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John Kennedy School

John Kennedy receives $5K from Lowe's for STEAM program

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

John Kennedy Intermediate School has received a $5,000 Lowe’s Toolbox for Education grant to purchase "Math and Movement" materials for The JK STEAM Program.

“We had the Math and Movement day with Suzy Koontz in April and can now purchase mats of our own to have here at John Kennedy thanks to Lowes,” said Melissa Calandra, who spearheaded John Kennedy’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) Program for fourth-graders this year and will take charge of the STEAM lab for all JK students, grades 2-4, next year.

During the Math and Movement day, students moved to the mathematics lessons – emphasizing patterns, stepping out calculations, and working out concepts on large mats. They were able to practice addition, subtraction, telling time, multiplication, division, fractions, place value, and geometry – and with physical movement incorporated into the brain work, the information was a lot of fun – and better retained.

Lowe’s, which seeks to approve grants that improve learning communities, noted that, “These materials will allow for a kinesthetic, multisensory approach to teaching math that incorporates physical exercise, stretching, and cross-body movements. Using the mats, students are ‘moving to the numbers.’ ” The mats will be ordered by the end of this school year to arrive in time for use next year in the STEAM lab. 

All K-12 public schools in the United States are eligible for the Toolbox for Education program.  More information is available at

Tech teaching picks up STEAM award for John Kennedy School

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

By all counts, the Fourth Grade Innovators STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Program that was started at Batavia’s John Kennedy Intermediate School this year is a huge success – whether being measured by student enthusiasm, teacher observation of growing skills, or meaningful partnerships with the community. It’s no surprise, then, that plans are in the works for next year, including greater expansion into the younger grades at John Kennedy.

What did come as a surprise, however, was recognition from beyond our community. The Program won the Elementary STEM (Science/ Technology/ Engineering/ Mathematics) Innovation Award from The Finger Lakes STEM Hub and was honored at a reception in early May at St. John Fisher College. The Hub is the regional arm of the Empire State STEM Learning Network -- a statewide, community‐led collaborative that works to advance STEM education.

The Finger Lakes STEM Hub covers a nine-county area (Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Seneca, Wayne, Wyoming and Yates counties) and consists of leaders from K-12 education, higher education, business, government, and community organizations who work together to advance the interdisciplinary teaching and learning of STEM disciplines with the goal of sustaining economic vitality. As part of their commitment to students, they identify and highlight exemplary STEM activities and events that are engaging, exciting, and empowering for students.

JK’s STEAM Program was recognized as being such a program.

Evolving out of a request last summer by fourth grade teacher Melissa Calandra to do some STEAM activities once a month, JK principal Paul Kesler was quick to give his approval and support.

“STEAM is so important for young students,” said Kesler, “basically because science, technology, and math are really lifelong concepts that students are going to need in whatever job that they have, but especially because so many jobs in the future are going to have a math and science emphasis. It’s important that our students gain experience now.”

To help bring the idea into fruition, they were joined by fourth-grade teacher Jennifer Sloan, ACE teacher Karen Shuskey, and librarian Katelin LaGreca.

“This team,” Kesler said, “really got the ball rolling and, as it got going, we were able to start partnering with GCEDC (Genesee County Economic Development Center) in terms of bringing local businesses in to help us and see how we can partner with them.”

In its promotion of regional economic development and growth, the GCEDC advocates for the education and skill development that students need to equip themselves for meeting that growth. Their help and support was extremely valuable to the planning and implementation of the STEAM opportunities for the JK students.

Each month, all of the fourth graders took part in the planned STEAM opportunity. Through the year, these activities helped students explore DNA and living systems, structures and design, robotics, coding/computer programming, graphic design, 3D printing, electrical circuits, math and movement, robotics in agricultural, and ecology/environmentalism. Nearly every hands-on activity was introduced to the students by a professional from the community who had expertise in that area, so the students were also introduced to an array of careers.

It was one of the community presenters who told the team about and encouraged them to apply for the STEM Hub award. Despite coming at a particularly busy time of the school year, they were so proud of the program that they wanted to make the time to enter the competitive application process.

Much to their delight, they won!

While it was very exciting to be held up as an example of fruitful partnerships with the community that help students learn about and grow in an increasingly needed skill set, it is even more exciting to contemplate the future of JK STEAM.

“For next year, we’re looking at an expansion to include third and second graders,” Kesler said. “We’re opening up a STEAM lab next year. Melissa Calandra is going to lead that, and it will allow us to offer activities to students once a week versus once a month. We’re really excited about that!”

“My hope,” he continued, “is that students will see how interesting science, technology, and math can be, and, in the long-term, that they recognize the opportunities coming available to them in the STEAM field.”

Mr. Eco encourages students at John Kennedy to help care for our environment

By Howard B. Owens

With song and dance, Mr. Eco entertained students at John Kennedy School this morning, providing lessons along the way about the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment.

The event was sponsored by the Building Technologies Division at Siemens and hosted in conjunction with the fourth-grade innovators' STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) programming at John Kennedy School and the Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC).

Mr. Eco uses hip-hop, sing-along, dance and between-song patter to emphasize the active role people play in creating a sustainable environment, decreasing energy usage, increasing recycling, and working to keep communities free of litter. He has performed for more than 135,000 children across the United States, Canada, Turkey, South Africa, Colombia, St. Lucia, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

'Kindness Elf' brings police officers and firefighters to John Kennedy to visit with students

By Howard B. Owens

December was Kindness Month at John Kennedy School and throughout the month, the "Kindness Elf" went around spreading kindness. Just before Christmas, the Elf helped arrange a visit by members of the Batavia FD and Batavia PD.

The firefighters and police officers shared cookies with the second-grade class of Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Lebeau. The teachers then helped the students write thank you notes to the police and fire departments. The students not only thanked them for coming to the school but thanked them for all they do on a daily basis to help our community and to keep us safe.

Photo and info submitted by Courtney Marsh.

JK students getting high marks, principal tells school board

By Howard B. Owens

It's full steam ahead for academics at John Kennedy School, according to Principal Paul Kesler, who delivered a progress report to the Batavia City Schools board at Tuesday night's meeting.

On standardized testing, John Kennedy students are outpacing their peers in other districts, Kesler said.

Kesler completed a comparison of third- and fourth-grade students among 16 similar-sized cities and JK's third-graders have the highest English Language Arts scores and second highest in math. For fourth-graders, they rank third and fourth in ELA and math.

"As you can see from the pattern," Kesler said standing in front of a bar chart, "there's really a straight line year after year in terms of small cities."

The third-grade class is the first to pass through the district since the realignment of schools before their kindergarten year.

Kesler also compared JK results with the 22 other districts in the region and JK students are in the 80th percentile in ELA and 90th in math.

On another math test, 35 percent of the students tested at level 4, which Kesler said was impressive.

"I'm really proud of that because now it's no longer just our top A students who performing at that high level," Kesler said. "It's really all of our students are moving along."

Kesler, who is in his 12th year at the school, praised the work of the school's staff and thanked the district board for helping him recruit and hire talented teachers.

The school also undertook an aggressive STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts/design and math) curriculum this year and Kesler said it's going well so far.

There have been three STEAM sessions for the students and STEAM topics are being worked into other parts of the curriculum.

For example, students are going to read "Charlotte's Web" this year, so there will be corresponding instruction on insects and how spiders build their webs, which gets into engineering.

"It's exciting," he said. "When the kids get excited, I get excited."

As for the future, with the district now supplying each student with Chromebooks, there's no longer a need for a computer lab. The plan, Kesler said, is to turn the former computer lab into a STEAM lab and a maker space. It will be a paperless space, he said. For example, the desktops will be white boards, which students can use for their calculations. 

Photos: Kickoff of STEAM program at John Kennedy

By Howard B. Owens

Fourth-graders at John Kennedy School on Friday were introduced to the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art+Design, and Math) curriculum with science demonstrations, and some hands-on experiences, led by Batavia High School science teachers Nathan Korzelius (top photo) and Burton Howell. 

In these photos, Korzelius talks about the properties of lycopodium clavatum, a powder derived from a species of moss. As Korzelius demonstrated, the powder floats on water and if a person sticks his or her hand in, the powder keeps the hand dry. When the powder is concentrated near a flame, it will explode in a flash of flame and lights (side fact: lycoduium was used by early photographers as a flash powder).

Smell of burning rubber prompts evacuation of John Kennedy School

By Billie Owens

The odor of rubber burning in the library at John Kennedy School caused a fire alarm to sound and the school was evacuated. City fire crews are on scene investigating.

UPDATE 2:49 p.m.: School officials have called the police to provide traffic control. It is apparently congested.

UPDATE 3 p.m.: The city assignment is back in service. There was a "burn out" in the rooftop.

Fire alarm prompts evacuation at John Kennedy School

By James Burns

There was a fire alarm at John Kenedy School around 10 a.m. this morning. Batavia Fire Department responded and shortly after their arrival the students were given the all clear to return to the building. 

Winners of architectural drawing contest announced by Landmark Society

By James Burns

The Landmark Society of Genesee County announced the winners of the 25th annual fourth-grade architectural art contest. The goal of the contest is to promote awareness of Genesee County and highlight the talents of the area's fourth-grade students.

Below is 1st Place winner Zoey Shepard from Byron-Bergen.

Below is 2nd Place Aidan McClurg from Elba.

Below is 3rd Place Alyssa Ball from Byron-Bergen.

There were also 20 Honorable Mentions.

From John Kennedy School: Jasmine Penders, Raydence Stehlar, Avelin Tomidy, Sofia Oltramari, Jakenzi Lee, Shawn Schwartzmeyer, Briana Welsh, Christina Michele Brown, Jenick Baker, Ariana Ddelandi, Katelyn Mance, Olivia Shell, Gavin Fowler.

From Oakfield –Alabama: Brooke Kennedy.

From Pavilion: John Philips, Evelyn Northrup.

From Byron-Bergen: Jason Bleiler, Ava Wagoner, Kendall Phillips.

Shown with the children is Lucine Kauffman of the Landmark Society of Genesee County. For more information please visit

John Kennedy principal keeps promise to serenade students from roof of school

By Howard B. Owens

Principal Paul Kesler is a man of his word. 

The die-hard Red Sox fan promised the students of John Kennedy School that if they met their fundraising goal to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, he would don Yankees garb, get on the roof of the school and sing "Let it Go."

In the "Pennies from Parents" program, the students raised $1,619.89.

On Friday, Kesler followed through on his promise, much to the delight of the JK students.

JK student gets ride to school in city fire truck as prize for winning fire safety poster

By Howard B. Owens

Andrew Beal, a student at John Kennedy, got a ride to school this morning in a City of Batavia fire truck as his prize for winning the department's recent fire safety poster contest.

Firefighter Dave Adams, Andrew's father Jerome, and Chief Jim Maxwell with Andrew.

Andrew and his father Jerome waiting for Engine 11 to arrive.

John Kennedy Teacher Linda Restivo’s Day Was Made Better

By Kathie Scott

It was a pretty good day to begin with for fourth grade teacher Linda Restivo, but it was made better, thanks to Office Max,, and John Kennedy Principal Paul Kesler. Mrs. Restivo received a surprise visit from OfficeMax representatives, Mr. Kesler, and Superintendent of Schools Christopher Dailey to be awarded $1,000 worth of classroom supplies. In addition to a new and very comfortable chair, there were two huge boxes filled with everything imaginable on a back-to-school list, and then some – from pens, pencils, composition notebooks, and paperclips to a Kindle Fire HD and digital camera.

The gift was part of the OfficeMax A Day Made Better advocacy program which was started to ease the financial burden on American teachers who, according to Office Max, spend approximately $1000 of their own money each year on essential classroom supplies. OfficeMax and its nonprofit partner,, joined together in 2007 to create A Day Made Better and, since then, have paid surprise visits to approximately 100,000 classrooms nationwide. Teachers are nominated by their principals and selected based on demonstrated passion, dedication and innovation in the classroom.

“Mrs. Restivo is always positive which makes her a wonderful part of our school staff,” said Mr. Kesler. In nominating her, he highlighted her dedication and enthusiasm, saying, “Mrs. Restivo continually connects with each student to help them feel like part of the classroom community and to help them meet their academic potential. In addition, she co-facilitates our School Improvement Team, helps coordinate school events, is very approachable with parents, and volunteers for many Parent Group events.”

After making so many days better for others, Mrs. Restivo has a particularly memorable one of her own. 


(See pictures at

Photos: JK's community night

By Howard B. Owens

Friday evening John Kennedy School hosted its annual Community Night. Nearly two dozen local businesses participated along with the police and fire departments and Mercy EMS. It was a chance for parents and children to enjoy some free pizza, play games and learn more about what the Batavia community has to offer.

NOTE: I'm a bit slow in getting these posted because the SD card in my camera turned out to be damaged, so it was a bit of a task getting the pictures off.

Photos: Notre Dame High School's 'Make Some Noise Area-Wide Talent Show'

By Daniel Crofts

In this short video, St. Joe's fourth-grader Andres Mateos demonstrates the use of a Bo, a martial arts weapon from Korea.

Andres was one of many talented youths from Genesee County competing in the "Make Some Noise Area-Wide Talent Show" at Notre Dame High School last night.

Proceeds from this event will be donated to the Western New York chapter of "Make Noise 4 Kids," a nonprofit organization that raises money and awareness in the fight against pediatric cancer.

Here are some of the other performers:

Natalie Matuszak (Notre Dame) singing and playing the guitar for "I Wouldn't Mind" by He is We.

Nathan Beck (Notre Dame) singing and playing the original song "Can't Wait."

Kathryn Fitzpatrick (John Kennedy School) singing a cappella "Wizard and I" (from the Broadway musical "Wicked").

Matuszak and Gabrielle Linsey (Notre Dame) dancing to Rihanna's "Right Now."

Peter Kehl (Notre Dame) singing "Bring Him Home" from "Les Miserables" (dressed as Jean Valjean).

Laura Guiste (Batavia High School) singing "Love Story" by Taylor Swift.

Jon Korzelius, Tyler Hamm and Tristan Korzelius (all from Oakfield-Alabama) performing "The Pit and the Pendulum," a rock medley of original and popular rock songs.

Hailey Natalizia (Pembroke) singing "I'm Gonna Love You Through It" by Martina McBride.

Due to some technical difficulties, I was unable to take pictures of all the performers. My apologies and congratulations on a job well done to the following:

Keara Zerillo, Erin Phillips and Serena Strollo-DiCenso (St. Joseph School), who sang "Wings" by Little Mix.

Kyle Kendall (John Kennedy School), who performed a ball spinning act.

Fiona Beck (St. Joseph School), who sang and played "Don't Know Why" by Norah Jones.

Jake Krajewski, Tyler Barrett, Peter Kehl, Janelle Fancher and Lydia Moens (Notre Dame), who performed a short play called "The Legend of Krately House."

Tyler Hamm and Jon Korzelius (Oakfield-Alabama), who performed a drum duet.

Tracy Read and Beth Johnson-Walsh (Oakfield-Alabama), who sang and played the piano for "Hometown Glory" by Adele.

The winners of the contest were, left to right, Beck (first place), Cheverie (honorable mention), Phillips, Strollo-DiCenso and Zerillo (honorable mention), Kehl (third place), Korzelius and Hamm (second place) and Natalizia (pictured separately).

So as to fit them all in clearly, here is a picture from the other side:

Natalizia was happy to be another honorable mention.

As first prize winner, Beck was awarded $150. He donated his entire winnings to "Make Noise 4 Kids."

John Kennedy Intermediate School 'Community Night' 2012

By Daniel Crofts

John Kennedy Intermediate School's annual Community Night is a tradition older than the school's current name (the "Intermediate" part was added after the recent school district consolidation), and the JK parent group has spearheaded it successfully for the past eight years.

Pictured are members Jesse Boardman (vice president), Jill Halpin (treasurer) and Jen Houseknecht (president).

Community Night, which was held last evening at the 166 Vine St. school, offers a chance for the students, families and community organizations to connect. There were 20 organizations involved this year, including two new ones:

MARCHESE COMPUTER PRODUCTS Paul Marchese served popcorn while advertising his 220 Ellicott St. business.

PIONEER REPTILES Crystal Poyfair and her sons, Seth (left) and Liam, attracted huge crowds with their scaly critters.

And of course, there were familiar faces as well:

Mike Morris and Jerry Yoder proudly represented the Batavia Fire Department.

More after the jump (click the headline):

Representing area Boy Scouts were, from left, John Riley (cubmaster, Pack 2), Domenic Brown (first class, Troop 69), Bill Brown (assistant cubmaster, Pack 69) and Laurinda Liszewski (treasurer, Pack 112).

On behalf of the Kiwanis Club, Pat Corona, Anita Strollo and Dave Chua.

Patti Arroyo, Zoey Arroyo and Erica Hickey, Center Stage Dance Company.

Kevin Keenan, Smoke Free Now (a GCASA program).

Tasia Boland and Jessica Tomidy, Habitat for Humanity.

Plentiful games and activities for kids abounded, as always.

Ashlyn Best happily bounced around on a green ball, like many other children.

Second-degree black belts Dominic Gabriel and Josh Coburn, of Cain's Taekwondo Academy, held boards in place while eager spectators punched:

Kids ran a short obstacle course, courtesy of United Memorial Medical Center Summit Physical and Occupational Therapy Center.

Nevaeh, a third-grader at JK, had a good time at the face-painting station.

And there was some hula hoop action going on, too.

Like every year, student and staff volunteers helped the event run smoothly. Third-graders Ella Houseknecht and Olivia Halpin manned the student activities station.

Meanwhile, Kennedy Kolb took charge of the "Kissing Booth."

Owen, a third-grader, was one of the spectators who came to the Kissing Booth for a hand painting and a "kiss."

Here, he shows off his kiss:

Staff volunteers included:

Greg Ciszak, one of the school counselors.

Fourth-grade teacher Linda Restivo, pictured with former student Maya Reinhart.

Paula Mosman (reading teacher) and Mrs. Drachenberg (teacher aide).

John Kennedy Intermediate School serves students in grades two through four. It now includes former Jackson and Robert Morris kids and families.

The school had to plan to accommodate more people this year, but according to Principal Paul Kesler, it all went very well.

"We had an awesome group of parents," he said. "We had over 30 parents show up to our parent group meeting, and over half of them were new parents. They all said, 'Whatever we can do to help, let us know.' "

He sees this as a continuation of the JK community's collegial spirit.

"We went from JK the way it was (before the consolidation) to JK the way it is," he said, adding that parents, staff and students, old and new, are coming together to make "JK the way it is" the best it can be.

Supplemental photos: Double rainbow

On my way out, I couldn't help snapping some photos of the rainbow that was capturing everyone's attention:

John Kennedy Intermediate School invites families and students to Community Night

By Billie Owens

John Kennedy Intermediate School will be hosting its annual Community Night on from 5 to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 14 in the gymnasium.

Last year 23 businesses/associations participated. This free event is sponsored by the John Kennedy Parent Group and it's their first event of the year – where students and their parents are welcomed back to JK, along with new students and their families.

Event Date and Time

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