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UMMC heli-pad to become new parking lot

By Howard B. Owens

By the end of the summer, city residents will no longer hear the wap-wap-wap of Mercy Flight helicopter blades flying in and out of UMMC, the hospital's spokeswoman Colleen Flynn told WBTA.

Flynn said the heli-pad at the hospital will provide new parking spaces.

She said patients requiring air transport from UMMC to Buffalo or Rochester would first be taken via ground ambulance to the Mercy Flight facility at the Genesee County Airport.

Summit Physical Therapy & Sportscare Center announces the opening of a second clinic in Batavia

By Lisa Lavrey

Summit Physical Therapy & Sportscare Centers’ Co-Directors, Wayne Younge, P.T. and Jim Turcer, P.T. are proud to announce the opening of a second clinic on the Bank Street campus. On July 1st, 2009 Summit Physical Therapy will begin operating the UMMC Physical Therapy Department at Bank Street, formerly known as W.N.Y. Physical & Occupational Therapy.

Under the continued guidance of Jackie Davis, P.T., UMMC Physical Therapy at Bank Street will continue to offer all of the services this community has  grown to rely on and trust in, including aquatic and occupational therapy. Summit Physical Therapy & Sportscare Center will continue to be the provider of choice for all inpatient care at UMMC.

For over 22 years Summit Physical Therapy & Sportscare Center has provided unparalleled commitment to the Batavia community, setting the standard in the treatment of:

·        Spinal dysfunctions
·        Joint replacement rehabilitation
·        Lymphedema care provided by a certified lymphedema therapist
·        Post surgical orthopedic programs for the knee, shoulder, and ankle
·        Neurological disorders
·        Vestibular and gait disturbances
·        Certified Sportsmetrics instruction in the prevention of female knee injuries

We thank you for your support in the past and look forward to the opportunity to care for you and your family in the future as we continue to grow and meet the ever changing needs of our community. Summit Physical Therapy & Sportscare Center…The Clear Choice… Close to Home

UMMC officials meet with local media to confirm and discuss H1N1 case at hospital

By Howard B. Owens

Officials of United Memorial Medical Center met with local media this afternoon to confirm a report earlier in the day by The Batavian that a member of the hospital staff tested positive for the H1N1 strain of flu and to discuss precautions instituted by the hospital.

During the conference, both spokeswoman Colleen Flynn and Lorri Goergen, infection prevention manager, confirmed that other employees have reported flu-like symptoms, but the cases seem largely unrelated.

The fact is, as the County's interim health director Randy Garney, discussed with The Batavian this morning, H1N1 is now widespread in Genesee County.

"The first one who called in (sick) with symptoms had no contact with the first case we identified," Goergen said. "What seemed to happen almost simultaneously is that our ER had a sudden increase in patients coming in with the same symptoms, and the doctor's offices this Monday were calling quite rapidly."

The first infected employee is recovering at home, Flynn said.

Flynn said the hospital reacted quickly and transparently with employees about the first confirmed case, sending out a memo Tuesday telling employees to stay home if they had even subtle flu-like symptoms. 

All of the employees and the doctors of patients who might have come into contact with the infected worker were given instructions and opportunities for preventative steps.  Exposed employees were screened and offered anti-viral medications.

As Garney discussed this morning, because this is not currently flu season, any flu-like feelings should be considered H1N1. People who feel ill should stay home and have minimal contact with other people. If you feel sick, call your doctor. Health officials stress it is best to avoid going to the emergency room or doctor's office unless severely ill.  H1N1, like any other flu, can be treated safely at home if directions are followed. Any public exposure by an infected person to others increases the risk of spreading the virus, and just because a case is mild in one person doesn't mean that person couldn't pass along the virus to another person who will have a much more severe reaction.

UMMC officials stressed the importance of washing your hands and avoiding hand to mouth contact.

And while your annual flu shot will not offer much protection against this new strain, they did stress the importance of annual flu shots.

As Goergen noted, some 36,000 people die from the flu every year. Any case of flu should be treated with care, not just H1N1.

Because H1N1 is now pervasive in the community, the hospital also instituted some visitation rule changes.

  • No children under 14 are allowed to visit
  • Visitors are limited to 2 per patient
  • Visiting hours should be strictly enforced
  • 4th floor (maternity ward) are restricted to fathers only
  • Time spent in the hospital should be limited -- employees are encouraged to ask visitors to avoid public areas, including the snack shop, cafeteria and lobby

H1N1 prevalent in state, health director says, following reported case at UMMC

By Howard B. Owens

A case of H1N1, often misidentified as "swine flu," has been reportedly contracted by a member of the United Memorial Medical Center staff, according to Randy Garney, interim director of the health department for Genesee County.

Citing privacy concerns, UMMC spokeswoman Colleen Flynn said she could not share any information about the reported case. Flynn did confirm that a memo was sent to employees on Tuesday.

Garney indicated people should not dwell too much on where a case might be found, but realize H1N1 is prevalent throughout the state.

"The general public should realize it's here," Garney said.

People, he said, are largely unaware of how  widespread H1N1 is at this point because most cases are never severe enough to lead to the person seeking medical attention.

But if you have flu-like symptoms, you have H1N1.

"It's considered H1N1 right now because we're beyond the flu season," Garney said. "If anybody has those symptoms, they should consider it H1N1."

Flu symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, chills and extreme tiredness.

While H1N1 is pervasive throughout New York, the fatality rate is very low, less than .1 percent.

"The more troubling part of H1N1 is that it's being more aggressive with five- to 21-year-olds," Garney said. "Flu is usually more aggressive with people over 65, but H1N1 is not bearing this out."

Because H1N1 is such a new strain, Garney said, there is still much scientists are trying to learn about the strain. It's possible that older people at one time contracted a variant of the strain in their younger years and now have some level of immunity.

Garney reiterated that people with flu-like symptoms should stay home and avoid as much as possible and avoid unnecessary contact with other people.  Also, wash your hands and maintain other sanitary practices.

Unknown fire alarm at United Memorial

By Howard B. Owens

A fire alarm was triggered at UMMC, 16 Bank St. Firefighters are on scene and investigating. No further information is available at this time.

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

In recognition of National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, United Memorial urges men and women over aged 50 to get screened for colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in men and women in the United States, excluding skin cancers, and the third leading cause of cancer-related death in New York State.  Approximately, 11,000 new cases of colorectal cancer are diagnosed each year in New York, and 4,000 men and women die from the disease annually.

Colorectal cancer is the term used for cancers that start in the colon or the rectum.  Colorectal cancer often starts as a small growth called a polyp, long before symptoms appear.  A polyp is a non-cancerous growth of tissue or tumor that grows before cancer develops. A polyp grows on the lining of the colon or rectum and may change into cancer.   “Screening tests can prevent cancer by finding it early when the chance of being cured is very good,” said Michael Merrill, MD, VP of Medical Affairs.

All men and women ages 50 and older should be screened for colorectal cancer.  Colorectal cancer can affect anyone, men and women alike, and the risk only increases with age. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 90 percent of colon cancer cases occur in people aged 50 and older.

Some people are at greater risk for the disease than others, though, such as those with a personal or family history of colorectal cancer, history of intestinal polyps or inflammatory bowel disease, and people with a history of certain inherited diseases such as familial adenomatous polyposis and hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer.

Colorectal cancer can be prevented or detected early through regular screening.  United Memorial Medical Center urges you to lower your risk of developing colorectal cancer by:

·         Getting screened- Begin regular screening at age 50. If you have a personal or family history of colorectal cancer or colorectal polyps, or a personal history of another cancer or inflammatory bowel disease, talk to your health care provider about getting screened before age 50.

·         Eating healthy- Enjoy a low-fat diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains from breads, cereals, nuts, and beans.  Eat foods with folate such as green, leafy vegetables. A daily multivitamin containing .4mg of folic acid may also be helpful.

·         Kicking the habit-If you use tobacco, quit. If you don't use tobacco, don't start.

·         Skipping the alcohol- If you use alcohol, drink only in moderation. Alcohol and tobacco in combination are linked to colorectal cancer and other gastrointestinal cancers.

·         Getting moving- Exercise for at least 20 minutes three to four days each week. Moderate exercise such as walking, gardening, or climbing may help reduce your risk.

“Talking with your healthcare provider is vital when it comes to preventing colorectal cancer, stressed Dr. Merrill, colorectal cancer is easily treated and often curable when detected early.  The tests are often covered by Medicare and many health insurers.”

 If you are uninsured or underinsured there is a program in this community that provides access to free colorectal cancer screening.  For more information about colorectal cancer, contact the Genesee Orleans Cancer Partnership at (585)344-5497 or visit us on-line at

United Memorial says 14 employees let go in January

By Howard B. Owens

We just received a press release from United Memorial Medical Center stating that 14 employees were laid off in Januray, and previously 16 vacant positions were eliminated, in response to the economic downturn.

For the past three months, United Memorial has been working to take pro-active steps in positioning the organization to effectively cope with the impact of reduced reimbursements from governmental payers and the effects of the declining stock market. To remain financially viable and protect the high level of service provided to our patients, we have applied organizational changes.

United Memorial began implementing several cost saving strategies in January which included limiting expenses unrelated to patient care, restricting the travel and education budgets and re-evaluating projects and capital purchases. All contracts for supplies, utilities and services were re-examined for cost savings. The Cardiac Rehab program was altered to increase class size and allow fewer days of operation. The Process Improvement Department was restructured under Quality Management and the employee shuttle service was outsourced.

As a part of this process, 16 vacant open positions with the equivalent hours of 12 full time employees were eliminated and since January, 14 employees were let go. While the 14 individuals affected by this action account for less than 2% of our 770 person workforce, they were our colleagues, co-workers and friends. Each possessed admirable work ethics and they have collectively provided the Hospital with decades of respected service. Those that were eligible were offered severance packages and where appropriate, options to extend their healthcare coverage.

The eliminated positions include three in management and 27 support staff.

The Surgical Expansion and Affordable Senior Housing Projects will continue as planned. The Hospital leadership team has worked conscientiously to make decisions that will allow United Memorial to continue to grow and provide quality services that meet the healthcare needs of our community.

UMMC explains cause of power outage, plans to prevent future issues

By Philip Anselmo

Apologies. This statement on the details of the power outage at United Memorial Medical Center Friday went overlooked by me. I had sent a request early in the afternoon that day asking to be updated on the status of the outage. Last I had heard at that point, all of the surgeries for the day had been cancelled and incoming patients were being sent elsewhere. That was around noon.

This mail was sent around 6 o'clock Friday evening:

Early this morning, United Memorial was made aware of potentially dangerous power issues at the North Street Campus. A transfer switch which allows approximately 75% of the Hospital’s electrical needs to move to generator power, failed.

While the Hospital was operational and functioning “on the grid” using regular electrical service, the lack of a redundancy system required the cancellation of all surgeries and placed the Emergency Department on diversion. All incoming ambulances were diverted to Millard Fillmore Suburban and other area hospitals.

In order to diagnose and correct the power issue, United Memorial went “off the grid” and was without power for approximately 16 minutes beginning at 12:20 pm today. This allowed crews to convert to a temporary manual switching system. In preparation for this event, United Memorial worked with the Genesee County Office of Emergency Management, City of Batavia Fire and Police, and the Department of Health to insure patient safety. Mobile generators and temporary lighting were brought in for critical electrical power needs and an internal labor pool was established to address issues due to the lack of elevator and computer services. Quality Management discharged patients that were expected to go home today prior to the power interruption and patient meals were delivered before elevator services were disconnected. A notice was also sent to all members of the Medical Staff alerting them to the situation.

This afternoon, electrical crews worked to move two operating rooms off of the manual switching system over to an automatic transfer switch. In an unexpected power failure due to circumstances such as weather or an accident, this conversion will allow generator power to become effective in a matter of seconds; with a manual transfer to generator power, 3-5 minutes are necessary. This conversion was completed by 5:15 pm today and the Hospital ended the diversion of ambulances. United Memorial is now operating at its regular capacity.

A permanent replacement of the faulty transfer switch should occur in the next 2-3 weeks when the customized part becomes available. There were no negative impacts to patient care during this incident and the Hospital would like to express their gratitude to the staff of United Memorial, the Genesee County Office of Emergency Management, City of Batavia Fire and Police Departments, our patients and visitors who worked cooperatively with patience and understanding while we attended to a potential life safety issue.

Power outage at United Memorial

By Philip Anselmo

From United Memorial Medical Center:

United Memorial Medical Center is experiencing difficulties with the electrical power redundancy system at its North Street Campus which will affect the main hospital. To repair this issue, the Hospital will be without power for 15 -90 minutes while the issue is diagnosed and repaired at approximately 12:20 pm..

United Memorial officials are working with the Genesee County Office of Emergency Management, City of Batavia Fire and Police, and the Department of Health to insure patient safety. The Hospital is on full diversion and all surgeries have been cancelled for the remainder of the day.

The Hospital has initiated an internal labor pool in order to address issues that may arise due to the lack of elevator service. Currently, there are 90 patients admitted to the hospital at North Street. The Hospital is working to discharge patients that were expected to go home today before the power disruption is expected.

Visitors to the hospital today should expect to see increased activity and emergency personnel on stand-by. Their cooperation while we address this electrical concern is appreciated.

Nurses’ Night Out social and educational event planned

By Philip Anselmo

From the United Memorial Medical Center:

United Memorial Medical Center (UMMC) is sponsoring a Nurses’ Night Out event for Thursday, February 26, 2009 at Terry Hills Restaurant, 5122 Clinton Street Road, Batavia. This social and educational event is open to all nursing and pharmacy professionals.
Michelle Spiotta, BS, RPh, and Pharmacy Clinical Manager for United Memorial will address the 2009 Patient Safety Standard on Anticoagulation during her discussion, “Anticoagulation Management and Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia.”
Registration and Social Hour will be at 5:30 pm. Dinner will begin at 7:00 pm. Attendees should reserve a seat by phoning (585)344-7432 by February 23rd.
Non-UMMC employees will be charged $20 per person to cover the cost of dinner.

Weather update: Outpatient closures

By Philip Anselmo

We received the following notice of closures at the United Memorial Medical Center:

"Due to today’s severe winter weather the following outpatient services of United Memorial will be closed today:

  • Batavia Family Care

  • Tountas Family Care

  • Tonawanda Seneca Family Care

  • Byron Family Care

  • The Corporate Health Center

  • All services at the Jerome Center including laboratory and medical imaging

  • Pembroke Diagnostic Center

  • LeRoy Diagnostic Center

  • Cardiac Rehab Services, EKG, Echo and Stress Testing"

Redevelopment of Former Hospital to receive Senate Support

By Philip Anselmo

From United Memorial Medical Center:

New York State Senate Majority Leader and President Pro Tem, Dean G. Skelos, Senator Mary Lou Rath and United Memorial Medical Center CEO, Mark C. Schoell will announce New York State Senate support of the Hospital’s planned renovation of the former St. Jerome Hospital.

The former St. Jerome Hospital will be repurposed to a 37-unit affordable senior housing project, revitalizing an important area in downtown Batavia, providing jobs and improving access to healthcare.

United Memorial Medical Center was formed by the merger of Genesee Memorial and St. Jerome hospitals in January 2000. Following the merger, the majority of healthcare services were consolidated at the North Street campus, leaving the St. Jerome facility underutilized and vacant.

During the summer and fall of 2007, the former St. Jerome Hospital Emergency Department and Ground Floor were renovated to create a comprehensive outpatient diagnostic center, primary care and occupational medicine services. The housing project would address the upper four floors of the main physical plant.

WHO: Senator Dean Skelos, NYS Senate Majority Leader and President Pro Tem (9th Senate District), NYS Senator Mary Lou Rath (61st Senate District), and Mark C. Schoell, President and CEO, United Memorial Medical Center

WHEN: 5 pm on Thursday, October 23, 2008

WHERE: United Memorial Jerome Center, Bank and Washington Streets, Batavia

CONTACT: Colleen Flynn, Community Relations, United Memorial (585)344-5415 or email to:

United Memorial Open House

By Philip Anselmo

From United Memorial Medical Center:

The United Memorial Medical Center League is planning an Open House for Thursday, October 30, 2008 from 2 to 4 pm in the Snack Shop and Gift Shop at the Hospital’s North Street campus. Free cake and punch will be available to the public. The League recently completed renovations to the Snack Shop by investing $2,000 in refurbished décor and new counter stools.
The Gift Shop will offer a 40% discount on all Halloween items purchased that day and 10% off all additional gift ware. The UMMC League operates both the Gift Shop and Snack Shop at the North Street campus with all proceeds directly benefitting United Memorial. The League has given over $1 million in support since their inception. This year’s charitable contributions will be earmarked for new equipment in the Maternity Unit.
The League is open to new members and volunteers. For information on becoming a volunteer, please contact Karen Tennity at (585)344-7465.

News roundup: Demolition in Le Roy

By Philip Anselmo

The Masonic Temple and several buildings around it on Main Street in downtown Le Roy have been demolished, according to WBTA's Dan Fischer. In all, eight buildings have come down, leaving a large swath of downtown vacant until construction begins on the Walgreen's that will be taking their place. Fischer connected with Le Roy's police chief, Chris Heywood, who spoke about the "new view of Lake Street."

In other news, the "credit crunch" spawned by the subprime housing crisis may be having an effect on Main Street atfer all. Fischer reports that at Genesee Community College, students may have a harder time procuring private loans. Apparently, "fewer and fewer banks are offering the loans." Most students, however, fund their tuition—and I speak out of experience here—via federal loans and grants. Now, as far as I know, those federal loans have not become harder to come across. Financial aid director at the college, Joe Bailey, told Fischer that the private loans are not as popular as the federal loans, but it's the only "means of paying tuition" for some students. How many? What percentage? "Some" never gets us anywhere when we're talking statistics, and we always seem to be talking statistics.

No matter how dire the "credit crunch," the state always seems to have money to give away. This time it's $3 million going to United Memorial Medical Center to help fund its $20 million "surgical expansion project" and add two more operating rooms at the hospital.

Diabetes Walk

By Philip Anselmo

From United Memorial Medical Center:

United Memorial Medical Center Diabetes Education Program and Cardiac Rehab will participate in “Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes” on Saturday, October 4th. The walk begins and ends at the VA Medical Center, 222 Richmond Avenue, Batavia. Registration opens at 9am. The self-paced 3.5 mile walk will begin at 10 am.
To join the hospital in supporting this important health initiative, call Diabetes Health Educator, Margie Mager, RN at (585) 344-5437. Participants may also register on-line through the hospital website,
Money raised through the walk will be used to fund vital research towards a cure; education and advocacy for people with diabetes; and programming such as Sunshine Camp-the American Diabetes Association summer camp for children with diabetes, right here in Western New York.
Participants who raise at least $75 will receive a free t-shirt.

Free Blood Pressure Screenings in October

By Philip Anselmo

From United Memorial Medical Center:

United Memorial Medical Center will offer free blood pressure screenings each Thursday in October, the 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th, from 1:30 to 3:00 pm at our Cardiac Rehab Department located at 215 Summit Street, Batavia. Appointments are not needed and walk-ins are welcome.

The American Heart Association claims that nearly one in three U.S. adults has high blood pressure, but because there are no symptoms, nearly one-third of these people don't know they have it. Many people have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure or kidney failure. The only way to tell if you have high blood pressure is to have your blood pressure checked.

For additional information please contact Healthy Living, United Memorial’s Community Education and Outreach Department at (585) 344-5331.

UMMC Annual Auction - October 25

By Philip Anselmo

From the United Memorial Medical Center:

United Memorial Medical Center Foundation will be holding its Annual Auction on Saturday, October 25, 2008 at the Holiday Inn at 8250 Park Road in Batavia, N.Y.

The Social Hour, Silent Auction and Chinese Auction featuring themed baskets will begin at 6 pm.  Dinner is scheduled for 7 pm followed by the live auction at 7:30 pm.  Auction items include: Buffalo Sabres game tickets, Fran Tarkenton autographed football, family pass to Casa Loma Estate Gardens in Toronto and one-night stays at Morgan Samuels Inn in Canandaigua and the Esperanza Mansion on Keuka Lake.

All proceeds from this auction will be restricted to UMMC’s surgical expansion project.

Tickets for this event are $20 in advance; $25 if purchased October 20-25 and include buffet, wine, beer, soda and dessert table.

Please contact the UMMC Foundation for further information at (585) 344-5300.

Pink Hatter's Night Out - October 9

By Philip Anselmo

From the United Memorial Medical Center:

The Cancer Services Partnership of Genesee and Orleans County (formerly known as the Healthy Women’s Partnership) has scheduled its annual breast cancer awareness event, Pink Hatter’s Night Out, for October 9th at Batavia Downs, 8315 Park Road, Batavia.

All attendees are encouraged to wear a pink hat. Each year prizes are awarded for hats in several categories. Doors open at 4 pm to preview the Chinese Auction items. Dinner will begin at 6 pm. 

Tickets to the event are $20 each and available at the Healthy Living Partnership, 211 East Main Street, Batavia; or by phoning (585)344-5494. Seating is limited and is expected to sell out early.

Michele Odrabina, MD who practices in obstetrics and gynecology in Albion and Medina will be the featured speaker.

The group DIVA by DIVA will present a special performance of “A Celebration of Women.” This O’Connell & Company original production is now in its 9th year. Each performance features different materials and cast in a fast paced whirl of sequins, songs, humor and quotes by, for and about women.

The Cancer Services Partnership is a grant funded program which provides access to free colorectal, breast and cervical cancer screenings for men and women, age 18 to 64, who are uninsured or underinsured. United Memorial manages the Partnership for Orleans and Genesee Counties.

News roundup: Renovation at the hospital starts today

By Philip Anselmo

Renovation will begin today at the former St. Jerome Hospital on Bank Street, according to WBTA. United Memorial Medical Center plans to erect a 37-unit affordable senior housing structure for the site. The project is expected to disrupt traffic and parking in the vicinity.

In other news, Batavia's City Council will meet tonight at 7:00pm at City Hall. Please refer to our earlier post for more details or to download the agenda.

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