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New Vans for Veterans

By Philip Anselmo

From the VA Healthcare System:

Over twenty different sponsors that included several Veteran organizations, community businesses, as well as individual Veterans throughout Western New York helped to purchase new vans for the Disabled American Veterans Volunteer Transportation Network at VA Western New York Healthcare System. The vans will be put into use after a ceremony at the medical center, 3495 Bailey Avenue, Tuesday, February 24 at 9 a.m. in Freedom Hall, room 301.

Overall, $15,000 were raised along with matching contributions from Colorado Trust in cooperation with the National Disabled American Veterans Organization to purchase the two new vans. “These donations allow us to continue to expand and replace vans to transport our Veterans to necessary medical appointments.  Without this support, this would not be possible,” stated Richard Kloc, DAV Van Transportation Coordinator. During the last reporting period, 62 volunteer van drivers donated over 22,800 hours of their time. Volunteer drivers and donations are always needed; call the VA Volunteer Program Office at 862-8667.

Last year VA Western New York Healthcare System provided care to more than 40,000 Veterans at medical centers in Buffalo and Batavia as well as community-based outpatient clinics in Niagara Falls, Lockport, Lackawanna, Dunkirk, Jamestown, Olean, and Warsaw.

VA celebrates Black History Month

By Philip Anselmo

From the VA Healthcare System:

In observance of Black History month, VA Western New York Healthcare System will celebrate events in Freedom Hall, room 301. African American Business Day will take place at 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 11. Cultural wares will be available. “Taste of Soul” will take place on Friday, February 20 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. African American dishes such as collard greens, sweet potatoes, pig’s feet, and much more will be served.

Take the journey of “Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad” with Joy O’Banion and Yvonne Harris, where they will share the struggles of Tubman’s journey to free the slaves scheduled Friday, February 27 at noon. All events are open to the public.

Veterans benefit event to be held at VA clinic in Lockport

By Philip Anselmo

From the VA Medical Center:

Veterans in Lockport and surrounding areas can learn about their VA health care and other veterans benefits at an event being held at the VA clinic in Lockport, 5883 Snyder Drive, Saturday, February 21 from 10am to 1pm. Staff and veterans benefits counselors will assist veterans with eligibility for VA health care, and other state and federal benefits that veterans may have coming to them that often go unused. Benefits have recently been extended for veterans returning from combat that includes five years of free medical care for most conditions from the Department of Veterans Affairs. The five year window is also open to activated Reservists and members of the National Guard, if they served in a theater of combat operations after November 11, 1998 and were discharged under other than dishonorable conditions. The five year limit has no effect upon veterans with medical conditions related to their military service. Veterans may apply at any time after their discharge from the military, even decades later for medical care for service-connected health problems.
Representatives from the VA Lockport Clinic, NY State Division of Veterans Affairs, Niagara County Veterans Service Office and VA Western New York Healthcare System will be available to answer questions. Bring discharge papers and financial records for accurate benefits counseling. For more information, you may contact the VA clinic in Lockport at 438-3890.

VA invites community to "Salute Veterans"

By Philip Anselmo

From the VA Medical Center:

VA Western New York Healthcare System invites the public to participate in open-house activities Feb. 8-14 during the National Salute to Veterans.

"The National Salute to Veterans gives everyone a chance to let those who have given so much to our nation know that they are not forgotten," said David J. West  Interim Medical Center Director "We've invited local celebrities, elected officials, school children and other groups to visit during the week.  We want people of all ages to bring Valentine’s Day cheer to our patients.”  West said he hopes visitors will also learn more about the important roles volunteers play at the medical center throughout the year and perhaps pursue volunteer opportunities.  "Over 600 volunteers are an important part of our health care team in Buffalo and Batavia, and the National Salute program is a great way for people to learn more about helping the Veterans we serve," West said.  “Visitors are often surprised at how varied our volunteer opportunities are.”  Citizens, young and old, are once again sending Valentine’s Day cards and letters to VA medical centers simply addressed “Dear Veteran.” West said they are being distributed to patients throughout the medical center.

VA Western New York Healthcare System’s National Salute Week schedule includes an open house Friday, February 13 at 1:00 p.m. in Freedom Hall, room 301. Additional activities are included below.

Individuals or groups wishing to participate in the medical center program should call the Voluntary Service office, in Buffalo at 716-862-8671 and in Batavia at 585-297-1196.

Please click here to download the complete schedule of events.

VA will honor World War II chaplains in interfaith service: February 1

By Philip Anselmo

From the VA Medical Center:

VA Western New York Healthcare System will hold a service for veterans, employees and the community, Sunday, February 1 at 2 p.m. at the Buffalo site, 3495 Bailey Avenue in Freedom Hall, room 301 in remembrance of the Four Chaplains who lost their lives during an extraordinary act of heroism during World War II. Lt. Colonel Allen Douglas Ferry, New York Air Reserve National Guard (retired), and Bronze Star Recipient for combat service and Legion of Merit will deliver the keynote address. At this special event, the Legion of Honor award presentation will also take place. 

The four Chaplains, a Methodist Minister, Jewish Rabbi, Dutch Reformed Church, and Catholic Priest were on a US Army transport ship hit by a German torpedo off the icy waters of Greenland in February 1943. When it became apparent there were not enough life jackets, the four US Army Chaplains removed theirs and handed them to frightened young soldiers, and chose to go down with the ship. They locked arms together and prayed in the tradition of their own faith. Of the 902 on board, there were only 227 survivors. They demonstrated throughout the voyage and in their last moments, interfaith compassion in their relationship with the men on board and with each other.

Veterans benefits event to be held at VA clinic

By Philip Anselmo

From the Batavia VA Medical Center:

Veterans in Dunkirk and surrounding areas can learn about their VA health care and other veterans benefits at an event being held at the VA clinic in Dunkirk, 166 East Fourth Street, Saturday, January 24 from 10am to 1pm. Staff and veterans benefits counselors will assist veterans with eligibility for VA health care, and other state and federal benefits that veterans may have coming to them that often go unused. Benefits have recently been extended for veterans returning from combat that includes five years of free medical care for most conditions from the Department of Veterans Affairs.  The five year window is also open to activated Reservists and members of the National Guard, if they served in a theater of combat operations after November 11, 1998 and were discharged under other than dishonorable conditions. The five year limit has no effect upon veterans with medical conditions related to their military service. Veterans may apply at any time after their discharge from the military, even decades later for medical care for service-connected health problems.

Representatives from the VA Dunkirk Clinic, NY State Division of Veterans Affairs, Chautauqua County Veterans Service Office and VA Western New York Healthcare System will be available to answer questions. Photo identification cards will be provided to eligible veterans.  Bring discharge papers and financial records for accurate benefits counseling.  For more information, you may contact the VA clinic in Dunkirk at 203-6474.

A Look Into the Local Veterans

By Robin Walters

It took a gangster that God placed in my life today to ask myself how grateful am I?

Let me explain: 

After being at the altar with the gal at church today, a gentleman introduced himself to me and said God spoke to me to come up to you and let you know that there is leadership skills in you and that God would like you to be open to look at other possible ministries.

 He explained that he does ministry at the local Veterans Medical Center and within prisons and jails. He invited me to come with him today to the local Veterans Medical Center.

 I met him there. He explained our job as volunteers was to go to the floors and take the men down to the chapel for church service. As we got off the elevator, God showed me a world I had only heard about and never personally seen.  As we walked down the halls, he told me to be sure to look and listen. What I saw was so heart wrenching. There were men that had lost their limbs. There were men with mental disorders. There were men that had been disabled in so many ways. Yes, men that gave their lives to fight for our freedom! Just as Christ died on the cross, to set us free, there have been men that died for our freedom here on earth and here was a building full of men that God saved.

 As I wheeled them down to the chapel, my heart was melting. The chaplain gave an awesome message. He let the Vets know that God loves them. We sang Jesus loves me. The older vet in his wheelchair behind me, belted that song right out. He gave them hope. He let them that know that maybe no family comes to see them, that maybe they feel alone and hopeless. The chaplain started knocking his hand on the table.. and kept knocking. As he knocked, he said you hear that, it is Jesus saying I am here let me in. His fist got louder, he kept knocking. He said Jesus is there knocking wanting to come in. When you are lonely , when you are blue, please know that Jesus wants to come in. He is here every minute with you.  He also shared the message of how even though are bodies are getting older and falling apart, how God renews us.

 The chaplain, the volunteers and the Vets sang Amazing grace. Yes Amazing Grace.

Tears were streaming down my face. As I escorted the one gentleman back to the lounge, I looked around the room. There were so many lonely souls in the room all in wheelchairs. I am sure some have families that come visit. I am sure there may be other ministries that come in and help. But I also know that there are men in this facility that have no family. I took the time and went around to each them and extended my hand and greeted them. This one man who could barely speak said I am a jet fighter pilot from World War 2. I responded what a blessing you are the first jet pilot fighter I have ever met!

 I went back to the other lounge and the one man’s family brought pizza for lunch. They invited our ministry team from the Assembly of God church  to join them for lunch.

 As we were going down the elevator to get ready to leave, I started to cry. I thought about how selfish I have been in life. I thought about how many days I may get a whoa poor is me attitude about the most stupidest thing! I thought about how giving of 2 hours of my time at the facility today blessed lives. I thought about how many people are just going about their every day lives and not being grateful for what they have. More importantly, God showed me about selfishness.

 I thought about how I saw these men sitting watching the local football game by themselves , as many families are gathered in their living rooms feasting on snacks and food and watching the game from the comfort of their couch.

 God asked me as I walked to my car, how grateful are you Robin? How thankful are you that my son died on the cross to save you? How grateful are you for these men that fought for your freedom and all others here in Batavia and the United States? What can you do Robin to show you are grateful for Jesus and these men?

 In God’s word, he gives us this commandment

 Romans 13: 9-10

 9The commandments, "Do not commit adultery," "Do not murder," "Do not steal," "Do not covet,"[a] and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: "Love your neighbor as yourself."[b] 10Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

 Our neighbor is not just the person that lives next door to us, no it is all of God’s people here on earth including these wonderful veterans who fought for our freedom.

 Oh yes, in the beginning I told you God used a “gangster” to show me. The gentleman that led me there today was a former gangster years ago. He had a huge gang right here in Batavia. However, the Lord found him, he is a born again Christian  and now has been in ministry in the local prisons, jails and Veterans center for the past 25 years!

I give thanks to all veterans for fighting for our freedom. I encourage you if you are looking for ways to show your appreciation contact your local Veterans Hospital and ask how you can show your support for those who give their lives for your freedom. Whether it be going and watching a sporting event with them, just stopping by and saying hi, or escorting them down and sitting with them during church service, you will not only bless them, but the experience will richly reward and bless you back!

VA celebrates life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

By Philip Anselmo

From the VA Medical Center:

VA Western New York Healthcare System will celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at a ceremony, Friday, January 16, 2009 at 11:30am in Freedom Hall, room 301 at the Buffalo site, 3495 Bailey Avenue.  Pastor Betty Williams, who served in the US Air Force, will speak about the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Dee L. Perry will deliver Dr. King’s historical speech “I have a dream” and musical entertainment will be provided by Darcel Blue, a local gospel singer.

On January 20, 1986, America observed the first national holiday commemorating Dr. King’s birthday.  In 2009, we celebrate the 23rd anniversary of that date and 40 years after his passing, Dr. King’s birthday has become not only a day of celebration and remembrance but also a day of service. During his lifetime, Dr. King sought to forge common ground on which people from all walks of life could join together to address important community issues. Working alongside individuals of all ages, races and backgrounds, he encouraged Americans to come together to strengthen communities, alleviate poverty, and acknowledge dignity and respect for all human beings. Service to others, he realized, was the great equalizer. The event is free and open to the public.

82nd Airborne Distributes Gifts to Veterans

By Philip Anselmo

From the VA Medical Center:

In the giving spirit of the holidays, members of the 82nd Airborne Niagara Frontier Chapter will be distributing gifts to patient units at the Buffalo VA, 3495 Bailey Avenue.  The gift distribution will take place on Christmas Day, Tuesday, December 25 at 1:30 pm.  The group will sing carols along with accordionist as they visit patient units.

VA appoints new Chief of Staff

By Philip Anselmo

From the VA Medical Center:

Dr. Miguel Rainstein was appointed Chief of Staff, VA Western New York Healthcare System, Buffalo, NY effective December 7, 2008.  In April 2008, Dr. Rainstein began serving as Acting Chief of Staff.  He came to VA WNY Healthcare System as Chief of Surgery in July 2005. Prior to coming to VA WNY Healthcare System, he was the Chief of Surgery at Kenmore Mercy Hospital for 14 years.

As Chief of Staff, Dr. Rainstein has the responsibility of providing quality patient care and coordinating all professional activities to fulfill that mission. He supervises the operation of both the Buffalo and Batavia sites, as well as community based outpatient clinics in Jamestown, Dunkirk, Niagara Falls, Lockport, Lackawanna, Olean and Warsaw.

Dr. Rainstein received his undergraduate degree and his medical degree from the University of Buenos Aires.  He completed his surgical residency at Millard Fillmore Hospital in 1979. He is currently Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at the State University of New York at Buffalo.

He is a Diplomat of the American Board of Surgery, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and also holds membership in the Buffalo Surgical Society.  “We are fortunate to have Dr. Rainstein within VA WNY Healthcare System with his years of expertise in the community and VA,” said David J. West, Interim Medical Center Director.
Dr. Rainstein lives in Williamsville with his wife.

VA names interim director

By Philip Anselmo

From the VA Western New York:

David J. West, FACHE has been named Interim Medical Center Director at VA Western New York Healthcare System effective December 7.  VA Western New York Healthcare System includes medical centers in Buffalo, Batavia and seven community based out patient clinics located in Niagara Falls, Lockport, Dunkirk, Jamestown, Lackawanna, Olean, and Warsaw.  Mr. West has been the Medical Center Director at the Bath VA Medical Center since April 29, 2007.

Prior to being appointed Director for the Bath VA, Mr. West served as Associate Director at the Washington, DC VA Medical Center, and began his career with VA in1987 at the Washington DC VA Medical Center.

At VA WNYHS, he will oversee over 1,690 employees serving over 40,000 veterans during the period until a new director is appointed.  He succeeds James P. Cody who has served as interim director since August and Michael S. Finegan who recently was promoted to network director, in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  “It’s an opportunity for me to work with a dedicated staff in Western NY serving our nation’s heroes,” West said.

Mr. West served in the U.S. Army from 1973 to 1978. He holds a Master of Science degree in Health Services Administration from the College of St. Frances in Joliet, Illinois and is a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives.

Thanksgiving Dinner for Veterans

By Philip Anselmo

From the VA Medical Center:

Thanksgiving dinner will be served to homeless and other needy veterans and their families, Sunday, November 23, 2008 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Buffalo VA, 3495 Bailey Avenue. Judi Kaczmarek, Human Resources Specialist has organized the event for the last eight years. 

She has been gratified with the response received by both the staff and the veterans served from previous years.  The event occurs the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day in order to provide a hot meal to those in need.   Admission is by ticket only.  Homeless veterans and veterans in need can call 881-5855 to obtain a ticket and learn more about transportation.

About 150 veterans and their families will be treated to a turkey and ham dinner with all the trimmings that will be served by staff in the VA Food Court located in the hospital's lower level. Veteran Service Organizations and other community groups have made donations for the event.

Entertainment by children of staff and a magic show will highlight the festivities this year. VA health care and other veterans’ benefits information will be provided to veterans with the opportunity to enroll in VA health care at the event.

Veterans Day

By Tammy Way


National Veterans Awareness Week

By Philip Anselmo

From the VA Medical Center:

VA Western New York Healthcare System is celebrating National Veterans Awareness Week at the Batavia and Buffalo sites.  All veterans are encouraged to wear their medals as America recognizes veterans on Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11, 2008.

Monday, November 10, 10:00 a.m. – Buffalo, 1:00 p.m. – Batavia

Professional Umpire, Mr. Jerry Lane visits veterans. 

Tuesday, November 11, 10:00 a.m. - Batavia site

Veterans Day Ceremony is held by the Flag Pole at Building 3 on the grounds of the Batavia site, VA Western New York Healthcare System, 222 Richmond Avenue.  Genesee County veterans groups coordinate the event followed by a coffee social in Building 4 Recreation Hall.

Tuesday, November 11, 2:00 p.m. – Buffalo site

Traditional Veterans Day program is open to all in Freedom Hall, room 301 at the Buffalo site, VA Western New York Healthcare System, 3495 Bailey Avenue. Steven M. Larwood, Command Chief Master Sergeant, US Air Force Reserve 914th Airlift Wing will deliver the keynote address. Events are open to the public.

Open House at VA Western New York

By Philip Anselmo

From the VA Western New York:

VA Western New York Healthcare System is holding an open house for the newly renovated cardio-pulmonary rehabilitation and fitness center, Friday, November 7, 2008 from 1:30- 3:30pm.

The $1.2 million project included the renovation and increased space for cardiac rehabilitation and patient therapy on 4B. Veterans who have had open heart surgery, myocardial infarction (heart attack), angioplasty, congestive heart failure, and those who are medical management history of heart and lung diseases utilize the facilities.  The fitness center is also available to all veterans at no cost who are referred by their provider. “We expect that this modern area with state of the art equipment will enhance the participation in our cardiac and pulmonary rehab programs as well as improve our veteran and employee satisfaction,” states Dr. Miguel Rainstein, acting Chief of Staff.

VA WNY Healthcare System provides care to over 40,000 veterans in Buffalo, Batavia, and seven community based clinics located in Lackawanna, Niagara Falls, Lockport, Olean, Dunkirk, Jamestown and Warsaw.

More walk-in flu vaccine clincs for veterans

By Philip Anselmo

From the VA Medical Center:

Additional walk-in clinics have been scheduled for veterans enrolled in VA health care at VA WNY Healthcare System, 3495 Bailey Avenue in Buffalo.  The vaccines will be available at Desk 4 located on the first floor Saturday, November 8 from 8am -1pm, Tuesday, November 11 (Veterans Day) noon – 3:30pm, Saturday, November 15, 8am – 1pm, and Sunday, November 23, 9:00am – 2pm. Enrolled veterans may also contact their primary care provider to obtain the vaccine.

There is no charge for the flu vaccine for veterans enrolled in VA health care.  Eligibility will be verified prior to administration of the vaccine.  For information regarding VA Healthcare eligibility call 1-888-823-9656.

Walk-in Flu Vaccine Clinic for Veterans

By Philip Anselmo

From the VA Medical Center:

Veterans enrolled in VA health care may obtain flu vaccines at walk-in clinics at VA Western New York Healthcare System in Batavia, 222 Richmond Avenue. The vaccines will be available Monday through Friday, between 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. at the outpatient clinic. Enrolled veterans may also contact their primary care provider to obtain the vaccine. There is no charge for the flu vaccine for veterans enrolled in VA Healthcare. Walk-in clinics will be held through December 31.

Eligibility will be verified prior to administration of the vaccine. For information regarding VA Healthcare eligibility call 1-888-823-9656.

Veterans still eligible to file for economic stimulus check if they have not already

By Philip Anselmo

We received this press release from the VA Medical Center:

Veterans will have the opportunity to receive assistance filing a claim for the economic stimulus payment at VA Western New York Healthcare System, 3495 Bailey Avenue, Tuesday, September 30 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and Wednesday, October 8 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the skills center, room 309A. Veterans who last year received disability compensation, pensions or survivor’s benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) may be entitled to an economic stimulus payment of at least $300. To qualify, veterans must file a tax return for 2007, even if they aren’t normally required to file. Bring photo identification and pension, social security and/or service connected disability information.

For eligible veterans who do not normally file a tax return, information about claiming the economic stimulus payment is available in “Package 1040A-3,” available from IRS offices or on the Internet.

News roundup: More reports from our vets in Washington

By Philip Anselmo

Today's Daily News features two more reports from Matt Surtel who is on a trip to Washington D.C. with a group of area veterans led by Assemblyman Steve Hawley. Surtel steps out of the spotlight for the front page piece which includes reflections of some of the vets as they observe the National World War II Memorial. A fantastic article, worth reading in full. In another article inside the paper, Surtel thrusts himself back into the fore in a quirky tale about his first-ever trip to the mess hall. My only critique of this short and punchy piece is that we only know that Surtel is in a cafeteria, but we don't know where. Where are you, Matt?

Joanne Beck must have been a busy writer yesterday. She has three pieces featured on the front page. One is about the City Council—Council President Charlie Mallow says they are "moving forward very, very quickly." Another is about Mallow stepping down as chair of the county Democratic party, news that was featured on WBTA and The Batavian this morning. The third article by Beck—which does not feature Charlie Mallow in a prominent role—is about the quartet of Chinese students who have settled at the campus of Genesee Community College for the year. It's a fun article.

Cregg Paul, co-owner of Center Street Smokehouse, was convicted of repeated failure to file corporate tax returns for his company, Employee Leasing Network, in county court Monday. He was acquitted of four other felony charges and four misdemeanors related to the returns. Paul could face up to four years in prison or "a lesser term in local jail or probation." He will be sentenced on December 10.

We encourage you to pick up a copy of the Daily News at your nearest local newsstand. Or, better yet, subscribe at

News roundup: Area veterans take to Washington

By Philip Anselmo

A crew of other area veterans led by Assemblyman Stephen Hawley take off today on a four-day bus trip down to Washington D.C. to visit solider memorials and Arlington National Cemetary, according to the Daily News. What's more, the paper sent Matt Surtel on the trip with them. Surtel "will be writing stories on the experience for the newspaper."

This would be a perfect oportunity for Surtel to log onto The Batavian and do some live blogging of the trip, even let some of the veterans get on the computer and talk about their time at Arlington, on the road and in the capitol. What would it take to persuade Surtel to post his travelogues on The Batavian? If he can't do that, does he at least have a private blog of his own that we can link to? Batavia would really love that.

Batavia's new fire chief, Thomas Dillon told reporter Joanne Beck that he intends "to include all the members of the department and include them in the day-to-day decisions ... I know I will depend on them tremendously, and I will include them in my decision-making as much as I can." Dillon starts September 17.

John Lincoln will retire as state Farm Bureau president after 14 years in that position. The Bloomfield dairy farmer "was a strong advocate for getting the new federal Farm Bill to finally include aid for specialty crops, the many fruits and vegetables that are grown locally." Tom Rivers put together a detailed piece on this, for those interested.

Genesee County GOP Chairman Richard Siebert told Tom Rivers this morning that he has already "fielded a dozen calls from people looking for signs touting the John McCain and Sarah Palin ticket." Judging from the response we got from a post about Palin we put up following her speech earlier this week, we can see that folks in Genesee County on both sides of the party aisle are fired-up about this election and this veep choice especially.

As always, we encourage you to pick up a copy of the Daily News at your local newsstand. Or, better yet, subscribe at

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