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Slick road conditions predicted for today through Saturday evening

By Howard B. Owens

A winter weather advisory has been issued for today through 7 p.m., Saturday.

A wintry mix of precipitation is expected, with accumulations of two to four inches of snow and ice, making travel conditions difficult.

Snow will change to mixed percipitation this afternoon and evening and quickly change back to snow midday Saturday.

"The combination of freezing rain and snow will result in very slippery travel at times," the National Weather Service warns.

'I believe her' Judge Zambito tells sexual abuser before sending him to prison for 15 years

By Howard B. Owens

David K. Atkinson abuses women and the risk is great that he's beyond rehabilitation, Judge Charles Zambito decided in Genesee County Court this afternoon as he sent Atkinson to state prison for 15 years.

His victim, a former Pembroke resident, said only a sentence of 10 to 15 years could help her feel safe, though she fears her life will never be as good as it was before Atkinson attacked her, threatened her with a claw hammer and forced her to perform oral sex on him while he live-streamed it to another man in Darien.

She said her life is filled with fear and anxiety. She can't return to the house where she lived, even though she's still paying the mortgage, and she suffers from PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Syndrome) and frequent nightmares.

"I can't stop imagining David breaking into my house despite the doors being locked," she said. "I can picture him chasing me down in my house and beating me. I picture him beating and killing my children. I picture him raping and killing me. I don't feel safe no matter how many counseling sessions I go to. I can't escape the nightmares."

The 39-year-old Atkinson was found guilty following a jury trial in August of criminal sexual act in the first degree.

He testified at his own trial and denied all of the woman's allegations. He didn't deny the sex act. He said it was consensual and described it as "make-up sex" after an argument because he found text messages on the woman's phone to another man -- the man in Darien.

By this time, the woman and Atkinson had long been out of a relationship and Atkinson supposedly had another girlfriend, but he said he and the victim continued to have a casual sexual relationship, which he said was proof that he didn't force her into a sex act.

During the trial, there was a woman who sat in the front row as a supporter of Atkinson.

After the trial, Atkinson was released on bond and he traveled to North Carolina with the woman. His sentencing was scheduled for Nov. 21 but he missed that court date.

On that date, he was in jail in North Carolina for allegedly strangling the woman who had been his ally during the trial.

A common thread between the North Carolina incident and the attack on the woman locally: An empty bottle of Evan Williams bourbon was found at both scenes, said Robert Zickl, assistant district attorney.

Atkinson also has a prior misdemeanor conviction, from 2013, for abusing his first wife in Erie County.

The victim, in this case, described Atkinson as charming and that he seemed like a dream come true when they first met.

She said she was feeling good about her life when they met. She was four years clean after overcoming an addiction and adjusting to life as a single mother. She had a good job, had bought a house and was making her mortgage payments.

She let Atkinson move in with her and soon the trouble started. First, he refused to work. He wasn't contributing at all financially to the household. Then, she said, he starting insulting her and the kids. 

When she tried to get him to move out, he threatened her and threatened to damage her house and her belongings.

"I felt trapped and didn't know what to do," she said.

Then Atkinson found a new girlfriend and the woman thought that would solve her problems. It didn't. Atkinson didn't leave.

One night he scrolled through the messages on a mobile phone and found a non-romantic conversation between the woman and the man in Darien. That started a fight and eventually the forced, live-streamed sex act over messaging.

"I miss the way my life was before that night," the woman told Zambito.

A 10- to 15-year sentence might not only help her find some peace of mind, she said, but it would also protect other women.

"You can save other women before another woman becomes another victim," she said. "Please help save another woman from becoming a victim of David Atkinson."

Zickl opened his statement to Zambito with, "I don't know when (the victim) wrote her statement, but it could be considered prophetic." 

He then described the alleged attack and arrest of Atkinson in North Carolina.

Zickl sought the maximum term for Atkinson of 20 to 25 years. He noted that a sentence, in this case, was neither for rehabilitation nor for deterrence. Clearly, he said, deterrence wouldn't work in this case because he already attacked another woman.

"He did that knowing you would hear about it and it would affect his sentence in this court," Zickl told Zambito.

Atkinson made no statement in court.

Zambito presided over the trial in August and remembered the defendant's denials.

"I heard the testimony," Zambito said. "I also heard from the victim about your brutality and the significant affect it had on her. It doesn't need to be recited here again. You claimed it was consensual. You blamed it all on her. This happened, you said, because she was unfaithful to you. You portrayed yourself as the victim. That's perhaps the most disturbing thing here. You testified, and the jury didn't believe you and I don't believe you either. I believe her."

Police looking for drug dealer who failed to show up for sentencing

By Howard B. Owens
      Charles Williams

A convicted drug dealer failed to show up for his sentencing and has refused to turn himself in, according to Batavia PD.

An arrest warrant has been issued for 38-year-old Charles "Gusto" Williams, who was living on South Spruce Street, Batavia, at the time of his arrest in April.

Police are seeking the public's assistance in locating Williams.

He was convicted of criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd, and criminal contempt, 1st.

Williams allegedly violated an order of protection while out of jail awaiting sentencing.

Police say if you see Williams or know of his whereabouts, do not approach him; rather, call 9-1-1.

Anyone with questions may contact the Batavia Police Department at 585-345-6350 or the confidential tip line at 585-345-6370.

Being vigilant for student drinking at school dances, nothing new, says Batavia superintendent

By Howard B. Owens

Using a detection device to identify students who might have been drinking at high school dances is nothing new, said Batavia City Schools Superintendent Chris Dailey, and previous uses have gotten no pushback from students or parents.

Yesterday, The Batavian published a picture of Batavia High School receiving two new wand-like devices that act as breathalyzers to help school officials identify students who may have been drinking prior to arrival at a school dance or other social function where they might be used. The publication of the picture raised a lot of questions among readers about the legality and ethics of such devices.

Dailey said the district's first priority is the safety of the students.

"Ninety-nine point nine percent of our kids don't generally show up under the influence, so it's rather a moot point to them," Dailey said. "They're not thinking we're trying to take away their rights and we're not trying to take away their rights. We're trying to provide a safe environment for all. It's all about safety for us."

All of the complaints that surfaced after yesterday's picture publication surfaced online, Dailey said. There have been no calls to the district office and he met with high school officials today and there was no mention of complaints at the high school.

The wands donated to the school by STOP-DWI and local law enforcement are not at all invasive, Dailey said, unlike the previous alcohol sensor used by the school, which was only used if a student was suspected of drinking. The wands, Dailey said, can detect a potential use of alcohol by a person in a group of people.

"Alcohol consumption by students is something that is illegal and is not tolerated," Dailey said. "We want to make sure we provide the safest possible environment for all of our students."

That's critical, Dailey said, when you have 200 to 300 students coming together for an event.

If a student is found under the influence of alcohol at a school event, the first step, Dailey said, is to make sure the student is safe. Next, school officials call the teenager's parents.

"We reach out to the parents," Dailey said. "(the student) is not allowed to leave if under impairment and we will work with the parent so the child will learn from the mistake."

There isn't necessarily disciplinary action taken against the student.

"(It) depends on the situation," Dailey said.

As for whether the sensors violate students' rights, Dailey said, any student or parent who might be concerned about it are free to not attend the school function.

"If people choose not to come to the dance because of it, that's their choice, absolutely," Dailey said.

Batavia resident accused of selling crack cocaine

By Howard B. Owens
      Lamar Randall

Lamar I. "L-Boog" Randall, 32, of Walnut Place, Batavia, is charged with two counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd, and two counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd.

Randall is accused of selling a quantity of crack cocaine to an agent of the Local Drug Task Force on two occasions within the past four months.

Task Force members located Randall walking on Washington Avenue, Batavia, and took him into custody.

His arrest is the result of an investigation into the sale, transportation, and possession of crack cocaine in and around the City of Batavia.

Randall was jailed without bail.

The District Attorney's Office assisted in the investigation.

City School trustees updated on construction plans for 2018-2019 capital improvement projects

By Howard B. Owens

After more than a year of design and planning, construction on several capital improvement projects in the Batavia City School District is set to begin in less than a year.

Voters approved the $26.7 million improvements, which will be accomplished without a tax increase, last March.

Marco Marascio, a project manager with Campus Construction Management in Pittsford, and Tracy Conshiser-Uy, an architect with Wendel, in Buffalo, updated district trustees Tuesday night on the construction plans.

The biggest of the projects is the demolition and reconstruction of Van Detta Stadium.

Demolition will begin, Marascio said, in the fall of 2018. The area will be fenced off and also include storage of construction equipment. The new stadium will consist of pre-built grandstands and a press box and these will be wheeled in and assembled on site.

Construction will be completed by September 2019, Marascio said.

At the high school, restroom and auditorium renovations start in April 2019 during the spring break and work should be completed by August of that year. Roof work begins in June and will be finished by November.

At the middle school, auditorium renovations begin in October 2018 and will be finished by December. The fitness room is scheduled for February 2019 through April 2019. The music room in April 2019; the attendance office in June 2019; interior renovations from December 2018 through August 2019; exterior improvements begin in June 2019; asphalt shingle roof in May 2019; and HVAC modifications in May 2019, completed by August.

At Jackson School, flooring replacement, window replacement, boiler room work, and toilet room renovations in April 2019 and all completed by September 2019.

At John Kennedy School, classroom addition and toilet room renovations are from October 2018 through April 2019. Gymnasium improvements also begin in October 2018 but will take until November to complete. The auditorium demolition is in December 2018. Window replacements begin April 2019.

The work at Richmond Memorial Library includes restroom renovations, painting, floor replacement, reading room lighting, upgrade to the fire alarm system, and landscaping. All of that work is scheduled for December 2018 through May 2019.

Marascio said that where work is performed on campus during the school year, construction workers will either have a separate ingress and egress from the student entrance to the construction zone or they will be instructed to remain in the construction zone during any time students are out of classrooms.

Grand Jury: Man indicted for string of alleged burglaries in the city this fall

By Billie Owens

Davon St. John is indicted for the crime of second-degree burglary, a Class C violent felony. It is alleged that between Sept. 27 and 28, the defendant knowingly entered or remained unlawfully inside a dwelling on Ellicott Avenue in the City of Batavia with the intent to commit a crime. In count two, he is accused of petit larceny, a Class A misdemeanor, for allegedly stealing $180 in U.S. currency and other items. In count three, St. John is again accused of second-degree burglary for allegedly unlawfully entering the same dwelling on Ellicott Avenue between Nov. 18 and 19 with intent to commit a crime. In count four, he is accused of petit larceny for allegedly stealing an HP laptop, book bag, calculator, butcher knife and Samsung Electonic Tablet in the second break-in. In count five, the defendant is accused of a third instance of second-degree burglary at the same address between Nov. 20 and 21. In count six, he is accused of fourth-degree grand larceny, a Class E felony, for allegedly stealing a 2004 Jeep valued at more than one hundred dollars. In count seven, St. John is accused of petit larceny for allegedly stealing a 40-inch Vizio television in the City of Batavia between Nov. 20 and 21. In counts eight and nine, he is indicted for second-degree burglary for allegedly unlawfully entering a dwelling on Montclair Avenue in the city on Nov. 21 with the intent to commit a crime. In count 10, he is accused of third-degree grand larceny, a Class D felony, for allegedly stealing property on Nov. 21 in the city that had a value of more than $3,000 -- in this case a MAC Book Air, Harman Kardon Wireless speakers, MAC Magic mouse, Apple Series 2 watch, Alexa Echo Show, $400 in U.S. currency, silver coins, Halloween candy, four gold chains, a gold dome ring and four blank (bank) checks. In counts 11 and 12, St. John is accused of fourth-degree criminal mischief, a Class A misdemeanor. It is alleged in counts 11 and 12 that he intentionally damaged the property of another person. In this case, a door and glasses, respectively. In count 13, he is accused of a sixth count of second-degree burglary for allegedly unlawfully breaking into a dwelling on Union Avenue with the intent to commit a crime. In counts 14 and 15, he is accused of criminal possession of a firearm, a Class E felony. In counts 14 and 15, it is alleged that on Nov. 21 in the City of Batavia that St. John illegally possessed, respectively, a .357-caliber Smith & Wesson revolver and a Glock firearm. In count 16, the defendant is accused of stealing property (unspecified) on Nov. 21 in the city and is therefore indicted on another count of petit larceny. In count 17, he is indicted on a third charge of fourth-degree criminal mischief for allegedly intentionally damaging another person's property (unspecified).

Jeremy L Siplin is indicted for the crime of fourth-degree grand larceny, a Class E felony. It is alleged that on Nov. 17 in the Town of Batavia that Siplin stole property having a value in excess of $1,000 -- in this case, $2,292.84 worth of goods from Kohl's Department Store. In count two, he is accused of fifth-degree conspiracy, a Class A misdemeanor. It is alleged in count two that the defendant agreed with one or more persons to intentionally engage in, or cause the performance of, conduct that constituted a felony.

Joseph H. Merkley Sr. is indicted for the crime of driving while intoxicated as a Class E felony. It is alleged that on July 3 in the Town of Le Roy that Merkley drove a 1996 Ford on Perry Road and/or Route 19 while intoxicated. In count two, he is accused of aggravated unlicensed operation in the first degree, a Class E felony, for knowing, or having reason to know, that at the time his dirver's licensed in New York was suspended, revoked or otherwise withdrawn by authorities. It is further alleged in count two that he was driving under the influence of alcohol or a drug at the time. Also, in Special Information filed by the District Attorney, the defendant is accused of having been convicted of DWI Per Se on June 18, 2014 in the Town of Murray in Orleans County. It is further alleged in the Special Information that Merkley knew that his driving privilege was revoked as a result and that revocation was still in effect when the crimes alleged in this indictment occurred.

Joshua M. Bradley is indicted for the crime of driving while intoxicated as a Class E felony. It is alleged that on Aug. 4 in the Town of Darien that Bradley drove a 2005 GMC on Colby Road and/or Route 20 while intoxicated. In count two, Bradley is accused of DWI, Per Se, as a Class E felony. It is alleged in count two that he had a BAC of .08 or more at the time. Also, in Special Information filed by the District Attorney, Bradley is accused of having been convicted by DWI as a misdemeanor on Jan. 15, 2015 in the Town of Clarence, Erie County, and that conviction was within 10 years of the crimes alleged in this indictment.

Hearing in Batavia delayed for immigrant facing deportation

By Howard B. Owens

Before her deportation hearing this morning, immigrant-rights protestors rallied outside the Buffalo Federal Detention Facility in Batavia in support of Dolores Bustamante, a single mother who has been living and working in Wayne County.

Bustamante was taken into custody in 2014 when a trooper stopped her for a traffic infraction. Her attorney and supporters say the trooper violated State Police policy and constitutional protections by running an immigration status check on her. The trooper found she was in the country without proper documentation.

Her hearing was delayed until May this morning because the translator scheduled to handle the case couldn't speak clearly because of illness and no other translator was available.

Her attorney, Jose Perez, did make a motion to dismiss the case because Bustamante's rights had been violated by the trooper.

The judge refused to hear the motion because Bustamante's first attorney previously made factual admissions that Bustamante is from Mexico, was in the country without documentation, and admitted Bustamente was subject to possible removal.

That, Perez said, was a mistake by that attorney and could lead to a complaint to the New York State Bar for negligence and malpractice. 

The admissions potentially deny Bustamante the ability to challenge her arrest and deportation on constitutional grounds.

Once the complaint is filed with the Bar, the immigration judge can agree to hear and consider the motions.

Immigration-rights advocates in Central and Western New York are using Bustamante's case to highlight what they see as a disturbing trend under the Trump Administration to increase deportations, which are up 40 percent. 

Supporters say under the previous administration, Bustamante would not have as readily faced deportation because of her community ties, regular employment, and dependent children.

Perez said in May he will make the case that Bustamante would be granted asylum because she had been a victim of domestic violence in Mexico. Also, he noted, her son, who was not involved in gang activity in Mexico, was recently killed by gang members there, which could make it unsafe for Bustamante to return to Mexico.

NOTE: Information about proceedings in court this morning come entirely from the defense attorney in the case because of convoluted rules at the detention facility. For some reason, defendants are allowed only 10 friends and family guests in the courtroom, and for some inexplicable reason, journalists are included in that count. I agreed to leave so another family member could get into court, in part because of another inexplicable rule -- I couldn't have my mobile phone with me, even while attorneys were allowed their phones.  

Hawley announces Charitable Gaming Act signed into law, takes effect in 180 days

By Billie Owens

Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“This is a tremendous victory and crucial first step toward reforming our gaming laws for the tens of thousands of non-profits, fire departments, churches, Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs and charitable organizations throughout the state," Hawley said.

“After a long uphill climb, and with much help from my colleagues in the Assembly and Senate, we have made important changes to New York’s gaming laws that open the conversation and serve as a catapult to tackle more changes this year.

“I would like to personally thank Assemblyman Robin Schimminger (D-Buffalo) for carrying this bill in our house and Senators Patrick Gallivan (R-Elma), Michael Ranzenhofer (R-Amherst) and Rob Ortt (R-North Tonawanda) for championing this cause in the Senate. I would also like to thank all the constituents and local groups who contacted my office and the governor’s office expressing their support for this bill.

“The law will take effect in 180 days and the New York State Gaming Commission will make any necessary tweaks. I am so proud of the work we have done and I am hopeful that moving forward we continue to advocate for our charitable and nonprofit organizations and make more changes to the state’s gaming laws.”

Lions rename and dedicate annual basketball tournament for Peter Arras

By Howard B. Owens

Thirty-five years ago Peter Arras convinced his fellow Lions Club members in Batavia to start a Christmas basketball tournament and then he ran it for more than three decades. At the tournament's annual kick-off dinner last night, Arras was honored and the tournament was officially renamed The Peter Arras GCC Basketball Tournament.

The Arras family was on hand for the dinner, including his widow Nancy Arras, above, who received a memorial clock from the club, presented by Dave Van Scoy. Van Scoy is a former superintendent of Batavia City Schools and Pete Arras was principal at Jackson School until his retirement. Arras passed away in October at age 77.

Lions member Ross Fanara was friends with Arras since Fanara was 10 and Arras was 12. They met on a baseball field and Fanara quickly learned, seeing Arras long frame sling an overhead fastball his way, that young Peter was a natural and gifted athlete.

He loved all sports, Fanara said, and excelled not only at baseball and basketball but football, golf, bowling and racketball.

As an athlete and educator, he was dedicated to the youth of the community, Fanara said.

"Mentally, morally, spiritually and socially he was always a class act," Fanara said. "He was truly a role model to our youth and continued to be even after his retirement. It is only fitting and richly deserved that the Batavia Lions Club Christmas Basketball Tournament will now be known as The Batavia Lions Club Peter Arias Memorial Basketball Tournament."

Players from the four teams participating in the tournament this year -- Notre Dame, Batavia, Albion, and Elba -- attended last night's dinner. Pictured are Christian Cleveland, Notre Dame, Naz Pratt, Batavia, Demetrius Gardner, Albion, and Ben Pflaumer, Elba. Holding the trophy is Tony Scalia, the new tournament chairman.

The first game is at 7 p.m., Dec. 27 (a week from tomorrow night), with Notre Dame and Elba. Elba will look to avenge the team's only loss of the season, which came in overtime, on Notre Dame's home court 74-72. The nightcap opening night, at 8:30 p.m., is Batavia vs. Albion. Albion is a smaller school, but it will put a lot of big, experienced players on the court. It, too, should be a good game.

The finals are the following Friday, Dec. 29, with the consolation game at 7:30 p.m. and the championship at 8:30.

Scalia said the tournament format will change next year, going to eight teams in two brackets. The Class A and Class B schools will be in one bracket and the Class C and Class D schools will be in the other bracket. This should make the tournament more competitive, Scalia said. Batavia will be vying for the championship against schools closer to its own class.

During the dinner, Batavia Head Coach Buddy Brasky mentioned that Pete Arras gave Brasky his first teaching job in the City School District at Jackson School, which allowed Brasky to become Batavia High School basketball coach.

Man who stole battery cables from busses in Oakfield in 2014 pleads guilty

By Howard B. Owens

A man involved in the theft of more than $3,000 in battery cables from 50 busses in Oakfield in 2014 was recently located in Arizona, returned to Genesee County, and today entered a guilty plea to third-degree grand larceny.

The arrest of Jordan Prentice on the charge was not previously reported so not a lot information is available on the case.

In a brief email exchange today, Chief Deputy Jerry Brewster said Prentice was an accomplice of Jeremy Dean Lyons, who was indicted in 2014 on a count of criminal possession of stolen property, 3rd.

Prentice, Brewster said, "took off on us."

According to Brewster, Prentice removed copper wires from busses at Lutz Sales, 2051 Judge Road, Oakfield, on Aug. 25, 2014.

"These were thick, heavy copper battery cables that ran the entire length of the bus," Brewster said. "As you probably recall, copper prices were through the roof at the time."

As part of the plea agreement, Prentice won't receive a sentence greater than "shock probation," which means a time in jail and probation.

Assistant District Attorney Shirley Gorman did not oppose Prentice, who was in custody at the time of his hearing this morning, being released under supervision of Genesee Justice. Prentice, she said, has been living in Arizona for two years, has married, become a father, and has held a steady job.

While awaiting sentencing next month, he cannot leave Genesee County, however. He will be living with his parents in Oakfield.

Suspect in knifing on East Main intends to let a jury hear the case

By Howard B. Owens

Even though one of his co-defendants has already entered a guilty plea to attempted assault in the first degree, Anthony Spencer has decided to let a jury decide his fate in a trial for his alleged participation in a group assault on a man on East Main Street in July.

The attack, which included a beating and a knifing, nearly cost the victim his life.

Spencer today turned down a plea offer that would have capped his prison term at 10 years.

He is charged with assault in the first degree and gang assault.

Only Spencer, 26, and JW Hardy, 30, were identified as suspects in the attack, though police believe there were others involved, hence the gang assault charge, which requires at least three participants. The charge does not require actual gang affiliation. Police have not said whether they believe Spencer and Hardy are affiliated with a known gang.

Hardy entered a guilty plea last week to first-degree attempted assault. Spencer passed up the chance to plead to the same Class C felony.

Hardy is scheduled for sentencing Feb. 14. Jury selection in Spencer's trial is slated to begin March 5. Fred Rarick has been appointed to represent Spencer.

Officer Arick Perkins is credited with saving the victim's life.

Jason Molino accepts position of Tompkins County Administrator

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

Jason Molino, currently City Manager of the City of Batavia, has accepted Tompkins County’s offer of employment to become that County’s next County Administrator.

Molino’s selection is subject to formal appointment by the Tompkins County Legislature—that action scheduled for the Legislature’s Dec. 19th meeting. The new administrator’s start date will be determined, once the appointment becomes official.

A credentialed local government management professional by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), with diversified experience in public administration, Molino has served as the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Fiscal Officer of the City of Batavia (Genesee County) since 2006, leading a city workforce of 130 (departments of Police, Fire, Public Works, Community/Economic Development, and Youth Bureau) and administering an annual operating budget of $25 million and a $25 million capital plan. From 2004 to 2006, he served as Assistant to the Village Manager for the Village of Port Chester, New York, where he assisted in projects and issues related to operations, personnel, labor negotiations, and public engagement.

Molino is also a veteran, having served in the United States Coast Guard Reserve for seven years, achieving the rank of Petty Officer Second Class.

“We are very pleased to have Jason coming to join our team,” said Michael Lane, chair of the Tompkins County Legislature. “He brings with him a strong background in budgeting, labor relations, and management oversight; and has compiled a strong record of supervising a multi-department workforce, inter-municipal cooperation, and securing important grant funding for his community.

"Jason’s credentials are a great fit for county government and I know our residents and businesses will welcome him and work with him to keep our county moving forward on its course for success.”  

"I am truly honored to be given this opportunity to work for such a progressive community,” Molino said. “Tompkins County is recognized across the State of New York as a leader in government, and I’m looking forward to being part of this team. My family and I are eager to become members of the community and enjoy all that Tompkins County has to offer."

Molino holds a Master of Public Administration degree from the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy, University of Albany, State University of New York and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Norwich University, Northfield, Vt. Molino is married with four children (ages 3, 5, 7, and 18) and currently resides in Batavia.

Tompkins County began a national search for a new County Administrator in July 2017, after former administrator Joe Mareane announced his intent to retire. A diverse search committee comprised of county legislators, department heads, labor representatives, and community members narrowed a field of more than 20 applicants and conducted interviews. Three were recommended to the full County Legislature and were interviewed by all 14 members; new Legislators-elect observed and asked questions.

The County Administrator is the chief executive officer of Tompkins County. The Administrator serves at the pleasure of the Legislature and is responsible for conveying the will of the Legislature to departments and representing the concerns of departments to the Legislature.

The Administrator is routinely charged with highly complex projects and challenging responsibilities, among them  development of the annual recommended County budget, appointment and supervision of non-elected department heads, ensuring that policies of the Legislature are followed, managing special projects of the Legislature, and representing the County Legislature at the state and local level.

Deputy County Administrator Paula Younger has served as Interim County Administrator since mid-November.

Law and Order: Rochester man accused of assault and possessing .357 with serial number removed

By Howard B. Owens
       Joseph Cavico

Joseph J. Cavico Jr., 49, of Albert Street, Rochester, is charged with assault, 3rd, menacing, 2nd, willful defacement of a weapon, and criminal possession of a weapon. Cavico is accused of striking a victim numerous times and threatening the victim with a pistol and knife. During the investigation by Le Roy PD, police located a .357-caliber pistol with its serial number removed. Cavico was jailed without bail. The investigation is ongoing.

Roberta A. Goodman, 50, of East Main Road, Le Roy, is charged with driving while ability impaired by drugs. Goodman was stopped by Le Roy PD at 12:48 p.m. June 20 following a complaint. Goodman allegedly failed to maintain her lane of travel and almost struck objects. Goodman was allegedly under the influence of prescribed medication.

Kimberly White, 28, of Wyoming Road, Wyoming County, is charged with petit larceny. White and an accomplice allegedly stole $319 of Hydroxycut supplements from Walgreens in Le Roy on May 16.

Shane E. Dann, 41, of Swan Street, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant. Dann was arrested on a City Court warrant. The charges were not released. 

Sean M. Haugh, 20, of North Main Street, Warsaw, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear. Haugh was arrested at the Wyoming County Jail and transported to Batavia City Court. Haugh was released after posting bail.

Rae C. Cook, 28, of Gilbert Street, Le Roy, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Cook is accused of punching a nurse while at UMMC's emergency room.

Kiara M. McCoy, 28, of Woodward Street, Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, uninspected motor vehicle, and speeding. McCoy was allegedly found in possession of marijuana during a traffic stop at 10:32 p.m. Friday on Walnut Street, Batavia, by Officer James Prusak.

Nikkia Marie Phillips, 31, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Phillips is accused of stealing merchandise from Walmart.

Anthony M. Strollo, 59, of Bethany Center Road, Bethany, is charged with trespass. Strollo allegedly walked onto property on Wortendyke Road without permission at 2:45 p.m. on Thursday.

Kevin James Weber, 47, of Judge Road, Alabama, Alabama, is charged with menacing, 2nd. Weber allegedly threatened another person with a knife at 4:10 p.m. Thursday at a location on Judge Road, Alabama. He was ordered held on no bail and a full stay away order of protection was issued.

Jacklyn Maureen Ganzhorn, 30, of Genesee Street Road, Attica, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Ganzhorn allegedly struck another person at 10 p.m. Thursday at a location on Orangegrove Drive, Batavia.

Even on the day of her 90th birthday, Myrtle Burrell doesn't skip crossing guard duty

By Howard B. Owens

There have been winter mornings in Le Roy when Myrtle Burrell couldn't even see down Wolcott Street from her crossing station at Main and Church, the snow was blowing so hard.

No matter the weather, for 34 years, with only a couple of days off, Burrell has been at her post helping children get across Main Street safely.

Even this morning, on the day of her 90th birthday.

It was no big deal, she said. "As I told my grandson, it's just two 45s."

The last time she missed a crossing guard shift, she said, was when her husband Roy passed away.

"I don’t believe in missing time unless something is really wrong," she said. "I guess I'm too dedicated."

She loves the kids, she said. And she doesn't let them mess around on her corner, she said. Once when some boys were acting up Burrell, who isn't much taller than many of the children she helps cross, told them they better watch it or she would karate chop them. And they said, "oh, right," so the next day she came back to the corner with a picture of herself from a karate class. That got the boys' attention.

Burrell started the job after being laid off when the Sylvania plant in Batavia closed. She went to a get-together at a friend's house and somebody mentioned working as a dispatcher and Burrell said, "that's something I'd like to do." 

The person told her to go see then-Police Chief Sam Steffenilla.

She did.

He hired her on the spot.

But then the crossing guard who worked Main and Church decided to quit. Steffenilla asked her if she wanted that job and she said she couldn't do both jobs, but agreed to give the crossing guard job a try.

"They showed me what to do and left me and I've been on my own ever since," she said.

Batavia man pleads guilty in East Main stabbing case

By Howard B. Owens

One of two men accused of taking part in a near-fatal knife attack against a person on East Main Street in Batavia in July, entered a guilty plea in County Court today to one count of attempted assault in the first degree, a Class C violent felony.

JW Hardy faces a sentence of up to 10 years under terms of the plea agreement. Sentencing is scheduled for 1:45 p.m., Feb. 14.

Hardy, 30, and co-defendant Anthony Spencer Jr., 26, were initially charged with assault in the first degree and gang assault, 1st, for allegedly working in tandem to beat and stab a victim July 18 at a location on East Main Street.

Spencer's case is still pending and he's due in court on Monday.

Officer Arick Perkins is credited with saving the victim's life.

Pending sentencing, Hardy remains at liberty.

Control of Batavia Muckdogs transferred to NYPL, unknown if there will be team in Batavia in 2018

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

It is with a powerful sense of sadness and loss, tempered by pride in our past and the hope of a faithful and resilient people for the future, that the Genesee County Baseball Club (GCBC), the nonprofit that has owned the Batavia Muckdogs of the Class A New York-Pennsylvania Professional Baseball League, announces that control of the franchise has been transferred to the New York-Penn League.

The transfer was officially approved by the GCBC's 23-person all-volunteer board.

The league is seeking a buyer for the franchise. Under terms of the transfer, the Rochester Red Wings, who have managed day-to-day operations of the club since 2008, will receive 50 percent of any sale price, and the GCBC will receive the other 50 percent, minus legal fees and the 10 percent share of sale proceeds that will be kept by the league. The name “Muckdogs” will remain property of the GCBC.

Batavia is the last of the original cities of the New York-Penn League, which was founded at a meeting in the Hotel Richmond in Batavia and began play in 1939 as the PONY (Pennsylvania-Ontario-New York) League.

The ongoing geographic expansion of the league, which now stretches from Aberdeen, Md., to Burlington, Vt., and from Staten Island to Morgantown, W.Va., has made it tremendously difficult for the smaller Upstate New York cities that once formed the heart of the league to survive. Lodging and travel costs have become prohibitive for small-market teams in the western part of New York State.

The sole remaining longtime Upstate New York franchise is in Auburn, which entered the league in 1958.

Brian Paris, president of the Genesee County Baseball Club, thanked the Rochester Red Wings:

“We are deeply grateful to the Red Wings for their absolutely pivotal role in preserving NYP League baseball in Batavia for these last 10 years — which included the franchise’s fourth league championship in 2008. Naomi Silver, Gary Larder, and the rest of the Red Wings organization are great people and have been a pleasure to work with.”

Paris also praised the Batavia fans, noting that for years, the team had annually ranked in the top half of the league in per-capita attendance.

“Batavia has a great core of fans,” he said. “Dwyer Stadium is the friendliest ballpark in America.”

He saluted the hundreds of local businesses that have supported the team over the years, noting that “in best grassroots fashion, small businesses have been the advertising backbone of this team.”

It is not yet clear where the franchise will play ball in the summer of 2018. That decision is up to the league. But Paris expressed the hope that when June 2018 rolls around, a team called the Batavia Muckdogs—whether as a member of the NYP League or perhaps a summer league for top college players--will take the field at Dwyer Stadium.

Bank Street resident accused of selling crack cocaine

By Howard B. Owens
     Corey Armstrong

Corey O. Armstrong, 46, of Bank Street, Batavia, is charged with two counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance, two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance and unlawful possession of marijuana.

Armstrong was stopped by Batavia PD while driving in the city on Tuesday. Armstrong was wanted on a warrant stemming from a sealed Grand Jury indictment. 

During the traffic stop, Armstrong was also allegedly found in possession of marijuana. 

Armstrong was arrested as the result of a Local Drug Task Force investigation into the possession, transportation and sale of crack cocaine in and around the City of Batavia.

Following arraignment in County Court on the indictment, he was jailed without bail.

Breaking: Teen inventor from Alexander wins national contest with $250K prize

By Howard B. Owens

Andrew Young Jr., the 14-year-old Alexander High School student who saw a commercial for an invention contest while watching the Ellen Show and decided to enter his idea for the "Toaster Shooter," has won a nationwide contest sponsored by Frito-Lay.

The grand prize is $250,000.

"We are blown away," said Andrew's father, Andrew Young Sr. "I don’t know that’s kind of hit us yet. We thought we did a good job and we though we might have won but we didn’t allow ourselves to think we had won so we’re still waiting for it to sink in, including Andrew."

Andrew is in school this morning and not available for comment.

Speaking of school, that's the plan for the $250,000 prize.

"He's not going to be able to buy the Lamborghini like he thought he would," said his father, laughing. "It's a college fund. It's 100 percent a college fund. He wants to go to M.I.T. so we're going to need every penny of it."

Andrew was among five finalists selected to compete in a voting contest. For more than a month votes were collected on the website with multiple votes per person, per device allowed.

The Youngs worked hard to promote the contest locally and in Rochester and Buffalo to help drive votes.

Youth who threatened to shoot deputies, troopers, pleads guilty to making a terrorist threat

By Howard B. Owens

A 17-year-old Basom resident admitted in County Court today to threatening to shoot troopers and deputies during an incident on the Tonawanda Indian Reservation on Sept. 30, and of trying to seriously hurt or kill a person with a motor vehicle in the City of Batavia on Aug. 28.

Isaac Abrams entered guilty pleas to making a terrorist threat, a Class D felony, and reckless endangerment in the first degree, also a Class D felony.

There is no sentencing cap on his possible prison term, which is a maximum of seven years, but the sentences on both charges would run concurrently, according to the plea agreement.

Abrams was being held in Genesee County Jail on $25,000 bail, but after listening to both attorneys on his bail status, County Court Judge Charles Zambito agreed to release Abrams under the supervision of Genesee Justice with a curfew of 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. He must continue to reside at his mother's residence on Skye Road during the term of his release or get permission from the court to move.

First Assistant District Attorney Melissa Cianfrini argued that Abrams has demonstrated a poor record of obeying the lawful commands of police officers, first in the Aug. 28 incident in the city and then during his confrontation with troopers and deputies Sept. 30.

His attorney, Vanessa Guite, said that Abrams has been successfully participating in Alcoholics Anonymous, completed his high school education while confined, and she added that that her client's second arrest was a real wake-up call for him.

"You can see from his demeanor in court that he is taking this deadly serious," Guite said.

In October, Abrams became a father. He has yet to see his baby, Guite said.

While out of jail, Guite said, "He will be fully engaged in taking care of his baby."

Details of the incident that led to Abrams' arrest in the City of Batavia on Aug. 28 are not available. There was no press release at the time of his arrest and today the Batavia PD computer system is down so the information isn't available. (Correction: There was a press release, but Abrams' name was redacted from the initial release by Batavia PD, so we couldn't find the prior publication.)

Abrams was originally charged with three counts of attempted assault in the first degree, along with the reckless endangerment charge, obstructing governmental administration, 2nd, and harassment, 2nd.

UPDATE: At 5:46 p.m., Aug. 29, Batavia PD responded to a disturbance at Burger King at 230 West Main St., Batavia, where a person was reportedly struck by a vehicle. Abrams reportedly fled the scene and was apprehended on West Main Street.

His plea satisfies all six charges along with any pending traffic tickets.

As for the Oct. 30 incident, Deputy Andrew Hale handled the case and Hale said today that the arrest was the culmination of about a week of deputies dealing with Abrams.

He said there was an incident at a gas station on the reservation where Abrams allegedly got into a fight with a patron and the owner of the gas station asked Hale to arrest Abrams, whom he said was previously barred from the property, for trespass.

There was another incident, Hale said, where Abrams allegedly hit an employee at a smoke shop. The State Police handled that incident.

Hale sought an arrest warrant for Abrams and received it Oct. 30.

That day, there was a traffic accident on Route 77 and traffic was redirected down Meadville Road. According to Hale, Abrams and his friends, whom Hale said had all been drinking, decided to set up a roadblock and charge a toll for motorists coming onto the reservation. 

Troopers responded and Abrams and his friends challenged the troopers to a fight. Hale was notified and he responded because he had the warrant for Abrams.

Upon his arrival, Abrams was positioned behind cars, near a house and a tree line.

According to Hale, Abrams yelled, "You want to play with guns. I'll play with guns."

He also threatened to shoot Hale and Deputy Lonnie Nati.

He then started to reach into a vehicle and Hale said he warned Abrams not to reach for a gun. At that point, Abrams went into the residence and Hale and Nati circled around to the back of the house. When Abrams came out, there was a brief confrontation and then Hale and Nati managed to take Abrams into custody.

No weapons were recovered at the scene, but the house was not searched because the deputies did not have a search warrant for the residence.

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