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Bankruptcy judge won't allow Tomaszewski to discharge three debts to victims of his fraud

By Howard B. Owens

A federal bankruptcy judge in Buffalo has ruled that three debts of former funeral director Michael Tomaszewski cannot be discharged under bankruptcy law.

The three debts are part of more than $3.2 million in liabilities Tomaszewski listed when filing for bankruptcy in February 2020. He initially filed for Chapter 11, a reorganization of debts, but changed the filing to a Chapter 7, forgiveness of all debts not covered by available assets, last month.

Yesterday, in a separate criminal matter, Tomaszewski entered a guilty plea to grand larceny, scheme to defraud, offering a false instrument for filing, and untimely burial. Over the summer, the 40-year-old Batavia native was charged with more than 200 counts of criminal conduct stemming from a scheme to divert deposits made on prearrangements for funeral services to his own personal use.

The amount of restitution he will owe former clients will be set at his sentencing on July 13. He faces a possible sentence from two and one-third to seven years in prison. The restitution order could approach $500,000.

In his ruling, Judge Carl L. Bucki cited a section of federal bankruptcy law that says a debtor cannot discharge any debt that was the result of fraud or misrepresentation. 

According to the ruling, Tomaszewski will remain liable for prearrangement deposits from individuals for $10,500, $8,000, and $8,000. Under bankruptcy law, the three individuals are entitled to priority repayment for the first $3,025 of each debt.

The bankruptcy proceedings only include debts listed in the filing. Not all victims of Tomaszewski are listed as claimants in the case.

County reports 15 new COVID cases in past 24 hours

By Press Release

Press release:

  • Genesee County reporting 15 new positive cases of COVID-19.
    • The new positive cases reside in the:
      • West Region (Alabama, Darien, Pembroke)
      • Central Region (Alexander, Batavia, Bethany, Elba, Oakfield) 
      • East Region (Bergen, Byron, Le Roy, Pavilion, Stafford)
  • The individuals are in their 19-20s, 20s, 40s, 50s and 60s. 
  • Twenty-five of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.  
  • Four of the current positive individuals are hospitalized.

Orleans County reporting 13 new positive cases of COVID-19.  

  • The positive cases reside in the:
    • West Region (Yates, Ridgeway, Shelby)
    • Central Region (Carlton, Gaines, Albion, Barre)
    • East Region (Kendall, Murray, Clarendon)
  • The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s.
  • Fourteen of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
  • Two of the new positive individuals was on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
  • Four of the current positive individuals are hospitalized.

Pembroke woman pleads not guilty to animal abuse charges, asks to keep 3 dogs and 2 cats

By Howard B. Owens

A dog breeder in Pembroke who is accused of neglecting and abusing 15 animals on her Akron Road property is prepared to negotiate the future of the animals with Genesee County officials, her attorney told Justice Donald O'Connor today during her appearance in Town Court.

Lori Ann Adolf, 47, is charged with 26 counts of torturing or injuring animals and failure to provide proper sustenance along with one count of endangering a child.

Today, in her first court appearance, she entered a not guilty plea.

Her attorney, Michael Guarino, said that of the 13 dogs and two cats that were taken into the care of the Genesee County Animal Shelter, three of the dogs are the property of other people, and Adolf is ready to sign over seven of the dogs to the shelter so they can be put up for adoption. 

She would like to keep three dogs and two cats.

"The situation was not the way she intended it," Guarino said. "She's now receiving mental health care."

He said his client would like a chance to prove to the county that she can improve her situation and take proper care of her animals.

She has no prior record of animal neglect or abuse and no other criminal record.

The animals have been in county care for four months and sources say are now in good health. When The Batavian visited the shelter last month, the dogs we observed seemed to be in good spirits.

Assistant District Attorney Kaitlynn Schmidt said she and she and Guarino will discuss the disposition of the animals between now and Adolf's next court appearance at 2 p.m., May 5. She said what becomes of the animals will be part of a plea agreement negotiation. She told O'Connor that the prosecution has made no plea offer at this point and has made no commitment that the county will agree to regarding the animals.

O'Connor also signed a no offensive conduct order of protection in regard to the minor who was apparently at Adolf's house while these animals were allegedly being mistreated.

Previously: Pembroke woman arrested after deputy allegedly finds 13 dogs, two cats in deplorable conditions

City assessor: Higher market values lead to increase in property assessments

By Mike Pettinella

In light of the frustration expressed at Monday night’s City Council meeting by two Batavia residents over the assessment letters they had received earlier in the day, The Batavian reached out to the city’s assessor for insight into the process of determining a home’s fair market value.

Rhonda Saulsbury, assessor for both the City and Town of Batavia, responding to an email, said that while many factors are considered for comparison purposes, all of a home’s information is run through a computer program prior to conducting a field review.

“The City of Batavia strives to maintain a 100-percent equalization rate -- sale price to assessment ratio -- which means that we keep our assessments at market value,” Saulsbury said. “To accomplish this, we do yearly revaluation and make adjustments accordingly. Values can adjust due to physical changes and/or market changes.”

Saulsbury said each property is placed into an appraisal software system, comparing the building style, square footage, year built, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and lot size against the recent sales data.

“We then do field review to determine the fair market value based on the aforementioned data,” she added.

She said that each neighborhood within the city is reviewed annually, but “we only update values in those that have experienced an increase in market values, thus we end up ‘rotating’ the neighborhoods.”

“This year we sent out just over 4,300 change-of-assessment notices throughout the city,” she said.

As mentioned at Monday’s meeting, the city canceled this process in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, sales of homes in the $100,000 to $200,000 have been extremely brisk.

“Now, as sale values have continued to climb upwards 20-plus percent above assessments, we are again adjusting assessed values in accordance with New York State Real Property Tax Law guidelines,” Saulsbury advised.

She said property owners have opportunities for assessment review if they believe they could not sell their property for the new assessed market value.

“The procedures to request the review are included with the change-of-assessment-notices (see the link to the previous story below). As at any time, we encourage an open-door policy to anyone with a question or concern,” she said. 

Property owners can call 1-866-910-1776 to inquire about the valuation process or informal assessment review process, Saulsbury said, and they also can receive an email with the individual market document that includes the specific sales used for any given property. 

If a property owner does not have access to a computer, printer or scanner, all relevant forms can be picked up at the City Clerk’s Office Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Saulsbury also said that the City of Batavia sale and inventory books used to calculate the new assessed values can also be viewed any time in the City Clerk’s Office or at Richmond Memorial Library to help in preparing an Informal Review Application. 

To access the above-mentioned information online, go to: and look for the RED links. 

To submit the Informal Review Application, email it to: or bring it into the City Clerk's Office.

Previously: Council advice to angry homeowners: Take your concerns to 'Grievance Day'

School districts responding to new COVID-19 guidance from state

By Howard B. Owens

New guidance from the NYS Department of Health instructs school districts to set rules for social distancing based on transmission metrics for COVID-19. But with the state and CDC providing data that can seem contradictory, area superintendents are trying to come up with the best approach to educate students while following state requirements.

By and large, the superintendents seem to be relying on one statement in the 23-page document that gives local school boards latitude to make local decisions.

"Ultimately, the school/district’s decision to move to shorter physical distances will come down to a local community’s risk tolerance based on its unique circumstances," the guidelines state.

That is certainly the approach Superintendent Anibal Soler is taking with Batavia city schools, which are scheduled to go back to full-time in-class learning on Monday.

This week, he sought the Board of Education's approval to continue with the reopening plan, which the board agreed to do.

Soler pointed out that with 131 new cases in the past week (as of Monday), Genesee County is in the state's Red Zone for transmission rate. The state says our testing positivity rate is 6 percent and the CDC says it is 3 percent, both numbers below the threshold that would require 6 feet social distancing in all circumstances.

At 6 feet in all circumstances, Batavia's reopening plan would be difficult to pull off. The district is relying on allowing students in certain situations, such as sitting in classrooms, to be able to mask up and be within 3 feet of each other.

The guidance affects both districts like Batavia that are moving back to full-time in-class learning and those that have already made the transition or started the academic year with in-person attendance.

Mary Kate Hoffman, superintendent in Pavilion, informed her board of the new guidance at Monday's board meeting. Currently, Pavilion schools are five days per week for elementary school and in-person five days a week with in-person classes for sixth through 12th grades, with Wednesday being a fully remote day for the middle and high school.

The policy to this point has been to require masks only when people can't maintain 6 feet of social distancing. The new guidance requires students, teachers, and staff to wear masks at all times. Hoffman said the district will make that policy change.

Elba is open five days a week for in-person learning after starting with a hybrid model in September and gradually moved to full-time, in-class learning. 

"Our approach and plan have worked to keep kids and staff safe," said Superintendent Ned Dale.

Pembroke has been in session with students on campus full-time since the start of the school year. Superintendent Matthew Calderon said the new guidance will not change much for the district.

"We added classroom sections to spread students out 6 feet apart and installed 1,500 desk shields," Calderon said. "We're not inclined to change from 6 feet to 3 feet, and despite the CDC backing off the need to use desks shields (which in part I believe they did due to the great cost incurred by schools, which was hindering many from opening), we will probably continue to use them as well."

"The new guidance states that if schools are going to reduce physical distancing to less than 6 feet between students, decisions must be made with input from parents, community members, teachers, staff, and local departments of health," Calderon added.

"We will carefully review the updated guidance and tweak our plan as needed, but as mentioned, I don't think we need to change anything, and we would like to maintain our plan as is. The initial response from our local DOH in that regard was positive. Nonetheless, we have an upcoming meeting with the local DOH and will certainly adjust our plan if needed."

Merritt Holly, superintendent in Le Roy, which went back to on-campus full-time learning on April 6, said he is seeking clarification on some of the requirements in the new guidance but is maintain the current plan for now.

"It won't complicate anything until I get clarification," Holly said. "When will that clarification come in? I am not sure yet."

Superintendents indicated they are working with Public Health Director Paul Pettit to ensure their education plans are in compliance with guidelines and that Pettit has been helpful and responsive. The new guidance doesn't require the districts to file modified plans with the state but to publish them on their websites and gives local health departments the tasks of ensuring compliance.

We attempted to reach Pettit for comment but have not yet heard back from him.

To read the state's guidelines, click here (PDF).

Three people arrested in Bergen early Sunday morning, one charged with three felonies

By Billie Owens

A Rochester man is facing three felonies after three people were arrested following a traffic stop in Bergen April 11.

A gray Chevrolet Malibu was pulled over by Genesee County Sheriff's deputies on Route 33 at 12:38 a.m.

The operator, Paula G. Pierce, 29, of State Street, Batavia, was allegedly driving with a suspended NYS driver's license. There were two other occupants, Michael R. Whitman, 48, of Federal Street in Perry, and 29-year-old Justin P. Porter, of Bennington Drive, Rochester (inset photo, right).

Deputy Nicholas Chamoun conducted an investigation, aided by Deputy David Moore, and K9 Deputy Andrew Mullen, who deployed K9 Frankie to check the exterior of the vehicle. According to the Sheriff's Office report, Frankie indicated a positive response for the presence of narcotic drugs.

Deputies conducted a vehicle search and allegedly found drugs and the three occupants were arrested. Assisting at the scene were Deputy Austin Heberlein, Deputy Ryan Young and Deputy Jacob Gauthier.

Porter is accused of providing deputies with a fake name and refusing to disclose his true identity. It is also alleged that while in custody at the Sheriff's Office, he attempted to conceal drugs by hiding them in an interview room.

Porter was arraigned virtually in Town of Bergen Court and charged with: criminal possession of a controlled substance in the third degree -- with intent to sell, a Class B felony; tampering with physical evidence, a Class E felony; fourth-degree conspiracy, also a Class E felony; criminal possession of a controlled substance in the seventh degree, a Class A misdemeanor; obstruction of governmental administration, another Class A misdemeanor; and false personation, a Class B misdemeanor.

Due to bail reform, Porter was released on his own recognizance.

Pierce and Whitman were issued appearance tickets on charges of fourth-degree conspiracy and criminal possession of a controlled substance in the seventh degree.

Pierce is also charged with aggravated unlicensed operation in the third degree, an unclassified misdemeanor; and she was issued a traffic ticket for insufficient turn signal, a violation.

Members of the Genesee County Drug Task Force also assisted in this case.

No time to 'waste': City moving quickly to replace inefficient air header system at water treatment plant

By Mike Pettinella

With a key component of the City of Batavia’s wastewater treatment plant operating at just 20-percent capacity, Maintenance Superintendent Ray Tourt says that it’s imperative to move up the capital project plan timetable to get it fixed.

“We desperately need to get that air back into the pond,” said Tourt at Monday night’s City Council meeting, talking about a faulty air header system at the plant. “We recognize how severe it is becoming.”

Tourt said the city has received about 10 years less than the expected 40-year life of the system, which introduces supplemental air to the three primary wastewater ponds.

In a memo to City Manager Rachael Tabelski dated March 29, Tourt wrote that “this air provides oxygen to the ponds to effectively digest waste.”

“Even though this project is scheduled for (this fiscal year), it was discovered that the system’s rate of decline is higher than originally anticipated,” he wrote. “For this reason, the project is being advanced as quickly as it can be.”

City Council acted favorably to his request, forwarding a resolution to contract with the lowest bidder to its April 26 Business Meeting. Opening of the bids is scheduled for April 19.

Tourt said work will be done in sections, starting with the large 16-inch line and working down to the six-inch line. He noted that the lines will be wrapped to prevent deterioration from the elements.

He said the system is leaking a “significant amount of air” and is creating a distinct odor near and around the ponds. Once that segment of an overall $1 million wastewater treatment plant project is finished – hopefully be the end of summer, he said crews will evaluate the plant’s compressors and diffusers.

In other action related to infrastructure, Council forwarded a resolution to apply for a Northern Border Regional Commission grant in the amount of $328,000 to partially fund a waterline project on Bank Street. The total cost of the project is approximately $410,000 but the city would be responsible for a local match of 20 percent ($82,000).

Tabelski, in a memo to Council dated April 6, wrote that work is needed “to improve water pressure and fire suppression capabilities on Bank Street, as well as enable future development on the City Centre campus and the Alva Place location for the (new) police station.”

She wrote that the Bank Street waterline will be expanded from its current four- and six-inch lines to an eight-inch line.

Tomaszewski accepts plea deal that could lead to prison time

By Howard B. Owens

Michael Tomaszewski, the former local funeral home owner accused of misusing his client's deposit money and improperly disposing of human remains, entered a guilty plea this afternoon to felony charges that could send him to prison for up to seven years.

The plea offer included no promise of a sentence of lesser than the statutory time in prison of two and a third to seven years for his guilty plea to grand larceny, scheme to defraud, offering a false instrument for filing, and untimely burial.

The sentences for each count will run concurrently under the terms of the plea.  

Prior to Tomaszewki's last court appearance, he disclosed, through his attorney Thomas Burns, to the Sheriff's Office that the remains of another body could be found in his former funeral home. A human body was recovered.

As a result of that investigation, he is expected to be charged with another misdemeanor charge of untimely burial. Under terms of the plea deal, he is expected to plead guilty to that charge and any sentence on that charge would run concurrently to the charges disposed of in today's hearing.

Sentencing for the 40-year-old Batavia resident is scheduled for July 13 at 1:30 p.m.

Tomaszewski was arrested last summer and accused of taking money from clients who had made prearrangement deposits. He misappropriated as much as $15,000 from some clients.

Clients may have suffered a cumulative loss of more than $525,000. 

At his sentencing on July 13, Tomaszewski, under terms of the deal, must agree to make restitution in the amount specified by the prosecution.  

Assistant District Attorney Kaitlynn Schmit told Judge Charles Zambito today that she couldn't provide the exact amount of restitution because Tomaszewski has already paid some people back and there needs to be further research into exactly how much he owes his victims.

Burns said he and Schmit had reached an agreement to delay sentencing by four weeks over the standard time between a plea and sentencing to allow more time to arrive at the final restitution figure.

In a bankruptcy filing last year, which is still pending, Tomaszewski listed $1,094,346 in assets against $3,242,390 in liabilities. 

UPDATE 5:05 p.m.: The Sheriff's Office has released the arrest report on the additional charge against Tomaszewski, duty to bury. According to the Sheriff's Office, after being notified by Burns of the body, a body of a deceased person who had died Sept. 10, 2019, was recovered at the former funeral home. The body was removed and buried. Tomaszewski was issued an appearance ticket on the charge.

Council advice to angry homeowners: Take your concerns to 'Grievance Day'

By Mike Pettinella

City Council Member John Canale relayed some “fatherly” advice Monday night to a pair of Batavia residents who came before the lawmaking body to express their aggravation after receiving notification of significant increases in their home assessments earlier in the day.

“My father gave me this advice years and years ago, and I’ve used it,” said Canale, addressing Wendy Walker of Otis Street and Karen Sherman of James Street – homeowners who spoke about their struggles during the public comments portion of Council’s Business Meeting at City Hall.

“I would definitely sign up for grievance day but don’t go in there and say I can’t afford this raise, please help me out. It’s not going to work,” Canale said. “You’ve got to do your homework. If you’re able to go online, you can access the Genesee County site, you can access houses in your neighborhood, you can access houses in other neighborhoods that are similar to your house and compare the assessed values of those houses to the assessed value of your house. Go in with the ammunition of why your house is being assessed higher than other people’s houses, if that’s the case.”

Canale said that a “booming” housing market is driving assessments up, mentioning that houses are going for $25,000 to $30,000 over the asking price “and people are coming in with cash.”

Walker said she came to the meeting to “protest and contest” the increase in the assessment of her house.

“I don’t know how that was made or why the increase to such a dramatic amount. The problem being is that we live on the Southside. I don’t know where this money is going that you’re going to be using because the Southside has not been improved,” she said.

Walker said there is a lot of crime in that area and “nothing has been cleaned up; nothing has been done.”

'What About My Justice?'

“The last time I checked, even in the pledge of allegiance, we say liberty and justice for all. What about my justice? Where are my taxes going? We pay the highest taxes in the nation, and there’s nothing to show for it. Not where I live, not on the Southside – no improvements. If I’m wrong, I surely would be willing to acknowledge my error in saying that, but I don’t believe it – I don’t.”

She said that her neighbors feel the same way and many people are moving out of New York for these reasons.

“And I think we should take that into consideration in the small, little town of Batavia,” she said. “I don’t understand this. If we’re getting all of this money from the government and I don’t know what that money is necessarily earmarked for – I don’t understand all of it – but it would seem we could help the little people in Batavia.”

Walker mentioned that her husband is disabled and on a fixed income, and his allowance barely goes up.

Sherman said she is a single mom who is providing for her daughter without any public assistance.

“You guys have raised my taxes every year since I bought my house. I get when you buy a house, it comes with a lot of maintenance and stuff, but every single year something has gone wrong – new roof, my windows have broken, gutters have come off,” she said.

She said her assessment went up $19,000 last year, and this year it is going up $30,000.

It's Getting Tougher and Tougher

“This is becoming very hard for me as a single parent and I do not get assistance,” she said. “I own my own business … I had to pick up two other little odds-and-ends jobs to make ends meet. Again, I just want to know why, where this is going and answers.”

In response, City Manager Rachael Tabelski said there was no reassessment last year.

“When you reassess a home, you assess it on value of comparable sales of like homes,” Tabelski offered. “And that’s all done through formulas and data. I don’t even see what reassessments are done in our community, just so everyone is aware. We do know that there were assessment letters that did go out this week.”

She, too, encouraged homeowners to call the assessment office for an informal review, adding that the assessor (Rhonda Saulsbury) will “gladly speak to you over the phone, on Zoom or through email to discuss the level of assessment and why.”

“And you can explain and challenge why that happened. If you don’t find that as a remedy, you can move to Grievance Day, which is the first Thursday after the fourth Tuesday in May (the 27th), and you could have assessment formally grieved in front of a board of your peers rather than the City of Batavia.”

City Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr., also an Otis Street resident, said that he received his assessment letter just prior to the meeting and explained that reassessment is a regular process.

“They don’t just pick houses randomly. They use sections of the city and they try to rotate it around every so many years,” he said.

The discussion then shifted to Tabelski and Council Member Robert Bialkowski defending the city’s budget and tax rate.

Tabelski: City Taxes Less Than Others

“The city actually has the lowest percentage of taxes we pay,” said Tabelski, noting that taxes pay for police, fire, snowplowing, parks and recreation and other services. “The county is slightly higher and then the school district, so it’s an ‘all in’ rate."

Bialkowski said the city doesn’t raise taxes (it did raise the tax rate by 1.38 percent this year, however) and doesn’t determine the assessments, but sets a tax levy that is distributed among property owners.

At that point, Viele expressed his frustration over the school tax rate.

“What I really want to complain about is the school because the (Batavia City) school (District) is out of hand. They need to have their head examined.”

Bialkowski compared the taxing entities, mentioning that taxes levied by the school district were more than $19 million compared to the city’s $5.25 million.

Jankowski said in recent years the city did not increase the property tax rate.

Christian: People Are Hurting

Council Member Rose Mary Christian proceeded to sympathize with Sherman and Walker.

“It’s fine and dandy what everyone is saying but government is out of control,” she said. “We’re not doing anything to help these people. Here’s a single mother by herself, taking care of her daughter. There is a mother, a woman, a wife taking care of her husband. Some of you have two incomes coming in; that’s fine and dandy for you. But there’s people out here that are really hurting and they need help.”

Christian, too, said they should take their concerns to Grievance Day.

“There’s no doubt about it -- schools are out of control. I would like to go to the next school meeting and I want to know if any of you want to join me,” she added. “And as far as our budget goes and everything else, we’re down $400,000 … and when May comes you’re going to see that people are really hurting because they’re not going to be able to pay their taxes.”

Photo: Karen Sherman, right, makes a point about her home's assessment as Wendy Walker looks on at Monday night's City Council meeting. Photo by Mike Pettinella.


Information from the assessment letter:

If you disagree with your new Full Value Assessment:

  • Go to
  • Print an Informal Review Application
  • Email your completed Informal Review Application to:
  • All Informal Review submissions must be received by April 23, 2021 for consideration
  • For questions or more information, please call 1-866-910-1776 no later than April 21, 2021.

Council debates Ellicott Trail cleanup costs, procedures as it advances easement resolution

By Mike Pettinella

As the Batavia City Council voted Monday night to consider accepting five easements from the Town of Batavia toward the maintenance of Ellicott Trail, its members encouraged residents to take pride in the 9.7-mile recreational walking and bicycling path by picking up trash along the way.

Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr. said he was on the trail recently and noted that “the part from Jackson to Pearl Street is pretty rough.”

“It’s pretty washed out and there’s debris – there’s surgical masks laying on the side of the road,” he said. “Now, that’s the new thing. (With) COVID, everybody’s throwing their masks away; they’re falling out of their pockets and this waste is laying around on our streets now, and there are some on the trail itself.”

Jankowski said he realizes that it is spring and outside has that “look to it,” but wanted to know the city’s timetable for cleanup and suggested rounding up some volunteers to help out.

City Manager Rachel Tabelski said the process starts with accepting the transfer of the easements at 665 E. Main St., Batavia Gardens, Ellicott Station (two) and Elmwood Cemetery.

The city then would be responsible for maintaining these areas as they are located inside the city limits form Pearl Street Road to Cedar Street, but the county will maintain the DeWitt Recreation Area on Cedar Street.

During planning and construction of the trail, the town acquired various easements for real property in the city but, per a resolution to be formally voted on in two weeks, these parcels will be transferred back to the city.

Tabelski also reported that a volunteer group led by John Roche, owner of Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle on Center Street, is willing to help pick up trash along the trail, and that the city will schedule “ongoing maintenance” to coincide with the park schedule this spring and summer.

Officially opened last year, the 10-foot-wide trail consists of crushed stone along 4.9 miles of old railroad beds. When you add in sidewalks, bike lanes and bridges, the entire trail is 9.7 miles, with the eastern entrance on Seven Springs Road and the western entrance on Industrial Boulevard (off Pearl Street).

Council Member Robert Bialkowski said he was looking for the city’s annual cost to maintain the trail.

Tabelski said it would cost about $7,000 in materials every five years and that city Department of Public Works employees would take care of the maintenance.

Interim DPW Director Ray Tourt said “to figure on eight to 10 times per year for additional mowing.”

“As for materials, we’ll have to kind of figure it out – it is new,” he said. “The town’s idea is that we should be able to go five years without putting a new top on it – another layer of stone dust – but there are some washed out areas that they’ve committed to repair this year.”

Bialkowski then asked for an annual labor cost, to which Tourt replied, “About $4,000 annually, and we’re going to have a bump when we do that recap at around five years. And we’ve got about a week’s worth of work there, also.”

Council Member Paul Viele then asked about security on the trail, mentioning that college campuses have put up blue lights for illumination and for emergency situations.

“Do we have anything back there for these young girls walking the trail? There are a lot of idiots out there, you know, that could be hiding in the woods. I’m just concerned with safety – girls jogging, running, walking, whatever …” Viele said.

Jankowski said most people have a cell phone with them, the trail is “pretty open” and that he feels safe walking the trail because he has a view of 100 yards in each direction. He added that developers didn’t include the expense of having emergency lights, but Tabelski said Viele had a “valid point” as she has considered that as well.

Bialkowski then said he wanted to get back to his original point, calculating that the annual cost to the city for materials and labor would be about $5,500. He said that because the city’s DPW crew is already stretched, he urged residents to pick up trash when they see it and “to pitch in.”

Jankowski then brought up that he considered the trail’s crossing point on Cedar Street as dangerous.

“You can’t see that traffic from that location, and I know enough to cross down the road more. But if you follow the trail, it wants you to cross on the downslope, near the overpass where the train tracks are, and your blind spot is that left side,” he said.

He asked Tabelski to look into possibly moving it closer to the entrance of DeWitt Recreation Area. He said it was a “marking issue” and suggested moving it over about 30 feet to make it safer, especially for those riding bikes.

Calling it a “nine mile park,” Jankowski said the trail is very popular. He said he must have seen a couple hundred people along the trail recently.

Council Member John Canale then suggested an “adopt a highway” program where certain community groups commit to maintaining a section on an annual basis.

“We might somewhere down the road, may want to look at offering some various local groups, especially groups of young people, that might want to take on a project like that and say, ‘This is our portion of the trail that we’re going to adopt and every spring we’re going to go and do cleanup,’ ” he said.

Lady Lancers head coach and assistant announce resignation from program

By Howard B. Owens

Tom Redband, head coach of Elba's Lady Lancers, which is coming off its fifth straight championship season, announced today that he and his assistant, Marci Redband, also his wife, are stepping down from their coaching positions.

The announcement:

Marci and I would like to announce that we are stepping down from the position of Head Coach/Assistant Coach of the Elba girls basketball program. While this is a very difficult decision due to our love and passion for Elba basketball, we have put a lot of thought into it, and Marci and I know that personally and as a family it is time and the right decision.

Marci and I are so appreciative of the opportunity we were given to lead these wonderful young women. We will cherish these times forever and want to thank all of the supporters from the bottom of our hearts for the positivity and trust. In due time, I look forward to personally thank each one of you. The people we have met and grown relationships with never would have occurred without this opportunity to coach this awesome team, it’s been wonderful.

Marci and I are looking forward to being positive and supportive of the new coach and all the young Lady Lancers we have worked with and will miss dearly. We will be cheering each one of you on and will always be here for you. We will be continuing our basketball training camps, so we won’t be too far away.

When I was given the opportunity to teach business at Elba as my first full-time teaching job and to coach the Lady Lancers, I knew Elba was special, but I didn’t know Elba was next-level special. Well, I know now, and it’s one of a kind. It’s so special and the kids mean so much to us, that of all places, I chose a smelly locker room to propose to Marci. We hope we served the kids and community with class, it was certainly our pleasure. In closing, Marci and I are Lancers for life, and that makes us proud.

For Elba, the past two seasons ended in wins but also disappointments. With a team led by Byrnn Walczak, Taylor Augello, Maddie Muehlig, and Leah Bezon, the Lancers had legitimate chances in each of the past two seasons to win state championships. The team was deprived of that opportunity by a global pandemic. Those four players all graduate this year.

Elba has a long history of basketball success. Tom Redband replaced Tom Nowak, who over 26 seasons amassed 587 wins, 10 sectional titles, and in 2012 a State Championship.

A new head coach has not yet been named.

Photo: File photo of Tom Redband in 2013.

Women call out city police for indifference following car, pedestrian incident at Ross and Main

By Mike Pettinella

The Batavia City Council tonight asked City Manager Rachael Tabelski to look into getting a police report of a vehicle-pedestrian incident last Thursday afternoon involving a Batavia woman and her grandchildren.

Council Member Rose Mary Christian made that request on behalf of the board, calling it an “unfortunate” situation.

“I would ask that the individual involved be the one that we release information to,” said Tabelski, following Mary Ellen Wilber’s account of what happened to her sister and her three grandchildren at the intersection of Main and Ross streets.

Wilber, an Attica resident who grew up in the city, was speaking at Council's Business Meeting on behalf of her sister, Batavian Michelle Gaylord.

Gaylord was walking on the north side of Main Street with her 15- and 11-year-old grandsons and 11-month-old granddaughter, who was in a stroller. They were en route to Gaylord’s home on Fisher Park around 3:30 p.m. after spending time at the mammoth sale at Resurrection Parish.

According to Wilber, a woman driving an SUV on Ross Street, heading south, approached the intersection and made a right turn onto Main Street while Gaylord and the children were in the intersection. The vehicle struck the buggy, knocking the 71-year-old Gaylord to the ground.

“The reason I am here, correct me if I’m wrong … is when we took our road test and took our driver’s ed – please understand I am not trying to be facetious – as I recall that we all learned … we were told that drivers must have complete control of their vehicles at all times,” Wilber said. “It was the number one rule I was taught. And I took my course and I took driver’s ed, and ever since I’ve been driving for almost 50 years.

“We also were always told that pedestrians had the right of way, especially when they’re in the crosswalk. And we were always supposed to be cautious. My greatest fear was ever hitting a child. It scares the heck out of me, even now.”

Wilber went on to say that the Gaylord family waited for the light to turn red and began crossing Ross Street (which is marked at the intersection by a no right on red sign from Ross onto Main).

Showing a diagram that she had made as she spoke, Wilber said “a woman came to the stoplight, stopped for a second and proceeded to go through the light – striking my sister as she moved the – thank God it was an Eddie Bauer* -- stroller away because it had shock absorbers. She fell onto the road, the kids jumped back and the lady just, oh my goodness – she hit my sister.”

The driver, according to Wilber, asked Gaylord if she was OK and “proceeded to go on her merry way.”

She said people in two cars behind the driver in question saw the incident and called the police.

“My sister was so shaken, she was so worried about the kids; she waited on the side until her son, Joshua Gaylord, came to pick them up,” Wilber said. “Nevertheless, to say, the police in our City of Batavia chose not to ticket the woman who drove; chose not to believe my sister; chose not to believe the two witnesses; and chose not even to talk to the 11-year-old boy, who when he told his teacher at Robert Morris (actually the Middle School) today, confirmed – ‘Oh no, drivers are always supposed to be in control and you never, ever, ever hit a pedestrian and pedestrians always have the right of way.’ ”

Wilber said the boy has had nightmares over the incident.

She also said that the two witnesses called the police department and then Gaylord called and spoke to an officer “who said to her, there is no report, there were no damages, and you didn’t go to the hospital.”

“My sister, who has been a nurse and served this community for 35 years at the VA Hospital – helping veterans – and you all know me, I served the city on the City Charter Review Commission and as a Youth Board member for six years,” Wilber said.

She said that that the officer told Gaylord, that “we know your sister (Wilber). She called to speak to Chief (Shawn) Heubusch; he’s not going to talk to her anyway.”

“You see, there’s a resentment from what happened to my brother (the late David Zanghi, who was forced out of his Liberty Street apartment in November 2019 as a result of a police standoff with the upstairs tenant),” Wilber said, adding that Police Chief Shawn Heubusch looked down upon Zanghi, who had obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Wilber said her niece, who is an attorney in Livingston County and the baby’s mother, has tried to get an incident report but was told that she would have to file a Freedom of Information Law form to get it.

“Her daughter was involved in this accident – couldn’t get a report. My sister can’t get any information. Ridiculous. You know the law; drivers have to be in control of their cars. Pedestrians have the right of way. This woman was not given a ticket,” Wilber said.

“My family can’t do anything about finding any information. What is wrong with the police department in the City of Batavia? And why do kids not respect the police? Here is clear evidence. I don’t know. You tell me what is going on in the City of Batavia?”

Contacted by telephone later tonight, Gaylord corroborated Wilber’s account.

“The lady said ‘I didn’t even see you.’ Here I am, lying flat on the ground,” Gaylord said.

Gaylord said she asked the grandsons to call their dad to pick them up because she couldn’t walk as she was banged up.

“Even the lady who witnessed it was shook up, but before I could say anything, the driver said that I was all right and took off,” Gaylord said.  “She never looked our way, and out of the clear blue sky, she pulled out and started to turn right. She hit the front of the stroller. I pulled back and got it out of the way a little – in the crosswalk – and when I did, I fell and hit my head on the curb. The baby’s so tiny, just 18 pounds. I screamed because I was so scared for these kids.”

Gaylord said she contacted police, who had already learned about the incident from witnesses. She said she is disappointed that the driver wasn’t ticketed for making an illegal right turn on a red light or for striking pedestrians in a crosswalk.

“I don’t want to sue or anything, but I can’t believe she didn’t get a ticket,” Gaylord said. “When I asked for an accident report, the police said it is an accident only if there is $1,000 damage. What, people don’t count anymore?”

Chief Heubusch said he had no comment.

After the meeting, Christian called it “unfortunate what Mary Ellen said, that the police didn’t respond to her.”

“I did ask Rachael if she would have the police respond to her (Wilber) because she certainly does deserve that and so does her sister, and thank God nobody was killed.”

*Eddie Bauer is a retail sporting goods maker in business since 1920.

Since Friday 45 new cases of COVID-19 reported in Genesee County

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee County reporting 45 new positive cases of COVID-19.

  • The new positive cases reside in the:
    • West Region (Alabama, Darien, Pembroke)
    • Central Region (Alexander, Batavia, Bethany, Elba, Oakfield) 
    • East Region (Bergen, Byron, Le Roy, Pavilion, Stafford)
  • The individuals are in their 19-20s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 80s. 
  • Thirty-one of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.  
  • Five of the current positive individuals are hospitalized. 
  • Two of the new positive individuals are residents of the Grand Rehabilitation and Nursing.

Orleans County reporting 19 new positive cases of COVID-19.  

  • The positive cases reside in the:
    • West Region (Yates, Ridgeway, Shelby)
    • Central Region (Carlton, Gaines, Albion, Barre)
    • East Region (Kendall, Murray, Clarendon)
  • The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 70s.
  • One of the new positive individuals was on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
  • Two of the current positive individuals are hospitalized.

Law and Order: Rochester man accused of driving while impaired by drugs and possessing crack cocaine

By Billie Owens

Abdi Adan Abdi, 21, of Warner Street, Rochester, is charged with: criminal possession of a controlled substance; operating a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs -- first offense; and failure to keep right on a two-lance road. Abdi was arrested at 3:49 p.m. April 11 on Townline Road in Byron following a traffic stop. It is alleged that Abdi was operating the vehicle while impaired by drugs and that the defendant possessed crack cocaine. Abdi was released with appearance tickets and is due in Town of Byron Court on May 3. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Kenneth Quackenbush, assisted by Deputy Kyle Tower.

Erica Williams, 26, no address provided, is charged with second-degree harassment. She was arrested for allegedly slamming a person's head against a wooden fence post at 7:23 p.m. March 30 on Watson Street in Batavia. She was released with an appearance ticket to be in Batavia City Court on April 13.

Cassandra Elmore, 29, no address provided, is charged with second-degree harassment. It is alleged she scratched a person in the face at 11 a.m. on March 31 on Liberty Street in Batavia. She was released with an appearance ticket to be in Batavia City Court on April 13.

Nateeka Gibson, 31, no address provided, is charged with second-degree criminal contempt. She was arrested after a disturbance on Tracy Avenue in Batavia at 5 p.m. April 2. It is alleged that she violated a a court order. Gibson was arraigned in Batavia City Court and released. She is due to return to court on April 15.

Shawn Twardowski, 38, no address provided, is charged with criminal mischief. He was arrested after allegedly damaging property at an apartment house on Oak Street in Batavia at 3:25 p.m. April 2. He was released on an appearance ticket and is due in Batavia City Court on April 13.

Thomas James Leonard, 37, of Main Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. On April 9, the Genesee County Sheriff's Office received a complaint about shoplifting at Walmart. It is alleged that Leonard stole property valued at about $44 at 3:30 p.m. April 9. He was arrested and given an appearance ticket to be in Town of Batavia Court on June 15. The case was handled by Deputy Kyle Tower.

Christopher Weigman, 32, no address provided, is charged with petit larceny. He was arrested after an investigation revealed that he allegedly stole merchandise from a business on East Main Street in Batavia at 10:13 p.m. March 11. He was released on an appearance ticket and is due in Batavia City Court on April 6.

Oakfield man killed in ATV accident Saturday night

By Press Release

From the NYS Police:

On April 10 at 10:12 p.m., Troopers out of New York State Police Batavia responded to Lockport Road in the Town of Oakfield for an ATV collision.

Further investigation revealed that a 2014 Can Am Outlander was traveling northbound on Bliss Road and crossed Lockport Road. The ATV exited the intersection and struck a rock embankment, causing the ATV to overturn several times.

The operator, Thomas S. Butler, 43, of Oakfield, was ejected and deceased at the scene. The 55-year-old passenger was also ejected with non-life-threatening injuries. The 55-year-old was taken by Mercy Flight to Erie County Medical Center for treatment.

Neither operator nor passenger were wearing helmets. An autopsy is scheduled for the deceased.

This is still an active investigation.

Previously: ATV accident reported in Oakfield

Bowlers 'roll' up their sleeves to support Batavia woman diagnosed with cervical cancer

By Mike Pettinella

Family, friends and the bowling community are coming together to support Tanya Harmon, of Batavia, who has been undergoing rigorous treatments and procedures after being diagnosed with Stage III cervical cancer last November.

Harmon, a longtime employee of Angelica Textile Services Inc., has been placed on disability by her doctors while receiving chemotherapy and radiation.

The mother of two teenage sons said she is optimistic despite the fatigue she is feeling as a side effect of the treatments.

“I am very tired, but the doctors said things look good thus far,” she said by telephone on Friday.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to talk for more than a couple minutes. Her boyfriend, Dan Campbell, took over from there.

“Back in November, we noticed that she was having problems,” he said. “They found a polyp or cyst or something like that on her cervix. We then had scans done and found out that she has what they call Stage III c2 cervical cancer.”

Campbell, a tractor-trailer driver for Batavia-based Lily Transportation, said the cancer has migrated to the lymph nodes in her stomach and that a tumor has formed in the area of one of her kidneys, causing further complications.

He went on to share that doctors have had to insert tubes and stents to ensure proper drainage of her bladder.

Treatments in Batavia and Rochester

Harmon, 41, had initial radiation and chemo at the Lipson Cancer Institute in Batavia, affiliated with United Memorial Medical Center, and now she is going to Rochester General Hospital twice a week for both internal and external radiation, Campbell said.

“Right now, this is her first week of internal radiation,” Campbell said. “Doctors have placed ovoid implants on the right and left side of her cervix and she has a sleeve inserted that goes into her uterus to do the internal radiation – the center, the left and the right ovoid sections.”

He said radiation at Lipson and Rochester General will continue five days a week at least for another week and a half.

Campbell said Harmon’s primary physician said “she has a good chance of beating this, and we’re staying positive, believing that she will beat this.”

He mentioned that she has insurance but there still are the co-pays and things insurance doesn’t cover.

“Every time she goes to Rochester, there’s another bill. Every time she goes to Batavia, five days a week, there’s another bill. It’s stressful for her, I know that,” he said.

Family Is By Harmon’s Side

Harmon’s family has helped to reduce that stress, providing emotional support and transportation.

“Devin, who is 16, just got his license and he’s been taking her to any appointments in Batavia, and we’re making arrangements for the ones in Rochester,” Campbell said.

She also is being cared for by her son, Skylar, 19; sisters, Janette and Jessica, and mother, Sheila Meyer.

And now, the couple’s friends from the bowling community are helping by organizing a three-person, no-tap benefit tournament at Mancuso Bowling Center on April 24.

Campbell’s coworker, Geoff Harloff, and supervisor, Ed Doody, have set up the event for April 24 with the proceeds through entry fees, basket raffles and other fundraisers to go toward her medical expenses.

“We’ve been friends for about three years,” said Doody, the general manager for Lily Transportation. “I met Dan through Geoff and we started hanging out – having cookouts, going to the casino, things like that. When Dan and Tanya began dating, she joined us and the whole group would go out together.”

Shirts from the Bills Mafia

Doody said Harloff brought up the idea of a benefit bowling tournament, and asked him to assist.

“I said, ‘Sure, whatever you need,’ ” Doody said.

Since then, Doody has solicited businesses and friends through phone calls, letters and social media and has received about three dozen prizes for the basket raffle.

“The response has been great. I was able to make contact through Facebook with Del Reid, founder of the Bills Mafia, and he was generous enough to give me four shirts to put in a basket. We’ve got a lot of nice stuff,” he said.

Doody said it’s all about “just trying to be good friends.”

“We all have bad moments and bad things in our lives, but this is one of the worst. So, we’re just trying to be good friends and step up to help with the financial burden,” he said. “One-hundred percent of anything we make from this is going back to them, and we’re just trying to lighten the load a bit so the focus can be on where it needs to be – getting better.”

Those wishing to donate are asked to call or text Doody at (585) 813-7700.

Tourney Spots Are Filling Fast

Harloff reports that 36 teams already have registered to bowl in the handicap tournament, which features a $750 first prize, based on the maximum number of 48 teams.

The entry fee is $90 per team. Squad times are at 2 and 4 p.m. One out of six teams will cash.

To enter, contact Harloff at (585) 409-6507 or Mark Brown at (716) 474-7960.

City Democratic Party chair throws hat in the ring for Councilperson-At-Large position

By Mike Pettinella

Erica O’Donnell said she learned at an early age the importance of community participation and hopes to have the opportunity to impart her views as a member of the Batavia City Council.

“I’ve been involved on the sidelines in local politics for a long time. I grew up in the Town of Alabama and my grandfather, Joe Cassidy, was on the town board for a number of years,” O’Donnell said. “I spent time with him when I was very young -- stuffing envelopes and helping out with fundraisers and things like that – and kind of caught the bug that way.”

That was about 20 years or so ago, said O’Donnell, now a Batavia resident who has been the chair of the City of Batavia Democratic Party for the past three years.

She has completed the petitioning process and will be on the ballot in November seeking one of three open Councilperson-At-Large spots. She will be facing three Republican incumbents: Jeremy Karas, Robert Bialkowski and City Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr.

The current makeup of City Council is 100-percent Republican, a fact not lost upon O’Donnell.

“I think it is time to get some diverse and fresh ideas, and I think I would bring that to Council,” she said, noting that she is all for supporting businesses and activities that will attract young families to buy homes and settle in Batavia.

She said she has been “very lucky” that her husband, Patrick, is able to commute to his job in Rochester because it is affordable to live in Batavia. The couple bought a home in the city’s Fifth Ward in 2012, and since then have had two children, Lila, 7, and Connor, soon to be 5.

“When we purchased the house, I said to a good friend, ‘You sent your kids to the school district here. You lived here your whole life. What do think about raising kids in the city?’ ” she recalled. “And she said the best advice I can give you is to get involved. Get to know your neighbors, go to meetings – get involved. That’s what I have been trying to do and encourage everyone to do.”

O’Donnell said she realizes that Genesee County and Batavia have an aging population, and would love to see millennials purchase some of the “beautiful historic houses being chopped up into apartments or just crumbling.”

“I think we could do more to attract young people,” she said.

Along those lines, she said she is happy the city received the $10 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative award from New York State – “that is a huge success and I give a lot of credit to City Council and former City Manager Jason Molino for that,” she offered – but had hoped more of the funds were directed elsewhere.

“I would like to have seen more of that money put towards retail and things to attract people downtown,” she said. “The YMCA and Healthy Living Campus are going to be wonderful -- and both of my kids have benefitted from preschool at the Y -- but that was a big chunk of money that went to nonprofit groups. There are other things that would have been my favorites for that money.”

O’Donnell said she is in favor of an expansion of the city-owned ice arena on Evans Street, possibly including an indoor recreation facility nearby.

“I think the city should make some type of investment there,” she said. “Not necessarily take it over but give some support to encourage (the use of the facility).”

She pointed to the outdoor soccer fields off Bank Street Road as a prime example of a successful venture for youth that brings revenue into the city.

“If you drive by there during a soccer tournament, there are vehicles everywhere. If we put some sort of indoor sports facility in the city – maybe near the ice rink -- the businesses would no doubt benefit hugely from those types of tournaments and events. People come from all over and it’s packed,” she said.

Her thoughts on some other issues in the city:

Construction of a new police station

“It was actually when I started getting involved several years ago when they formed the police task force. At the time, that was such a huge deal and it was covered so heavily in the media. I understand that their first choice is no longer an option (Swan Street), so that certainly was my first choice. Obviously, I think it would be beneficial to have more police presence on the Southside. Alva Place, which is where they’re looking at now, was their second choice. I think that is the best thing to do – listen to the citizens – and go where it was recommended.”

COVID-19’s impact on city finances

“I’m concerned more about the ability to spend compared to the (Council’s) willingness to spend. So much of what we’re going to be able to do is going to depend upon aid from the state and aid from the federal government. COVID really through a wrench in everybody’s plans going forward, and who knows for how long – probably generations. We’re going to have to come up with some pretty creative solutions to be able to spend.”

Government meetings via Zoom, YouTube

“We’ve learned a lot in the past year as a society and I think there are some things that we can take away and keep, including the transparency that allows us to have those meetings streamed live or even a couple hours after the fact. It’s difficult to make it to all those meetings, whether it’s the legislature or board meetings. Also, there is so much going on with my kids at school that it’s nice to be able to watch the school board meetings to keep up with everything.”

The city manager hiring process

“While I think Rachael Tabelski is doing a good job and was the obvious choice for city manager. I am glad that we went through the whole process of interviewing. I think that is the correct and transparent way of hiring someone for a position such as that. But I’m glad that she ended up with the job, and am sure she will do a great job going forward.”

O’Donnell said going door to door to get signatures for her petition was a valuable experience and she’s looking ahead to meeting more people in the coming months.

She conceded that the past two years have been a bit hectic with “nonstop elections” but thought “that the best way to get other people involved was to lead by example and jump in myself.”

In closing, she shared that Joe Cassidy is still the chair of the Town of Alabama Democratic Committee and is her biggest supporter.

“He’s definitely a proud grandfather,” she said.

Pilot killed in Cattaraugus County Wednesday was well-known former flight instructor at GC Airport

By Virginia Kropf

A pilot killed in a small plane crash Wednesday at Great Valley Airport in Cattaraugus County was well known at the Genesee County Airport.

William Mandelare, of Brockport, a former flight instructor at Genesee County Airport, died in the crash, which seriously injured Raymond Groetsch, also of Brockport. Groetsch, who also frequently flew in and out of Genesee County Airport, is reported in critical condition. 

Mandelare, 80, was an experienced pilot who taught Batavia flight instructor Pete Lockner and gave him his commercial license in 1982, Lockner said this morning. 

Jeff and Carol Boshart, who own the aircraft maintenance shop at Genesee County Airport, also knew Mandelare well.

“We are deeply saddened by the loss of such an enthusiastic member of the aviation community,” Carol said. “Bill used to often hang out at the airport and talked to all the pilots here. He taught tons of people to fly, many of them out of Genesee County.”

Lockner is also saddened by the news. He said Mandelare retired in 1982 as a mechanical drawing teacher in the Greece School District. He came to Genesee County Airport to be a flight instructor for Dick Drilling, who ran the airport at the time.

Initially, authorities were uncertain as to who was flying the plane, but it is now reported that Groetsch told authorities he was the pilot.

Mandelare, who was a short man, was known as “Little Bill” to his friends. Lockner speculates that his diminutiveness could have contributed to the crash which killed him; he may not have been able, as copilot, to reach over and commandeer the plane once trouble was apparent.

Lockner speculated as to what could have happened.

He said Mandelare always used a little seat when flying so he could reach the pedals, and that when in a plane, he always insisted on riding right seat. If he wasn’t flying the plane and didn’t have his seat, he it is unlikely he would have been unable to assist the pilot in an emergency, Lockner guessed.

Lockner described the Cessna 177 Cardinal as a tricky plane to fly. That model has a stabilator in the horizontal tail, rather than an elevator. That means when landing, the plane as to be put in a nose-up position to adjust the pitch.

If the pilot forgot to readjust the pitch when taking off, the plane could have been in too sharp a nose-up position, causing it to stall. When a plane stalls, the left wing always drops and hits the ground first, and then cartwheels, which is what it appears happened in Mandelare’s case. 

Lockner himself has been flying since 1981 and has been giving flight instruction since 1986, so is familiar with the configuration of many aircraft.

Biscaro proposes Clinton Crossings-type adult community for East Avenue in the Village of Le Roy

By Mike Pettinella

Developer Eric Biscaro is looking at a 20-acre parcel on East Avenue in the Village of Le Roy to construct a bigger version of the Clinton Crossings Adult Community that his company built on Clinton Street Road in the Town of Batavia.

“If you drove around Clinton Crossings, it’s the same thing, only 50-percent bigger,” said Biscaro, owner of Classic Home Improvements and Armor Building Supply on Ellicott Street Road. “It’s in its early stages, and there’s a lot of stuff to work out before it’s definitely a go, but we’re attempting it.”

Biscaro appeared before the Genesee County Planning Board on Thursday night, requesting a zoning map change to rezone the area from Residential to Planned Unit Development and for a review of the site plan that outlines the development of 30 duplex patio home rentals for seniors.

County Planning Director Felipe Oltramari said a Planned Unit Development (or PUD) is a custom zoning district that encompasses a multiunit layout with one owner. He compared Biscaro’s project to the Royal Apartments in Le Roy in this regard.

The planning board recommended approval of Biscaro’s referral, but with several modifications, as follows:

-- The applicant include street connectivity to the west through the development of "South Avenue,” which is currently a paper street, in order to improve public safety/emergency access and to better conform with the Village's Comprehensive Plan, which calls for prohibiting the construction of cul-de-sacs;

-- The applicant work with the village to provide a pedestrian connection, such as a sidewalk extension, to the north on East Avenue and to the west on the proposed South Avenue;

-- The applicant conduct an archaeological survey and apply for 9-1-1 Address Verification to the Genesee County Sheriff's Office to ensure that the addresses of the proposed homes meet Enhanced 9-1-1 standards.*

Planning Board Member Tom Schubmehl also emphasized the necessity of having enough room for fire and emergency trucks to be able to properly navigate through the complex.

Biscaro said he is prepared to “go through all the steps (as required by the village), and hopefully we get all the way.”

“With all of the approvals and utilities and that kind of stuff, it likely will be months before we’ll be able to do any work,” he said, adding that two other attempts at a project such as this failed to materialize.

Rooftop Patios at Ellicott Place

Planners also took another look at the downtown design for Ellicott Place, the $2.3 million renovation of the Save-A-Lot building at 45 Ellicott St., in light of V.J. Gautieri Constructors Inc.’s revised plan to create rooftop patios outside of the 10 second-floor apartments.

The board is recommending approval of the installation of the 10-foot by 6-foot patios, which will be secured by protective guardrails measuring 42 inches high.

Company President Victor Gautieri said work continues on the project, which calls for the creation of seven one-bedroom and three two-bedroom apartments on the vacant, 11,600-square-foot second floor and development of 18,000 square feet of first-floor commercial/retail space.

“It’s been a tough road with the impediments that we have faced – COVID and material shortages, but we’re plugging away,” Gautieri said, adding that the wait time for appliances is between 12 and 14 weeks. “(Acquiring) paint has been an issue as well …”

Gautieri said he has moved the completion date of the apartments back a month to May 30.

“That will be a tough one to get to, but we’ll keep pushing at it,” he said.

A Drive-Thru for Chipotle

In other action, the planning board recommended approval of the following referrals:

  • A special use permit for COR Development Veterans Memorial Drive Company LLC, to add a drive-thru to the building at 4222 Veterans Memorial Drive in the Towne Center at Batavia that is slated to house a new Chipotle restaurant.

The building also is the site of the Five Guys restaurant.

Other additions to the Chipotle location, which will have indoor seating, include outdoor seating, grease trap and trash enclosure.

  • An area variance for Dickinson’s Auto at 4028 W. Main Street Road (Route 5) to construct a new truck storage building that will be 10 feet from the lot line – 20 feet less than the minimum required. The business is in a Commercial District.
  •  A site plan and area variance for Carolina Eastern-Crocker LLC, to build a new 60-foot by 200-foot pole barn to replace the current 45-foot by 113-foot structure at its main location, 8610 Route 237, Stafford. The variance was needed because the building will be 30 feet from the side lot line – 10 feet less than what the ordinance mandates.

Carolina Eastern-Crocker’s products include dry and liquid fertilizers, "Pop Up" fertilizers, organic fertilizer, crop protection products, ag lime, gypsum, seeds, custom application and spraying, variable rate application, fine ground corn meal, and corn purchasing.

  • Placement of a sign for a new liquor store – Liberty’s Liquor Cabinet – at 10594 Main St., Alexander. The store, owned by Jennifer Wall, replaces a dog grooming business that previously operated out of that location.
  • Zoning text amendments from the Town of Alexander and Town of Bethany to regulate solar energy systems.

*Enhanced 911, E-911 or E911 is a system used in North America to automatically provide caller's location to 9-1-1 dispatchers. 911 is the universal emergency telephone number in the region.

Early layout of an enclosed patio at the Ellicott Place apartments above the Save-A-Lot store (from Genesee County Planning Department renderings).

Aldi plaza evacuated after refrigeration leak

By Howard B. Owens

A mechanical failure of a refrigeration unit apparently caused a carbon dioxide leak at the Aidi Food Market in Batavia this afternoon.

The leak led to the evacuation of every business in the structure, from the Job Bureau on the east to the Five Star Bank on the west.

Chief Stefano Napolitano did not have an estimated time for when the buildings can be reoccupied. Firefighters are using fans for ventilation, or "positive pressure" to push air through the buildings, as the chief put it, to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. The goal is to get it down to 400 parts per million, which is a satisfactory ambiant level, the chief said.

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