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Salvation Army

Salvation Army's Red Kettle Campaign begins Friday

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Salvation Army in Genesee County will begin its annual Red Kettle Campaign on Friday, Nov. 13.

“This year our goal is $70,000,” said Major Robert Kurtz. "The money raised not only supports our holiday assistance programs but also enables us to provide emergency services.

"Last winter we provided 12 men a warm place to sleep, helped 15 families avoid homelessness, and gave away over six tons of food.”

All funds raised during the Red Kettle Campaign are used to provide food, toys and other services to Genesee County residents throughout the year.

Again this year individuals have the option of creating their own virtual Red Kettle online. Money raised through this online tool will be added to the Red Kettle Campaign and be used for Genesee County residents.

If you are interested in “ringing the bell” online go to our secure Web site to create your “kettle."

Volunteer bell ringer slots are still available. If you, your family, or group is interested in participating in the Genesee County Red Kettle Campaign please contact Major Robert Kurtz at 585-861-0676 or

Use your smartphone to check out our bell ringing app @ red kettle bell.

Salvation Army seeks turkeys, toys and food for Holiday Assistance Program

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Salvation Army of Genesee County has begun receiving applications for the Holiday Assistance Program. This year an estimated 1,200 families will receive toys, food and gifts as part of the Emergency Holiday Assistance Program.

To meet this need The Salvation Army is need of turkeys, traditional holiday menu items, and toys.

“Soon the Angel Trees will be in place; this gift-giving program is a great success and provides numerous toys directly to local children," said Major Patty. "The WBTA/Ken Barrett Chevrolet Toy Drive, on Friday, December 11th is another venue for individuals to donate toys.”

Donations of turkeys can be dropped off during normal business hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m to 4 p.m. at The Salvation Army on East Main Street. Monetary donations can be mailed to: The Salvation Army, 529 E. Main St., Batavia NY 14020 and in the memo write: Banquet in a Box.

For more information contact: Major Patty at 343-6284 or e-mail at

Local Batavia Edward Jones Branch Office supports Salvation Army Food Drive

By Billie Owens

Local residents and businesses may help those less fortunate in the community by bringing in items to the Edward Jones branch office during regular business hours from Thursday, Oct. 1st to Thursday, Nov. 19th.

The items needed for the food drive include: canned and boxed items such as cereal, pasta sauce, peanut butter -- of which they are currently low in stock. Canned fruits, vegetables, gravy, soups, pasta and canned meats are always needed. potatoes, pasta, desserts, and gravy.

The branch address is 7 Jackson St. Batavia, NY 14020.

Edward Jones, a Fortune 500 company, provides financial services for individual investors in the United States and, through its affiliate, in Canada.

Mark your calendar: Salvation Army Backpack Program announces giveaway schedule for school supplies

By Billie Owens

The Salvation Army's Backpack Program is coming to a community near you to distribute free backbacks and school supplies on a first-come first-serve basis. You must provide proof of address, proof of income, a supply list from your school, and picture ID.

Only parents, guardians or an adult can pick up items. If a parent or guardian cannot attend the distribution event, a flier from the Salvation Army must be completely filled out and presented. To get one, call 343-6284 or stop by the Salvation Army headquarters at 529 E. Main St. in the City of Batavia, or e-mail:

Distribution events will be held as follows:

Aug. 17  --  10 a.m. to noon:

  • Batavia Central School District and Safety Fair, at The Salvation Army headquarters, 529 E. Main St., Batavia

Aug. 18  --  9 a.m. to noon

  • For Le Roy, Pavilion and Stafford school districts, on the front lawn of Wolcott Street School

Aug. 18  --  1 to 3 p.m.

  • For Corfu, Pembroke, Alexander and Darien school districts, on the front lawn of St. Maxillian Kolbe Parish, 18 W. Main St., Corfu

Aug. 19  --  9 a.m. to noon

  • For Elba, Byron-Bergen, Oakfield-Alabama school districts, in Elba Park

Salvation Army offers free summer program on Thursdays for K-6 kids - 'Thailand Trek'

By Billie Owens

Hey, kids get ready for a cross-cultural summer experience sponsored by The Salvation Army. "Thailand Trek" will provide the food, games and activities unique to exotic Thailand every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. July 7 through Aug. 20 for students in kindergarten through sixth grade.

This FREE summer program features a morning snack and lunch each day. Transportation is provided to and from The Salvation Army headquarters on East Main Street in the City of Batavia.

Participants will enjoy games, crafts, singing, storytime and FUN!

Those who attend four out of five sessions get a free boat ride along the historic Erie Canal in Lockport.

For more information and to sign up, contact The Salvation Army: at (585) 343-6284; visit the office at 529 E. Main St.; or e-mail "Captain Patty" at:

'Snowfest Family Carnival' at Batavia Salvation Army - EVERTHING is FREE!

By Billie Owens

The Salvation Army is hosting the "Snowfest Family Carnival" from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 21. Everthing is FREE!

  • Snowman Building Contest
  • B-I-N-G-O
  • Snack Shop
  • Indoor Games
  • Bounce Houses

It will be at the Salvation Army at 529 E. Main St. in the City of Batavia.

For more information, contact:

Phone: 343-6284

Event Date and Time

Deadline to apply for holiday assistance from Salvation Army extended

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The local Salvation Army has extended the deadline to apply for Christmas toys and food. Applications for the Christmas Toys and Food Baskets will be received until Tuesday, Dec. 16 at 3:30 p.m.

“The recent snowstorm has made it very difficult for families and individuals to come into the office and we want to make sure every family and individual has the opportunity to apply," Major Patricia Kurtz said.

Those who wish to apply must bring picture ID, proof of household income, and proof of household expenses. Acceptable forms of documentation are: receipts, bills, bank statements, checkbooks, and letters from the Department of Social Services.

For more information contact: Major Patty at 343-6284 or e-mail at

If needed, cold weather shelter available for the homeless

By Howard B. Owens

The Salvation Army and United Methodist Church are ready to provide shelter to those who need it in very cold weather, said Robert Kurtz, with the American Red Cross, yesterday following a meeting of homeless-aid advocates.

The Red Cross facility would house the men and the church would take in families.

The goal is to be ready to provide shelter when needed starting Dec. 1, but the real deadline is any night when the temperature drops as low as 10 degrees.

The coalition of church leaders, community activists and social service workers actually started meeting a year ago with the goal of ensuring there were services available for homeless people in Genesee County during cold weather.

There were originally more than 100 members, but the numbers dwindled and only recently the group has seen a resurgence in participation.  

Some of the newer members yesterday raised questions about the 10-degree threshold for opening shelters: Why can't something be done sooner with cold weather coming on fast? Why can't a permanent shelter be located immediately?

Mary Rice, with Pathstone, who was chairing the meeting, explained that the 10-degree standard was adopted because that's the standard in Rochester and Buffalo.

While Kurtz said in an emergency, shelter could be provided now, the coalition is still looking to raise funds for cots and other materials. 

The issue of a permanent shelter is far more complicated.

Rice said she's spoken with volunteers in Lockport who worked for two years before successfully opening a shelter there.

There are a number of tasks to completed before opening a permanent facility, from forming a board of directors and appointing a treasurer to finding a location and getting proper approvals, plus dealing with all the logistics involved in providing warm beds and meals to those in need.

The cost of the project would easily get into six figures.

After the meeting, some of the folks attending who have experience dealing with the economically insecure in Batavia suggested there aren't many people in need of shelter locally. On any given day, there are no more than five people Batavia without shelter at night, they say. Typically, those who face economic insecurity live within a network of people in similar circumstances. They will share shelter when available ("couch surfing" as it's called) and even share food stamps and other resources to support each other.

There have been times in recent years when shelters have been opened on cold winter nights in Batavia but nobody has shown up looking for a warm bed.

The meeting ended with some acrimony. A gentleman who identified himself as living in the camp previously covered by The Batavian didn't like the coverage. He didn't like the pictures being published. He didn't like some of the comments left on Facebook that were mean spirited toward whomever was living in the camp (the identity of occupants and location of the camp were not revealed). He was concerned his employer wouldn't like the coverage and the comments, though he admitted he hadn't talked with his employer about it. A couple of members of the coalition expressed their own displeasure with the coverage and a couple of members defended it.

Swiss Steak Dinner and Basket Auction

By Lisa Ace
Swiss Steak Dinner and Basket Auction
Saturday, November 15, 2014 at 5 p.m.  (take outs at 4:30)
Advance tickets only ($9) Deadline Nov. 3rd
Silent and live basket auction to follow dinner at:
The Salvation Army
529 East Main St.
Batavia, NY 14020
Sponsored by the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary. Proceeds to benefit the Thanksgiving and Christmas programs. For information and tickets call: 585-343-6284
Event Date and Time

Salvation Army's Ladies Night Out to feature movie, popcorn, snacks and fun

By Billie Owens

The Salvation Army will host 'Ladies Night Out' starting at 7 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 19. If you need a ride, one will be provided.

There will be a movie to enjoy "Mom's Night Out," plus popcorn and movie snacks. Giggling is virtually guaranteed, but not mandatory.

It's all free.

This will be at the Salvation Army headquarters at 529 E. Main St., Batavia.

If you need a ride or want more information, call 343-6284 or e-mail Captain Patty at

Event Date and Time

Salvation Army's Mobile Pantry Program starts next month

By Billie Owens

The Salvation Army's Mobile Pantry Program begins in April. It will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on the first Wednesday of every month through December at the Salvation Army headquarters, 529 E. Main St., Batavia. You are welcome to come early at 9:15 a.m. for coffee and conversation.

The dates of the Mobile Pantry Program are:

  • April 2
  • May 7
  • June 4
  • July 2
  • Aug. 6
  • Sept. 3
  • Oct. 1
  • Nov. 5
  • Dec. 3

Photo: Two companies join forces for donation of food items to Salvation Army

By Howard B. Owens

Muller Quaker Dairy and the local Edward Jones office came together Thursday to drop off seven baskets of canned and boxed food donated to the Salvation Army's annual holiday food drive. Pictured are Michael Marsh, with Edward Jones, and Julie Flynn, from Muller Quaker.

Information and photo submitted by Robin Ettinger.

Craft Show

By Lisa Ace


Craft Show
October 19, 2013 from 9:30 – 3 p.m.  at the Salvation Army building
529 East Main St.  Batavia, NY 14020
30+ dealers
No Admission
Food available
Sponsored by the Women’s Auxiliary to benefit student scholarships
Event Date and Time

Photo: Bell ringers at Tops for Salvation Army 'Red Kettle' campaign

By Howard B. Owens

If you've been to Tops in the past couple of weeks you've seen members of your community there ringing little red bells as part of the Salvation Army's annual Red Kettle Campaign.

Today, members of the Kiwanis Club of Batavia volunteered in shifts to ring bells and maybe even sing Christmas carols, as Allison Chua and Ross Chua are doing above.

The Salvation Army always needs volunteers to help support the campaign. To volunteer, contact Patricia Kurtz, at 343-6284 or e-mail at

Batavia PD, Salvation Army collecting toys, clothing for holidays

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Batavia Police, in partnership with Salvation Army, are collecting items to help those in need this holiday season.

Police officers as part of their normal duties meet families in unique situations and see firsthand the need for basic clothing needs such as socks, pajamas and other items. The Batavia Police Department is asking the citizens of Batavia to join us as we help supply these items for the Salvation Army to distribute.

There will be a collection container at the City of Batavia Police headquarters located at 10 W. Main St. We will be accepting new clothing items and of course new toys for those children of our community in need. Items will be collected through Dec. 14. Feel free to stop by and drop off.

Thank you, to the citizens of Batavia, for your support and have a safe and happy holiday season.

Photo: Officer Eric Dibble and Chief Shawn Heubusch, by Det. Rich Schauf.

The Batavia Salvation Army launches online Red Kettle Campaign

By Billie Owens

Press release:

It’s beginning to look like Christmas at the Batavia Salvation Army. Preparations began weeks ago to organize the Red Kettle Campaign and holiday assistance programs.

During the holiday season The Salvation Army offers many opportunities to get involved and donate. This year we have expanded our kettle campaign to include online giving.

This year an online red kettle team has been created by Major Patty Kurtz. Major Patty has issued a challenge to raise money through her online kettle team to exceed the campaign goal set by her husband, Major Bob Kurtz.

All money raised through the online red kettle will be dedicated to meet the needs of local families and individuals in Genesee County.

Individuals interested in joining the team or making a donation can visit the team’s Web site:

For more information contact: Major Patty at 343-6284 or email at

Mega rummage and bake sale at Salvation Army Community Center

By Billie Owens

A Mega Rummage Sale and Blow Out Bake Sale will take place at The Salvation Army Community Center on Friday, Oct. 5.

It is located at 529 E. Main St. in the City of Batavia.

The rummage sale is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will include toys, books, linens, housewares, bric-a-brac, and much more.

The bake sale is from 9 a.m. to noon and will feature sweets, coffee and apple pies.

For more information or to donate, call 343-6284.

Salvation Army's free annual Summer Block Party is July 5

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Salvation Army would like to invite the community to its free annual Summer Block Party to be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 5. The location is 529 E. Main St. (across from Tulley's Restaurant).

There will be games, hot dogs, snow cones, dodge ball, basketball and prizes. Parents will also be able to sign up their children for the Summer Super Sparks program.

For more information contact: Major Patty at 343-6284 or email at

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