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Consultant: Campers inquiring about potential 364-site development on Perry Road in the Town of Pavilion

By Mike Pettinella

Interest in a proposed campground on Perry Road in the Town of Pavilion is high, according to the consultant working with a LeRoyan looking to develop 20 to 30 acres of a 94-acre parcel.

“We have about 60 people who have signed letters of intent to rent campsites already,” said David Ciurzynski of Ciurzynski Consulting LLC, of Attica.

Ciurzynski represented Jesse Coots of Le Roy at Thursday night’s Genesee County Planning Board meeting via Zoom videoconferencing.

Planners recommended approval of a special use permit for the 346-site campground and recreation area at 10156 Perry Road, but included stipulations involving mitigation of adverse impact upon wetlands there and obtaining a stormwater pollution prevention permit from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Developers are addressing those issues, Ciurzynski said.

“We’re really excited about this project. We’ve completed the engineering study and wetland delineation, which has been submitted to the Army Corps of Engineers and the DEC,” he said. “Once we get the special use permit, we’ll get into full engineering and be able to complete the stormwater pollution prevention and other elements of the project.”

Ciurzynski said the plan is to start with 100 sites and build out the remainder after campers begin to populate the campground.

Planners asked about water and sewage capabilities, with Ciurzynski stating that the size of the project prohibits holding tanks.

“We’re going to have to do a septic system, with a full leach bed and everything,” he said.

Planning Director Felipe Oltramari responded by stating he hopes the owners have “good luck in finding water” when drilling wells.

Ciurzynski said the preferred option is to put the first 100 sites up against the road to minimize the number of wells required since the Town of Pavilion also has embarked upon its water district project.

“In talking with the supervisor (Rob LaPoint), he would like to get this water district along Perry Road going as well, so we’re hoping our project helps leapfrog that into place so we can use the water from the Pavilion water district instead of having to drill multiple wells,” he said.

Currently, the 94-acre parcel consists of woodland and farm fields, and is zoned Agricultural-Residential.

In other action, planners recommended approval of several other referrals, including:

  • An area variance to change the parking space size for a proposed Rochester Regional Health medical building on Oak Orchard Road in the Town of Batavia;
  • A special use permit for a covered outdoor dining space at the Red Osier Landmark Restaurant in Stafford;
  • A change in zoning to Commercial for a parcel at 211 E. Main Street to facilitate the development of the GLOW YMCA/United Memorial Medical Center Healthy Living Campus;
  • A site plan for a new liquor store at 9 E. Main St., Corfu;
  • A special use permit, with modification, for a 5-megawatt solar system on Oak Orchard Road, south of the Village of Elba;
  • A special use permit for a hair salon at 1 Farnsworth Ave., Oakfield, on an appointment-only basis.

Previously: Planners expected to consider outdoor dining site at Red Osier, sizeable campground on Perry Road in Pavilion

Law and Order: Porter Avenue woman accused of getting almost $7.8K in SNAP benefits she wasn't eligible for

By Billie Owens

Elizabeth Fowler Gates, 43, of Porter Avenue, Batavia, is charged with: third-degree grand larceny; six counts of offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree; and seven counts of third-degree forgery. Gates was arrested after allegedly receiving $7,792 in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program -- SNAP -- benefits she was not eligible to receive. She is accused of forging a signature on seven documents and providing six applications with false information in order the receive benefits. She was arraigned on May 10 in Oakfield Town Court and released to appear in Batavia Town Court at a later date. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Austin Heberlein, assisted by Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello. The investigation was completed by Investigator Robert Riggi at the Department of Social Services on East Main Street Road, Batavia.

Andre Lamar Roberts, 28, of Burrows Street, Rochester, is charged with third-degree bail jumping. It is alleged that he failed to appear in Corfu Village Court on Dec. 7. He is scheduled to be arraigned in Genesee County Court tomorrow (May 14). The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Chad Cummings, assisted by Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello.

Terry Eugene Gamble Jr., 25, of Onslow Drive, Columbus, Ohio, is charged with: criminal possession of stolen property in the fifth degree; criminal use of drug paraphernalia in the second degree; and operating a motor vehicle without a license to do so. On May 12 at 3:19 p.m., Gamble was arrested following a traffic stop on South Main Street in the Village of Elba. It is alleged the vehicle he was operating was stolen out of Ohio. Gamble was released with appearance tickets to be in Elba Town Court on May 26. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Kenneth Quackenbush, assisted by Deputy Ronald Welker.

Municipal leaders poring over guidance to pinpoint projects to be funded through American Rescue Plan

By Mike Pettinella

The managers of Genesee County’s three largest municipalities are exploring the best ways to spend a windfall of federal dollars via the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

Also called the COVID-19 Stimulus Package or American Rescue Plan, the $1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Biden on March 11. It is intended to help the United States recover from the adverse economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing recession.

While the exact amounts to be allocated to towns and villages have yet to be determined, it has been reported that Genesee County will receive slightly more than $11 million, the City of Batavia will receive between $1.57 and $2.5 million, and the Town of Batavia will receive about $750,000.

Formal guidance on how the money may be used was released earlier this week in the form of a 151-page document.

According to published reports, half of the money is available now and the other half will come 12 months from now. Among the qualifying uses are public health, assistance to businesses and families, replenishment of public sector revenue and enhanced compensation for essential employees.

Funds also can be utilized for water and sewer system infrastructure and increasing access to broadband internet – items that local governmental leaders seem to be focusing upon.


“We will be having a discussion with the legislature later on this month at a meeting to give some rough suggestions,” Genesee County Manager Matt Landers said. “I haven’t come up with dollar amounts for each bucket but I already have been looking at areas to put this money towards – water infrastructure, broadband infrastructure, jail infrastructure and some possible economic development initiatives as well.”

Landers called it a “one-time allocation of revenues,” emphasizing that the money can’t be used to reduce property taxes.

He said the county needs to upgrade the infrastructure in both the Phase 2 and Phase 3 Water Project, and is looking at ways to assist towns with a countywide broadband solution.

“We still have a lot of pockets within our county that don’t have access to high speed internet,” he said. “Possibly, we can utilize some of this money to help fill those gaps.”


In Batavia, City Manager Rachael Tabelski said she will be presenting a plan to City Council to allocate the CARES funds to specific projects that could include water, sewer, downtown parking rehabilitation and equipment purchases.

She, too, said these are one-time revenues and, as such, will be recommending “that they should be used for one-time purchases, not continuing operations.”

Tabelski noted that the city just ended its 2020-21 fiscal year (on March 31) and is starting an audit next week.

“So, unlike the county and town, with fiscal years that run from January through December, we need to finish the audit to evaluate the 2020-21 fiscal year final revenue,” she said.


At the Town of Batavia, Supervisor Gregory Post said the money will offset lost revenue, enabling the town board "to allocate the balance to specific needs, which we are identifying right now to see what qualifies.”

Post indicated that expanding broadband and high-speed internet is at the top of the list.

He also said the money can help the town recover from the lack of upgrades to its comprehensive, solar, land use and agricultural protection plans.

“Furthermore, we would like to develop the scale and scope of how we can maintain all of the services to the community through a virtual town hall, and not having to expend any tax dollars in brick and mortar facilities that are not able to be used in the event of another pandemic or other similar circumstance,” he offered.

Post acknowledged the recent increase in property assessments, pledging to find ways “to best serve the community and keep taxes flat or attenuate any of the expenses incurred during COVID.”

On a national level, it has been reported that some states with Republican governors or legislative majorities have filed lawsuits in an effort to strike down the provision that the funds can’t be used for tax relief – on grounds that the stipulation violates the rights of individual states.

Genesee County director presents clear, earnest picture of how mental health issues affect our daily lives

By Mike Pettinella

Lynda Battaglia, director of Mental Health & Community Services for Genesee County, packed a powerful punch into a two-minute speech Wednesday as she accepted a proclamation from the Genesee County Legislature designating May as National Mental Health Awareness Month.

Her words about mental health and its far-reaching effects on so many people are as follows:

“(I’ve been) thinking about what we’ve gone through the last 15 or 16 months, the global pandemic that has impacted every single one of us and political and social eruptions that have occurred in our communities from what we’ve seen on TV.

“I think it’s fair to say that these events have taken a toll on our people and have left an imprint on many. Now, as a result, I think it’s fair to say that maybe people will have a better understanding of mental health and what mental health awareness is -- because it is at the forefront of our world today.

“Mental health, overall, impacts every single part of you as a person. It impacts you physically, emotionally, cognitively, spiritually; everything is connected. It affects the way you make decisions, your quality of life and the way you live. Mental health awareness is being cognizant of one’s overall health because it is all connected. It’s taking care of every part of you as a person.

“It’s also knowing that it is OK to not be OK, and that it’s OK to ask for help and to reach out for help. It’s knowing you’re not alone because at some point in time, all of us have felt what you have felt.

“We have an obligation and a duty as a county to stop the stigma associated with reaching out for help. And instead of one feeling shame for reaching out for help, they should be receiving praise for taking that first step.

“The more awareness and education that we can provide, the healthier our communities become, the healthier our residents become and the healthier our children become. I’d like to thank the workforce of all the community providers in the county who continue to provide this essential service during this last year and a half.”

Battaglia’s words prompted heartfelt applause from legislators and those in the audience at the Old County Courthouse. Afterward, she and Thomas Christensen, executive director of the Mental Health Association of Genesee and Orleans Counties, posed for a photo (at top) with legislators Gordon Dibble, left, and Gregg Torrey, right.

Dibble, a member of the mental health community services board, said, “We’re proud of the work they do and the people who work there (at Genesee County Mental Health Services).”

The proclamation reads, in part, “the GCMHS is committed to ensuring that people living with mental health conditions are treated with compassion, respect and understanding, and is working to ensure citizens have access to affordable, quality, evidence-based mental health care.”

For more information about GCMHS, go to Welcome to County of Genesee.

Deputy sheriffs' union leader 'very pleased' that new contract with Genesee County finally has been approved

By Mike Pettinella

Better late than really, really late.

Tonight’s ratification of a four-year contract with Genesee County is a welcome relief for Sgt. John Baiocco, president of the Genesee County Deputy Sheriffs' Association.

“It was long overdue -- because of COVID and changing from County Manager Jay (Gsell) to Matt (Landers). But I think it is fair and equal to both parties, and the extension to four years makes sense because we’re already a year and five months out of it,” Baiocco said during the Genesee County Legislature’s meeting at the Old County Courthouse.

The pact, which is retroactive to Jan. 1, 2020, gives the 45-member-strong union pay raises of 2 percent for both 2020 and 2021, 2.25 percent for 2022 and 2.5 percent for 2023. It also stipulates that deputies will pay a bit more toward health insurance premiums but will receive a bit more in their uniform allowance.

Landers said that it will cost the county about $138,000 to cover the salary increases for last year and this year. About $116,000 of that amount will come from a contingency account and the remainder will be taken from the sheriff’s medical expense line.

Costs for 2022 and 2023 will be included in the budgets for those years, he added.

All in all, Baiocco said the association is “very pleased” and is looking forward to getting on with “our regular police business.”

In other action, the legislature:

  • Passed a resolution to accept $170,000 for a second round of funding from the state Septic System Replacement Program to repair and replace substandard septic systems located along Tonawanda Creek, Bowen Brook, Bigelow Creek and Oatka Creek.

Previously, the county received $150,000 in the program’s first round of funding. The latest agreement with the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation of Albany runs through Dec. 31, 2026.

Nola Goodrich-Kresse, public health educator/information officer, said homeowners can check whether they qualify for the program by sending an email to health.dept@co.genesee.ny/us and write Septic System Replacement Funding in the subject line.

Upon approval, an award approval letter would be sent to the individual and once the system is installed, the individual would need to complete and submit a reimbursement request form.

Eligibility is based on owners living within 250 feet of a specific stream or tributary that has been identified to be covered under this program, she said, adding that funding covers only septic systems that are failing.

Goodrich-Kresse said $86,533 has been paid out of the first round money thus far.

  • Learned from Legislature Chair Rochelle Stein that the final session of the Finger Lakes Control Room, a key communication arm during the coronavirus pandemic, is scheduled for this Friday – one year after the group’s first meeting.

“Hopefully, there is a light at the end of this tunnel,” she said.

County legislators unanimously pass local law allowing 12- and 13-year-olds to hunt deer under supervision

By Mike Pettinella

The Genesee County Legislature this evening, with the blessing of local sportsman’s groups, unanimously passed a local law authorizing 12- and 13-year-old licensed hunters to hunt deer with a firearm or crossbow during hunting season under strict supervision.

“As a sportsman, hunter, mother and grandmother, this is a well advised and educated opportunity to continue the tradition that we have embraced in Genesee County,” said Legislature Chair Rochelle Stein upon passage of the law that coincides with a New York State two-year pilot program.

Stein was speaking at the legislature’s meeting at the Old County Courthouse and via Zoom videoconferencing – a session attended by several members of the Genesee County Federation of Sportsman’s Clubs.

Two of those GCFSC representatives were LeRoyans Mike Ciociola and Glen Adams, who had been following the process that resulted in the law becoming reality. The resolution was introduced last month after state lawmakers approved the program in accordance with Environmental Conservation Law. A public hearing today preceded the official vote.

“I am glad that the Genesee County Legislature went along with this and I would just like the public to know that this was an informed decision that was made,” Ciociola said. “I know some people, when they hear 12- and 13-year-olds, they’re worried. But the safety of this is in place as many other states have hunting at this age, and they have almost nonexistent incidences of 12- and 13-year-olds being involved in a hunting-related accident.”

Ciociola underscored the fact that state hunting officials, the Department of Environmental Conservation, and the NYS Fish & Wildlife Management Board have carefully considered this legislation.

“And our Federation of Sportsman’s Clubs represents about 1,200 sportsmen,” he said. “If you look at Genesee County as an average county and multiply it by all the other counties in the state, that’s a lot of sportsmen who have been through this.”

He said he is part of a group of people “who were raised hunting and taught our kids to hunt.”

“I think there are a lot of good safety protocols built into this – the wearing of blaze orange, having to be in a control distance of the youth at all times, no off the ground stands. There have been precautions taken and you have to understand that this is a two-year trial period. So, we’re confident that this is going to be good.”

During the public hearing, Adams thanked the legislature for moving the local law along quickly and emphasized the many supervisory aspects of the law.

Afterward, he mentioned the club’s ongoing hunter education, adding that he believes the law will lead to a natural flow of young hunters obtaining their licenses and receiving the required training to go into the field safely.

Legislators Christian Yunker and John Deleo spoke favorably of the proposal, pointing out that hunting is a “valued tradition” in the county and that bringing more youth into the sport is a positive step to continuing deer management practices.

Specifically, the local law allows hunters age 12 and 13 to hunt deer with a crossbow, rifle, shotgun, or muzzle-loaded firearm through Dec. 31, 2023, with the supervision of a licensed adult.

State requirements include the following:

  • Such minor is accompanied by their parent or legal guardian, or by a person designated in writing by such parent or legal guardian on a form prescribed by the Environmental Conservation Department who is 21 years of age or older;
  • Such parent, guardian or person has had at least three years’ experience in hunting deer;
  • Such parent, guardian or person holds a hunting license;
  • Such parent, guardian or person maintains physical control over the minor at all times while hunting;
  • Such parent, guardian or person and the minor remain at ground level at all times while hunting;
  • Such parent, guardian or person and the minor shall each display either a minimum total of 250 square inches of solid fluorescent orange or pink or patterned fluorescent orange or pink consisting of no less than 50-percent fluorescent orange or pink material worn above the waist and visible from all directions, or a hat or cap with no less than 50 percent of the exterior consisting of solid fluorescent orange or pink material and visible from all directions.

Planners expected to consider outdoor dining site at Red Osier, sizeable campground on Perry Road in Pavilion

By Mike Pettinella

The Genesee County Planning Board is in for a busy night on Thursday with an agenda featuring 17 referrals, including a proposal to build an outdoor dining space at the Red Osier Landmark Restaurant in Stafford and another to develop a 346-site campground and recreation area on Perry Road in Pavilion.

The meeting will take place at 7 o’clock via Zoom videoconferencing.

Owners Timothy Adams and Steven Foster have submitted a site plan and request for a special use permit to place an outdoor dining pavilion at the rear of the Red Osier property on Route 5.

Plans call for the covered shelter to be set on a 30- by 40-foot concrete pad to the south of the restaurant. The owners also are looking to add a portable 12- by 24-foot manufactured shed for storage and aesthetics, adding that the dumpster will be relocated away from that area and also will be on a concrete pad and fenced in.

Preliminary word is that planning department staff suggests approval of the referral, stating that the proposed pavilion and improvements should pose no significant countywide or intercommunity impact.

Jesse Coots, of Le Roy, submitted a site plan and is asking for a special use permit to create and operate the campground at 10156 Perry Road. The plan calls for building it in two phases, using 20 to 30 acres of a 94-acre parcel that is zoned Agricultural-Residential. Currently, the land consists of woodland and farm fields.

Approval with modification is recommended by planning staff, who are asking the board to require the applicant to provide proof that there will be no adverse impact upon wetlands and to obtain a stormwater permit from the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

Other referrals include the following:

  • Rezoning of 211 E. Main St., Batavia, from P-2 (Planned Development) to C-3 (Commercial) for consistency purposes prior to demolition of Cary Hall and eventual construction of the Healthy Living Campus joint venture between the GLOW YMCA and United Memorial Medical Center.

Currently, Cary Hall is not being used. It formerly housed medical offices and, before that, was the home of the McAuley School of Practical Nursing.

County planning staff has determined that the zoning change is not inconsistent with the City of Batavia’s comprehensive plan adopted in 2017 and should go forward.

  • A site plan review of a new liquor store at 9 E. Main St., Corfu, to be owned and operated by Brittany Schafer.

In documents submitted by Schafer, she plans to call the business Brittany’s Booze Barn and be open from the hours of 1 to 8 p.m., hopefully by July 4. It is in a Commercial-Residential District with existing residential space upstairs.

Planning staff recommends approval.

  • A special use permit to develop a 5-megawatt community solar project at 7209 Oak Orchard Road, Elba, just south of Route 262, covering half of a 55-acre parcel owned by CY Properties LLC.

Documents state that NY CDG Genesee I LLC, of Acton, Ontario, Canada, is planning to install about 16,400 solar panels on 200 free standing tracking solar table modules, as well as new electrical equipment, accessories, concrete pads for equipment and new gravel access drive.

The land is zoned Business and Agricultural-Residential.

A letter from LaBella Associates, representing the solar group, indicates that a PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) agreement through the Genesee County Economic Development Center will be requested.

County planning staff has determined that since the project will be on prime farm land, the applicant should relocate the portion of the driveway and equipment pad currently proposed through the middle of the field to the edge of the field or amend the decommissioning plan to minimize the impact on the soil.

  • A special use permit request by Tanya Peal to operate a one-chair hair salon in her home at 1 Farnsworth Ave., Oakfield, in a Residential District. Her paperwork indicates that customers will be received on an appointment-only basis and she has room to park four vehicles.

The recommendation of county staff is for approval.

  • An area variance for Rochester Regional Health to modify the size of parking spaces from 10- by 20-feet to 9- by 18-feet at the site of its proposed 140,000-square-foot medical office building at 8103 Oak Orchard Road, Batavia – north of the Thruway exit. The change would increase the number of parking spots from 360 to 432.

Consultants for RRH state that the modification will allow the required amount of onsite parking to be provided, while satisfying the town’s request for an access agreement along the northern boundary of the site. The access requirement reduces slightly the space for parking, resulting in the need to go to a 9 by 18 parking spot configuration.

Planning staff has determined that the proposed variance should pose no significant countywide or intercommunity impact.

Law and Order: Man accused of burglarizing garage in Stafford, then selling property in Batavia

By Billie Owens

David J. Reschke, no age or address provided, was arrested after an investigation by the Genesee County Sheriff's Office into a reported burglary Feb. 12 at a detached garage on Transit Road in the Town of Stafford. He is charged with two counts of second-degree forgery and one count of criminal possession of stolen property. It is also alleged that the stolen property from the burglary was sold at a business in the Town of Batavia under a false name and that an additional sales transaction was made on a separate date at a business in the Town of Batavia by Reschke under a false name. He was arraigned virtually in Genesee County Court and released on his own recognizance because the charges against him do not qualify for bail under the NYS bail reform law. Reschke is due in Town of Batavia Court at a later, unspecified date.

Aaron Michael Raegan Hatt, 25, of Broadway Road, Alexander, is charged with second-degree burglary and first-degree criminal contempt. Hatt was arrested following a complaint on Broadway Road, Alexander at 4:30 a.m. April 28. It is alleged that the defendant entered a residence of protected persons, who have a full stay away order of protection against him, ultimately resulting in subjecting them to physical contact. Hatt was arraigned in Genesee County Court and put in jail on $1,000 cash bail, $2,500 bond or $5,000 partially secured bond. He is due for a call appearance in Town of Alexander Court on May 25. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Howard Wilson, assisted by Deputy Rachel Diehl.

Rose Mary Christian suggests trustees reduce salaries to cut school spending

By Howard B. Owens

Sixth Ward Councilwoman Rose Mary Christian spoke up Monday at the city schools board of trustees meeting on behalf, she said, of her constituents, decrying the high cost of education in an age of tighter household budgets.

"I really don't have any solution," Christian said near the end of her remarks. "I'm asking you to seriously think about the people who live in this community and are having a hard time right now."

She noted that assessments have gone up throughout the city and that is putting more of a squeeze on some households.

She asked if the board considered reducing salaries for teachers and other staff members.

"Everything is escalating and it's hurting everyone, even you," she said.

She also asked that Sacred Heart once again be used as a polling station in school district elections.

On May 8, voters will chose among four candidates for three positions on the school board and whether to approve a $661 spending plan for the district for 2021-22, an increase of $625,935 from the current year.

The proposed tax levy (the aggregated of all property taxes collected in the school tax) is $19,493,958, exactly as it is in the current year.  

State and federal aid covers most of the rest of the district's spending.

Photo: Still from video of Monday's meeting.

Genesee County has 32 new coronavirus cases since Friday

By Press Release

Press release:

New data format: We will be reporting the total number of positive cases, ages, number of active cases / mandatory isolation and on Fridays we will include the NYS Fatality Data.

We will no longer be reporting by region, facility data, negative and recovered numbers.

Hospitalizations and ages of new positive individuals will be reported in the narrative. 

The total age breakdown and potential community exposure risks will continue to be posted on our websites. The data reporting chart will also include the Finger Lakes COVID Vaccination Hub updates on vaccination in both total number and percentage.

Genesee County is reporting 32 new positive cases of COVID-19 since Friday

  • The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. 
  • Five of the current positive individuals are hospitalized.

Orleans County is reporting 37 new positive cases of COVID-19 since Friday.  

  • The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s.
  • Zero of the current positive individuals are hospitalized.

'Honing their craft.' Sanzo Beverage to distribute Eli Fish Brewing Co. core brands to several WNY counties

By Mike Pettinella

Eli Fish Brewing Co. is counting on Sanzo Beverage to distribute and promote its core brands, with the goal of introducing Western New York to the independent brewery’s expertise in the craft beer industry and to attract beer lovers to the City of Batavia.

Owners and key employees of the two Batavia businesses announced the joint venture Monday afternoon at the Eli Fish location at 109 Main St.

“We’ve been established as a maker of fine products and for our restaurant in Batavia and we just celebrated our third anniversary,” said Matt Gray, Eli Fish co-owner. “We’ve grown each and every year, and the next logical step is to start this distribution in our own home territory and we’re really thrilled about partnering with Sanzo Beverage.”

Rick Sanzo, owner of Sanzo Beverage, which has been in Batavia since Jan. 1, 1995, said his distribution system is set up for Eli Fish to grow its market share.

“I always told Matt that I would be interested in being a part of Eli Fish if the opportunity every arose,” Sanzo said. “Now, they are making enough beer – they have the tanks to support a mobile canning line – for the hauling of cans and kegs (draft beer). Matty finally let me know that they had the capacity, that they could branch out and we were very interested in branching out with them.”

Sanzo said his company currently trucks beer to Genesee, Wyoming, Orleans, Cattaraugus and Allegany counties and has a group that will distribute it to Erie, Niagara and Monroe counties.

“Batavia is making great beer and Adam (Burnett, the head brewer at Eli Fish) is very well respected in the brewing industry. If we can get it into people’s hands and make Batavia a destination – get people to come here and try the beer – we think it’s great for our community as there are a lot of locally owned businesses that people can go to here.”

Initially, the plan is to distribute three principal brands -- Strange Days, a Scotch ale; Pillow Talk, a witbier (Belgian wheat), and Maple Blueberry Sunshine, a Six Flags Darien Lake co-branded product. The latter is brewed, packaged and sold by Eli Fish for Darien Lake to sell under its name.

“We’re excited about the initial launch of Strange Days, Pillow Talk and Maple Blueberry, both in cans and draft,” said Mark Stark, vice president/craft for Sanzo Beverage. “The nice thing about having a hometown brewery in our network is that if you have the obscure place that is looking for something a bit different, Eli Fish has 23 varieties on tap. We can come and get them because they’re right in our backyard, and we are able to provide these brews to our customers.”

Burnett said that 23 of the 24 beers on tap at the brewery are Eli Fish-made beers, with the other being a cider that is mixed outside of Batavia.

“We have light lagers, pale ales, IPAs (India Pale Ale), stouts, sours, fruited beers and seltzers,” Burnett said. “I try to keep at least two or three of each of those on all the time.”

Eli Fish co-owner Jon Mager handled the brewing on a full-time basis when the business opened, but now assists Burnett.

“I was brewing everything for about a year but working with my other day job (as the owner of Arctic Refrigeration), it started to take a toll,” he said. “I knew Adam from high school and we brought him in full time. Now, I relieve Adam when he needs a break.”

Burnett pointed out that they get all of the malt needed for the brews from Batavian Ted Hawley, who provides it from his Bank Street Road location.

“About 95 percent of beer is malt while hops are minimal,” Burnett explained. “A normal batch of beer is going to be 500 pounds of malt and five pounds of hops. We dechlorinate city water and use salts to make the profile mimic the styles were trying to create.”

Gray said his company has done “very limited self-distribution to a couple local restaurants in town that we have relationships with (including Alex’s Place, which he also owns).”

Sanzo said his drivers will take the beer to restaurants, bars, stores – any venue that has a liquor license.

“They’re already partnering with Darien Lake so that’s a huge sampling opportunity. Maybe this year, the amphitheater will open up again and we can do some sampling there, too,” he said.

Eli Fish also makes Muckdog beer – the official craft beer of the Batavia Muckdogs, who open their baseball season at Dwyer Stadium on June 4.

Gray said he hopes that getting Eli Fish beer to other locales will result in more traffic in Downtown Batavia.

“We’re a community-focused business and we love being downtown, We chose to be downtown for a reason,” he said. “We hope that people who do visit here walk downtown, go to other restaurants and other bars, and go shopping. It helps the entire community.”

For more information about Eli Fish Brewing Co., go to its website –

Photo at top: Jon Mager and Matt Gray of Eli Fish Brewing Co.; Rick Sanzo of Sanzo Beverage, and Adam Burnett, head brewer for Eli Fish; bottom, Adam Burnett stands next to brewing apparatus. Photos by Mike Pettinella.

Council member, BHA director applaud city police for quick and decisive action in stopping drug deal

By Mike Pettinella

The City of Batavia Police Department came through with flying colors last month while thwarting a suspected drug deal in the parking lot at the 400 Towers senior apartment complex at 400 E. Main St., but that’s what the executive director of the Batavia Housing Authority has come to expect from municipal law enforcement.

“I observed two different suspected deals, and the second one just after 5 p.m. seemed like it was just starting,” said Nathan Varland, who heads the agency that operates 400 Towers along with other locations in the city. “So, I called 9-1-1 and they sent a car over without lights and sirens to see what they could see and they jumped right into it. It was very responsive and helpful to us, and I very much appreciate the help and support of police and fire.”

The Batavian contacted Varland by telephone this morning, following up on a report by City Council Member Al McGinnis at Monday night’s City Council meeting about the way in which police officers handled the matter.

McGinnis, a commissioner on the BHA board of directors, said the housing authority “would like to thank Chief (Shawn) Heubusch and his people for responding quickly and professionally to the drug issues that occurred at 400 Towers.”

“The manager (Varland) was out for a run in the evening and came back to his place and noticed some individuals dealing drugs,” he said. “He immediately called the police chief and they responded with no lights and no sirens. They were able to contain them and stop the deal, and arrest the perpetrators.”

Varland said some of the residents have witnessed suspected drug deals “where people have met in our parking lot and did not live here – they were not residents.”

“It didn’t seem like there was a ton of activity going on but it seemed to be increasing. So, I contacted Chief Heubusch and a couple people on the police department, asking for some advice,” he offered. “They were super responsive, super supportive. I just can’t say enough good things about the help that they provided to us, and just how quickly they responded when we needed help.”

Varland said he is not aware of any suspicious activity at the location since then, and is grateful for city emergency services personnel’s continuing protection.

“We count on them,” he said. “Honestly, we wouldn’t be in business without Batavia police and fire. They’re just so supportive in helping to meet all of our needs here.”

Water surcharge on City of Batavia residents' bills is byproduct of 40-year agreement with Genesee County

By Mike Pettinella

A small additional fee on City of Batavia residents’ quarterly water bill is all part of a “master plan."

The surcharge, which is based on water consumption, was the subject of a brief exchange at tonight’s City Council meeting at the City Hall Council Board Room.

Council Member Robert Bialkowski, after complimenting tax assessor Rhonda Saulsbury for explaining the property assessment process to citizens that he referred to her, reported that he has encountered “a lot of skepticism” over the home values – mostly increases – that recently were mailed.

“Everybody thinks that once that assessment has changed, we’re going to grab all that money,” he said. “I’ve explained how … the tax doesn’t go into effect until next year. It’s just one of those tough things.”

Then, he said he noticed that there is an additional fee on this year’s tax bill for water.

City Manager Rachael Tabelski said it is a water surcharge imposed by Genesee County that is in the second year of the two municipalities’ 40-year water supply agreement.

Following the meeting, Tabelski explained that the actual surcharge is $1.20 per 1,000 gallons used.

“The charge that shows up on the quarterly water bill is 60 cents per 1,000 gallons and the other 60 cents per 1,000 gallons used will be on the homeowners’ annual city tax bill,” she said.

Tabelski said the rate is based on the water master plan of Genesee County, which sells water to the city on a wholesale basis.

Council passed four resolutions tonight:

  • The referral of a petition from the GLOW YMCA and United Memorial Medical Center to rezone 211 E. Main St. from P-2 (Planned Development/medical office building) to C-3 (Commercial) to the City Planning & Development Committee for review.

The zoning change is necessary to have all parcels designated Commercial before the construction of the two entities’ Healthy Living Campus.

Currently, Cary Hall (formerly McAuley School of Practical Nursing) sits on that land.

Council’s action moves the matter to the PDC for consideration at its May 18 meeting. The Genesee County Planning Board is scheduled to make its recommendation at its meeting on Thursday.

Once the PDC makes its ruling, the petition will go back to City Council, which will set a public hearing – likely next month.

  • A $161,890 contract with Grove Roofing Services Inc., of Buffalo, to perform the Phase II roof replacement at the City Centre. Grove Roofing performed the first phase of the roof repairs and replacement to the city’s satisfaction, Tabelski said.
  • A contract not to exceed $29,412 with AJ’s Tree Service of East Amherst to trim and remove trees in the city during the course of the 2021-22 fiscal year. Costs are determined on the size of the trees to be removed.
  • The closing out of a Mall Fund after the issuance of a check for $13,970.84 from the city to mall merchants. Tabelski said the check was cashed last month, leaving no other cash in that fund.

In other developments, Council approved an All Babies Cherished vendor event for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 22 at the City Centre mall concourse, and the Memorial Day parade for 9:45 a.m. May 31, starting on East Main Street.

Council Member Rose Mary Christian said that she attended tonight’s Batavia City School District Board of Education meeting prior to the City Council meeting, and let board members know that the school district has the highest tax rate in the county, followed by Genesee County and then the City of Batavia.

She said she asked them to reduce the rate, especially since students were not in school all year – resulting in savings in the amount of gas, electric, water and transportation used.

“They also presented their budget, which wasn’t that bad but it’s not that great either,” she said.

Law and Order: Man accused of choking woman, then throwing 'a hissy fit' upon arrest

By Billie Owens

Isaac C. King (inset photo right), 34, no address provided, was arrested at 12:19 a.m. on May 1 following a domestic incident on Walnut Street in Batavia. He allegedly unlawfully entered a residence where a woman and child lived. While inside, King is accused of choking the woman while the child was present. King then left the residence. When located by Batavia police, King allegedly resisted arrest, fell to the ground and feigned a medical issue. "King continued to be passive resistant and threw a hissy fit, crying and screaming, refusing to get in the back of a patrol car on his own accord." King is charged with: second-degree burglary -- entering a dwelling unlawfully; third-degree robbery; endangering the welfare of a child; criminal obstruction of breathing/blood circulation; and resisting arrest.

James J. Santiago Jr. (inset photo left), 41, no address provided, allegedly refused to leave the porch of an address on Washington Avenue in the City of Batavia and a physical altercation with the resident ensued. Santiago was arrested at 10:39 p.m. May 3 and and arraigned in Batavia City Court. He is charged with: third-degree assault; trespassing; second-degree menacing and criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree. He was subsequently put in Genesee County Jail without bail. In addition, he is a registered Level 2 sex offender who had an arrest warrant out of city court for failure to sign an address verification form, first offense, and failure to notify authorities of a change of address within 10 days, first offense. Santiago is scheduled to appear in Batavia City Court on June 2.

Aaron Michael Pawikowski, 60, of Sumner Road, Darien, is charged with failure to verify address withon 90 days -- with prior offense(s). At 1:20 p.m. on April 29, Pawlikowski -- a registered Level 3 sex offender with three prior felony convictions -- was arrested for failure to verify his address, which he is required to do every 90 days. He was taken to Genesee County Jail for fingerprints, arraigned in county court and put in jail due to his prior felony convictions. He is due back in county court on May 26. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Zachary Hoy, assisted by Deputy Travis DeMuth.

William Richard Kapelke, 39, of Main Street, Batavia, is charged with second-degree contempt. The defendant was arrested at 11:28 a.m. on West Main Street Road, Batavia, for allegedly violating an order of protection by being at the residence of the protected party. He was issued an appearance ticket for Town of Batavia Court and is due there on May 27. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Kevin McCarthy.

John Edward Sackett, 54, of County Line Road, Hamlin, is charged with: driving while intoxicated -- first offense; refusal to take a breath test; and moving from lane unsafely. At 10:45 p.m. on May 8, deputies responded to Route 19 in Bergen for a motorcycle crash with injuries. It is alleged that Sackett was northbound and went off the east shoulder of the roadway, striking a road sign. Sackett was treated for his injuries at a hospital and released with appearance tickets. He is due in Bergen Town Court June 2. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Kenneth Quackenbush, assisted by Deputy Nicholas Chamoun.

Cheryl Figoura, 41, no address provided, was arrested at 12:30 p.m. May 1 and charged with petit larceny for allegedly stealing $800 from a coworker at a restaurant on East Main Street in Batavia where they worked. Figoura was issued an appearance ticket and released.

Zachary Russell Reed, 30, of West Main Street Road, Batavia, is charged with second-degree harassment. Reed was arrested at 12:20 p.m. on April 26 on West Main Street Road for allegedly being involved in a physical altercation with another person. He was due in Town of Batavia Court on May 6. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Kevin McCarthy, assisted by Sgt. John Baiocco.

Roger Kevin Brinkman, 57, of Main Road, Stafford, is charged with second-degree menacing. It is alleged that at 1 p.m. on May 6 Brinkman was involved in a property dispute about an air conditioner and during an altercation he displayed a knife and menaced the other parties involved. He is due in Oakfield Town Court on June 7. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Sgt. John Baiocco, assisted by Trooper Brackett Valleha Franz.

Andre Roberts, 28, no address provided, was arrested at 9:35 p.m. May 4 on three bench warrants and an arrest warrant -- all out of City of Batavia Court. He was taken into custody by the Rochester Police Department after being located by them during an unrelated matter. After arraignment in City of Batavia Court, Roberts was jailed on $20,000 bail, $40,000 bond, or $80,000 partially secured bond. He is due back in city court on May 20.

Consultant: Zoning change needed before Cary Hall can be taken down to make room for Healthy Living Campus

By Mike Pettinella

Before Cary Hall at 211 E. Main St. can come tumbling down, the land that it sits on needs to be rezoned, according to the consultant representing the GLOW YMCA and United Memorial Medical Center in their efforts to construct a new Healthy Living Campus in Downtown Batavia.

David Ciurzynski of Ciurzynski Consulting LLC, of Attica, has petitioned City Council to change the zoning of that parcel from P-2 (Planned Development) to C-3 (Commercial) in order to have all of the land involved in the state Downtown Revitalization Initiative project under the same zoning designation.

P-2 refers to the current office medical building that is on the site originally occupied by the Cary Mansion, which was demolished in 1964 after nearly 150 years as a historical landmark.

“We have to take three or four parcels and combine them into one for the new building,” Ciurzynski said today. “It’s a commonplace process in projects such as this.”

The matter is on the agenda of Monday night’s City Council Special Conference and Business meetings.

A $30 million venture, the building will provide integrated services of the YMCA and UMMC, which is part of the Rochester Regional Health system. Construction is scheduled to start this fall and is expected to last into 2023.

The two-story facility will be situated on a stretch of land between the current YMCA and Wiard Street, covering 211 and 213 E. Main St. The parcel at 213 E. Main St., which once was the site of the Batavia Elks Home, is zoned C-3.

In his letter to City Council, Ciurzynski wrote that 211 E. Main St. “was likely kept as P-2 given the use of the building at the time of the zoning map changes.”

“The property was most recently used as a medical office building storage (it is empty now) and will be demolished to make room for the new GLOW YMCA/UMMC Healthy Living Campus upon approval of this rezone request," he wrote. "Upon completion of the new campus, the existing YMCA will be demolished.”

City Manager Rachael Tabelski, in a memo dated April 29 to City Council, advised that Council has the authority to refer matters such as these to the City Planning & Development Committee for review and recommendation. Thus, Council will consider a resolution drafted to make that happen.

Some history of 211 E. Main St., per a story on The Batavian, from 2012.

  • The Cary Mansion was sold to St. Jerome Hospital in 1959 and it was taken down with about 30 days' notice five years later per orders of the hospital’s board of directors;
  • The hospital began building a nursing school on the back of the property and then with very little notice decided to tear down the mansion to expand the nursing school, which was called the Catherine McAuley School of Practical Nursing. The program ran from 1963 to 1981.
  • In 2012, a marker commemorating the mansion site was erected. The inscription reads: 1817-1964. A gift to his wife by Trumbull Cary, merchant, bank founder, NYS senator and first Batavia treasurer. The marker was paid for by the William C. Pomeroy Foundation.
  • The building is now called Cary Hall and is owned by UMMC.

UPDATED: GO Health: Pop-up clinics start Monday for free COVID-19 vaccines, also rapid test drive-thru clinic is Thursday

By Press Release

UPDATED 10:28 a.m.: We were just now alerted by the health department that the hyperlinks they provided were incorrect for two Moderna vaccine clinics in Medina -- the one today and Thursday. They have been corrected in this post.

Press release:

Next week Genesee Orleans County Health Departments will be on the road with Pop-up Clinics. Clinics with Johnson & Johnson Janssen (J & J) and Moderna will be available for walk-in and registration. Pfizer clinics are by registration only.

“As we transition away from the larger mass vaccination clinic approach, we will be hosting mobile clinics that will be held in various locations throughout our communities along with smaller-scaled clinics at both of the health departments moving forward,” said Paul Pettit, Public Health director for GO Health.  “Working with community partners in both counties is a great way to reach out to those who want to be vaccinated against COVID.”

J & J and Moderna clinics offer walk-in opportunities; however, we encourage you to register via the vaccination webpage and choose the vaccine that best works for you. You can also click on the direct links in the grid below.

For those who do not have internet they can call the GO Health Vaccine Registration Help Lines:  

  • Genesee:  (585) 815-7168
  • Orleans:  (585) 589-3170

These lines are ONLY to make vaccine appointments, are not able to answer COVID-related questions, and are not associated with either Health Department.  

“With everyone looking forward to the summer and the looser restrictions we encourage everyone to get vaccinated now,” Pettit said. “There are plenty of options to get any of the three vaccines offered. For your health and the health of others, we encourage everyone who is able to be vaccinated to get vaccinated now.”

If you are interested in making an appointment to get your COVID-19 vaccination, now is the time to do it locally!  

If you are a business/church/organization that is interested in hosting a vaccination clinic at your location, please fill out this surveyOne of our staff members will be in contact with you.

For those who are seeking testing, both health departments provide limited free rapid testing for those without symptoms at the respective Health Departments.

For Genesee County, a rapid test drive-through clinic is scheduled for May 13th 1:15 to 3:15 p.m. at County Building #2, 3837 W. Main Street Road, Batavia.

For Orleans County, a rapid test clinic is scheduled for May 12th 10 - 10:30 a.m. at the Orleans County Health Department at 14016 Route 31 West, Albion.

To register for rapid testing go to the GO Health testing page and choose your preferred clinic location. 




Monday - May 10 - Rideway Fire Hall, 11392 Ridge Road, Medina

  • 9 - 11:30 a.m.
  • 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Moderna: Walk-ins & By Appointment --

J&J: Walk-ins


Tuesday - May 11 -- Six Flags Darien Lake, Human Resources building, 1501 Sumner Road, Corfu

  • 1 - 5 p.m.

J&J: Walk-ins & By Appointment --

Pfizer: Appointment Only --


Wednesday May 12 -- Genesee Community College Athletic Arena, 1 College Road, Batavia

  • 9 - 11 a.m.

Moderna: Walk-ins & By Appointment --

J&J: Walk-ins


Thursday - May 13 -- Ridgeway Fire Hall, 11392 Ridge Road, Medina

  • 1 - 4 p.m.

Moderna: Walk-ins & By Appointment --

J&J: Walk-ins


Friday - May 14 -- Batavia Downs Gaming & Hotel, 8315 Park Road, Batavia

  • 3 - 7 p.m.

J&J: Walk-ins & By Appointment --


Saturday - May 15 -- Genesee Community College Athletic Arena, 1 College Road, Batavia

  • 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Pfizer: Appointment Only --

J&J: Walk-ins

Law and Order: Man accused of beating people for not wearing face masks inside Flying J

By Billie Owens

Jeremy Sinclair Logan, 44, of Meadville Road, Tonawanda Indian Reservation, is charged with second-degree assault and third-degree assault, which are, respectively, a Class D felony and a Class A misdemeanor. He was arrested at 8:50 p.m. May 4 at the Flying J Travel Center on Alleghany Road in Pembroke after he allegedly struck two victims in the face and head multiple times, causing injuries to both victims, for not wearing face coverings inside the store. Logan was arraigned in Pembroke Town Court then released on his own recognizance because the crimes he's accused of committing are not qualifying offenses for bail. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy James Stack, assisted by Sgt. Jason Saile.

Connor Lee Andrews, 21, of Bacon Street, Le Roy, is charged with: operating a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs -- first offense; criminal possession of a controlled substance; vehicle operator leaving the scene of a property damage accident; and failure to keep right on a two-lane road. At 8:27 p.m. on May 3, a Genesee County Sheriff's deputy responded to Route 19 in the Town of Le Roy for a report of a hit-and-run accident. The vehicle was found on Bacon Street in the Village of Le Roy. Andrews allegedly possessed methamphetamine and cocaine at the time of his arrest. He was released with appearance tickets returnable to Le Roy Town Court on June 1. The case was handled by Deputy Kenneth Quackenbush.

John Willie Fore, 49, of Batavia (no address provided), was arrested at 9:28 p.m. on May 3 on Alexander Road in the Town of Batavia. It is alleged that he was driving while intoxicated -- first offense -- while having a BAC of .08 percent or more. He was arraigned in Batavia Town Court and is due to return there on May 13. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Austin Heberlein, assisted by Deputy Kyle Krzemien.

Town planners seek screening projections before they will issue special use permit for Med Tech Drive solar system

By Mike Pettinella

The Batavia Town Planning Board -- not satisfied with the answers they received regarding screening from a neighboring couple’s home – on Tuesday night tabled for a second time a proposal to install a ground-mounted solar system off R. Stephen Hawley Drive, across from Genesee Community College.

Batavia Solar LLC is looking to acquire a special use permit to construct the 1.65-megawatt system on vacant land at 99 Med Tech Drive, owned by the Genesee Gateway Local Development Corp., which has an office in the nearby Med Tech building.

Town planners requested Kaelyn Roche and Jim Taravella, project representatives, to provide one-, five- and 10-year simulations of how the property will look with adequate screenings, such as trees and berms, to obscure the solar panels from the sight of Robert and Michelle Wood, who live at 8244 Batavia Stafford Townline Road.

This is what the board had asked for during an April 20 site plan review and special use permit request consideration, when it tabled the proposal until this week’s meeting. Apparently, the information provided on Tuesday is still insufficient.

Roche, project development manager with YSG Solar in New York City, said that she spoke to Michelle Wood and reported that “we basically came to an agreement that we would work with her down the road and determine what works best for her.”

Taravella, an engineer with LaBella Associates, said that the plan is to plant 15 white spruce trees behind the Wood property, noting that the couple’s garage would also serve as a shield from the solar panels.

“As we near construction we can work with them if they want something other than white spruce,” he said.

During the ensuing discussion, planner Paul Marchese asked if the Woods were given the option to have berms placed on the site.

“I told them they could do whatever they wanted,” Roche replied.

Previously, during a Feb. 2 public hearing, Michelle Wood specifically requested berms:

“We really would like a berm put along the back of it – it protects us and our house. We’re OK and in favor of a solar farm there. We would prefer a solar farm versus a cement industrial building there, so we don’t have a real problem with it. We would just like for them to come to us with what their ideas are and what they’re planning to do.”

After Taravella pointed out that additional screening would be placed along the road to obscure it from traffic and that he would work to keep utility poles to a minimum (a planning board priority), Planning Board Chair Kathy Jasinski asked if it could be passed contingent upon Town Engineer Steve Mountain’s final review and approval.

Mountain and planner Jonathan Long brought up the need for visualizations – what the site would look like down the road, warning that it would be best to make sure everyone is on the same page before getting started.

All six planners at the meeting agreed, prompting Donald Partridge to recommend tabling the referral once again.

“I would like to see this tabled; I’m not ready to vote on it. I’d like to be able to talk to the Woods myself,” he said.

At that point, the board voted unanimously to table it and put it on the next agenda (May 18) as long as Taravella has enough time to provide the computer renderings requested.

The proposal calls for the installation of about 4,500 modules on the 7.95-acre parcel, of which 5.63 acres will be fenced in. Other aspects of the project include an access road with a 13- by 20-foot equipment pad and a 6 foot high chain-link fence around the entire layout. 

In other action, the board approved a special use permit for a drive-thru for the Chipotle restaurant to be put into the existing commercial building at 4222 Veterans Memorial Drive – in space formerly occupied by Metro Mattress.

Mountain said the drive-thru on the northwest side of the building would allow room for the stacking of five cars.

Matt Mahaney, town zoning ordinance compliance officer, said all building and zoning requirements have been met.

Form over function? Promoters of The Ramble Music Fest not in tune with Jackson Square stage design elements

By Mike Pettinella

The redesigned Jackson Square looks great, but is it functional?

That’s a question that promoters of The Batavia Ramble Music & Arts Festival are hoping City of Batavia officials and representatives of Architectural Resources consider before breaking ground on the Downtown Revitalization Initiative project later this year.

“They’re putting too much emphasis on the artistic aspect of the design and they’re forgetting about the practicality of what it is used for,” said Stephen Kowalczyk, who has been involved in sound, lighting and (recently) administration of The Ramble since its inception 13 years ago.

Kowalczyk expressed his opinion this afternoon – a day after community residents made their way to the venue between Jackson and Center streets near Center Street Smoke House for an informational meeting set up by city leaders and the Buffalo design firm hired to bring new life to the property.

Enhancing Jackson Square is being funded by a strategic investment grant of $750,000 from the New York State DRI program.

Kowalczyk and co-promoter Paul Draper said their main issues are with components of the proposed stage – its configuration, roofing material, its height and placement of a handicap ramp. He said they gave suggestions to the architect previously, but believe their input was disregarded.

City Manager Rachel Tabelski, in an email message this afternoon, did report that The Ramble musicians requested officials to re-examine the sound acoustics, specifically the “current canopy design of the stage and the materiality of the canopy as well as the stage height and the ramp access point to the stage.”

She said the city will work with Architectural Resources to modify the design to accommodate the commentary, including the canopy and stage.

“We want the citizens of Batavia to utilize Jackson Square for a multitude of events and will continue to work through design to get it correct,” she said.

Kowalczyk provided his “blueprint” for making the area not only attractive but practical:

  • Changing the stage's proposed glass roof to wood with 50-year metal roofing over it.

He said a see-through roof idea is not appropriate for the setting.

“Maybe in an open park it might work but it does not work in a concrete jungle that is Jackson Square,” he said. “It’s already an acoustical nightmare because of all the concrete walls, and they’re just going to make it worse by adding more reflective surfaces that are angled inappropriately to the way a band would be on stage.”

  • Changing the stage from the proposed oblong shape to a rectangle.

“There are no right angles on the stage. Every single cut that they’re going to have to make in building this is going to be an odd angle that will take more resources and time to build,” he said. “We’re just asking for a simple rectangle stage with a normal roof on it so the band can have its gear protected and have some shade from the sun.”

  • Keeping the height of the stage at 30 inches instead of the proposed 16 and moving a new handicap ramp from the front of the stage to behind it to avoid having to go over any cables and wires.

“The height of the stage is the biggest thing that’s killing me,” he said. “They’re cutting the stage almost in half, which means anyone further back is not going to be able to see anything.”

Kowalczyk said the proposed design “is not functional or practical for any live event out there except maybe a poetry slam.”

“They kept talking about a poetry slam. For someone who has done acoustic shows there, with the motorcycles and trucks going by, you can’t get away with doing anything with the spoken word. It’s too noisy.”

He said he was hoping to attract band recitals and start movie nights, but the stage reconfiguration would make it difficult to hang banners or a projector screen.

Draper said he thinks the architect had “good intentions but they were considering the design more than the utility of the event space.”

“It seems like they could have done a better job if they would have listened to people who actually utilize the space,” he added.

Tabelski said that the pavement and lighting element feedback was “all positive.”

“The concept integrates many historical layers of Batavia including the Great Bend -- changing the trajectory of the Tonawanda Creek -- the Ancient Seneca Footpaths and the history of ‘old’ downtown Batavia,” she said.

Following approval of the final design concept, the project will move to the construction bidding phase. Groundbreaking is expected this fall, with completion anticipated next spring.

A call to Justina Dziama of Architectural Design this morning was not returned.

Architect renderings of the proposed Enhanced Jackson Square project.

County, deputy sheriffs' union agree to contract through 2023; mortgage tax distribution hits new high

By Mike Pettinella

Genesee County Legislature’s Ways & Means Committee this afternoon voted in favor of a four-year contract, retroactive to Jan. 1, 2020, with the Genesee County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association that calls for between 2 and 2 ½ percent annual pay raises.

Terms of the pact include salary increases of 2 percent for both 2020 and 2021, 2.25 percent for 2022, and 2.5 percent for 2023.

Additionally, according to County Manager Matt Landers, deputies will pay slightly more toward the employee share of health insurance premiums but will receive slightly more for the uniform allowance.

Landers said that it was his understanding that the contract passed overwhelmingly in a vote by the union membership, which consists of road patrol deputies, investigators and school resource officers.

A telephone call to Union President John Baiocco was not returned at the time of the posting of this story.

“The contract has expired, so hopefully in the future we can put ourselves in a position to have a contract settled without having any period where there is an expired contract,” Landers said. “That’s my personal goal as county manager and I’m going to work very hard to accomplish that. In this case, COVID threw everything for a loop. This is an atypical contract. I don’t expect the next contract to have a year and half expired before we ratify a new one.”

Landers said Sheriff William Sheron “hammered out directly with the union some things that are more procedural, but as far as monetary terms, we pretty much got that done with both sides agreeing that it is fair.”

Per the resolution, funds to cover contract costs were budgeted in the county’s contingency account.

Landers said that due to vacant positions in the Sheriff’s Office, funds are available to cover a portion of the increase. The total transfer from contingency is $116,199.

Mortgage Tax Distribution Increases

In other action, the committee approved a resolution authorizing County Treasurer Scott German to distribute the first of two mortgage tax payments for 2021 to the City of Batavia and the county’s towns and villages.

The amount to be allocated, $465,343.03, is more than $75,000 higher than the first payment in 2020 and $200,000+ more than the first payment in 2019.

County Clerk Michael Cianfrini said he attributes the increase to the robust housing market.

“It’s probably a combination of the economy improving so you’re seeing more house purchases than you’ve seen in recent years,” he said. “My speculation is that it is due to the fact that housing prices have gone up so much, and the mortgages that people are taking out on the houses are significantly higher than recent years.”

The amount of the mortgage tax distributions are as follows:

  • City of Batavia -- $81,520.65;
  • Town of Alabama -- $12,378.68;
  • Town of Alexander -- $19,562.53;
  • Town of Batavia -- $80,877.17;
  • Town of Bergen -- $24,236.58;
  • Town of Bethany -- $14,662.19;
  • Town of Byron -- $21,697.85;
  • Town of Darien -- $37,676.58;
  • Town of Elba -- $11,478.03;
  • Town of Le Roy -- $43,476.29;
  • Town of Oakfield -- $13,307.92;
  • Town of Pavilion -- $13,335.52;
  • Town of Pembroke -- $44,538.34;
  • Town of Stafford -- $21,776.79;
  • Village of Alexander -- $2,014.82;
  • Village of Attica -- $708.96;
  • Village of Bergen -- $3,348.50;
  • Village of Corfu -- $2,696.30
  • Village of Elba -- $1,418.78;
  • Village of Le Roy -- $12,577.40;
  • Village of Oakfield -- $2,055.15;

The committee also recommended the reappointment of Matt Gray, of Batavia, owner of Eli Fish Brewing Co., to the Board of Directors of the Genesee County Economic Development Center effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2027.

All of the Ways & Means Committee action will be forwarded to the full county legislature at its May 12 meeting.

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