but now the are asking for a Bachelors, which there is no way I can even think of obtaining because I just cannot go into more debt.

I just get so frustrated, because I am an excellent worker, but no one wants to give me that chance, and it makes me feel sometimes that I have been duped by the educational system to be indebted to them and being no better off than where I was before.

Well, that is my vent and of anyone knows of anyone hiring, let me know, I am more than willing and able to get back to it!



Genesee County sees month-over-month job growth

By Howard B. Owens

UPDATED 12:44 p.m.

Genesee County gained 300 non-farm jobs in February over January, according to NYS Department of Labor statistics.

For February 2011, there were 22,200 non-farm jobs reported in Genesee County compared to 21,900 in January.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate dropped month-over-month from 9 percent to 8.7. That is down from February 2010 when it was 9.5 percent.

That's still higher than the 12-month low of 6.4 percent in August 2010.

The 12-month high in jobs is 24,400 in June 2010.

Month-over-month, manufacturing jobs held steady at 2,800, and up from 2,700 in February 2010.

Private-sector service jobs also held steady at 12,300 -- up from 12,100 in February 2010.

Government jobs grew from 6,000 to 6,300.

There are 33,300 people -- up 100 from January -- in Genesee County's labor force. The total number of people employed is 29,500. That's up 200 from January.


By bud prevost

I took the time to survey the GCEDC's annual report for 2009. In this report, they stated that all of the projects involved resulted in a net gain of 415 jobs. I tried to apply logic to this, but failed miserably. And the jobs I did see created, paid peanuts, which is fine for an elephant, but not a family.

Several things jumped out at me as I read this report. First, places I'm familiar with in Leroy, none of which are doing very well. Lapp Insulator had 318 jobs pre-IDA, and now has 144 FTEs (full time employees). Polymil has none. SJQ Properties, the old BOK building, has none. And R.J. Properties went from 82 FTEs to 9 FTEs after they became involved with GCEDC. Or the Creekside, which was to be open by summer 2010, sits vacant.

Jobs that were created, I'm sorry to say, are jobs at Darien Lake that pay $16,000 a year, or at Comfort Inn that pay 12,000 a year. Who could possibly survive on that amount of money? That's a month's salary for Mr. Hyde.

I also don't know how I feel about Assemblyman Hawley's insurance agency benefitting from government assistance. That seems to me to be a poor decision on both sides. To have him speak at the annual meeting with no reference to his own personal benefit seems a tad disingenuous.

While I appreciate the opportunity to view the latest report, I see nothing in there that warrants the extravagant bonuses the GCEDC gave themselves.

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