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liberty pumps

Liberty Pumps – ranked one of America’s fastest-growing companies

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Bergen NY, August 24, 2011 – For the fifth year in a row, Inc. Magazine has named Liberty Pumps to its annual ranking of the 5000 fastest-growing privately owned companies in America.

This year the firm placed No. 3745 – its highest ranking yet. The list represents the most comprehensive look at the most important segment of the economy – America’s independent entrepreneurs.

The companies on this year’s list report having created over 350,000 jobs in the past three years, and aggregate revenue among the honorees reached $366 billion, up 14 percent from last year.

In the past three years Liberty has added 33 jobs to support sales growth of over 40%.

"Liberty Pumps is pleased to be recognized by Inc. as one of the fastest growing private companies in America.  Everyone in our entire organization has helped play a part in this success. Our ability to provide exciting new products, fueled by an aggressive sales and marketing team and then backed by a high level of service to the customer- has resulted in this tremendous honor for our company" said Charlie Cook, President and CEO of Liberty Pumps.

In addition, the company, which manufactures sump, sewage and other types of pumps for residential and commercial use has also been cited as a Rochester’s Top 100 Company 10 out of the past 12 years.

Complete results of the Inc. 5000, including company profiles and a list of the fastest-growing companies that can be sorted by industry and region can be found at

Liberty Pumps in Bergen named a fastest-growing company four years in a row

By Billie Owens

Liberty Pumps, Inc., has been named among the nation's fastest-growing, privately held companies for the fourth-straight year by "Inc. Magazine."

The manufacturing firm is located at 7000 Appletree Ave. in Bergen.

The publication released its "5,000 list" earlier this month. Businesses are rated based on total sales growth over the last three calendar years.

Liberty Pumps grew 23 percent during that time, to an annual revenue of $33 million, according to the magazine.

The company's management is modest about its performance.

Says its President Charlie Cook:

"Our formula for success is not exotic or complicated, but its execution is critical and strenuous. There are four elements to the formula: creation of products with unique, innovative features that are not available from competitors; maintaining a level of responsiveness and customer service that is unmatched in our industry; benchmark-level sales and marketing presence in terms of attention to customers and quality of materials for advertising and display; and great, dedicated people throughout the organization who are committed to excel in these elements."

He also noted that the formula is reflected in an annual strategic plan, which is created by a consensus of all department managers after a thorough review of a considerable amount of data.

"It is extremely gratifying to observe people at every level in every department so committed to giving customers the best products, service and support possible," said Cook in a news release.

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