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Deputy enters race for Sheriff

By Howard B. Owens
Chris Parker

Press release:

Genesee County Deputy Sheriff, Christopher Parker, age 47, will be seeking the position of Sheriff in this year’s election.

Prior to his law enforcement career, he worked in the Buffalo area supervising dozens of employees in day to day operations before coming to the Sheriff’s Office in 1997. Parker is currently assigned to the Road Patrol on the day shift but also served in the courthouse prior. He graduated from Elba Central School earning a Regents Diploma in Math & Science going on to get his degree from Genesee Community College. After being hired, Parker went on to graduate from Erie County Central Police Services Basic Police Officer Training Academy.

Parker has been an active member of the Office’s Honor Guard since its inception and had the privilege of traveling to and participating in ceremonies in 2015 during National Police Week to honor America’s fallen officers and one of Genesee County’s own.

Parker has been a recipient of a certificate of appreciation, commendation, meritorious service and also distinguished service awards. He was a member of the flight crew for the New York State Police aviation unit until their hanger was moved from Batavia to Rochester. Parker has also received a MADD award for vigorous enforcement of intoxicated and impaired drivers.

In his role as a field training officer, he is involved in the training of newly appointed deputies and recruit graduates. 

“Being able to help train future deputies has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my job," he said. "It’s great to see them develop into someone that represents us at the Sheriff’s Office and this county well. Someone that will be my backup or help a citizen in their time of need and bringing integrity to it."

Being a Drug Recognition Expert has been one of Parker’s proudest work accomplishments being one of only approximately 200 so qualified officers in the entire state. He also just underwent training in Albany to become an instructor.

Parker's experience has included training of educational professionals in several counties on drug impairments and also with the Safe School Initiative to keep our most precious resource, our children, safe. He is also a member of the Oakfield-Alabama Central School safety team.  Reenactment DWI drills in schools throughout the county for over a decade has also been a rewarding experience.

“If we can stop even just one tragedy, it will have been worth all the time and energy that the fire departments, EMS and we as law enforcement dedicate to empower your children to make the right decision not to drink and drive,” Parker said.

Along with training Sheriff’s Office personnel on standardized field sobriety testing, Parker has assisted at the Monroe County Basic Police Academy in training recruit officers on the proper implementation of the tests. He is also a Leadership Genesee 2016 class participant.

“As Sheriff, I hope to bring loyalty, honesty and integrity to the position and make this county we live in as safe as can be. As a lifelong resident in the county, I plan to be here with my family and work with the residents here to make all of our families safer.”

John Roach

The other candidate, Undersheriff, Bill Sherdon, is also as qualified, maybe even more. So, what change is needed? What is wrong now?

Feb 3, 2016, 6:09am Permalink
Kyle Couchman

Oh you know John... certain people in the community always have something to say about law enforcement around here. They get inconvenienced in the slightest and they pick apart what they do. Calling them storm troopers rights violators and bullies...

However when they become a victim then they expect them to move heaven and earth to champion their case, then complain they don't do enough. One wonders how people don't see the dichotomy in they way they act.

Feb 3, 2016, 7:09am Permalink
John Roach

Kyle, I believe Mr VanValkenburg was a Sheriff, so I'd like to know what he thinks needs to be changed and why.

Feb 3, 2016, 7:27am Permalink
Dan VanValkenburg

John you are right I was a deputy. I however believe this is Deputy Parker's election to run. I will say, from my perspective of 20 years of being with the Sheriff's Office, what is in the paper and online is true and I believe mostly factual. What is not written between those lines made it easy to walk away. My voice, at this time, is only to enhance the morale of most of my former fellow officers and employees at the Sheriff's Office. Only with a dramatic change in ideologically thinking will these employees ever achieve their personal and professional fulfillment, as promised, by this current administration.

Feb 3, 2016, 11:29pm Permalink
Kyle Couchman

My apologies Dan... I wasn't aware of your former position which DOES give you something to speak from. I just vented frustration for a comment that seemed like just another dart from those whom really just complain because they have too much contact with authorities and take advantage of any opportunity to slam them. As I stated perviously.

Please do accept a sincere apology Mr. VanValkenburg.

Feb 4, 2016, 10:04am Permalink

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