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Byron dairy farmer tells Sen. Gillibrand like it is

By Billie Owens

Here's the verbatim testimony of Byron dairy farmer Robin Denniston-Keller given at the Senate hearing on the dairy industry held at GCC on Thursday.

It's titled "Legislative Responses to the Dairy Crisis: Reforming the Pricing Structure."

"...I am a proud American dairy farmer. My husband and I milk 100 Jersey cows and take care of another 100 young stock on our farm 10 minutes northeast of here in Byron, New York. It’s a privilege and honor to be asked to speak today.

"I’m not an economist or an expert on milk pricing, but I do feel I have common sense and a strong work ethic, which have served me well so far in life. I milk my own cows every day, and being up to my elbows in the results of lactation and excretion (generally not at the same time!) gives me a certain sense of reality!

"On our farm, our “pay price” for our milk produced in July 2009 was $13.26 per hundredweight. Put in consumer terms, $1.14 a gallon. This includes all protein and quality premiums received from Sorrento, the cheese plant we supply with pure, fresh Jersey milk. 

"Last year our July pay price was $24.23 per hundredweight, or $2.08 a gallon. I could spend my next three minutes ranting about the volatility and injustice of this, but that’s not constructive, and you can figure out on your own how I do the math to pay for our own health insurance, groceries, feed for the cows and calves, fuel for the tractors, hauling and fuel surcharge costs to send the milk to the processor, and the numerous other bills staring me in the face each month!

"Our 100-cow dairy benefits from the MILC program. We are at the perfect size to maximize our usage of the program. Our MILC government payments are currently a little more than 10% of our monthly income.

"Solutions to milk pricing issues -- please remember, as I said before, I’m not an economist or a milk pricing expert! Time heals all wounds, however, how do we stop the bleeding now?

Increase solid-non-fat fluid milk standards.

I like to call this the “No more blue skim milk” suggestion. Since 1962, California has had higher minimum standards for nonfat solids in fluid milk than the rest of the United States. Raising the United States standards to match the California standards will accomplish the following:

  • Improve the nutrition benefits of milk. For example, California 2% milk has 21% more calcium than does 2% milk in other states. In addition, higher solids result in better tasting milk.
  • Utilize more milk solids in consumer products and reduce the amount of nonfat dry milk produced for CCC purchase. This June, Dairy Farmers of America estimated that if the California Standards had been in effect for the rest of the U.S. during 2008, an additional 300 million pounds of milk solids would have been included in fluid milk sales. This represents more milk solids than were in all the CCC nonfat dry milk purchases through July 2009. California retail milk prices have remained competitive with, not higher than, the rest of the U.S.

Urge Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to have USDA purchase cheese for nutrition programs.

  • This single action would accomplish several goals: Help to bolster milk prices and ease the current crisis faced by many dairy producers across the country; reduce outlays in dairy safety net programs (MILC payments and CCC purchases); and by donating the purchased cheese to food banks and other charitable organizations; USDA would be providing humanitarian nutrition services.

Cheese inventories are poised to be much higher than normal heading into this fall. This supply is weighing on the market and suppressing prices. A purchase of 100 million pounds of cheese would bring inventories more in line with past levels, and would bolster farm milk prices. Even a modest rise in milk prices would provide relief for dairy producers, reduce MILC expenditures, and lower CCC purchases of cheese.

Overhaul the dairy price discovery program.

I believe that our current milk-pricing structure is based on the trading of 2% of the cheese in this country on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. This small amount of cheese determines my mailbox price. Or, in other words -- what the check I get in the mail says I will be paid for the product I’ve spent the last month getting covered in manure and other fine things to harvest!

This whole process goes against my good old common sense. Large milk processors were convicted for price manipulation as recently as 2006; clearly a more fair and broad based pricing mechanism is needed. We need a new set of tools in our milk-pricing toolbox. 

Sometimes I wonder why I am in a business where, I buy everything retail and sell my product wholesale, and the pricing mechanism is based on what I would call a “house of cards”? Way of life, being my own boss, pride of ownership, producing good food for an expanding world; they’re all good reasons. But if I’m not treated fairly, it’s time for me to wake up and find another life. I digress. Back to my suggestions.

Imports -- Charge promotion fees on imports.

United States dairymen contribute 15 cents for every hundredweight of milk we produce towards dairy promotion. I believe the new Farm Bill instructs USDA to charge importers
seven and a half cents for every hundredweight of dairy products imported. Dairy promotion basically helps create a larger market for dairy products. Importers benefit from that increased demand for dairy that our domestic producers have paid for, so it only seems fair to have importers contribute into the promotion program. 

At issue here is the fact that USDA has not implemented this fee, and it discourages me to see the lack of timeliness on legislation implemented into law. Seven and a half cents is not much, but I think charging importers this fee would decrease the amount of imported dairy products flooding our domestic market. 

I believe in fair trade, and I feel this fee charged to importers would somewhat level the playing field, and I’m encouraged that this promotion fee works for WTO reasons as well. 

Proceed with Extreme Caution before implementing Growth Management or Supply Management Programs.

While some producers and organizations are promoting growth management or supply management plans as a long-term solution to the dairy economy problems, I have some issues with these plans. Again, not an expert, and applying my common sense, I’m concerned that without solid knowledge of the impact of any such plans, I am not in favor of “jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.”

Mandatory supply management goes against all my gut instincts, and my belief in the efficiency and productivity of the American Dairy Farmer. Last year’s high milk prices at the farm level resulted from a booming export market for American dairy products. We live in a global economy, and putting handcuffs on the American dairy industry with mandatory supply management seems to me to set us up for failure. We only have to look “across the pond” to see Europe struggling to get away from its quota system.

Finally, a sincere thank you to Senator Gillibrand and your staff for your efforts on increasing the MILC rates and indexing these payments for inflation. I am a proud American Dairy Farmer, and taking handouts does not please me, but this truly is a time of need for my fellow dairymen and me. Thank you for your efforts and your interest in the intricacies of dairy pricing. Thank you for listening to my suggestions, and I’m looking
forward to working together to resolve the dairy pricing issues we currently are facing and those in the future."

Dairy industry gives NY senator an earful

By Billie Owens

BATAVIA, NY -- About 200 people attended a formal Senate hearing this afternoon at Genesee Community College focused on a dairy industry in crisis and possible solutions.

New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand heard testimony from producers and processors, economists and dairy industry experts. At the end of the two-hour hearing, which started about a half hour late, she said she was taking some good ideas back to Washington to use in developing long-term fixes.

The dairy industry is hard hit by: a pricing structure that's based on only 2 percent of the industry's products: higher fuel and feed costs; trade inequities; the expense of meeting increased regulations and standards not required by international competitors; and by a swiftly fluctuating market -- stemming from changing demands, the impact of product perishibility and supply -- plus many other factors.

It's a tough business and it requires a certain youthfulness to do the heavy physical labor, 365-days-a-year, with a liklihood of losing money at the end of the year instead of making a profit.

One of the surest ways of increasing the health of the dairy industry, is to increase consumer demand for its products. Several spoke in favor of the federal government doing more to help out, such as buying more milk for school breakfast programs, stocking up food banks with cheese or buying powdered milk for women and infant nutrition programs. In other words, use more Department of Agriculture money going toward food purchases anyway to beef up dairy consumption.

To compete with a ever-increasing variety of thirst-quenching beverages, the dairy industry needs to develop new products and boost the flavor, "mouth feel," and nutrition of milk without adding fat or calories.

They also called for leveling the field when it comes to trade. Why does an American dairy farmer have to pay a 15-cent per-hundred-weight fee for marketing and promotion, when the foreign importer does not yet still enjoys the benefits?

One good way to boost oversees consumption is to sell more solid milk product, which is in great demand worldwide. But more production plants are needed. Yet a capital expansion program for Batavia has been on hold since 2005 pending USDA approvals.

Rep. Eric Massa said he'll enlist his colleagues to pressure the USDA to speed things up if Kim Pickard-Dudley drafts him a letter on why the capital expansion program is critical for Western New York. She spoke as a representative of the farmer-owned Upstate Niagara Co-op.

Robert Church advocated "market-driven solutions" and federalizing uniform industry standards, so states like California, do not have unfair advantage over Western New York's dairy industry. He's herd manager for Patterson Farms, a 980-cow operation west of Auburn.

"You said one-size-fits-all," Massa told Church. "My job is to protect New York. That's what I'm here to do."

The problems faced by New Mexico, California or Arizona dairies, compared to here, are vastly different because their circumstances are different, Massa said, about as different in fact as Mars is from Pluto.

"California cows are happy cows," so goes the marketing slogan, but Massa said here it's more like "New York cows are really angry cows."

Senate committee hearing on dairy prices slated at GCC on Thursday

By Howard B. Owens

A U.S. Senate hearing on dairy prices is scheduled Thursday at 2 p.m at GCC.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who is chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Domestic and Foreign Marketing, Inspection, and Plant & Animal Health, called the hearing to gather testimony on dairy prices and how government regulations impact pricing and what changes may need to be made.

This is a formal Senate hearing and only invited panelists will be given an opportunity to speak and ask questions, but any member of the public can attend the session. RSVP by contacting Gillibrand's office (see below). Also, anyone can submit written testimony to be included in the official record if received within five days of the hearing.

The panelists providing testimony represent producers, processors and economists.

A letter from Sen. Gillibrand's office lists the panelists:


Panel I – Producers and Processors
Barb Hanselman – Barb served on the local Farm Service Agency (FSA) committee and is a candidate for the state FSA committee. She owns a dairy farm in Delaware County and is actively involved in the farming community.
Robert Church – Robert is the herd manager of Patterson Farms, a 980 cow farm just west of Auburn, NY. The farm was the first in Cayuga County to complete a voluntary certification through the New York State Cattle Health Assurance Program.
Robin Keller – Robin and her husband, Kip, milk 100 cows in Byron, NY. She is the director for the New York Jersey Cattle Club and the President of the Genesee County Farm Bureau. She volunteers with the local 4H and Holstien clubs as well. 
Bruce Krupke – Bruce is the Executive Vice President of the Northeast Dairy Foods Association, which is a full-service trade association that includes processors, distributors, cheese and ice cream manufacturers, and producers.
Ron McCormick – Ron is a former representative on the National Dairy Board, which develops and administers a coordinated program of dairy promotion, research and nutrition education. They are funded by a 15-cent-per-hundredweight fee levied on all milk marketed commercially by producers.
Panel II – Economists and Experts
Dean Norton – Dean is a dairy farmer and agricultural consultant from Batavia, and was elected President of New York Farm Bureau in 2008.
Andrew Novakovic – Andrew is a professor at Cornell University who specializes in the economics of dairy markets. He is the director of the Cornell Program on Dairy Markets and Policy.
Bob Wellington – Bob has represented Agri-Mark at all Federal Order hearings since joining the cooperative in 1989. He serves as a member of the National Milk Producers Federation Federal Order and Price Support Committees and is a director and treasurer of the Council of Northeast Farmer Cooperatives.
Kim Pickard-Dudley – Upstate Niagara Co-op is a full-service dairy co-operative located in Western New York and owned by dairy farmers. They operate milk processing plants in Buffalo and Rochester and have a distribution center in Syracuse.

Members of the public who wish to provide testimony can do so in writing:

However, if you have written comments you would like to submit, feel free to bring them to the hearing, where they will be collected at the end, email to: or mail to our Rochester Office at Kenneth B. Keating Federal Office Building, 100 State Street, Room 4195, Rochester, NY 14614. If received within five days of the hearing, these comments will be submitted for the official record.

Gillibrand's office is asking  anybody who wishes to attend to RSVP:     

If you would like to attend the hearing, please RSVP to our Rochester regional office by calling (585) 263-6250 or sending an email to

Smaller farmers getting pinched by growing market concentration of large firms

By Howard B. Owens

If local farmers are finding it harder to make a living, the cause may not be just a recession cycle.

The industry is changing, and in ways that appear not to be good for farmers, and may ultimately be bad for consumers.

The four largest grocery chains now control more than 36 percent of all food sales in the U.S., according to a GAO report. In 1982, the same chains controlled only 16 percent of the market. They are Wal-Mart, Kroger, Albertsons and Safeway.

At the same time, the share of the food dollar that goes to food producers has declined, and the gap between what consumers pay and what farmers receive has never been bigger.

The consolidation of retail chains has not yet led to higher prices for consumers, but that could change once the advantages of greater efficiency have been wrung out of the market place.

The Government Accountability Office said the gains in efficiency experienced by large firms may begin to diminish, “while market power could continue to increase,” the agency wrote. “In the retail sector, one expert expressed concerns about the effect on food prices in the future if food retailing becomes dominated by a handful of larger chains.”

Two experts counter that the increasing concentration in the food industry has already lowered prices paid to farmers, ranchers and dairy owners.

C. Robert Taylor, an ag economist at Auburn University, and Fred Stokes, executive director of the Organization for Competitive Markets, have asked the Department of Justice to examine this area of the economy for violations of antitrust laws, and it has agreed to open an inquiry.

Tomato Preservation Class Offered

By Jan Beglinger


Do you have an abundance of tomatoes that you would like to enjoy throughout the coming winter months? Have you ever wanted to get started with preserving the wonderful bounty of summer fruits and vegetables from you garden?
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County will be offering a hands-on food preservation class on Saturday, September 5th from 9am to Noon at the Extension Center located at 420 E. Main Street in Batavia. The focus of this session will be preserving tomatoes and will be led by Extension food preservation experts Judy Price and Katherine Humphriey.
Cost is $25 per person and reservations must be made by Wednesday, September 2nd. Space is limited so reserve your seat now by calling Leigh at 585-343-3040 ext. 114 or by stopping by the Extension office which is located at 420 E. Main Street in Batavia and open Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm.

Noblehurst Farms in Pavilion turning methane into energy

By Howard B. Owens

Nobelhurst Farms in Pavilion runs enough cows to produce 5,000 gallons of milk a day. That many cows also produce a heck of a lot of manure.

Manure means methane and methane can be a pollutant, or it can be a source of power generation.

At Noblehurst, reports the D&C, the manure is being fed into a contraption that turns the methane into electricity.

Over the years, Noblehurst has had to work out some bugs with its digester, but now it is running smoothly and pumping out about 788,400 kilowatt-hours of power a year. On a typical day, manure is moved from 1,700 dairy cows toward the center of the main barn, where it is pushed into underground tubes that feed into a 28,000-gallon pit. The manure is mixed with effluent and pumped into a large digester tank. At the top of the tank, gas accumulates and powers a generator that produces electricity and gives off water and carbon dioxide. Every half hour or so, new manure feeds bacteria that produce the gas. A spout releases gas if too much pressure accumulates.

"That way we don't have a mess," said farm president John Noble.

Nationaly, about 100 suggest manure-to-electricity machines are in use, and 17 or so in New York. Noblehurst received a $250,000 state grant to help pay for the $1 million machine.

Dairy farmers getting some help on prices from USDA

By Howard B. Owens

With dairy prices at a 30-year low, Genesee County dairy farmers may find some relief in new USDA price supports.

The government is essentially agreeing to pay above-market prices for some dairy products as part of the Dairy Product Price Support Program. In this 60-year-old program, the government buys dry milk, butter, and cheese and stores these products until they can be sold on the open market or donated to domestic or international charitable programs.

From a Rep. Chris Lee press release:

The increase, announced this morning by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, will raise the price paid for nonfat dry milk from $0.80 per pound to $0.92 per pound, the price paid for cheddar blocks from $1.13 per pound to $1.31 per pound, and the price of cheddar barrels from $1.10 per pound to $1.28 per pound. Temporarily raising the price of these dairy products increases the price that dairy farmers receive for their milk.

The price increase will be in effect for three months. It is expected to boost dairy revenue by $243 million.

In a press release, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is taking some credit for the USDA action, and she says:

“While this is great for New York’s dairy farmers, this is only a temporary solution to the fundamental problems with the dairy pricing system,” Senator Gillibrand said. “When I met with Secretary Vilsack on Wednesday, I made it clear that the current system is not working for New York dairy farmers – who have been pushed farther and farther toward bankruptcy. During these tough economic times, this increase will bring some much needed relief for our farmers.” 

Here's Lee's statement in support of the increase:

“While this is certainly good news and will provide some relief, Washington still needs to be doing more to support our dairy farmers,” Congressman Lee said. “Dairy is such an important economic driver in Western New York, but when you have milk prices declining rapidly, and the cost of feed and fuel going in the other direction, it makes it impossible for even the most experienced farmers to make ends meet.”  

Meanwhile, the Obama administration is apparently critical of the price-support program, saying in a report "the program has not demonstrated results."

Gillibrand says she has a three-point plan to help dairy farmers:

... including legislation to double the amount of money farmers receive from the MILC program, legislation to index the MILC rate to keep up with inflation, as well as plans to hold Senate hearings on dairy pricing both in Washington, D.C. and New York State.  

Gillibrand is not alone is seeking changes to the MILC program, according to the New York Times:

Several caucus members called for more federal action in the short term, including higher payment rates in the Milk Income Loss Contract subsidy.

"It still comes down to a supply-demand issue. We have a lot of supply, demand has decreased, exports are down, and we have mild temperatures here so cows are happy, at least in the Midwest, producing a lot of milk," said David Zaslavsky, a Chicago analyst with Downes-O'Neill.

Apparently, there's something to the cheese and milk marketing campaign in California: "California cows are happy cows." Temperate weather makes cows happy. And we always thought it was just a funny line. (Though, PETA never thought so.)

Additional information from Lee's PR:

New York is the nation’s third largest dairy state, generating $2.4 billion annually, more than half of the state’s total agricultural receipts. Wyoming is the state’s leading county for dairy production. Unfortunately, the economic crisis has had a significant impact on the dairy industry. For the first five months of 2009, the benchmark federal order average price was $11.59 per hundredweight, down 25 percent from the average of the previous five years. In June 2008, New York dairy farmers were paid $18.81 per hundredweight. Milk prices for June 2009 were expected to drop to around $11.40, while the latest USDA estimated cost of producing milk in New York is $25.27 per hundredweight. As a result, dairy farmers in Livingston County are projected to lose more than $23 million this year. In Wyoming County, dairy farmers are projected to lose $28 million, and in Genesee County, $60 million.

Lee joins new caucus of dairy farm representatives

By Howard B. Owens

Congressional members with a shared interest in the fate of dairy farmers have revived a caucus to work together on those concerns, and Rep. Chris Lee has been selected as a co-chair of the committee.

Other representatives from New York are Democrats Paul Tonko and Louise Slaughter.

Caucuses are officially sanctioned groups of lawmakers who join together to promote a common cause. Here's a complete list of such groups.

With dairy prices at historical lows, and production costs remaining high, dairy farmers have been looking to Washington for assistance and support.

The new caucus gives congressional members with a shared interest in dairy farming a means to study dairy farming issues and come up with recommendations that could conceivably lead to legislation or other assistance.

Farm worker accused of stealing cattle and selling for more than $250,000

By Howard B. Owens

A farm worker in Darien has been accused of stealing and selling 150 head of cattle from Herdsman at Reyncrest Farms and selling them for more than $250,000.

Charles G. Baldwin, 37, 4 John St., Akron, is charged with grand larceny and now held at Genesee County Jail in lieu of $20,000 bail.

Baldwin allegedly stole the cattle between July 2007 and May 2009 from the farm located at 9666 Route 77, Darien. The farm is owned by the Reynolds family, who reportedly employed Baldwin.

The alleged crime was investigated by William T. Ferrando, an investigator with the Sheriff's Office.

Genesee County Farms take protest drive on Thruway, slowing traffic

By Howard B. Owens

Two groups of farmers took a slow drive on the Thruway through Genesee County today, slowing traffic and sending a message to Albany about a proposed bill that opponents call the Farm Death Bill.

The bill would change farm labor law. Among the provisions, farmers would be required to pay workers time-and-half for overtime. Farmers say it would cost the New York agriculture industry $200 million and drive hundreds of farms in the state out of business.

The bill has already passed the Assembly and now awaits consideration by the dysfunctional Senate.

Le Roy dairy farmer Dale Stein, who helped lead the protest, said it appears the protest was effective. He received a call this evening and was told Gov. David Paterson heard about the protest and immediately called a meeting with the agricutlure commissioner to discuss the legislation.

Two groups of farmers -- one starting in Batavia and another Le Roy -- participated in the protest. The Batavia group, comprised of representatives from about 20 farms, headed east and the Le Roy group headed west.  Each group drove 35 to 40 m.h.p., but blocked both lanes in each direction for only a portion of the drive.

Stein said he's heard of only one ticket being issued, to a van in the Le Roy group, and even though State Police were in the area of the eastbound group, no vehicles in that group were stopped.

The protest was organized, Stein said, on only about two or three hours notice.

Stein said State Police did not interfer with the eastbound protest, but he heard of a ticket being issued to a westbound driver.

Sgt. Derrick Harris of the State Police said that actually, six tickets were issued to westbound drivers. He said there were only six drivers involved in the westbound lanes. He said no action was taken in the eastbound lanes.

Listen: Audio of an interview after the protest with Stein.

Farm bill protest planned on Thurway

By Howard B. Owens

The aptly named "Farm Death Bill" is going to be the subject of a protest today, but what I don't get ... on the Thruway?

Here's the announcement I just got:

There is going to be a caravan along the thruway this afternoon to protest  the farm labor bill.  The caravan will start at 3:45 PM today beginning at   Boyle’s Motors on Route 98 in Batavia.  From there they will head to the   thruway.  Anyone is welcome to participate driving whatever they would like.    Any questions please call Maureen’s cell xxx-xxx-xxxx.  We need as many  people to participate as possible.  Thank you.

So that's only 15 minutes from now.

But the Thruway?  One of the very things that has helped to destroy WNY (diverting traffic from its city and towns), not to mention for any kind of visibility of the protest, it's going to be hard to follow or view for most people.

UPDATE: I'll have video and pictures shortly (in a separate post). Representatives from about 20 farms showed up, according to Dale Stein. The plan is to drive 40 m.p.h. doublewide out to Genesee Community College, and then merge into one lane.  People while, another group started in Le Roy and is driving to Batavia.  No idea on how big that group is right now.  The area's best agricutlure reporter, Tom Rivers, was there, so look for his report in tomorrow's newspaper.

Ranzhofer says he will oppose 'Farm Death Bill'

By Howard B. Owens

Not surprising, but good to know - Sen. Mike Ranzenhofer has come out against the "Farm Death Bill" -- the piece of legislation introduced by a Queens assemblywoman that would mandate time-and-half for New York's farm workers, as well as other rule changes that will drive up the cost of farming in the state.

Full press release after the jump:

Pembroke, NY –  At his first Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting last Saturday at Pembroke Town Hall, New York State Senator Michael H. Ranzenhofer discussed proposed legislation that could cripple the local agricultural industry by mandating overtime pay for farm workers.
“The proposed legislation would put New York farmers at a competitive disadvantage with other states and devastate the local agricultural industry.  Mandating overtime pay in the agricultural industry will pass higher prices along to consumers at the grocery store, force farms to close, and leave consumers with unsafe produce from other countries instead of from our own backyard.” said Senator Ranzenhofer. 
The proposed legislation (S5212) requires mandatory overtime, one day of rest per week and contributions to federal unemployment insurance for farm workers.  Currently, farm workers are excluded from time and a half pay and unemployment insurance under New York State law.  The legislation has received criticism from numerous members of the agriculture community.
“Mandatory day of rest would require more migratory employees to manage the harvest, creating more burdens on a limited H2A farm laborer system.  Leaving crops unharvested and wasted in the fields will not help to feed our consumers with local, fresh, safe food.  While the legislation has a feel good sentiment, the impact would leave the food, high quality food lay to waste,” said Shelley Stein from Stein Farms, LLC in LeRoy.
Senator Ranzenhofer has formed the Agricultural Advisory Committee to discuss State issues important to preserving the financial and economic stability of the local agricultural industry.  Agriculture, a critical economic engine in Genesee County,  is the largest industry in New York State. 
Focusing on scientific based legislation rather than over burdensome regulations, streamlining the dual layer of regulations between the State and federal government and supporting research institutions such as Cornell University were among the topics discussed at the inaugural meeting.
“Committee members can bring issues to my attention that I may be unaware of and I can ask for their input on pieces of legislation.  I do not pretend to know everything about agriculture, but with the help of the Agricultural Advisory Committee, I will ensure that the agricultural community’s voice is heard clearly in Albany,” said Senator Ranzenhofer. 
“It was a great idea for the Senator to reach out to the Agricultural community.  He listened intently to our problems and issues,” said Hans Mobius from Equine Maple Row Farm in Clarence.
Members of the committee include: Bill Crocker and Tom Wheeler, Carolina-Eastern Crocker, LLC in LeRoy; George Squires, Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District; Hans Mobius, Equine Maple Row Farm in Clarence; Hal Kreher, Kreher’s Farm Fresh Eggs in Clarence; John Duyssen, Duyssen Farms in Stafford; Robin Denniston-Keller, Genesee County Farm Bureau and Denniston-Keller Jersey Farm; Bill Young, Upstate Niagara Cooperative;  Shelley Stein, Stein Farms LLC in LeRoy; Craig Yunker, CY Farms in Elba; Maureen Torrey-Marshall, Torrey Farms in Elba; Patrick and Charlene Spoth, Kelklenberg Farms in Clarence; and Mike and Louise Badding, Badding Brothers Farm in East Amherst.

Lamb Farm

By Bea McManis

With all this talk about Lamb Farm, I went hunting and found their website.

It is well worth the time to look through it all.  Make sure you click on the videos of the clipper and the milking merry go round.


One angus calf recovered, but turns out, one is still missing

By Howard B. Owens

Remember the wayward Angus calf reported by Jonathan Lamp of Oakfield a few weeks ago?

I spoke with Lamb today and he said the rancher who owned the calf recovered it, but that wasn't the only calf to escape.

The report of the missing calf was seen on The Batavian by a niece of the rancher, and the rancher recovered that calf within two hours of the initial post. But the second calf remains, well, on the lamb.

So if you see a young, all-black bovine wandering around Oakfield, let Jonathan Lamb know so he can notify the rancher.

Purple boxes spotted in Genesee County trees designed to trap Emerald Ash Borer

By Howard B. Owens

Purple boxes are being spotted all over Genesee County. They can be seen hanging from trees and look rather curious.

The hanging prisms are intended to help USDA and state officials spot any new infestation of the Emerald Ash Borer, a pesky little beetle that munches on Ash leaves, but worse, lays larva in the Ash bark, which bores into the wood, disrupting a trees circulation system, eventually killing the tree.

Emerald Ash Borers have killed 10s of millions of Ash trees in North America, according to Sharon Lucik, a public information officer for the USDA in Michigan, where the beetle was first spotted in the U.S. in 2002.

No beetles have been found in New York, yet, with the borers being found in Canada and Pennsylvania, the USDA and state officials want to know as soon as it is spotted in the area, if ever, and make sure the area is quarantined, which means no wood can be transported from that area.

Apparently, the Emerald Ash Borer loves the color purple. The traps also contain a lure that smells to the beetle like a distressed Ash tree, such as one that has been damaged by man or mother nature.  The beetles will attack a healthy tree, but are quick to head to a tree it suspects is in a weakened state.

The beetles like Ash and only Ash.

Reader Gary Diegelman, who alerted us to this story and did some initial research, said he found out the boxes are placed on road right of ways approximately every 1.5 miles. The boxes will be hanging around most of the summer.

There is no government eradication program, Lucik said. It's up to each individual property owner to decide what to do if a beetle is found on his or her property.  The options include doing nothing, spraying a pesticide or removing the invested trees.  Of course, in the third option, the wood cannot be taken from the quarantined area.

The Ash Borer is a native of Asia and there is no known predator for the pest in North America.  It probably arrived in the U.S. riding in packing create wood or pallets aboard cargo ships.

The beetle would probably only migrate no more than half a mile a year on its own, Lucik said, but when people use Ash for fire wood or building material, the Ash can be transported up to hundreds of miles. 

The USDA program is designed aimed at quick detection so any invested Ash doesn't leave the area.

(Trap picture borrowed from a government Web site. It is not a local picture.)

New York Assembly passes 'Farm Death Bill'

By Howard B. Owens

A bill sponsored by a New York City Democrat that could cost the state's farmers $200 million a year, or drive many farmers out of business, and many farm workers out of state, as well as increase the cost of New York-produced food, today passed the state Assembly 85 to 57.

The Farmworkers Omnibus Labor Standards Bill, AB 1867, or as its opponents call it, "The Farm Death Bill," will require farmers to pay time-and-a-half for over time, allow farm workers to join labor unions, require a day off during harvest season, will require farmers to pay into the unemployment system, among other provisions.

The bill is sponsored by Catherine Nolan, who represents Queens.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley voted against the bill.

I spoke with Hawley about the bill Friday in his Main Street insurance office, and Steve noted that a farm worker who might, under current law, work 60 hours a week at $16 or $17 an hour and would therefore earn $1,000 is likely to see his earnings cut in half by the bill, because a farmer would find it more economical to hire a second worker rather than pay time-and-a-half to the original worker.

In a press release this evening, Hawley noted that the bill passed rather ironically the day before is slated to honor the state's dairy farmers with its annual "Dairy Day."

"Dairy farmers and agribusinesses come from all over the state to be lauded by legislators as the ‘pride of New York,’" Hawley said. "How hypocritical for lawmakers to, on the eve of this day, pass the bill that will kill these businesses.  Once our farms close up shop, they will be closed forever.”

Hawley's full press release after the jump:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C - Batavia) today voted against the Farmworkers Omnibus Labor Standards Bill, dubbed the "Farm Death Bill."  By imposing unnecessary and expensive mandates on farmers, the cost of the bill, ranging in the thousands, depending on farm size, has the potential to put farms and agribusinesses across the state out of business.

"My family has a long tradition of farming.  Our Western New York community's backbone is in agriculture - both socially and financially.  This bill will be the final nail in the coffin for New York State agriculture and more people will suffer the consequences of our farms closing than just the farmers or farm workers.  The price of food will skyrocket and further hurt hard-working middle-America families that are just squeezing by right now. This bill is a disaster for the state economy," said Hawley, who is a former crop and hog farmer and Genesee County Farm Bureau President.

Hawley debated the bill on the floor, citing the fact that from April 2008 to April 2009, milk prices received by farmers dropped from $18.20 per 100 weight to $11.80; corn from $5.86 to $3.98; and wheat from $9.20 to $4.24. These price drops signify that farmers in New York State are already struggling to make ends meet.  This is compounded by production costs, which for milk are currently around $14 per 100 weight, meaning that farmers are already losing money on their products.  Additionally, New York State has lost over 2,000 farms over the last decade.  Hawley argued that the new provisions that the bill mandates will push struggling farms over the edge and force more farms, especially smaller operations, to permanently close.

During the debate, Hawley also commented on the comparison of New York State's agriculture to that of California.  He stated, "In California, they have farms that operate year-round.  Their agricultural industry is 12 months a year and operates on a much larger scale.  Here, in New York, many farms only operate 1 to 2 months per year and during these months everything from planting to harvesting happens."

Hawley, who also serves as a member of the Assembly Agriculture Committee, was among the first legislators to oppose the Farm Death Bill, or Assembly Bill 1867.  With the entire bipartisan Assembly Agriculture Committee, he sent a formal letter of opposition to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver outlining the devastating effects of the bill.  Hawley has worked with New York Farm Bureau President Dean Norton, a former dairy farmer in Batavia, local farmers and a bipartisan delegation of state legislators, to openly and publicly oppose the bill as well as to wage a public campaign urging New Yorkers to contact the sponsors of the bill in opposition.

Despite this, the Assembly passed the legislation by a vote of 85 to 57. Hawley stated, "Tomorrow, the State Legislature is celebrating their annual 'Dairy Day,' a day when dairy farmers and agribusinesses come from all over the state to be lauded by legislators as the 'pride of New York.' How hypocritical for lawmakers to, on the eve of this day, pass the bill that will kill these businesses.  Once our farms close up shop, they will be closed forever."

Farm Bureau visits Albany to oppose bill that would increase costs

By Howard B. Owens

Farm Bureau President Dean Norton tells the Watertown Daily Times that a bill that would raise farm worker wages isn't necessary and will do more harm than good, for farmers and workers.

"If passed, this bill would put our industry into a major tailspin and wreck the already struggling upstate and Long Island economy," said Dean Norton, President of New York Farm Bureau and a Batavia dairy farmer.

Mr. Norton spoke at a press conference in Albany on Monday afternoon.

"The tragic irony of the situation is that the sponsors are primarily from New York City or urban areas, and most of them have never been on a farm," Mr. Norton said. "If the bill's sponsors spent some time understanding the issue, talking to farmers and farm workers, they would know that the bill doesn't actually benefit the worker."

The bill is scheduled for an Assembly floor vote this week and could increase farm costs by $200 million per year.

Sen. Catharine M. Young is critical of the legislative leadership for letting the bill get this far, because if it goes to a floor vote, there may be hard-to-resist pressure on many members to support it.

Sen. Catharine M. Young, R-Olean, said, "The only way to stop it is for it never to come to the floor for a vote."

She is the ranking minority member on the Agriculture Committee. She called the Times and criticized Sen. Aubertine for not quashing the bill in committee by talking to Majority Leader Malcolm A. Smith. Mr. Aubertine, however, is not on the committee that will send the bill to the floor.

She said union special interests are driving the bill.

"If it is allowed to come to the floor, people are going to have to be held accountable," she said. "There's a chance it will pass and it will be devastating for the upstate economy."

The Farm Bureau argues that the bill, besides being burdensome, is unnecessary:

Among other provisions, the omnibus bill would also allow farm workers to unionize, mandate one day off per week for farm workers, call on farms to provide unemployment insurance, workers compensation and disability insurance for injuries off the job.

According to the Farm Bureau, farm workers already have stronger protections in the state than under federal law. Medium- and large-sized farms already provide unemployment insurance. All farms follow a state sanitary code for migrant and seasonal housing that is stricter than the federal code.

Farms provide free housing, transportation and utilities for their workers. New York is one of two states with a housing program for farm workers. Farm employees also have work agreements for the type of work, wages, work hours, pay period, benefits and vacation and other arrangements.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley opposes the bill and posted a column alerting the public to the pending legislation last week.

Pictured above are Hawley and members of the Farm Bureau. The picture was submitted this morning by Hawley's office.

UPDATE: Additional coverage from the D&C, which quotes a proponent of the bill:

"We deserve to have a day of rest, to be paid overtime and to join a union if we choose — just like anyone else," farm worker Salvador Solis said in a news release from the Justice for Farmworkers group, which is pushing the bill.

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