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Salvation Army

Byron Rescue Squad and local fire departments hold '9-1-1 Food Call' May 29

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Byron Rescue Squad along with local fire departments will be holding a 9-1-1 Food Call on Friday, May 29th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Byron Bergen High School Campus.

Food donated will be given to The Salvation Army in Batavia for distribution.

The items in demand are: helper meal kits (hamburger and tuna) canned fruit, crackers and cereal. Any nonperishable food items will be welcomed to help us answer this 9-1-1 Food Call.

If these hours do not fit your busy schedule, donations can be left at the Byron Fire Department across from the Post Office in Byron on Route 262.

Please have your donations bagged and be advised that no one needs to exit their car at this event.

Volunteers will accept your donation as you pass through the high school campus. Byron Bergen High school is located at the intersection of Route 262 and West Bergen Road in Bergen.

For questions or to volunteer to help at the drive-thru, Contact Brad Nickerson at (585) 330-3584 or by email at:

Thanks for answering this 9-1-1 Food Call!

The Salvation Army praises community's 'overwhelming support' in giving food, but says need is 'still great'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Salvation Army would like to acknowledge the overwhelming support of the Genesee County community in supporting the effort to provide food for those affected by the current crisis caused by the coronavirus.

In a typical month The Salvation Army assists approximately 25-30 families per with food. During this crisis the numbers have exploded. Currently the need is affecting more than 600 families per month.

The gymnasium has been converted to the emergency operations center. Staff and volunteers prepack boxes and bring them out and place them directly into vehicles. This helps to ensure social distancing and limits personal contact.

Not only are they serving people affected financially but also significant numbers of people in the “at-risk” population who are reluctant to spend time in the stores.

“It is our community that makes all this possible," said Todd L. Rapp, operations manager, coordinator emergency of Disaster Services, The Salvation Army. "Whether it is fresh produce, frozen meat, milk, eggs, personal hygiene products or canned goods it has all come from our community.”

The Salvation Army would like you to know that they are here for the long run and will continue to help those in need well beyond the current crisis. Even though the region has begun to reopen the need is still great.

Current significant pantry needs are beans, vegetables, fruit, soup and rice.

Should you wish to help, donations can be dropped off at the rear of the 529 E. Main St. location in Batavia (directly across from Tully’s restaurant). Donations are accepted Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Should you need food assistance you can stop by during those same hours and you will be taken care of.

Emergency Food ration boxes to be distributed in Bergen on Monday

By Billie Owens

From Todd L. Rapp, operations manager / coordinator Emergency Disaster Services for The Salvation Army:

The Salvation Army is partnering with the Bergen Evangelical Presbyterian Church to distribute Emergency Food ration boxes. The boxes are provided by FoodLink and will be distributed on Monday May 18th beginning at 3 p.m. and continuing until all the boxes are gone.

The distribution will take place in the church parking lot at 38 S. Lake Ave. in Bergen. This will be a drive-thru format.

Please have your trunk/hatch cleaned out so that the boxes may be placed in your vehicle. The volunteers will not be permitted to move your belongings.

A photo ID will be required for each household. If you are picking up a box for a friend or neighbor you must have their ID showing a different address.

Early birds will not be permitted. The lot must be kept clear for the delivery truck and for volunteers to set up.

In order to ensure social distancing standards we request that there be only one person in each vehicle. If you are in need of masks we will have a small supply available. Please ask.

Northgate church food distribution: one person per vehicle, must show ID for each household

By Billie Owens

As reported yesterday, The Salvation Army, along with FoodLink, will oversee a “Pop-up” Mobile pantry at Northgate Free Methodist Church -- North Campus (8160 Bank Street Road, Batavia) beginning at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, April 22.

Subsequently, Todd Rapp, local coordinator of Emergency Disaster Services for The Salvation Army, clarified information for picking up donated food.

At the request of FoodLink, the agency working in partnership with The Salvation Army and Northgate church, there should be only one PERSON per vehicle, not family per vehicle, if possible.

The driver needs to show valid ID for proof of residency. If you need to pick up for an additional household, you will need to provide an ID from the head of that household as well as your own.

"There can be no exceptions to the ID rule," Rapp said.

Food distribution will be done on a “drive thru” basis to insure social distancing and proper hygiene.

Residents are asked to pull into the church lot and go around the back of the building via the north side.

Volunteers kindly ask that your vehicle's trunk, cargo area or truck bed is empty, as they will not be permitted to rearrange items for you.

Pull up to the pallets and volunteers will load the items for you. This will continue until all the food is gone.

Please arrive no earlier than 9 a.m.

For more information, please visit or call (585) 343-4011.

Also be aware that local The Salvation Army has exhausted food supplies for the Emergency Pantry due to a surge in demand.

So Northgate church is holding an ongoing food drive to stock the pantry each Monday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. during "New York on PAUSE" due to the coronavirus pandemic starting this Monday, April 20.

And The Salvation Army is also continuing to accept donations at their headquarters at 529 E. Main St. in Batavia on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

There will be volunteers available to unload items from your vehicle, and safety precautions will be made to maintain social distancing.

The Salvation Army NEEDS:

  • Canned meats
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Soups and chili in cans
  • Pastas and pasta sauce
  • Rice
  • Beans
  • Breakfast items
  • Snack items for kids
  • Shelf-stable milk

UPDATED: Ongoing food drives planned in Batavia during pandemic as need soars

By Billie Owens

*UPDATE 11:15 a.m., Saturday, April 18: Todd Rapp, local coordinator of Emergency Disaster Services for The Salvation Army, clarified this press release today by saying there should only be one PERSON per household in a vehicle when picking up donated food. You must provide ID. If the driver is picking up food for another household, too, the driver must present an ID for that head of houehold as well.

Submitted photo and press release:

The Salvation Army of Batavia usually helps two to three families obtain meals, three times a week. Currently they are caring for 25-40 families. Their supplies are exhausted.

Northgate Free Methodist Church will be hosting a food drive to support The Salvation Army each Monday during "New York on PAUSE." Please drop off food donations at Northgate North Campus (8160 Bank Street Road), Mondays during the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The Salvation Army is also continuing to accept donations at their headquarters at 529 E. Main St. in Batavia on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The Salvation Army NEEDS:

  • Canned meats
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Soups and chili in cans
  • Pastas and pasta sauce
  • Rice
  • Beans
  • Breakfast items
  • Snack items for kids
  • Shelf-stable milk

There will be volunteers available to unload items from your vehicle, and safety precautions will be made to maintain social distancing.

Wednesday, April 22, beginning at 9 a.m., The Salvation Army, along with FoodLink, will oversee a “Pop-up” Mobile pantry at Northgate (8160 Bank Street Road, Batavia).

This will be done as a “drive thru” distribution to insure social distancing and proper hygiene.

Residents are asked to pull into the church lot and go around the back of the building via the north side. You will be required to show a valid form of ID to show residency and FoodLink is requesting ONE family person per vehicle.*

Volunteers kindly ask that your vehicle's trunk, cargo area or truck bed is empty, as they will not be permitted to rearrange items for you.

Pull up to the pallets and volunteers will load the items for you. This will continue until all the food is gone.

Please arrive no earlier than 9 a.m.

For more information, please visit or call (585) 343-4011.

In a time where we are being asked to remain apart, let’s do what we can to help those who are in need right now. 

The Salvation Army: use emergency food pantry only when necessary, 'overwhelming need' for donations

By Billie Owens

From Todd L. Rapp, operations manager and coordinator Emergency Disaster Services for local The Salvation Army:

The Salvation Army is still assisting with emergency food -- but needs your HELP!

Supplies are very limited due to the overwhelming need. Because of this they are asking that patrons only access the Emergency Pantry when necessary.

The pantry is at the Batavia headquarters, located at 529 E. Main St. Food distribution is at the rear of the building.

In order to maintain social distancing, there should be only one person per vehicle. Please remain in your vehicle and be prepared to show ID for each household at the time of pick up.

Distribution times are: Monday / Wednesday / Friday -- 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Donations are gladly accepted during the same hours.

Should you need further support please reach out by leaving a voice message at (585) 343-6284 or on Facebook.

Priority needs are:

  • Canned fruit, vegetables and meat
  • Pasta and pasta sauce
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Soup
  • Cereal

Local Salvation Army leader says Batavia's food pantry need is 'much more dire' than other parts of NY

By Billie Owens

Press release:

In partnership with FoodLink of Rochester, The Salvation Army of Batavia is hosting a “Pop Up” mobile pantry on Wednesday, April 8, where individuals come in their cars and are provided fresh and shelf stable items distributed by volunteers into their trunks.

It will be held 9 a.m. in the parking lot of Northgate Free Methodist Church, North Campus, 8160 Bank Street Road, Batavia. One box per household. No deliveries will be available. There are a limited number of boxes available.

Currently, Salvation Army feeding programs are seeing a 50-percent increase in participation statewide.

“The reality is much more dire here in Batavia,” said Lieutenant Rachel Moore of The Salvation Army in Batavia. “Our pantry is quickly being depleted as the demand for food has dramatically increased during the COVID-19 crisis.”

According to Lt. Moore, The Salvation Army of Batavia is currently in need of donations to sustain its food pantry including:

  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Canned meat
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Cereal
  • Pasta and pasta sauce
  • Rice

“With the help of the community, we can continue to fulfill our mission of 'Doing the Most Good' during this unprecedented and uncertain time,” Lt. Moore said.

(Editor's note: The free food giveaway is not residency or income based and is available to all.)

Food donations welcome at Northgate church Monday to get ready for giveaway on Wednesday

By Billie Owens

Press release:

There are many families within the greater Genesee region that, during normal circumstances, don’t know where their next meal may come from. During this time of uncertainty, it becomes clearer that as a community, it is our call to help those around us.

Have you felt that urge to help, but just can’t figure out where to plug yourself in?

  • FOOD COLLECTION: Northgate Free Methodist Church will be assisting The Salvation Army with food collection. They are setting up a drop-off point for donations on Monday, April 6, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. at their North Campus (8160 Bank Street Road, Batavia).

The Salvation Army is in need of the following items: canned meats, peanut butter, jelly, soups or chili in cans, pastas, rice, beans, breakfast items, snack items for kids and shelf stable milk.

There will be volunteers available to unload items from your vehicle, and safety precautions will be made to maintain social distancing.

  • FOOD DISTRIBUTION: Beginning at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, April 8, The Salvation Army, along with the assistance of FoodLink, will oversee a “Pop-up” Mobile pantry at Northgate's North Campus (8160 Bank Street Road, Batavia).

This will be done as a “drive thru” distribution to insure social distancing and proper hygiene. Residents are asked to pull into the church lot and go around the back of the building via the north side.

Pull up to the pallets and volunteers will load the items for you. Do not get out of your car or attempt to help. This will continue until all the product is gone. Items vary. Please arrive no earlier than 9 a.m.

There are NO residency or income requirements.

In a time where we are being asked to remain apart, let’s do what we can to help those who are in need right now.

More than 600 local families aided by Batavia food distribution efforts

By Billie Owens

Submitted photos and press release:

In response to the significant increase in need for food, The Salvation Army in conjunction with Northgate Free Methodist Church and FoodLink held major food distributions on the grounds of the church in Batavia.

These took place on Friday March 27th and again today, April 1st. Well over 600 families were assisted in this effort.

Volunteers from four area churches and several community groups assisted in handing out urgently needed food supplies.

The food items included milk, fresh produce, cheese and dry goods. Items were provided by area church food drives, Star Growers and FoodLink.

“None of this would have been possible without the help of the amazing volunteers," said Todd Rapp director of Emergency Disaster Services for The Salvation Army here in Batavia. "They went above and beyond.”

The Salvation Army has been active in Batavia since 1865 and they intend to be here as long as possible through this crisis.

“As long as we have access to food, we will be getting it out there,” Rapp said.

Mark Logan of Northgate said the church will do all it can to support this effort.

In order to keep abreast of future distributions go to The Salvation Army Batavia NY on Facebook and “like” the page. Announcements will also be made through The Batavian.

Free food available to all Friday and Wednesday at Northgate church

By Billie Owens
Press release:

The Salvation Army in Genesee County in cooperation with FoodLink and Northgate Free Methodist Church in Batavia announce two upcoming distribution dates for a “Pop Up” Mobile Food Pantry.

We know that many in our community have relied on the once monthly Mobile Food Pantry hosted at The Salvation Army’s Main Street location. Due to current events, this will not be possible for the foreseeable future.

Beginning at 9 a.m. on Friday, March 27th, and again on Wednesday, April 1st, The Salvation Army will oversee the food distributions at Northgate Free Methodist Church, located at 8160 Bank Street Road.

This will be done as a “drive-thru” distribution to insure social distancing and proper hygiene.

Residents are asked to pull into the church lot and go around the back of the building via the north side. Pull up to the pallets and volunteers will load the items for you.

Do not get out of your car or attempt to help. This will continue until all the products are gone.

Items vary but always include fresh produce. We cannot guarantee any particular items or quantities of items.

There are no residency requirements or financial restrictions in order to take part in this distribution.


Please arrive no earlier than 9 o'clock as the lot will be closed. We will need time to set up and organize.

We will open the lot at 9 in the morning and begin as soon as we are set up and ready.

Salvation Army closed to public access, services still available

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Salvation Army, 259 E. Main S., Batavia

We have received word from our territorial command that our facility must be closed to public access until further notice.

We understand that many in our community depend on our Emergency Food Pantry to help make ends meet. We intend to continue this service as long as possible depending on the availability of a product. Our pantry will be available as a drive-up service on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

Clients are asked to pull in to the rear parking lot by the double doors and open their trunk. A staff member will place the food box in the vehicle. We will be strictly observing social distancing as well as sanitary best practices.  

We will also happily accept donations at these same times. Community donations are the only way we can continue to meet the mounting need on a consistent basis. Should you need additional information or assistance please call our office. Our phones are not manned at this point but we will call you back, 585-343-6284.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support.

HELP PEOPLE! Northgate church, Turnbull Heating and Air Conditioning to assist The Salvation Army with food

By Billie Owens

Press release:

There are many families within the greater Genesee region that, during normal circumstances, don’t know where their next meal may come from. During this time of uncertainty, it becomes clearer that as a community, it is our call to help those around us.

Have you felt that urge to help, but just can’t figure out where to plug yourself in?  

Northgate Free Methodist Church will be assisting The Salvation Army with food collection and distribution.

They are setting up a drop-off point on Monday, March 23, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. at their North Campus, located at 8160 Bank Street Road, Batavia.

The Salvation Army is in need of the following items:

  • Canned meats
  • Peanut butter
  • Jelly, soups or chili in cans
  • Pastas, rice, beans
  • Breakfast items
  • Snack items for kids
  • Shelf-stable milk

There will be volunteers available to unload items from your vehicle, and safety precautions will be made to maintain social distancing.

Turnbull Heating and Air Conditioning has offered their fleet of vehicles to transfer the goods to The Salvation Army.

The Salvation Army in Batavia is looking for some (relatively) younger people who are willing to volunteer to help shop and hand out food as people come in. This would be on a daily basis for as long as they are able to have food available. They currently are in the office from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. each day but as the need grows it will become likely that those hours will grow as well.

*If you can help out, call Todd at 343-6284.

In a time where we are being asked to remain apart, let’s do what we can to help those who are in need right now.

*Editor's Note: We were initially provided an incorrect contact number for Todd, the person to call if you want to volunteer for The Salvation Army. The phone number has been corrected.

The Salvation Army suspends all programs, including luncheons, evening youth activities, and Mobile Food Pantry

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Salvation Army has significantly increased its preparation for operations during this outbreak of the novel coronavirus as well as ramping up efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus.

The Salvation Army is taking unprecedented measures to make sure it keeps its doors open and continues to serve those in need.

Locally in order to do this we have made some temporary changes. We have suspended all programing including Monday evening Bible study, Tuesday luncheons, and Wednesday evening Youth activities.

Our Mobile Pantry food distribution scheduled for Wednesday, April 1st has been cancelled.

Our Emergency Food Pantry will be available by calling our office at (585)343-6284. Our Emergency Disaster Services team has made itself available to the Genesee County Office of Emergency Management if they are needed.

Major Ivan Rock, the commander of the Empire State Division, says The Salvation Army will continue to do everything possible to provide for those in need.

“People have turned to The Salvation Army in times of crisis for 155 years,” Rock said.

We emphasize that these changes are temporary and look forward to returning to a regular schedule.

Free hot meal and information about local resources offered at Batavia Salvation Army Jan. 30

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Issues of housing instability, maintaining gainful employment, and obtaining needed healthcare are not limited to large metropolitan areas, they can occur to people living anywhere.

With this in mind, Batavia’s premier advocacy agency for people with disabilities, Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) plus the Homeless Alliance of WNY (HAWNY), working with other community organizations, will be available to those in need in Genesee, Orleans and Wyoming counties as part of Project Connect on Thursday, Jan. 30.

Join us for a FREE hot meal, with access to local available resources to assist with housing, employment, healthcare, and other needs.

In Genesee County, they will cap off a rather full day by offering the hot meal and information from 4 to 6 p.m. at The Salvation Army, 529 E. Main St., Batavia.

Signing up for a session in advance is encouraged but NOT REQUIRED. For more information or to register, please contact: Amber Mesita at (585) 815-8501, ext. 417, or email her at

Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) is a member of the Western New York Independent Living Inc. family of agencies that offers an expanding array of services to aid individuals with disabilities to take control of their own lives.

The Salvation Army to hold chicken BBQ and auction Saturday, sponsors, donations wanted

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The days might be turning cooler and children are headed back to school, but The Salvation Army is holding on to the last days of warmth by hosting our Chicken BBQ and Harvest Festival Auction on Saturday.

The Sept. 14th event will take place at The Salvation Army’s facility at 529 E. Main St. in Batavia.

“We have had such a wonderful outpouring of support from the community each year and we are thrilled to see the same positive success again this year,” said Capt. Rachel Moore who, along with her husband, Lt. Bradley Moore, are the local leaders of The Salvation Army of Batavia and Greater Genesee County.

“When we host fundraisers we are generating support for our outreach and programs for children, adults and senior citizens in our area, and we can’t accomplish any of that without help from the community.”

Capt. Moore said that they have already received several donations from local businesses of all kinds including spas, auto shops, restaurants, and car dealerships to be auctioned off during a live auction.

“We also have received a number of gift certificates, appliances and furniture items from local business,” she said. “The items will be a great fit if you're looking for a gift for anyone of any age.”

The Chicken BBQ will be available for $10 between 12 and 4 p.m. with the Silent Auction beginning at 5 p.m. and Live Auction beginning at 6 o'clock.

All ages are welcome for a family friendly event and credit, cash or check payment will be accepted for items bid on during the auction.

Tickets for the event can be purchased in advance at our office or at the door.

 “We are so grateful for the support we have already received from the community,” Capt. Moore said. “Participation in the auction will be a wonderful opportunity to support the work of The Salvation Army and help us continue to do the most good throughout Genesee County.”

Capt. Moore and Lt. Moore are excitedly hoping for a wonderful turn out of visitors to the auction and sponsorships range from $25 to $100. To sponsor or donate items for the auction, or for general questions regarding the event, call (585)343-6284 or email

Salvation Army seeks help funding its Back to School Backpack program

By Billie Owens

The Salvation Army is asking for the community's help in funding its Back to School Backpack Bash Program.

The nonprofit organization is asking you or your company to sponsor backpacks for our children who live in Genesee County. By sponsoring a backpack you will help give a child a much needed services to help start there school year out on the right foot.

They will provide the backpack and ask that you fill the backpacks with the supplies listed below.

Any items you can provide for these backpacks are appreciated. Please label backpacks according to supply list. Thank You


Box of 24 crayons, pencils, pink eraser, washable markers, glue sticks, bottle of glue, box of tissue, hand sanitizers, pair of blunt scissors, pencil box, plastic pocket folders, wide ruled notebooks, composition notebooks


Box of pencils, glue sticks, bottle of white glue, pink eraser, pair of scissors, pencil case, 6 – pocket folders, loose leaf paper, composition notebooks, blue pens, red pens, binders, subject dividers, scientific calculator, pocket dictionary, pencil shaper, highlighter


Box of Pencils, box of pens, composition notebooks, folders with pockets, package of graph paper, loose leaf paper, pocket dictionary, post-it notes, ruler, scientific calculator, scotch tape, stapler, box of staples, and stapler remover, three ring binder with subject dividers, highlighter, index cards, red pens.

For the flier and sponsorship form on this intitiative, click here.

Please fill out and email or fax it to (585) 343-6717, or mail this form to 529 E. Main St., Batavia NY 14020.

The Salvation Army raised $88K and helped 234 families, more than 400 children and 780 adults last month

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Salvation Army brought the joy of the holiday season to many individuals in Genesee County in 2018. We would like to thank those Genesee County citizens, schools, organizations, club and business owners for their generosity this Holiday Season.

Here at The Salvation Army we are committed to “Doing the Most Good.” During our Red Kettle Campaign, we raised $88,600 through the kindness and generosity of people and businesses in Genesee County.

Not only has the community provided the necessary funds to keep our programs running by dropping money in our Red Kettle, they went above and beyond to ensure that families in need had a Merry Christmas by their participation in our other holiday programs.

Through our Angel Tree and Adopt a family programs, we put new clothes and toys under the tree for children who otherwise would have to go without Christmas gifts this season. Anonymous donors from our very own community adopt these little “angels” in an expanding Christmas tradition that makes the season brighter for both the donor and the child in need.

This year we provided assistance to 234 families, more than 400 hundred children and provided Christmas meal boxes that fed more than 780 individuals on Christmas Day. The Salvation Army ensures that low-income families, struggling seniors, and those without a home for the holidays have a glimmer of hope and the experience of joy during this Holiday Season.

When you give to The Salvation Army, you provide gifts of healing and hope for those who need it most throughout the year. Because need knows no season, we are extending our invitation for our 90 for 90 challenge. We have already received donations from 17 businesses and residents of Genesee County, who took on the challenge to give $1,000 to The Salvation Army.

In this new year we are still looking for individuals and businesses to take on the 90 for 90 challenge. Help us start 2019 by bringing hope and stability to those in need in Genesee County with your generous gift.

The Salvation Army needs to raise thousands of dollars in five days to help the needy

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Christmas is right around the corner and our Annual Red Kettle Campaign will be coming to an end. With only five days left of ringing our bells, we are still in need of raising $30,000.

That’s $6,000 a day we will need.

Genesee County has been very generous in the support of The Salvation Army. For those who have given through Angel Tree, Adopt a Family, and donations in our Red Kettles, we would like to express our gratitude for helping us to make Christmas brighter for those who are less fortunate here in our community.

Very soon the Christmas lights will fade, the trees will all be put away, gifts will be unwrapped and there will still be families in need. The funds we raise through our Red Kettle Campaign will carry us throughout the next year.

Families in need of food, first responders in need of meals and drinks, young people in need of a safe place to grow, and our senior lunch program in providing a hot meal every Tuesday. All of these are possible through our Red Kettle Campaign.

So in the hustle and bustle of these final days before Christmas, when you pass the Red Kettle, would you consider donating or stopping by The Salvation Army at 529 E. Main St. and dropping off your donation.

90 For 90 Challenge is still going on, we have had 14 businesses and individual donors who have graciously taken on the challenge and donated $1,000. We are still looking for 76 individuals or businesses to take on the challenge.

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