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In latest spat with governor, Collins calls Cuomo a pathological liar

By Howard B. Owens

(Photo: Chris Collins during a meeting today at the Job Development Center in Batavia.)

Rep. Chris Collins thinks he has the proof he needs to label Gov. Andrew Cuomo now and forevermore a pathological liar.

Following a meeting with county employment officials at the Job Development Center in Batavia, Collins took questions for reporters and in response to comments by Cuomo that the recently passed House tax reform bill will cost New Yorkers money, Collins immediately launched into a prolonged attack on Cuomo for claiming he had spoken with Collins about the bill.

"He attributed a quote to me that said that I said the reason I voted for the tax act was that I was pressured by Republican leadership," Collins said. "As I said, and it’s in The New York Times today, 'liar, liar pants on fire.' In seven years, I’ve never spoken to the governor. I certainly did not speak to him on this. Aand the outrageousness of him even fabricating a quote will tell you, if he will lie about something like that, he will not hesitate to lie about our tax plan."

The Batavian reached out to the governor's office for a response and received this statement:

The Governor's point was the Republican congress members he spoke to said they were under pressure from their political leadership‎ to vote yes‎. Collins and the rest of the New York Congress members who voted for their donors and against their own constituents can try to deflect from this irresponsible vote, but it's the Governor who stood up for New York taxpayers and always will.

Contrary to Cuomo's assertions about the reforms, the changes in the tax code will save most of his constitutes money Collins promised.

"I have said I will stake my career, my election next year, on the fact that 95 percent of the folks in GLOW and Erie County will pay less in taxes," Collins said. "If you do, then vote for me, and if you don’t, then don’t vote for me."

He challenged Cuomo to make the same pledge.

"If under our plan you pay more, then the governor was right and you should re-elect him, but next year when 95 percent of my constituents pay less, I would expect them to vote against our governor because he’s lying to them," Collins said.

Why isn't every single taxpayer in the NY-27 saving money? Collins explained it this way: If you're a married couple with no kids, with $80,000 in current state and local taxes, making $300,000 a year, living in a $1.5 million home, then, he said, you might pay $1,000 more in taxes.

Collins said most of his constituents will be quite happy when they get their first paycheck after Jan. 15 if the House bill passes the Senate -- and the Senate has its own ideas about how to change the tax code -- and they see their withholding has gone down.

"(The governor) is lying and he’s deliberately lying," Collins said. "He lied again and he exposed himself by talking about this and then attributing a quote to me. That’s beyond outrageous. I think he’s lost it.

"Now, from this day forward I can remind people, he is a pathological liar," Collins added.

High-speed chase on northbound Route 98 as officers pursue suspected Kohl's shoplifters

By Billie Owens

(Photo courtesy of Tom Rivers, Orleans Hub. Location is Route 98 and Lime Kiln Road.)

A high-speed pursuit is underway between law enforcement and a tan Ford van occupied by three suspected shoplifters from Kohl's department store.

They are northbound on Route 98, at the Orleans County line and heading into Barre. Speeds exceeding 120 mph. The suspects are throwing merchandise outside the van along the way.

Orleans County officers have been notified.

UPDATE 1:43 p.m.: The vehicle has crashed; it struck a tree or a pole and rolled over and is smoking. The roadway at the county line and Route 98 is going to be shut down. Wires are across the road. Fire police from Albion are called to handle traffic. Deputies are collecting the items discarded from the van.

UPDATE 1:48 p.m.: Mercy medics and Barre Fire Department are responding. Route 98 in Orleans County will be closed between Maple Street and Lime Kiln Road, north of Barre Center.

UPDATE 1:51 p.m.: A pole was struck in the accident; although no power lines are involved, several phone and cable lines are down. Two people will need evaluation by medics, who are told to proceed in non-emergency mode.

UPDATE 1:54 p.m.: The incident began around 1:30 p.m. when law enforcement was alerted to a shoplifting incident at Kohl's and three suspects were said to have left in a tan Ford van. A couple of officers responded, including one who was on Park Road. Almost immediately, an officer was following a tan van on Lewiston Road matching the license plates provided to dispatchers by Kohl's security. When the officer attempted to pull the vehicle over, the chase was on. At one point, the driver attempted to make a left turn onto westbound Route 262 and nearly lost control of the van. The chase continued and soon thereafter, the accident occurred.

Collins briefed on how federal dollars help some Genesee County residents get and keep jobs

By Howard B. Owens

Rep. Chris Collins toured the offices of the county's Job Development Bureau this morning to learn more about the work the department does to help people in Genesee County find jobs.

The tour, led by Jay Lazarony, GLOW Workforce Development Board executive director, focused on the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (oWOIA), which is a federal program designed to help youth and those with significant barriers to employment find and retain high-quality jobs and careers.

Many of the clients who enter the program have not developed the job skills that help them retain jobs.

Lazarony told the story of one woman who entered the program who had been working as a home health care aide but couldn't stay in a job. The training she received helped her understand what it takes to hold onto a job and also provided her with the skills to become a Certified Nursing Assistant. The program helped her with the expense of travel, shoes, and scrubs. She eventually landed a full-time job at the Genesee County Nursing Home and now she's studying to become a Registered Nurse.

"This is the stuff that we can do with that funding, is give people a great start," Lazarony told Collins.

Collins said he appreciated the insight because so often the programs that pass before congressional members for review are just numbers on a page but the tour helped him see how the program benefits people.

So far in 2017, the center has helped 989 clients, including 141 through WIOA. A total of 137 veterans have been assisted.

There have been 1,322 people placed in jobs in Genesee County through the department's services.

Collins also learned about on-the-job-training programs through 13 participating businesses, occupational training programs, 38 on-site employer-specific job recruitment sessions, and the Summer Youth Employment program that placed 39 high school students in jobs at 23 work sites this summer.

Sometimes the clients of the center need ongoing help, said Scott Gage, director of the bureau.

"We’ll actually stay with them for 12 months after they leave us," Gage said. "We can mediate anything going on with the business, help this person out with issues. We’ve got a lot of community partners we rely on to help us out, social service agencies that will help us out in a number of ways and there’s no funding involved. They provide services and we access those services."

There are currently more than 600 job listings on file with the bureau and most of those are good-paying jobs, Gage said. With local unemployment at about 4 percent, it's proving hard for companies to find skilled workers.

The tight job market is helping to bring some people into the workforce who until now had opted out, Lazarony said. He said two recent clients the bureau has placed in jobs have worked their way up to full-time employment. They were in their mid-20s when they first came in and had never worked any type of job in their lives. They weren't part of the system at all. They just lived at home and didn't work.

There are other long-term unemployed who rely on the state's Safety Net program and they can be hard to assist, Gage said. They're capable of working, but they also have other underlying issues, such as disabilities, and sometimes they've just given up. That's a challenge, Gage said.

Collins observed that "Anybody who wants to get a job can get a job. It may not be at the wage they want, or the hours they want, or the job they want, but they can get a job."

Changes in aid programs initiated by Congress might change some of that, Collins said.

"As we continue down that road you’re going to start to see people lined up out your door," Collins said.

Batavia woman killed in crash in Chili

By Howard B. Owens

A 70-year-old Batavia woman died yesterday in a two-car accident at the intersection of Chestnut Ridge Road and Paul Road in Chili.

The crash was reported at 2:30 p.m.

It took firefighters 30 minutes to extricate Diane Rebmann from her vehicle. She was transported to Strong Memorial Hospital where she later died.

The Monroe County Sheriff's Office reports that Rebmann was westbound on Paul Road and made a left turn onto Chestnut Ridge Road. They say her vehicle entered the path of a vehicle driven by Joseph Curtis, 18, of North Chili. His vehicle was T-boned and pushed into a telephone pole.

Curtis was not hurt.

Via our news partner 13WHAM

Suspects sought in Plaza Spirits larceny

By Howard B. Owens

Investigators are seeking the public's assistance in identifying two older black males whom they suspect of making off with a cash box from Plaza Spirits at about 1 p.m. today.

According to police, the two individuals worked in tandem, with one subject distracting a store employee while the other one grabbed the cash box.

They then left in separate vehicles.

There were no threats and no weapons were displayed. No one was injured.

One suspect is described at 50 years of age, 5'10" to 5'11", wearing blue jeans, a black hoodie, black and white sneakers, a black and white winter hat and sunglasses.

The other is about 40 years old, 5"10", wearing a blue hat with a white line around it, gray/blue zip-up hoodie, blue/white striped sweatpants, and work boots.

One vehicle was a maroon Chevrolet sedan. The other vehicle was a gray or light blue SUV.

Tips: Det. Thad Mart, (585) 345-6372, or Batavia PD (585) 345-6350, or the Confidential Tip Line (585) 345-6370.


County needs to establish policy for taxes on new solar projects

By Howard B. Owens

The state provides a tax exemption to industrial solar projects and until recently county officials didn't realize they had any say on whether to allow these exemptions.

Typically, the projects are built on farmland and the county can continue to tax the property at the established assessed value, but if the solar farm increases the assessed value of the land -- typically 10 acres -- then the property is exempt from taxes on the amount of the assessment increase.

The options for the county are to opt-out, through a local law, on the tax exemption, or establish a PILOT on projects on a case-by-case basis.

PILOT stands for Payment In Lieu of Taxes, and typically a PILOT ramps up the amount of payments made as a percentage of the increase in assessed value over a period of years.

Under state law, the solar farm properties are exempt from taxes on the increase in assessed value for 15 years for county, town and school taxes.

"I think everybody should be able to do what they want with their land but the real issue is the state telling us what we can’t tax them on," said Legislator Andrew Young during a discussion of the issue during yesterday's Ways and Means Committee meeting. "Because of that reason, I think we should at least do something to maintain a little control."

By consent, the committee agreed to have County Attorney Kevin Earl draft a local law to have the county opt-out of the exemption.

There are three solar projects under construction and all three were started before the county learned it had the choice to opt-out of the exemption or establish a PILOT.

The issue came to the county's attention because the builders of a fourth project on Pearl Street Road came to the county and volunteered to pay a PILOT.

That caused Legislator John Deleo to wonder why the company would volunteer for to make PILOT payments.

"I think they know counties are going to start taxing everybody, so they’re going to get ahead of it and don’t want to get stuck with the full no-exemption later on," suggested County Highway Superintendent Tim Hens.

It's unclear if the county can go back to the projects already under construction and void the exemption or require a PILOT.

The company with the project on Pearl Street Road told county officials that not only did they anticipate building other projects in the county, but that officials should expect more solar companies seeking farmland for solar farms locally.

The developers typically lease the farmland at $6,000 a year for 15 years.

Legislator Marianne Clattenburg said that should be a big concern to legislators.

"My fear is we have pretty reasonable land costs here and that these are going to pop up everywhere and it’s open season because Geneses County hasn’t really established any kind of policy regarding (solar farms)," Clattenburg said. "If other counties do start doing it, then we’re going to get the brunt of it all."

Legislator Shelly Stein noted that two of the three solar farms going in are on "wet land," less than prime farmland, and that she's aware of four projects proposed in Le Roy that were turned down by National Grid because the nearest power station is over capacity already.

Hens said the typical project is 2.5 megawatts and costs $5 million to build.

How they should be assessed has yet to be established.

If the Pearl Street Road project goes forward and PILOT is instituted, it won't produce any revenue for the county before 2020, maybe in 2019.

Kevin Andrews, deputy county treasurer, said the PILOT payments won't help the county increase its overall tax levy.

"There’s no overall revenue benefit to the county at that point," Andrews said. "It’s more of a shift so the solar companies are picking up a little extra versus the rest of the taxpayers."

Photo: Taken today of a solar project under construction off State Street Road near West Saile Drive.

Grand Jury: Former Walmart employee indicted for allegedly entering bogus returns into computer system

By Billie Owens

Carlene V. Santiago is indicted for the crime of first-degree falsifying a business record, a Class E felony. It is alleged that on April 30, in the Town of Batavia, that Santiago acted with intent to defraud by making a false entry in the business records of an enterprise. She is accused of entering fraudulent merchandise return information into the Walmart computer system; it is alleged that her intent to defraud included the commission of another crime or to aid or conceal its commission. In counts two through five, Santiago is accused of the same felony on May 13, 27, 31 and June 4, respectively. In count six, the defendant is accused of the crime of petit larceny, a Class A misdemeanor, for allegedly stealing cash or property worth $622.67 between April 30 and June 4.

Marquis R. Brown is indicted for the crime of third-degree burglary, a Class D felony. It is alleged that on Aug. 3, Brown knowingly entered or remained unlawfully inside a building on South Lake Road in the Town of Bergen with intent to commit a crime. In count two, he is accused of the unauthorized use of a vehicle in the third degree, a Class A misdemeanor. It is alleged in count two, that the defendant, knowing he did not have the owner's consent, took a 2006 BMW motor vehicle. In count three, Brown is accused of the crime of fourth-degree criminal mischief. It is alleged in count three, that without having the right to do so, he intentionally damaged property belonging to another person.

Stephen J. Turkasz is indicted for the crime of aggravated unlicensed operation in the first degree, a Class C felony. It is alleged that on Aug. 30 in the Village of Corfu, that Turkasz drove a 2010 Chevrolet on Route 33 while holding a conditional license and while under the influence of alcohol or a drug. In count two, he is accused of driving while intoxicated as a misdemeanor. In count three, the defendant is accused of failure to keep right, a violation of vehicle and traffic law. In count four, Turkasz is accused of consuming or possessing an alcoholic beverage in a motor vehicle on a public highway. In count five, he is accused of the offense of refusal to submit to a breath test, another vehicle and traffic law violation.

Chris K. Mukendi and Darazian W.P. Williams are indicted for the crime of criminal possession of a controlled substance in the fourth degree, a Class C felony. It is alleged on on May 25, the defendants knowingly and unlawfully possessed a stimulant which weighed one gram or more -- about 1.8 grams of amphetamine/dextroamphetamine capsules.

Larceny reported at Plaza Spirits in Eastown Plaza, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

robbery larceny is reported at Plaza Spirits, 563 E. Main St., Batavia.

Police are responding.

The suspects are described as two black males. One is wearing a black jacket, black hat and glasses. The other is in a double-lined gray hoodie and glasses.

One suspect reportedly left the scene in a maroon 2004/2005 Chevy, possibly a Malibu, westbound on East Main Street. The other was last seen walking toward McDonald's.

UPDATE (By Billie) 2:14 p.m.: After police investigators spoke with personnel at the liquor store, it was determined that this was a larceny, not a robbery. No weapon or force was used. The suspects simply grabbed a cash box and ran from the store. The two black male suspects remain at large. Both are said to be between 40 and 50 years old.

(Editor's note: The initial dispatch indicated a bank robbery.)

No evidence found yet that barn fire Friday night was intentionally set

By Howard B. Owens

Investigators have yet to determine how a fire started Friday night that destroyed a barn and killed livestock at 1239 Judge Road in Alabama.

There was an initial report that somebody was seen running from the scene just before the fire broke out but Investigator Chad Minuto said no witnesses interviewed so far corroborates that story.

"We don't know where that report came from," he said.

Minuto said several interviews have been conducted and there are several more to take place to try and uncover what people know or saw. At the time, investigators from the county's Emergency Management Service are sifting through evidence to try and determine the cause and origin of the fire.

There is no evidence to emerge yet that the fire was intentionally set.

All of the horses and cows that were in the barn have been accounted for, Minuto said, but all of the rabbits, goats, and sheep, except either one goat or sheep, perished in the fire. That goat or sheep came out of the barn after the fire was out and Minuto said it's his understanding that animal may not be in good health.

Committee meets to begin putting together strategic investment plan for Downtown Revitalization Initiative

By Maria Pericozzi

The first of many committee meetings to develop a plan for the city to put to use its $10 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative award was held Tuesday evening at City Hall.

A group of 20 people representing different areas of the community were asked to be a part of the committee. Ed Flynn, a member of the Planning and Development Committee, said it is a cross section of the community, in terms of businesses, agencies and residents.

“This is an opportunity for the community,” Flynn said. “It is also a responsibility for the community. It’s a lot of money. That’s why we’re putting together a Strategic Investment Plan so that we have some kind of strategy to take that $10 million and make sure there is some kind of impact on the community.”

The six-month schedule for the plan is aggressive, Flynn said. There will be multiple committee meetings, and public meetings before the final draft is submitted.

“We need to push this and get it done by the end of March,” Flynn said.

Batavia was one of 10 communities awarded the $10 million as part of the statewide DRI competition. The goal of the grant is to transform downtown neighborhoods into vibrant communities where the next generation of New Yorkers want to live, work and raise families. The winning communities are awarded $10 million to develop a downtown strategic investment plan and implement key catalytic projects to advance the community’s vision for revitalization.

“It’s not just jobs, it’s not just investments, it’s not just public spaces, it's all of those things together that create a vibrant downtown,” Flynn said.

Projects need to be submitted by Dec. 8 to be considered. Flynn said he will hold a Nov. 21 information session for business owners, nonprofit organizations, and others interested, who want to submit a proposal.

While not every idea submitted will be funded by the grant, Flynn said they will look at multiple projects for the 90-acre boundary in Batavia.

“There might be some other projects that we might recommend to not be funded by the grant,” Flynn said. “But they may be useful for the future revitalization of downtown Batavia, so we will keep them in the plan.”

Multiple projects for different places in the community were introduced for Theater 56, Jackson Square, the City Center, and the Masonic Temple.

Projects on the plan should fall into one of four categories: Public improvements, significant private development projects, revolving loans and grants, and branding and marketing.

On Batavia’s application, the project will focus on arts, culture and entertainment, healthy living and wellness, and prosperity for all. The committee members discussed goals they would like to stick to decide what to focus on when choosing projects.

Steve Hyde, the president and chief executive officer of the Genesee County Economic Development Center, said the focus should not be on what will create jobs. 

“What we want is to make these investments to create vibrant spaces and vibrant places,” Hyde said.  “If we can make those investments to do that, the jobs will follow.”

After editing the original vision statement, the committee decided the new statement is, “Batavia is all-in to reshape its urban core by embracing and building upon its rich entrepreneurial history, fostering cultural appreciation and creating a healthy, vibrant community to benefit all.”

Erica O'Donnell, a resident in Batavia, said she is one of those "terrible Millennials," but she would like to see more projects to attract young families with children. 

"We have a unique opportunity, being between Buffalo and Rochester, to draw Millennials here," O'Donnell said. 

The next public meeting has not been scheduled yet but will be posted on the Batavia Downtown Revitalization website along with other updates, here.

Fatal accident on Bovee Road, Riga, under investigation

By Howard B. Owens

Bergen volunteer firefighters and Mercy EMS medics responded to an accident on Bovee Road, Riga, at 5:45 p.m. where a young male driver was pronounced dead as a result of a single-car accident.

The driver's car reportedly struck a tree.

The name of the driver has not yet been released.

The location of the accident is in Bergen's fire district, though in Monroe County.

Monroe County Sheriff's Office is investigating the accident.

The stretch of road is near another fatal accident in August where a woman's car struck a tree.

The Batavian's news partner 13WHAM assisted with this story.

Law and Order: Batavia man accused of fraudulently using credit card

By Howard B. Owens

Eric M. Donohue, 29, of Swan Street, Batavia, is charged with second-degree forgery and identify theft. Donohue allegedly used a fraudulently obtained credit card to make a purchase at a business in the Tops Plaza at 6:21 p.m. on May 26, and also signed the name of the individual who name was on the credit card.  He was jailed without bail.

Armando M. Teruel, 33, of Black Spruce Court, Amherst, is charged with second-degree harassment. Teruel was arrested in connection with an incident reported Oct. 29 on South Main Street, Batavia.

Investigations continue in robberies reported Saturday night

By Howard B. Owens

Police are continuing to investigate an attempted robbery reported Saturday night on West Main Street, and though some subjects were located a short time after the incident was reported, no arrests have been made.

Det. Todd Crossett also confirmed there was a robbery earlier that evening on Harvester Avenue.

He said it hasn't been determined yet whether the incidents are connected, or if they are connected to an incident in late October where a man was splashed or sprayed with some sort of liquid (he wasn't injured).

The attempted robbery Saturday involved at least four males on bicycles.

An off-duty police officer working at Towne Center of Batavia that night spotted four males on bicycles riding in front of Dick's Sporting Goods shortly after the attempted robbery was dispatched to police.

Sheriff William Sheron was already in the area and deputies responded and the subjects were detained after they had entered Target.

The victim of the attempted robbery was treated at the scene for a possible eye injury.

After The Batavian reported that incident, a person called dispatch to report she had been robbed earlier in the evening on Harvester Avenue. In that case, the perpetrators got away with $20.

The incidents remain under investigation, Crossett said.

Law and Order: Oakfield man accused of strangulation, assault

By Howard B. Owens
      Michael Shetler

Michael Alan Shetler, 27, of Judge Road, Oakfield, is charged with two counts of second-degree strangulation, five counts of criminal obstruction of breathing, two counts of third-degree assault, unlawful imprisonment, 2nd, and two counts of criminal mischief, 4th. Shetler was arrested following an investigation by Deputy Kevin Forsyth and Deputy Richard Schildwaster into several complaints of domestic violence at a location on Main Street, Oakfield. Shetler was also charged with endangering the welfare of a child. He was jailed on $5,000 bail.

Nicole Leanne Williams, 25, of Kings Street, Albion, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, and driving left of pavement markings. Williams was stopped at 2:45 a.m. Sunday on Quaker Hill Road, Elba, by Deputy Howard Wilson.

Amy R. Sellhorst, 31, of Beaufort Street, Rochester, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Sellhorst is accused of hitting another person at a location on York Road, Le Roy, at 10:37 p.m. on Saturday.

Jason William Wolf, 41, of West Main Street Road, Batavia, is charged with felony DWI, felony driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, aggravated unlicensed operation, 1st, driving a vehicle without an interlock device, and improper left turn. Wolf was stopped at 8:23 p.m. Thursday on West Main Street Road, Batavia, by Deputy Richard Schildwaster.

Jaclyn Kathryn Blackmer, 32, of Cabot Road, Rochester, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, open container, driving left of pavement markings, and moved from lane unsafely. Blackmer was stopped at 2:33 a.m. Saturday on Main Road, Pembroke by Deputy Mathew Clor.

Joseph M. Smith, 41, of State Street, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant. Smith posted bail and was released.

Alaysia L. Henderson, 18, of Gardiner Avenue, Rochester, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear. Henderson was released on $500 bail.

Christina R. Aaron, 21, of Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana and speeding. Aaron was stopped by State Police at 11:51 p.m. Friday on Route 33, Bergen.

Heather M. Captain, 31, of Basom, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Captain was arrested by State Police in relation to an incident reported at 8:35 p.m. Aug. 27 in the Town of Alabama. No further details released.

Crystal D. Cardona, 27, of Bergen, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Cardona was stopped by State Police at 1:55 p.m. Nov. 7 on Route 33, Bergen.

Working barn fire reported on Judge Road, Alabama, possible arson

By Billie Owens

A working barn fire, that a caller believes to be intentionally set, is reported at 1239 Judge Road in Alabama. The location is between Crosby and Alleghany roads. Flames are visible from Bloomingdale Road. Alabama Fire Department is responding. The third platoon is called to Alabama's headquarters.

UPDATE 10:13 p.m.: According to Sheriff's Deputy Richard Schildwaster, earlier this evening Alabama Fire Department was dispatched for a working barn fire; several agencies were also dispatched, including the Genesee County Sheriff's Office and the Emergency Management Office.

"There was a report that came over dispatch (of a fire suspicious in nature) but nothing to led to that conclusion," Schildwaster said, adding that "nobody was seen leaving." He said the investigators were in the "very preliminary, very early stages of investigation." He noted that "we do believe there is loss of life (livestock) in the barn." Also, although there was initially a report of minor burns to a human, no subsequent reports of that appear valid.

UPDATE Saturday, 1:04 a.m.: Photos added.

Bergen man accused of sexually abusing a child

By Howard B. Owens
      Colin Wickings

Collin Ronald Wickings, 24, of Clinton Street Road, Bergen, is charged with sexual abuse in the first degree. Wickings is accused of sexual contact with a 6-year-old child. The alleged contact was reported Sept. 18 in Stafford.

Wickings was arraigned in Stafford Town Court and released under the supervision of Genesee Justice. Wickings was ordered to stay away from the alleged victim.

Further court proceedings are pending.

The case was investigated by Youth Officer Tim Westcott, assisted by Deputy Richard Schildwaster.

Corfu soldier returns from deployment in Afghanistan to hero's welcome

By Howard B. Owens

Sgt. Christopher Green was happy to be reunited with his girlfriend, Kaela McMartin, along with friends and family in Corfu last night, but the real surprise was the fire and police escort from the Buffalo Airport to the Corfu Fire Hall last night.

Green, originally from Elba, has been away from home for a year and just finished an eight-month deployment in Afghanistan.

A member of the National Guard, Green is part of Bravo Company 3126 out of Rochester.  He was a gunner on a CH-47 Chinook helicopter.

"We were with a bunch of great people," Green said. "Basically, we supported the ground troops in Nangarhar province, supporting ground troops, defeating the enemy, basically ISIS and Taliban that were there, just flying around having a great time."

The job, he said, is one of the best jobs he's had.

The fire and police escort was a big surprise, said Green, who has been a trooper with the State Police (currently assigned to Amity) for three years, especially the way the escort just started growing, from just two Transient police units at the airport to including State Police, Lancaster Police, Cheektowaga Police, Corfu Police, the Genesee County Sheriff's Office, along with fire departments from Corfu, East Pembroke, Darien and Pembroke by the time it reached Countyline Road.

"It was awesome," he said. "It's great to be home. I wasn't expecting anything of this magnitude."

Law and Order: 70-year-old woman accused of harassment in parking lot of Tops

By Howard B. Owens

June E. Ellis, 70, of South Main Street, Batavia, is charged with harassment 2nd. Ellis was allegedly involved in an altercation with another person in the parking lot of Tops at 7:15 p.m., Nov. 2.

Eric J. McGill, 34, of Lewis Place, Batavia, is charged with harassment 2nd. McGill was allegedly involved in a disturbance on Lewis Place at 6:22 p.m., Monday. A 17-year-old was also arrested.

Katty L. Jackson, 21, of Dewey Avenue, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt 2nd. Jackson allegedly violated an order of protection at 7 p.m., Nov. 2.

Jessica M. Pfenninger, 35, of Creek Road, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny.  Pfenninger is accused of shoplifting from Dollar Tree on West Main Street, Batavia.

Christina A. Cotter, 25, of Ellicott Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt 2nd. Cotter is accused of violating a stay away order of protection by sending text messages to the protected person.

Sean M. Haugh, 20, of Covington Road, Perry, is charged with disorderly conduct. Haugh was arrested following a report to police of a disturbance at UMMC.

Batavia man accused of brandishing a knife in incident on Central Avenue given a year in jail

By Howard B. Owens

A 28-year-old Pearl Street resident tried to convince Judge Charles Zambito to send him not to jail for a year following his conviction on fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon, following an incident in June on Central Avenue in which Danny D. Williams pulled a knife on another person.

Williams said he did it to protect a child.

He also admitted that he's had a hard time "doing the right thing" and staying out of trouble.

"I just want to be around for my kids," Williams said. "I know I need to stop hanging out with my friends. I want to be around for my kids."

Zambito admonished Williams that even if anybody else was threatened, there's nothing in the record to indicate Williams was justified in pulling a knife.

"The proper response," Zambito said, "is to call police."

Williams was initially charged with criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree, second-degree menacing, and endangering the welfare of a child. The charges stem from an incident which occurred at 8:01 p.m. on June 9 on Central Avenue, Batavia. It is alleged that Williams pulled a knife on an individual during an altercation and that there was a child in close proximity at the time.

Zambito noted that Williams has had multiple felony arrests over the past three years, and they've all been reduced to misdemeanors. He doesn't have a good record on probation, Zambito said. 

"The probation department report indicates you will struggle with compliance," Zambito said.

He sentenced Williams to a year of lockup.

Law and Order: Batavia man accused of breaking into Elba home, threatening residents

By Howard B. Owens
      Adam Gill

Adam J. Gill, 29, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with DWI, two counts of burglary, and menacing, 2nd. At 1:31 a.m. Tuesday, Gill allegedly entered a residence in the Village of Elba and displayed a knife. After a brief struggle with the occupants, the intruder was disarmed and he left the residence without further incident. Gill was known to the residents. They did not sustain any injuries. Gill was located on Oak Street in Batavia and charged with DWI. He was jailed on $50,000 bail, $10,000 bond.

Lamar Iteef Randall, 32, of Walnut Place, Batavia, is charged with aggravated unlicensed operation, 1st, obstructed license plate, and unlawful possession of marijuana. Randall was stopped at 4:35 p.m. Monday on Veterans Memorial Drive by Sgt. Ron Welker.

Shaun Michael Brennan, 23, of Brookedge Drive, of Hamlin, is charged with DWI, refusal to breath test, and speeding. Brennan was stopped at 7:18 p.m. Monday on North Lake Road, Bergen, by Deputy Ryan DeLong.

Jeremy John Schraufstetter, 40, of Leroy Street, Cheektowaga, is charged with felony DWI and felony driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Schraufstetter was stopped at 1:43 a.m. Oct. 28 on Route 20, Darien, by Investigator Chris Parker.

David S. Rigoni, 38, of Pavilion, is charged with operator impaired by drugs and moving from lane unsafely. Rigoni was stopped by State Police at 3:41 p.m. Tuesday in Le Roy.

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