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Deja vu: 20 people reported jumping in Indian Falls

By Billie Owens

A caller to dispatch reports 20 people are jumping in the falls below the Indian Falls Log Cabin Restaurant, located at 1227 Gilmore Road, Corfu.

She would like to speak to an officer.

"Same complaint," says the deputy who is responding.

On Thursday, nine people were reported jumping in the falls. On Friday, July 3, it was 20 people, and on June 29 there was "a large number" of jumpers.

Caller reports 20 people jumping in the falls below Log Cabin restaurant

By Billie Owens

A caller to dispatch reports 20 people ("two-zero") are jumping in the falls by the Indian Falls Log Cabin Restaurant. The dispatcher relayed this complaint to a Sheriff's deputy who asked: "I thought were weren't responding to those (calls) anymore?"

After a moment, the dispatcher clarified that law enforcement is to respond to complaints at the site that involve parking violations or trespassing, not just jumping in the falls.

"I will check the roadway to see if anyone needs a ticket," replied the officer.

The location is 1227 Gilmore Road, Corfu.

UPDATE 5:03 p.m. (By Howard): We asked Sheriff William Sheron to clarify the policy and he responded, "we do respond to these calls and enforce violations of the penal law where appropriate. Typically trespass charges for crossing the property of the adjacent landowners. Also, issue tickets for parking violations in the area."

Caller complains that kids are playing in the falls below Log Cabin restaurant

By Billie Owens

A caller to dispatch reports several kids are playing in the water at Indian Falls, below the Indian Falls Log Cabin Restaurant, and she says she's asked them to get out of the water and they refuse.

Genesee County Sheriff's deputies are responding.

The eatery is located at 1227 Gilmore Road, Corfu.

Accident at Le Roy Service Center prompts verbal altercation

By Billie Owens

A two-vehicle accident is reported at 100 Main St., Le Roy, the Le Roy Service Center. The property-damage accident involved a pickup truck towing a camping trailer and a white SUV.

The drivers got into a verbal altercation and the pickup truck allegedly attempted to leave the scene, then when a Le Roy officer arrived and is out with the operators now.

No injuries reported.

UPDATE 2:13 p.m.: "Things have calmed down," reports the officer. "Minor MVA." He's leaving the scene and another officer is taking over to write the report.

Mother duck sets up her nursery in flowerpot outside Marshall's

By Billie Owens

A sheriff's deputy to dispatcher a couple of minutes ago: "Can you start me an animal job? Location will be Marshall's. Attempting to relocate a mother duck and ducklings who were hatched in a flowerpot outside." Dispatcher: "Copy that. Mother duck and ducklings."

UPDATE 1:40 p.m.: About 25 minutes ago a law enforcement officer successfully gathered the badling of ducks, or the brood of ducks if you like, and relocated them to a retention pond behind the store safe and sound.

Bull on the loose in Bethany

By Billie Owens

A loose bull is reported in the roadway in the vicinity of 9495 Francis Road, Bethany. Genesee County Sheriff's deputies are responding.

UPDATE 5:38 p.m.: A deputy reports the bull is no longer in the roadway and the officer says the owner lives at 9453 and will be trying to corral it. The deputy cleared the scene.

Man reportedly bitten by one or more loose dogs on Terry Hills Drive

By Billie Owens

A third-party caller reported to the Genesee County Emergency Dispatch Center that a man was attacked by a dog or several dogs running loose in the 5000 block of Terry Hills Drive. The pack of dogs then ran off. The location is "between Clinton Street and the dead end." Law enforcement and Mercy medics are responding. The caller is roadside inside a vehicle.

UPDATE 4:48 p.m.: The man who was bitten is upstairs on a back deck; a bandage was applied that stopped bleeding. Two dogs were involved and an officer told dispatch they are "contained in the house."

UPDATE 5:06 p.m.: An Amazon delivery driver was bitten on the inner thigh of one leg while on property making a delivery; the property owner's two dogs were in the yard at the time and barking when the delivery driver got bit. He was taken to UMMC for evaluation, but the injury appears to be minor.

UPDATE 5:20 (by Howard): The driver was treated on scene by the homeowners, who are both medical professionals and were able to walk from the backyard to his delivery truck on his own. He then walked from his delivery truck to the ambulance before being transported to UMMC. He continued to hold onto a delivery package for delivery as he walked to the ambulance. One of the owners said his dogs are normally big puppies but they make have felt more anxious after being locked up inside the house so frequently during the COVID crisis. A trooper confirmed that since the dogs were on the owner's property, there will be no citation.

Tree and wires down in Le Roy, wires arcing and sparking also reported in Le Roy

By Billie Owens

A tree and wires are down in the roadway at Warsaw and Cole roads in Le Roy. Also, wires are arcing and sparking across the street from 6810 East Bethany - Le Roy Road in Le Roy.

Le Roy Fire Department is responding.

UPDATE 2:32 p.m.: A first responder at 6810 East Bethany - Le Roy Road reports the wires are no longer arcing and sparking. National Grid is contacted. The Le Roy fire assignment for this location is put back in service.

Meanwhile, at Warsaw (Route 19) and Cole roads, National Grid is called because a power line to a residence is across the roadway. Cable and phone lines are down as well and the service providers are contacted for repair. Southbound traffic is being shut down at Warsaw and Perry roads. Westbound traffic on Cole Road is shut down at Route 19.

Large fire involving grass and building materials is reported in Byron

By Billie Owens

A large grass fire also involving building materials is reported at 7120 Byron Road. The location is between Route 262 and Cochran Road. Byron and South Byron fire departments are responding.

UPDATE 1:40 p.m.: A deputy in Bethany is also responding to the scene.

UPDATE 1:52 p.m.: Byron command reports the fire is out.

UPDATE 2:04 p.m.: Byron command puts the assignment in service "with a warning given" to the person burning the building materials.

Caller concerned about male shooting rifle in area used by ATV riders

By Billie Owens

A caller to dispatch complains that a male is shooting a rifle in the 8600 block of Hopkins Road in Batavia in an area where "kids drive their ATVs through there all the time" and the caller is concerned about their safety.

The location is on the west side of Hopkins road "just before the creek."

'Lovely little boy' at Batavia PD waiting to meet a real live cop today

By Billie Owens

Genesee County Emergency Dispatcher to Batavia Police Officer #144: "If you are available, there's a lovely little boy in the back office who would like to meet a police officer today."

Officer: "Received."

(Maybe the little guy already has an idea of what he wants to be when he grows up.)

Fight reported at Flying J in Pembroke

By Billie Owens

A physical altercation is reported in the front parking lot of the Flying J Travel Center, 8484 Alleghany Road, Pembroke. Law enforcement is called to respond.

A clerk subsequently reported one subject, believed to be the victim, driving a Perry's Ice Cream truck, had left the front lot and was driving elsewhere on the premises.

An operator(s) of a red Volvo "Two Brothers" truck was reportedly the aggressor -- "ninja kicking" the operator of the Perry's vehicle at the time of the call.

Rollover accident reported in Pavilion at Transit and Keller roads

By Billie Owens

A one-vehicle rollover accident is reported in Pavilion at Transit and Keller roads. A female sustained a back injury and is unable to exit the vehicle. A male complains of head pain.

Bethany Fire Department is responding along with two Mercy ambulances.

UPDATE 8:45 p.m.: Extrication equipment is requested and more manpower from Bethany.

UPDATE 8:56 p.m.: The patient with the back injury has been extricated.

Caller in Elba complains of speeding four-wheelers on Transit Road

By Billie Owens

A caller in the 6800 block of Transit Road in Elba reports to dispatchers that four-wheelers are traveling up and down the roadway at a high rate of speed and the operators are not wearing helmets. Sheriff's deputies are responding.

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