Several Genesee County projects are being funded by the latest round of NYS Regional Economic Development Council Awards, which were announced in Albany today by Gov. Andrew Cuomo -- and reported first locally by The Batavian.
The nine counties of the Finger Lakes Region will be receiving $63.9 million for 110 projects.
Here is the breakdown of the $800 million in funding for all 10 NYS regions:
- Western New York: $68.8 million
- Finger Lakes: $63.9 million
- Southern Tier: $67.3 million
- Central New York: $86.4 million *top performer
- Mohawk Valley: $85.5 million *top performer
- North Country: $64.9 million
- Capital Region: $85 million *top performer
- Mid-Hudson region: $84.8 million *top performer
- New York City: $64.8 million
- Long Island: $84.3 million *top performer
The Genesee, Orleans and Wyoming county recipients are as follows:
Barsuk Recycling, Barsuk Recycling Railroad Infrastructure: Barsuk Recycling will construct a railroad spur and supporting infrastructure to service the warehouse facility. $250,000
City of Batavia, City of Batavia Water System Improvements: Funds will be used for improvements to the City water system. $333,000
First Light Farm Creamery, First Light Farm Creamery Expansion: First Light Farm & Creamery is expanding dairy and processing operations at its farm and creamery location at 10198 East Road, East Bethany, New York. $180,000
Town of Batavia, Wastewater Treatment Assessment Planning: The Town of Batavia will complete an engineering report to address the short-term and long-term wastewater treatment needs of the Town of Batavia. The primary alternative will be the upgrade of the joint City/Town of Batavia wastewater treatment facility while also looking into a decentralized approach. $30,000
Village of Bergen, Wastewater Treatment Plant Disinfection Study: The Village of Bergen will complete an engineering report to evaluate disinfection alternatives. $30,000
Village of Oakfield, Village of Oakfield Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements: Funds will be used for improvements to the Village wastewater treatment plant. $1,000,000
Village of Oakfield, Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements: The Village of Oakfield will install a disinfection system at its Wastewater Treatment Facility. The outcome will be to fully treat the effluent, which reduces environmental contamination. $1,000,000
Western Region Off-Track Betting Corporation, Batavia Downs Paddock Upgrades: Western Region OTB will expand and upgrade the paddock facilities including the lounge, locker room and shower areas. Winterizing improvements will also be completed to the building. $180,000
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program: The County of Orleans, in partnership with the villages of Albion and Holley and the towns of Shelby, Ridgeway, Albion, Gaines, and Murray, will prepare a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) for 24 miles of Erie Canal waterfront. The LWRP will create a regional vision for capitalizing on community assets, spark strategic capital investment in downtown areas, develop proposed land and water uses and identify projects to advance revitalization. $62,000
Orleans County Water Sewer Efficiency Study: Orleans County will assess the feasibility of a regional water system leveraging the water treatment plant in the Village of Albion, serving the Village and the towns of Albion, Barre, Carlton, Gaines, Murray and Ridgeway. A regional system will allow for the consolidation of water meter reading, water billing, and potentially water distribution system repairs while creating capacity to serve new communities and new business. $50,000
Village of Medina Local Waterfront Revitalization Program: The Village of Medina will prepare a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) to identify appropriate land and water uses, projects, and public enhancements along its Erie Canal waterfront. The LWRP will build on the Village’s commitment to canal and downtown revitalization, and address issues related to the lack of waterfront access, poor connectivity between the waterfront and downtown, and limited availability of water-related recreational opportunities. $37,500
Village of Arcade Inflow and Infiltration Study: The Village of Arcade will complete an engineering report to conduct a closed-caption television survey, dye test and cleaning of 7,250 linear feet of sewer line. $30,000
Village of Attica, Village of Attica Sanitary Sewer System Improvements: Funds will be used for improvements to the Village sanitary sewer system. $700,000