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VFW Ladies Auxiliary to host D.C. trip in honor of fallen veterans

By Daniel Crofts

VFW Ladies Auxiliary District Treasurer Marge Buckley and Post 1602 President Maura Dibble are proud to introduce their first trip to Washington, D.C., for "Wreaths Across America." It will be the local debut of a national event honoring our nation's fallen veterans.

Open to men, women and children of all ages, the trip is being coordinated by "1st Choice Educational Tours." People from outside of Genesee County are also invited to participate.

The bus will depart from VFW Post 1602, at 25 Edwards St. in Batavia, at 6:30 a.m. Friday, Dec. 13, and is estimated to arrive back in Batavia around 8 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 15. Additional pick-up locations may be added for groups of eight or more.

"Wreaths Across America" is a ceremony in which wreaths are placed on the graves of fallen soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery as well as other cemeteries throughout the country.  Travellers on this trip will get to be a part of the ceremony in Arlington at 8 a.m. on Dec. 14.

Dibble said it gives her "goosebumps" to see many of the wreaths on these graves, especially since some of them belong to unknown soldiers whose families and friends have passed on.

Buckley assures participants that they "will not be riding a school bus." Round trip transportation will be provided on a 56-passenger deluxe motor coach with a built-in restroom.

Price of admission also includes:

  • a two-night stay at the Courtyard Marriott Pentagon South
  • two breakfasts
  • two dinners
  • a lunch voucher at the Ronald Reagan Food Court
  • a Night Illuminated Monument Tour in Washington, D.C.
  • time to explore the Smithsonian Museum
  • a 90-minute tram tour of Arlington Cemetery
  • a two-hour guided tour of the battlefield at Gettysburg, Pa.

Cost is $399 based on double occupancy, $359 on triple occupancy, $339 on quad occupancy and $525 on single occupancy.

There are 15 seats still available. For more information, call Buckley at 344-1663 by the middle of this week.

YWCA Yes! Cafe offers Salute to Veterans lunch on July 10th hosted by Assemblyman Hawley

By Billie Owens

The YWCA YES! Cafe will feature a Salute to Veterans lunch at noon on July 10th with guest host Assemblyman Steve Hawley, who will talk about his annual trip to Washington, D.C.

Veterans and those currently serving in the Armed Forces will have the opportunity to share their stories during Wednesday's lunchtime program.

The menu will feature: Grilled hotdogs and burgers, a salad bar, baked beans, and apple pie. Cost is $10. Reserve your seat now! Call 343-5808.

The YWCA YES! Cafe is located at 301 North St. in the City of Batavia.

Hawley announces bills supporting veterans moving through Assembly

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

A collection of bills supporting veterans cosponsored by Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has cleared a major legislative hurdle as the bills move closer to passage. The legislation, which has been advanced out of the Assembly Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, would increase access to employment and support services for veterans, as well as implore Congress to join the effort to honor our troops’ service.

"Supporting our troops is the duty of all Americans and has always been a focal point of my role in state government,” Hawley said. “The legislation advanced by the Veterans’ Affairs Committee will ensure that all of our nation’s heroes have access to gainful employment, while expanding eligibility for critical support services that soldiers need and deserve upon their return home to the country they have risked their lives to defend. As the ranking minority member on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for ensuring that New York honors, respects and supports our courageous troops each and every day.”

Legislation cosponsored by Hawley recently cleared by the Veterans’ Affairs Committee includes:

  • A.7561 – expands the eligibility criteria for admission to a New York State Veterans Home;
  • A.7761 – enacts the Veterans’ Employment Act, directing the state to establish a veteran temporary hiring list, which state agencies will use to make all temporary hires where applicable; and
  • K.521 – a resolution urging Congress to pass the Troop Talent Act of 2013, which would improve the path to civilian professional credentials for service members trained by the military, ensure credentials are relevant to civilian industries, and increase access to high-demand industries for service members.

Photos: Memorial Day events for 2013 in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

There were about 20 Memorial Day events in Genesee County today. Here are photos from four of them: Services at the NYS Vets Home, the Upton Monument and parades in Batavia and Corfu.

And Ken Mistler's giant flag on the Carr's building.

To purchase prints of photos, click here.

Collins presents medals to family of late WWII vet

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Collins (NY-27) honored the late John Chase, a World War II veteran from Batavia today by presenting his family members with the medals he earned in service.

“Today I am proud to pay tribute to John Chase, a man who fought for and defended the freedom of our county so bravely during World War II,” Congressman Collins said. “I am humbled to present his family with the medals he earned during his time in the Army and want to thank him posthumously for his distinguished service.”

Alongside members of the late John Chase’s family and Chairwoman of the Genesee County Legislature Mary Pat Hancock, Congressman Collins shared how John Chase was drafted into the Army, fought in the battle of Rhineland in 1945, and received a Silver Star for his actions.

As John Chase grew increasingly ill, his family reached out to Congressman Collins’ office and asked for help in securing a new medal. In the process, Congressman Collins’ office discovered John Chase also qualified for a Bronze Star, which he had never received.

“I am very proud of the sacrifice my father made to fight for his country. Replacing my father’s Silver Star and finding out that he qualified for a Bronze Star has meant a great deal to our family,” said John Chase’s son, David. “I thank Congressman Collins for helping secure the medals my father earned and for giving us the opportunity to honor his service.”

Congressman Collins honored John Chase on Wednesday by sharing his story on the floor of the House of Representatives, and thanked all of our nation’s veterans for their service.

Motorcyclists invited on 'Ride to Remember' veterans

By Billie Owens

This Saturday is the “Ride to Remember,” sponsored by Genesee Veterans Support Network (GVSN) and Stan’s Harley Davidson. This ride honors those who served and sacrificed in defense of our freedoms.

Ride registration opens at Stan’s from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. Guided rides begin at 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Maps and directions are provided for those who wish to ride independently. It will be a 60-mile ride with three stops.

Event Date and Time

Le Roy American Legion honors WW II vets

By Howard B. Owens

Photo and press release submitted by Jerry Diskin:

On Sunday, April 21st, the Botts-Fiorito American Legion Post # 576 hosted a remembrance ceremony honoring all veterans of World War II. The program began at 1 p.m. at the Post's home on West Main Street in the Village of Le Roy with opening remarks by Past Commander Gary Gavenda welcoming all honored guests, family members and friends.

An invocation was delivered by Genesee County Chaplain Don Nagle followed by the POW-MIA Ceremony remembering all POWs (Prisoners of War) and MIAs (Missing in Action) from all wars. This was followed by a welcome address by Botts-Fiorito Commander Donald Schafer.  

An introduction of distinguished guests included representatives from the offices of: Congressman Christopher Collins; Senator Michael H. Ranzenhofer (Jay Grasso); Assemblyman Steve Hawley (Greg Torrey); the Genesee County Legislature (Legislator Shelley Stein -- District #6); and Genesee County Veterans Service Officer William Joyce.

The New York State Department and American Legion Commander Timothy S. Van Patten were also on hand along with 8th District Vice Commander John Lang and Genesee County American Legion Commander Dave Henry.

The main portion of the program was opened by remarks and a brief overview by Dick Ladd, whose idea to hold such an event fostered this program. Dick addressed the “Special Guests of Honor” and set the stage for the remainder of the event. 

Post Adjutant Don Vescovi then read off the roll call of the World War II veterans in attendance. We were very pleased and felt fortunate to have 23 WW II veterans in attendance. Veterans from Batavia, Pavilion, Stafford and Bergen along with Le Roy made up this distinguished contingent. 

A short presentation was given by “Honor Flight-Rochester” outlining the details for WW II veterans to travel to Washington, D.C, to visit the WWII memorials and other attractions. This was followed by a social hour.

The group then reconvened for the presentation of acknowledgements including proclamations from the offices of the distinguished guests.

The closing ceremony included a ”Remembrance of those no longer with us…” by Post Chaplain Gary Bassett followed by a very moving playing of “Taps” by Samantha Platek. All joined in to the “Salute to the Colors,” which was followed by the singing of “God Bless America."

Back row: Franklin Smith, Donald I. Miller, Donald Nagle, Jack Fay, New York State Commander Nick Pascucci, Dick Ladd, Albert Strobel, Sherman Booten, Timothy S. VanPatten.

Front row: Richard Doktar, Raymond Mancuso, Oliver Cooper, Pat Palotti, Carl Seaburg, Kermit Arrington, Louis Cinquino.

Le Roy Legion hosting event to honor WWII vets

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The American Legion Botts Fiorito Post is hosting a World War II remembrance on April 21st. The reception, open to all World War II Veterans and their families, will be held on Sunday April 21st beginning at 1 p.m. at the Post Home, 53 W. Main St. Le Roy.

Local dignitaries are expected to join with current Legionnaires in recognizing those veterans of World War II who will be in attendance.

The intent of the program is to provide an opportunity for these veterans to join together and renew old acquaintances, share experiences and memories from World War II Era. Transportation will be provided if needed. Contact Post Adjutant Don Vescovi 768-7017.

Pictured: John Graney -- 2nd Vice Commander; Tim Sheflin -- Past Commander; Don Schafer -- Commander; Don Vescovi -- Adjutant; Jerry Diskin -- Vice Commander; and Dave Moore -- of Sons of The Legion.

World War II vet honored for 70 years with the American Legion

By Howard B. Owens

Joseph Joy, seated, was honored at the New York State Veterans Home this morning by the American Legion for his 70 years of membership in the veterans' organization. Joy is a veteran of World War II. Members of the Glenn Loomis Post who attended were Tom Williamson, left, Paul LaValley, Jim Nieder, Post Commander Ron Konieczny, County Veteran Services Officer William Joyce and Bernie Staats.

'One-stop Center' opens in Buffalo in April to help WNY vets

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Veterans One-stop Center of Western New York, Inc., (“One-stop Center” or “VOC of WNY”) announced Tuesday that it will open a “one-stop” veterans advocacy and service center at 1280 Main St. in Buffalo in April.

VOC of WNY is intended to serve the seven counties of WNY, including Genesee County, which is estimated to have a veterans population of more than 4,500.

The VOC of WNY is an independent, nonprofit collaborative, that will offer U.S. veterans, service members, and their families the convenience of a barrier-free “one-stop” location to access coordinated, individualized and integrated social, health, educational, economic, and supportive services.

The “One-stop Center” will feature the comfort of a “home base” environment to welcome, affirm, and respond to each individual veteran’s specific needs. A variety of services will be provided by existing, independent providers working together in a coordinated, seamless way to provide programming to assist veterans and their families in developing wellness, successful achievement of their goals, realization of their full potential, and reintegration into the community.

Services include: accredited benefits counseling; employment resources and services; peer mentoring; readjustment, behavioral, and mental health counseling; legal services and veterans treatment court mentorship; financial counseling and coaching; education resources services; and housing and emergency services.

The VOC of WNY will be able to tailor all services to have a male, female or a family-specific focus.

The Veterans One-stop Center of WNY has launched a Web site, Facebook page, and Twitter account that contain additional information and provide the opportunity to support the initiative. They can be found at,, and on Twitter at @VOCofWNY.

Veterans, readers of The Batavian, join us for lunch at Settler's on Monday

By Howard B. Owens

John Woodworth suggested last year that this year -- and he just reminded me -- readers of The Batavian who are veterans should get together on Veterans Day for lunch.

So we're going to have our lunch this year on Monday, noon, at Settler's.

If you're a reader of The Batavian, please join us for lunch. It's Dutch treat, but we would love to see you there.

Most of the county's Veterans Day events to be held Sunday

By Howard B. Owens

Although banks, government offices and schools will be closed Monday in observance of Veterans Day, the important date for veterans is Nov. 11, and that falls on Sunday this year.

On Sunday, veterans will observe the solemn day at the following locations and times:

  • 9 a.m. -- Genesee County Park (Vietnam Veterans of America)
  • 10 a.m. -- Batavia VA Medical Center, 222 Richmond Ave. Ceremony will be held by the flagpole at Building 3, followed by coffee social in Building 4, Recreation Hall.
  • 10:20 a.m. -- New York State Veterans Home - after the reading of the NYS proclamation and ceremony several proclamations honoring Joseph Joy for membership to the American Legion for 70 years will also be read.
  • 11 a.m. -- Upton Monument
  • 11:30 a.m. -- Jerome Center at United Memorial Medical Center

On Monday:

  • 1 p.m. -- Genesee Community College at the flag pole.

Local History: One woman honored on World War I monument in Williams Park

By Howard B. Owens

On Memorial Day I took a minute to read the names on the World War I monument in Williams Park.

My assumption was, these where the names of people killed in combat, so when two, possibly three, names looked like the names of women, I was curious as to who they were.

I contacted Susan Conklin, Genesee County historian and records management officer, to see if she knew anything about the monument. She asked me to get the names, which I finally got around to doing for her earlier this week.

Here are the three names that got my attention:

Elva Springer, Florence Carney and Cecelia Cochran.

It turns about both Springer and Carney were men who served in the Marine Corps and Army.

The first name of Springer, a resident of 12 Fisher Park, is also spelled Alva. He was wounded in action some time prior to May 1, 1918. His death as a result of his wounds was reported locally Nov. 22, 1918.

According to a newspaper article from May 1, 1918, Springer was the son of John Springer, who by that time had moved to New York City. John Springer worked for the Batavia Rubber Company. His son had worked for him prior to enlistment.The article says "he was well known among young people here."

Carney, middle name Vincent, was among the first men drafted on Feb. 7, 1918.  He lived at 26 Russell Place. His death was reported Oct. 15, 1918 from pneumonia at Camp Aberdeen.

Miss Cecelia Josephine Cochran, the lone woman listed on the monument, was the daughter of Capt. and Mrs. Elliott P. Cochran of 17 Vernon Ave., Batavia. She had been a nurse in Rochester. She left Batavia Sept. 30, 1918 as a volunteer nurse for the United States Public Health Service. The family was notified Oct. 14, 1918 that she was quite ill with pneumonia at Army Hospital in Huntsville, Ala.

The family held a private funeral Oct. 21, 1918, at home followed by a service at St. Joseph's officiated by Father Gilhooley of East Pembroke.

Cochran was buried with military honors at the Catholic Cemetery in Le Roy.

Hochul introduces legislation to help vets get certification for military training

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Today, Representative Kathy Hochul (NY-26) introduced the Vocational Employment and Technical Skills Act (VETS Act), which will make it easier for veterans to receive professional certification in skills they performed while members of the armed services.

“The VETS Act is a commonsense solution to a problem facing too many veterans -- difficulty getting a job when returning home. After talking to troops during my trip to Afghanistan and many conversations with local veterans, I remain concerned that one of the biggest fears our troops are dealing with is the prospect of unemployment after their tour of duty. This legislation will help veterans who have put their lives on the line protecting us overseas make the transition to civilian life using the technical skills learned in the military,” Rep. Hochul said.

To assist veterans transitioning to civilian life in finding employment, the VETS Act will eliminate unnecessary hurdles for veterans who have a high level of competence in many certifiable fields. The legislation requires states to alter their certification procedures to take veterans’ military training into account if they seek to become a surveyor, plumber, general construction equipment operator, HVAC repair person, carpenter, electrician, or an automotive/aviation engine repair person.

Earlier this month, Rep. Hochul held a roundtable discussion on the VETS Act to receive input on the legislation from members of Western New York’s veteran community. Additionally, the bill has been reviewed and approved by Rep. Hochul’s veterans advisory board.

Rep. Hochul is also a co-sponsor of other legislation to encourage the hiring of veterans, including the Hiring Heroes Act that modernizes and improves programs to assist our veterans with the transition from service member to civilian life. She voted in support of the Veterans Opportunity to Work Act of 2011 – a bill that received bipartisan support – that provides assistance to older, unemployed veterans and provides active duty service members with transition and employment assistance.

In May, Rep. Hochul traveled to Afghanistan as part of a bipartisan Armed Services Committee oversight trip.

'One-man army' on behalf of veterans will reflect on 17 years of service to local community on Memorial Day

By Howard B. Owens

For 17 years, Hal Kreter has served the veterans of Genesee County, and been a stalwart representative of those who served at Veterans Day and Memorial Day events.

Monday, Kreter will make the rounds for the last time of the various prayers, flag raisings, taps playing and flag saluting memorials in Genesee County.

As the day goes by, Kreter said, he'll reflect on how much things have changed over the past 17 years and the veterans, both living and dead, he has helped.

"I've had the privilege of meeting all of these veterans and listening ot their stories, helping them out, helping them get their compensation and lead better lives and seeing them and their families turn their lives around," Kreter said. "Doing all of the things we do to help veterans is really what I enjoy doing, helping veterans and their families."

When Kreter retires in August, it will be a new chapter in a four-decades long career of service, first through 24 years of service in the Marine Corps, then in veteran services in Genesee County. Kreter expects he'll still be involved in veterans affairs as a retiree in the California desert.

This week Kreter was honored by the New York State Senate when he was named to the Senate's Veterans' Hall of Fame.

Sen. Mike Ranzenhofer nominated Kreter and in a news release called Kreter a "one-man army" on behalf of veterans.

"Hal has helped hundreds and hundreds of Genesee County veterans every year," Ranzenhofer said. "His diligence to serve as a staunch advocate for veterans is equivalent to the strength of an entire army. Clearly, Hal is a distinguished veteran deserving of a special place among elite veterans of New York State.”

In 1996, the Corfu resident received the NYS Conspicuous Service Cross. He's also been VP of WNY Veterans Services Officers Association and been a member of the Marine Corps League, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and Vietnam Veterans of America.

Kreter, a retired master sergeant, said the hall of fame award was an honor, but also said there are so many veterans in the area who deserve recognition, he couldn't help but wonder, "why me?"

The privilege, Kreter said, has been in serving Genesee County's veterans.

"We have a very proactive veterans community, a very good veterans community," Kreter said. "We've seen the benefits increase throughout the years, with the Veterans ID card and the tax exemptions, the Cold War exemption. It's just a great community and the veterans here are very, very good at what they do. They all stick together and work together."

Clerk's office offering cards to veterans that carry discounts with local merchants

By Howard B. Owens

Genesee County Clerk Don Read has organized a program to help honor and reward U.S. military veterans.

It's called "Return the F.A.V.O.R." and provides registered veterans with a card that can be presented to some local merchants for discounts on goods, services and meals.

"We need to show the veterans, beyond that first day they come back and beyond Veteran's Day, how much their service has meant to Genesee County," Read said. "We would not be in the position we're in as a county, as a state, as a nation if it weren't for the veterans and the service they have put in."

The program requires veterans to visit the County Clerk's Office and present their DD214, which serves another purpose for Read, who wants to see all veterans keep copies their DD214s on file with the clerk's office for safekeeping and easy retrieval should the veteran's copy get lost.

A DD214 is a federal document that proves both honorable discharge and military service and is required for a wide range of veterans services.

Some 40 merchants have signed up so far to offer discounts to veterans who show a copy of the "Return the F.A.V.O.R." card, including Delavan's, Oliver's, Settler's, Lambert's Design Jewelers, Valle Jewelers, Adam Miller Toy & Bicycles, Batavia Downs, Roc-City Total Care Care and Tire, Ken Barrett Chevrolet and Kreative Design Kitchen & Bath. (For a fill list, click here).

The card costs $3 and the program adds no extra costs to taxpayers.

Any veteran of any era with a valid DD214 is eligible to receive the card.

Photo: Dedication of Veterans' Quilt at Holland Land Office Museum

By Howard B. Owens

A couple of years ago Jay Lazarony and his family were touring the Holland Land Office Museum and came across a display of quilts and learned about HLOM's quilt group. They came up with the idea of a quilt honoring veterans with ties to Genesee County.

Today at the museum, that quilt was dedicated.

There are currently 211 names on the quilt and 58 more will be added.

Names were included based on the requests of family members of veterans and patches were filled on a first-come-first-served basis, Lazarony said.

"We thought this was a good way to honor those who served and sacrificed," Lazarony said.

Home Depot and New York National Guard Honored for their Support of Homeless and Recovering Veterans

By Rick D. Franclemont

In honor of Veterans Day, Loyola Recovery Foundation held a recognition ceremony at their East Pembroke transitional housing facility.  

The Loyola Recovery Foundation is a Pittsford-based nonprofit organization governed by veterans, run by veterans and staffed by veterans and civilians providing specialty behavioral health, housing and employment services to veterans and their families.

The 15-bed site in East Pembroke opened Dec. 27, 2010. The site was in need of repairs beyond what was available in their budget so they applied for a $5,000 grant from the Home Depot Foundation's "Celebration of Service - Serving Those who Served us All" initiative. The grant was approved in September and was used to replace the roof on the garage, repair and paint the deck, replace the stairs and purchase a new dishwasher and gas stove.

General Jerry Icenhower and Home Depot Manager Dawn Johncox

The East Pembroke Volunteer Fire Department was also recognized for its support of the residents of the home, and to fire department members Matt Florian and Ray Schramm for help with the repairs. Also helping with the repairs were Dave Coughlin, a former resident himself, and local roofing contractor Anthony (TJ) Peca.

East Pembroke Assistant Dale Lewter and COO Chris Wilkins

Loyola's partnership with the New York Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) initiative was recognized in a commitment and signing ceremony.

From left, Major General (Ret.) Jerry Icenhower Loyola Recovery's president and CEO, Major General Dennis Lutz of the New York State National Guard and Chris Wilkins Loyola Foundations COO.

More about Loyola Recovery Foundation and its work with veterans can be found here.

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