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Nuisance Skunk at Batavia Middle School

By James Burns

The demands of modern police are wide and varied, some days they are enforcing traffic laws, acting as counselors in domestic disputes, substituting for crossing guards, arresting violent criminals or, like today, standing around in the sleet and snow waiting for a safe clear shot at a skunk at the Batavia Middle School. 

The reports started about 10am of a skunk wandering in circles in front of the school. The Batavia PD waited and did what they could, but the skunk never left the street or sidewalk and could not be corralled into a safe area. No one is sure what is wrong with the skunk and why it is acting in this fashion.  The skunk is posing a traffic nuisance at Ross and Washington and is potential danger to pedestrian traffic in the area.  


jeff saquella

Did they end up shooting it?, because it is laying dead in the middle of the road. I hope they didn't just shoot it and not dispose of it. Stinking up the whole neighborhood

Nov 13, 2021, 8:32pm Permalink

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